
Body Composition Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"By and large, the standout benefit [of intermittent fasting] is body composition."
"The most important thing, in my opinion, for changing body composition is total calories that we're taking in and then, of course, the type of training that you're doing."
"80% of your body composition is determined by how you eat."
"Don't just focus on losing weight; it's really about body composition."
"Instead, I use diet as the number one way to manipulate body fat and body composition."
"The vast majority of the solid component of your body consists of proteins."
"Diets higher in protein tend to improve fat loss and lean mass retention."
"For most people they want to maintain lean muscle mass, they don't wanna lose lean muscle mass."
"Having a lean stomach comes down to being at a low body fat percentage."
"We wanted to make fairly small changes in how we fuel, change our body composition a little bit, but mostly just be healthy."
"If you're somebody that's already lifting and you're somebody that's into training you will notice that you will get leaner."
"I was really happy with my results because I've dropped like three percent body fat."
"Muscle is much better than fat, it's twice as good at burning energy at rest."
"You may likely get all of the results that you want in your body composition, your health, and your performance without ever having to track a single number."
"You're literally rolling the dice when it comes to your body composition."
"You would expect significant losses in fat mass as well as lean body mass."
"I lost about 13 pounds in 8 weeks, going from 9% to about 6% body fat."
"For a great six-pack, understand body fat levels and body composition. It's not just about being lean."
"One of the primary, if not the primary driver of the metabolism, is the amount of lean mass that you have."
"You would be far better off instead of having a target body composition for some movie role and then rebounding rather drag."
"Right around 4% is really where I sit in terms of body fat."
"A lot of the training that focuses on strength without adding size is often overlooked in modern training programs."
"Your body is made up of everything you put into it."
"You don't just lose fat Mass, you lose muscle mass as well."
"Counting macros and doing the basics is key to body composition success."
"If you're shredded already, as in you're too lean, single digit body fat."
"Improve your body composition... Body fat is basically a sponge for a range of different immune cells."
"The faster you lose it, the more you're risking losing lean body mass."
"Big picture intermittent fasting for losing some body fat is going to potentially help you build more muscle in the long run."
"Because a lot of these issues with body composition are not issues with body fat we are not over fat we are under-muscled as a society."
"I would expect as you continue, you're going to notice improved body composition."
"Bulking then cutting approach actually leaves you with less muscle and more fat in the long run."
"Too much body fat can obscure your chest definition."
"Muscle being much more active tissue is going to metabolically help you, even at rest, to get to that lower body fat level and maintain it."
"Your blood accounts for about 10% of your total body weight."
"You might be losing fat, gaining muscle – great, you get the best of both worlds."
"Trained individuals are capable of increasing lean mass with little to no fat changes."
"It's not the scale that matters, it's what your body is made up of."
"Your fucking weight doesn't mean shit, your lean fucking weight is the number you use."
"Nothing seems to matter more than what you eat when it comes to body composition."
"You can't choose where you lose fat and gain fat; that's ultimately determined by genetics."
"Lean body mass is not the same thing as muscle mass; lean body mass is all non-fat tissues."
"If you're losing fat and gaining muscle, you're going to see huge improvements in your body composition without ever noticing a change on the scale."
"Optimizing body composition is critical."
"Focus on something other than the scale because body composition can change."
"By default, those starting out at a relatively low body fat might benefit more from a calorie Surplus since their growth potential is greater."
"Poor sleep tends to result in worse body composition outcomes."
"It is certainly possible for muscle growth and fat loss to occur at the same time."
"Resistance training can help us maintain a more favorable body composition at whatever body weight you are currently at."
"Body fat acts as insulation, energy reserve, and shock absorber."
"Use weights that challenge you. That's where you'll see the definition and the results you want for your body composition."
"You can lose fat and build muscle at the same time as long as protein needs are met."
"Training concurrently at the same time doing cardio and weights had zero negative impact on body composition or muscle protein synthesis."
"You're not just trying to lose weight, you're trying to lose fat and gain muscle and gain bone density."
"There might just be some perceptual biases in anecdotes like that that would lead people to believe that their P ratios are better than they actually are when they're lean and worse than they actually are when they're at higher body fat levels."
"For leaner people, it's easier to trick yourself into believing that some of the fat you're gaining is in fact muscle."
"And then two, for the actual muscle you're gaining, since there's less fat covering it, it's going to be more visually apparent."
"When we look at fatter people and we look at leaner people and we see who can gain muscle better, then that is actually very insightful to whether or not one should gain a lot of fat or not."
"The lean mass actually increased, whereas their fat mass decreased. That's amazing."
"Diet is 80% of your body composition happens as a result of the food choices you make."
"The effects of cortisol on body composition are real and really change what insulin's doing, what blood sugar is doing, what all the other hormones are doing."
"If everybody watching or listening right now lost 10 pounds of body fat and gained 10 pounds of muscle, you would weigh the same on the scale but you'd be much leaner."
"High protein diet results in more fat loss and more muscle gain."
"Muscle takes up just a little more than two-thirds the space of body fat. So if everybody watching this right now lost 10 pounds of body fat but gained 10 pounds of muscle, you would weigh the same on the scale but you would be significantly smaller."
"It is a matter of losing weight but underneath the umbrella of losing weight, you want to retain lean mass as much as possible, reasonably possible, and lose fat."
"You can be the same weight but be several sizes smaller because you've lost body fat and gained muscle."
"Protein is for recovery, carbohydrates are for training, and fat is for adjusting body composition."
"Reverse dieting is strategically increasing your calories in order to improve your body composition, that's all it is."
"Some women are genetically leaner... for them, let's say 15% is where they live naturally without doing anything."
"...for the first time even at the age of 40 I'm 41 now um so I was 30 I was 38 or 39 then I saw I saw a real shift in my body composition."
"What does all this mean for us? It means that a body recomposition is actually possible, especially during your first year of training as a new lifter."
"Upping your protein intake is key to a successful body recomposition."
"If you're eating whole natural foods in a high protein diet, then your body will naturally fall into a healthy body fat percentage."
"If you are trying to manage body composition ultimately you have to realize that there may be some benefit to regulating the insulin response with calories controlled."
"Resistance training doesn't necessarily make you big and bulky. It's hard to build muscle, and muscle is very dense. It gives you shape and makes you tighter and more compact."
"You'll slow down your metabolism, lose muscle, gain the weight back, it'll all be body fat. This is why people fail."
"Protein is the one macronutrient that if it's off by a lot for what you need, it will make a difference in your body composition."
"One or two times a year you go and get a dexa scan."
"With that muscle development comes lean body mass, comes fat loss. That's why I aim for strong."
"Protein higher protein intakes in a caloric deficit have been shown consistently to preserve lean body mass."
"You cannot expect to maintain the same weight while losing fat and building muscle simultaneously."
"Because she had lost a lot of fat and built a lot of muscle, she looked like a different person. One pound difference on the scale, so if you're only using the scale, it could possibly be lying to you."
"If your waist can stay the same while you continually put weight on, you're doing a really good job of building lean mass and putting on very little to no body fat."
"When you lose weight, your body will attack both fat and muscle in order to break it down and pull energy from that."
"If you want to really live well and long you have to keep your body composition good, which means no belly fat."
"The goal of this 21-day plan is to help increase your muscle mass, gain some strength, and start to reverse the skinny fat phenomenon by changing your body composition."
"Changes in measurements tend to happen much slower than changes in the scale. Measurements, however, are a more accurate depiction of your body composition at any given time."
"Improving that makes a huge impact on everything else, not just your body composition, but also your attitude and your mood."
"Intermittent fasting, when done the right way, reduces cortisol levels, decreases belly fat, most specifically visceral fat, and improves liver function."
"It's healthier to be fat and have muscle than it is to be skinny and not have muscle."
"The most unhealthy population are people with little muscle and lots of body fat."
"It's harder to gain body fat on the same calories when the protein is High."
"If you lost no body fat but gained 10 pounds of muscle, you have now become leaner as a percentage of body fat."
"Fats do not make you fat and increasing your fat intake specifically your omega-3 intake may not only help you look leaner."
"Being well hydrated is critical for your body composition."
"Calories are the number one factor that is going to determine how your body is composed."
"All things being equal, the strength training promotes lean body mass and burns body fat; cardio promotes stamina."
"Better body composition does lead to better races."
"The ultimate secret to metabolic flexibility is having the highest lean mass you can get at the lowest fat mass."
"The higher it is the better; you are rewarded for gaining lean mass and you are penalized for gaining fat mass."
"Exercise, particularly resistance exercise, has a much bigger impact on metabolism and overall body composition than nutrition."
"While weight loss is important, I think body composition changes and metabolic health are even more important."
"I never get out of shape completely... my muscles stay strong and toned, and I stay pretty low body fat percentage."
"Especially if you're looking for that body recomposition goal where perhaps you're looking to decrease weight gain around the belly."
"Toning isn't a thing; it's building muscle and reducing body fat percentage."
"You don't need 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight."
"All weight loss is not fat loss; when you lose weight, you're also losing muscle and water."
"If you're weight lifting at the gym, your muscle mass may increase while your body fat decreases."
"As you build muscle on a higher protein diet, your body will have a higher BMR, burning more calories because you have more muscle tissue."
"The dream outcome for most people isn't necessarily to just lose weight or burn fat; it's actually to improve their body composition."
"By far one of the best indicators of steroid use is checking someone's fat free mass index."
"What a great example of how different weight looks on someone who's got muscle versus someone who doesn't."
"If you gained five pounds of muscle without gaining a single pound of body fat, you now are essentially leaner in terms of body fat percentage."
"This helps me make sure I get enough protein for my body composition goals."
"Metabolic health and body composition is the absolute essential way to balance your hormones."
"Why aren't we looking at body fat percentage changes and body composition changes after looking at different dietary approaches?"
"The best way to see how it's working for you is not by monitoring your weight, you also got to monitor what that weight is made up of."
"It's so funny because I train less and my body composition has stayed the same. I haven't lost muscle and if anything, my strength has gone up and my performance in the gym has gone up."
"The increase in calories that came from proteins resulted in less fat gain and some muscle gain."
"Muscle is denser than fat, so at equal weights, muscle takes up less space than fat."
"Remember, 60% of our body is water, and these water molecules, the liquid fluid in our body, has memory."
"That's what you really want, to improve your body composition."
"The more fit you are, the easier it is like your body comp just changes naturally."
"Keep my body fat levels at least below 12 to make sure that all the food that I eat will be a lot more efficiently and effectively going to the muscles instead of the fat stores."
"Protein is the most important macro for body composition."
"Our food content is made up of chemicals... our entire body is completely made up of chemicals; it is chemistry."
"Main gaining is when you keep the same body fat percentage; you don't gain fat, you don't lose it, you just main gain."
"Sleeping 5.5 hours compared to eight hours resulted in over fifty percent less fat loss and over 50 percent more muscle loss."
"The only thing that calories can create out of nothing is adipose tissue, AKA fat cells."
"Most biochemical reactions occur in water... your body is like between 60 to 80 percent water."
"Your weight and body composition is within the healthy range, and no weight loss is currently recommended."
"Body composition is the more accurate measure of the picture of your overall health."
"Your most powerful tool for changing your body composition is not your nutrition; your most powerful tool is resistance training."
"More muscle means a faster metabolism, which means you burn more fat."
"Women carry about 10% less lean body mass and 10% more body fat than men."
"The most important effects of the diet is the relative ease of fat loss that occurs with the diet and improves body composition."
"The more muscle you have on your body, the less body fat you'll have naturally."
"Having a good ratio of body fat and muscle has a wide range of health benefits associated with it."
"If you're healthier, you're gonna build more muscle and you're gonna burn more body fat easier."
"It's gonna pay you back in like performance and often in body composition too."
"Body composition is the relative percentage of muscle, fat, and bone."
"The total body water is 60% of our body weight, divided amongst all of these compartments."
"Muscle is smaller in size than fat, so if you do notice you're doing strength training and maybe the scale is not changing, you could just be building muscle, and that is not a bad thing."
"Higher dietary protein intake improves body composition changes during periods of either moderate to even aggressive caloric restriction."
"How can we best maintain our health that also leads us to that good body composition that leanness?"
"I'm currently around six percent body fat according to him."
"After water, proteins are the next major type of chemical that makes up our body."
"Skeletal muscles... comprise about 40% of our body weight."
"We'll do a variety of different resistance exercises which is going to help with improving your actual body composition but also to get an idea of your techniques and be able to help improve your posture."
"We need to look at body composition and waist hip ratio as a much better predictor of your cardiovascular and metabolic risks."
"For maximum strength development in the powerlifting total as well as maximizing our body composition, or basically getting as much muscle mass on our frame as possible."
"Think about body composition and your health more than just the weight on the scale."
"If you're getting enough protein and fiber, the source of calories becomes less important in terms of body composition."
"It's going to give you incredible amount of feedback about your body composition."
"People with a bit of fat on their body live the longest."
"They lost more body fat, retained more lean muscle, and they had a lower instance of fat regain after the diet was over."
"Food is driving all the biochemistry in your body and it's even building the stuff you're made of."
"Weight loss is not the same thing as fat loss because you can lose fat and put on muscle and stay the same weight."
"We should be aiming at body recomposition, changing the body's composition, not simply losing weight."
"My goal is to build as much lean mass as possible while minimizing the amount of fat mass that I gain."