
Education Costs Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The burden is so heavy that even if you graduate, you may not have access to the middle-class life that the college degree once provided."
"The system we've built, where universities can keep raising prices and the federal government bails them out, is ridiculous."
"Jesus Christ, that's like almost a tenth of a college textbook in a single card."
"Once you start paying for college tuition and all that stuff, don't start spending that money. Just take that money that you were spending on your kids and get that into retirement accounts."
"The cost of college tuition has been growing faster than any other good or service."
"The cost of education rose 65 percent in the last ten years."
"The minute the government started giving kids money to go to college the colleges were like Whoa We Could raise our prices."
"No one should go broke because they chose to go to college."
"Why would rich people pay for their kids to get into Yale when you could just give your kid the $500,000 and just set them up for life in a trust fund?"
"In America, you should not have to face financial ruin because you want an education."
"It's a really a fraud in my opinion that it's not that you have to go to a four-year school to get educated and be, you know, 200 grand in debt to get educated. It's nonsense."
"It's crazy how much it costs, but I wanted to talk about some of the things we can do to fix the education system."
"The federal government created a bubble in education cost, and that bubble in education cost has now overburdened 15% of American adults with student loans."
"The opportunity cost of going to college... is the single greatest cost that people do not take into consideration."
"It costs too much damn money to go to school."
"The cost of education has multiplied by seven times since 1970."
"The average cost of college in the United States is $35,720 per student per year."
"Thanks to Katie, the child arrived at the hospital safely, if it weren't for her keeping him warm there's no telling what horrors could have unfolded."
"College is great, but it has to make sense financially and for your career path."
"Education is important, but paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for that education is not quite as necessary."
"You gotta learn from these mistakes. That's how you learn, tuition is the cost you have to pay."
"Less demand for student housing in the UK as the cost of university education rises."
"If your job requires a college degree, you should be able to write off your student loan payments as a business expense."
"The rising cost of education benefits those with higher skills."
"The American dream is to succeed but how can we fulfill that dream when debt is many people's only option for a degree?"
"I think the cost of college is so high it's so ridiculous it doesn't make sense that needs to be addressed."
"Wow, yeah. Chiro school is really expensive."
"Before student loans, universities used to be somewhat affordable and reasonable. But today, it's brought into a very profitable industry for those at the top."
"You're doing that, and you're paying for your school by doing that. That's what... that's your sacrifice right, is what perhaps one of the biggest sacrifices you could possibly make."
"I think that college should have never been as expensive as it was."
"The cost of college in the U.S. has gone up 500% since 1985, and that doesn't even cover the cost of carpet cleaning after sorority parties."
"The return on investment is not there. You can't justify spending $77,000 a year on a college education when you graduate into a work environment where you might make maybe $40,000 to $50,000 in an entry-level job."
"Education should not cost our kids a half a million when they're making $60,000-$70,000."
"Tuition fees in recent decades have skyrocketed."
"I favor some form of college debt loan forgiveness because we have to acknowledge that a huge portion of that loan debt is never going to be paid back... we have to get off the credentialing treadmill."
"You have one of two directions, you're either taking out a home loan for a home or taking out a home loan for four years of school."
"Getting clear on what your gifts are is a big deal. It can keep you from going and getting a degree in exactly the wrong thing and spending $200,000 doing it."
"Each of those students pays nearly triple tuition than domestic students."
"...the fact that we have this imbalance between income and debt ratio to go to higher education is where we get [messed] up."
"It's like with education, you're going to be in debt anyway, but with a trip to the Bahamas, you get a trip to the Bahamas."
"With the average student loan debt at a staggering $39,351, the U.S. middle class can't keep pace with the rising cost of education."
"It costs way less to go to college in Korea than it does in the US."
"College tuition... I was just shocked about the numbers."
"Taking out a massive amount of debt to go to school is a big risk because ultimately you've got to pay that back one way or another."
"You do know, however, as we were talking about student loans, it's a rather large amount, about a trillion two that is out there."
"You've watched wages never really go up in the last few decades, you've watched the cost of living skyrocket, you've watched the cost of education just be unbearable to pay."