
Debt Repayment Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"When you take out a loan, you pay off your debt. I know this is totally crazy."
"The right way, you're not only paying off your debt far more quickly, but you're also going to be able to invest on an accelerated basis."
"We were able to pay off all of that debt, all of it, $15,000 of credit card debt and then another just under $11,000 car loan that we couldn't afford, in one year while only making about $31,000."
"After you build up your emergency fund start and begin to pay off your debts."
"Debts must be paid, and if you don't pay in cash you have to pay another way."
"The appropriate way to pay off your loans is you get elected to the U.S. Senate, you barely show up for work..."
"If a debt is owed then a debt should be paid."
"Paying off that debt in full... changed not only my perception of myself, but my perception of what I was capable of."
"I officially paid off my car during quarantine."
"China is taking away these natural resources as payment of debt."
"Every time you pay off another debt, the snowball rolls over more money."
"I was able to put $250 toward my student loan debt."
"Paying off debt isn't just about paying off debt now. It's ensuring that you don't go back into debt in the future."
"So ins, let's change the goal from lower payments to how fast can I pay this off?"
"It's so great when you pay off fucking debt, it's like that shoulder that's removed from you."
"The debt has to be paid, whether it's through taxation, inflation, or hyperinflation."
"Paying off debt is hard, it is the hardest thing I've ever had to do."
"Paying off debt is hard. It's emotionally draining, physically exhausting, but it's okay to feel frustrated, okay to cry."
"He carried all of that... he paid the debt with his own life. It's remarkable."
"Nice! Paying off all these little five duckett loans."
"Straighten it out, pay off your debts and anything on your credit - the smartest thing you can do in life."
"Paying off debt, especially high-interest debt, can be possibly the best investment you'll ever make."
"Stick with the debt snowball. Snowballs are way more fun."
"Paying off your high interest debts should be a priority."
"If I had the money to wipe my loans out today, I'm cutting a check."
"Two-thirds of Americans have used their stimulus check to pay off debt... Your goal should be to have a game plan for your money." - Adam Sausage
"I paid it off in 3 years, everything worked out."
"Even if everyone in the United States tried to pay off all their debt tomorrow, there just wouldn't be enough cash in existence to do it."
"Congratulations for paying off one of the largest pieces of debt."
"132,000 paid off in 31 months... Count it down, let's hear a debt free scream!"
"We had to clear the debt, leave the era behind, pay down old debts."
"There's no wrong way to pay off debt whether you use the snowball method or the avalanche method."
"How I paid off $25,000 debt in six months."
"You make just over six thousand dollars a month, you're trying to spend fifty-six hundred dollars on debt repayment."
"...just put 25 of that against your house you can pay that off in four months then and just be done with it."
"Once you make the minimum payments, then what's the avalanche method you look at the highest interest rate and you tackle that interest rate first."
"A great way to do this is to have a calendar or to have a printable sheet...that's helped us do things like pay off $250,000 worth of debt."
"I basically continued living on what I was living on and all the extra income just went straight to savings and paying off debts."
"I started paying off debt and I didn't think I'd ever be able to buy a house."
"Once you pay off a debt, you've just increased your income."
"You're going to pay that bad boy off and I tell you that out of confidence because I did it."
"You stick to my debt repayment plan, we're paying just five hundred dollars a month, except for your car payment. You'll be debt-free in eight months. Does that mean, yes it does."
"Put any extra money on your smallest debt first."
"The solution is to pay it off with your own hard-earned money."
"Over the course of a few years, you'll be able to pay down a significant amount of this debt, not just the interest but pay down a significant amount on the principle."
"...it's totally doable, and the faster you get rid of your loans, the sooner you can live life on your terms..."
"...the big idea here is to have a plan and know where your money's going so that student loan repayment doesn't set you back financially..."
"I owe you a debt. Keep it, and consider the debt paid."
"I've got four weeks to whip her into shape. If this princess completes all my challenges, I'll give her up to five thousand dollars to pay down her debt."
"You have to fall in love with the process of paying off debt."
"She paid his debt and he became a billionaire, sounds like a good deal to me."
"Once you get into the motion of it and you pay off that first loan, you'll feel that sense of motivation to keep going."
"If you owe and you know you owe, you have an obligation to pay."
"We had credit card debt... and Dan was paying those off and you could see it happening."
"I want to pay this debt off. I want to start investing. I want to buy a house."
"Every debt that is paid off increases cash flow."
"If you want to go radical and you want to go super fast in terms of paying off debt, then you're gonna have to have a level of discipline."
"And so 126 years after the birth of the Buffalo Soldier legend, an old old debt is finally paid."
"It's time to stop telling you the lie of minimum payments."
"It took me six months to pay off $166,000 worth of debt."
"You're going to list those debts as minimum payments in your debt snowball, attack the smallest balance first with a vengeance."
"Focus on paying off this debt and getting it out of your life as quickly as possible."
"The target company's entire cash balance is used to repay as much debt as possible."
"It's not secrets to paying off debt; it's knowing why you want to do it."
"Paying off debt is a tax-free, risk-free, guaranteed rate of return."
"I was able to pay off my remaining student loans and put the rest towards a down payment on a new car."
"The best among you is the one who is best in paying back his debts."
"The only thing you need know about me is that I pay my debts."
"The beauty of this process is, as you're paying off debt, you're getting extra money from all of those minimum payments that you can throw on the next debt."
"The English foreign debt was paid off from the queen's share of the proceeds."
"If you really want to pay your debt back that much, why not join this village and stay with me?"
"I want to pay off $10,000 worth of debt this year."
"It's smarter to try to get them paid off sooner."
"You should pay off debt as fast as you can even relatively low interest debt."
"I'm putting that money towards my debt, which is amazing."
"Paying things off can actually save you a lot of money."
"We paid off $25,000 in credit card debt that we had racked up since moving from New York City."
"Keep a $1,000 saved, pay off that $67,000 as quickly as possible, save up cash and pay cash for a car."
"Paying off debt is essentially a risk-free investment."
"On a card that has a 0% interest, the entire payment goes to pay down your principal."
"Every time you're paying down your debt... you always say thank you that I'm able to pay this and more."
"In a complex, Excel-driven LBO, we assume that any cash we make is going to pay off the debt."
"Besties, we are paying off debt today!"
"If you pay your debts down, it's guaranteed return because you save 4% no matter what."
"Pay back your loan as quickly as possible."
"Lisette began making much higher payments on her credit cards and living much more frugally."
"Whatever debt you pay off, whatever interest rate it is, it's the same as investing at that interest rate."
"We're about to make some money and pay back some of our debt."
"We are paying off credit card debt today."
"Hey hey besties, it is our favorite time of the month, it is time to pay off some debt."
"If you are paying off debt with me, let's go, let me say I'm super excited because a lot of you guys are paying off debt with me."
"I am using the debt snowball method and the debt priority method."
"Paid in full, we are at a zero balance, look at that, ain't it pretty?"
"How can you save more money to dump that into your six percent mortgage loan and start buying down your loans."
"I did sell several planner items... and I have used that money to pay off the little bit that I had left on a credit card."
"In 10 months, you could have twenty thousand dollars in debt paid off."
"I had a six-year term on that SUV, and I paid that SUV off in two years."
"You don't pay your debts by robbing; you do this straight."
"It takes all three: student learning, cultural competence, and socio-political consciousness, to begin to pay down the education debt."
"Paying off debt that is set at an 18% rate is basically like getting an 18% guaranteed return in the market."
"We started really hard like snowball paying off the cards."
"We've paid off all 29,000 in credit cards."
"It's so worth it to feel the peace of mind of knowing I don't have to worry about paying all of that money."
"If you owe somebody money, you must still pay them back, because that is justice."