
Hunger Management Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"People on these long fasts do very well because they've gone into this stage of fat burning because they're fueling themselves purely on the fat, and their hunger is gone."
"The hunger does not keep going up. It comes in waves, and you've got to ride those waves out."
"You have to understand that the hunger doesn't last. It will actually go away if you let it."
"With intermittent fasting, studies are actually showing that you shouldn't be experiencing more hunger. In fact, most people experience decreased hunger levels when they use intermittent fasting."
"Food volume comes into play as well because your stomach can sense how hungry you are based on the actual physical stretch of the stomach."
"The key to being lean is not being hungry. If you're not hungry, you don't need to cheat, you don't need to binge, you don't have those cravings, and you're satisfied. That is the secret to long-term dieting success."
"Most of us bust into the chips on the car ride home from the grocery store when really hungry."
"Once you understand your physiology and your physical response to just the seeing of food, you can begin to navigate and control those urges a little bit more."
"Losing body fat while not being hungry would be the ideal situation, right?"
"Learn how to control your hunger so that hunger stops controlling you."
"Snacks are the primary way to prevent extreme hunger."
"Brushing your teeth helps with diminishing the feeling of hunger."
"Every time when you feel like you're hungry and you want to eat something, just go drink one big glass of warm tea."
"Hunger is good, you should be eating when you're hungry, you shouldn't even be eating if you're not hungry."
"You can't decide not to eat but you can't decide to be less hungry."
"If we had the magic pill, no hunger ever exists, it would be easy to get lean."
"Stop snacking, stop drinking your calories. Drink a lot of water if you are feeling hungry. Drink water, it can satiate you."
"The number one reason diets fail is because you're hungry. If you're not hungry and you're satisfying your cravings, the chances of sticking to your diet for the long term greatly go up."
"Protein is a great neutralizer of cravings and of hunger."
"Lower protein diets increase hunger but reduce weight gain and improve metabolic health."
"Protein shake is really filling... It will help you kill your hunger."
"Once your body knows it can get energy from stored body fat, hunger disappears."
"It's okay to be a little bit hungry; it's not a forever thing, just part of the process."
"Even if I'm eating a pretty decent diet, I still wake up in the night with painful hunger pangs."
"The branched chain amino acids maintain muscle mass while dieting and reduce hunger."
"Eating makes you hungry, fasting gets rid of hunger."
"Make sure you eat before you go to the grocery store."
"It's very important to find other things to distract you from food because you're going to lose that sense of hunger."
"Go to the grocery store on a full stomach so you don't buy things that your hangry self might want."
"Don't go shopping when you're hungry."
"When you know how to fast, that voice in your head worrying about food actually stops."
"The more leptin you have binding to the arcuate nucleus, the more satiety should be produced, and the less hungry you are."
"Knowing exactly how many snacks I need to bring with me for any backpacking trip is always hard because I'm never sure how hungry I'll be throughout the day."
"Why is it the two things that we tell obese people to do to lose weight, eat less and exercise more, are the exact two things that any normal human being would do if they wanted to assure that they were hungry?"
"It is far better to fast for several hours after he has become hungry than to eat before he begins to feel hunger."
"Eat foods that are going to curb your hunger like healthy fats, protein, and fiber."
"If you want to lose fat and maintain that caloric deficit, you are going to need to battle hunger."
"A high protein breakfast helps to reduce hunger hormones, cravings, and caloric intake at subsequent meals."
"It's a two-pronged approach: you're reducing overall intake because your feelings of fullness are higher, and your feelings of hunger are lower."
"Understanding how your hormones are affected by what and when you eat can help you recalibrate your hunger."
"Leptin inhibits hunger, it basically tells you 'I'm full, I'm not hungry'."
"You aren't fighting your body, you're actually just working with your physiology and you don't have to be hungry while achieving your weight loss goal."
"If you have a high amount of like bread carbs at a meal and less protein, you're probably gonna get hungrier sooner."
"I try to prevent myself from ever feeling like I'm hungry or, or being hungry."
"It's not just an appetite suppressant; it's like a heavyweight champion when it comes to hunger management."
"Hunger doesn't disappear; it's manageable."