
Scientific Perspective Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"The interesting part is that everybody thinks that fasting is like the worst thing you could do when, in actuality, looking at the science of what happens during fasting is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself."
"Every culture has a flood myth... since every culture has a flood myth, many scientists no longer think it's just a story."
"It's an exciting prospect to truly change the way that we think about cosmology at a fundamental level."
"Used well the anthropic principle gives us a deep perspective on our place in the cosmos, and can also be a powerful, albeit slippery scientific tool."
"Scientists switch between going, 'You're incredibly special,' and 'You're not special.'"
"Extinction is nothing new, scientists say the rate at which species are dying off is unprecedented."
"Every time that we have thought we were special, we were wrong. We were humbled by our study of the cosmos."
"A good scientist achieves the point of view of no-one in particular."
"Evolution doesn't strive to make things perfect; it just makes them work."
"There's no objective way to establish any morality from a scientific perspective."
"There is no defensible reason ever to send human beings into orbit or into space at all if you're speaking as a pure scientist."
"We've kind of known that sunlight exposure is actually pretty beneficial."
"He proposes moving beyond the 'Copernican Principle,' repositioning humanity at the forefront of a story about a unique planet with a unique history."
"If you're considering DNA is information then yes mutations can add information and they do."
"Unless you can express it in numbers, your knowledge is of the most meager kind." - Kelvin or Rutherford
"Science is the only discipline which I know that has been able to lean us of our spiritually narcissistic need to be at the center of the universe."
"I realized that there was a very compelling alternative hypothesis."
"In the fog of panic, she briefly felt an itch of scientific curiosity."
"When you reject the evidence of a creator, you seek comfort in evolution. That's the other alternative to explain all of this."
"Life emerged on this planet long before men invented their gods."
"The only way to know the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible."
"When an elderly but distinguished scientist says something is possible he or she is very likely to be right but when he or she says something is impossible they are very likely to be wrong."
"Geology is the kicker, it's even a bigger effect than that."
"If they come to a scientific world view, they would lead a better, more fulfilled life."
"People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between the past, the present, and the future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
"It really does make you think about looking at consumption and from a scientific background how what you eat can impact you in the long run."
"Masturbation based on research and science can provide us with a positive benefit and is also a morally neutral thing to do."
"Aliens are bound to exist... focus more on water worlds." - Alan Stern
"Stars are not just twinkling dots in our night sky, they are Dynamic entities with life cycles."
"Victorian science would have left the world hard and clean and bare like a landscape on the moon. But this science is in truth but a little light in the darkness." - Arthur Conan Doyle
"The living things are cells; we are communities of cells, about 50 trillion cells making us up." - Bruce Lipton
"The climate will have the final word on that." - Richard Lindzen
"Magic is just highly advanced science that we haven't learned to describe yet."
"What makes Elizabeth Bennet a strong female character? What makes this whole story so satisfying and unforgettable? Why does everyone love Mr. Darcy? There's a scientific explanation behind that."
"Prayer works scientifically, literally. Prayer works even for non-believers."
"Sex is determined by your chromosomes. So you are either XX or your XY."
"Nothing makes sense except through the prism of evolution."
"While in the poetic sense love may always be something of a mystery, from the scientific view it is within the realm of comprehension."
"The science doesn't change, but our ideal of what is obese has changed."
"Reductionist approaches in science ignore the holistic picture, akin to blind men feeling parts of an elephant."
"Biologists tend to think, 'Well, get out a microscope, see if you see bugs running around.' What does the ecosystem eat? Where is the food coming from? Where is the waste going to?"
"I'm 100 percent pro-vaccine, but I'm also 100 percent pro-science."
"The scientific research is overwhelmingly in favor of gender being biological and binary."
"We all share this thing that scientists call consciousness."
"Carbon's not evil. Carbon is an element on the periodic chart. It's like phosphorus. It's like nitrogen. It's like iron."
"Femaleness and maleness are not constructs, they are capacities and lifelong biological trajectories."
"Our DNA isn't junk, it's just misunderstood."
"The Big Bang isn't so much a bang but a bounce."
"Pilot-wave theory is an interesting way of looking at the quantum universe."
"The walls of space and time are illusions, science is just beginning to grasp the nonlinear nature of reality."
"He just comes out and says if you attack me, you attack truth and science."
"The more you learn physics, the more you can appreciate just how vast and insurmountable the mountain of knowledge is."
"The Sun is in fact the primary driver for climate change."
"I'm totally convinced that we're experiencing a non-human higher intelligence by the way there's non-human intelligence all around in the ocean especially when you look at marine mammals like whales and and all that."
"Recognizing nature's liveliness can lead to a better kind of science."
"Humanity did not originate with Homo sapiens, that in fact Neanderthals and their descendants Denisovans were equally human."
"Forgiveness is scientifically proven to be healing."
"Darwinism has acted as a secular religious perspective."
"Science doesn't have an opinion on heaven; there's no extenuating evidence to even point that there is one."
"The Earth occupies a privileged place within the solar system."
"I'm okay with letting scientific observation be that which we collectively use in a pluralistic secular humanist society decide what is and is not a human."
"Humans are mighty hard to wrestle with, just how much are we just another animal, just another mammal, just another primate?" - Robert Sapolsky
"So it's all about plasma it's all about plasma physics is really the reality we're living in energy it's all about energy frequencies."
"Think about how precious that means each of us is and if that's the case that how do we discount each other? That's a message of science, that's the power that science gives us."
"The universe is much more like an organism than a machine."
"Bacteria isn't all bad. There are some good traits of bacteria."
"Physiology is just simply streams of data. It's data streams."
"Science says if you consume too much of one type of news you just can't see the world clearly anymore."
"Our science has been on the interface, we haven't stepped into reality."
"Life itself as a phenomenon is not rare and I think it's actually an inevitable consequence of planetary formation."
"When people pray it is astounding. It is a scientifically measurable effect. The vibrations, the energy that surround a person."
"To me, it's a medical thing, to me, it's a science thing, tonight it's a life-or-death thing."
"When Darwin came along, he proposed an inversion of the standard way of thinking."
"Science has proven stuff does not make us happy."
"The universe had a beginning, it's destined for an ending. It started with what scientists call a big bang."
"If it turns out supersymmetry comes in and solves really good problems for me, I may change my point of view about it."
"We would do well as scientists to remember that our goal is not to paint the world as we see it, but to see it as it truly is."
"It's completely meaningless to say that something is real if you can't observe it."
"Everything we do, everything we do, is chemistry."
"Common sense can make no sense if you study the sciences."
"Do you want to allow our current scientific understanding of the world, which we all know is incomplete, to override this incredibly strong feeling?"
"A model isn't right or wrong; our model is just possibly useful."
"Allosaurus was not more evolved than Ceratosaurus, just like humans aren't more evolved than chimpanzees."
"Evolutionary biology has shown that all humans alive are just humans."
"I'm a scientist, but love... it's observable, and it's the only thing that transcends time."
"We can look at it in a whole new light, not simply as a harbinger of death, but as a potent instrument in the evolution of life."
"If you regard the world as merely scientific, you've got a very serious case of tunnel vision."
"The universe has no obligation to make sense to you."
"All these distortions obscure Darwin's genius which was to look at the same world that every other human in history had looked at."
"The universe is beautiful, and science is a way of seeing this beauty more clearly."
"The redemption of Jesus Christ is not a mythical matter but an actual scientific fact."
"They must help them. Besides, Liza claimed ghosts are unscientific, so what's to worry about?"
"The impact of what Dr. Goodall witnessed was so profound that it forever changed how she herself viewed chimpanzees, leaving her with vivid nightmares for decades thereafter."
"GOOD taken from the scientific point of view, IS EVERYWHERE, OMNIPRESENT."
"The universe doesn't obey the parameters in which you're thinking. It doesn't expand into anything, it just expands."