
Breaks Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"It's important for me to take breaks for myself, for my own mental health."
"Switch out the things that you do in your breaks that are immersive to more mindless activities."
"Be prepared to take walks, take breaks if you're stuck."
"The world's largest study of productivity... found that the most productive people tended to take a break at 52 minutes."
"Don't forget to just allow yourself to take breaks from making art altogether. We are only human, and we can only be producing new content all the time."
"Take a break... If you're really in that stage where everything just hurts, take a break."
"If the fun stops, guys, literally just stop. Don't bother, keep away from the game for a while."
"At a certain point in the day, you're going to take a break or you're going to take a coffee break."
"Enjoy the game and don't forget to take a break every 15 minutes."
"If you ever get bored of Minecraft, you just need to take a break and come back to it."
"Taking a break makes the effects when you go back to it more interesting and powerful."
"Everything happens for a reason. It's good to take a little bit of breaks from certain things so that way when we get it, it's like whoa, wow, this is it right here."
"You should always take a break from any game you play."
"A lot of YouTubers have been taking breaks lately."
"Take advantage of your lunch breaks if you get a full hour."
"Don't forget that taking breaks prevents burnout."
"Usually the great artist who could take that time off they could."
"So take frequent breaks and when you do, walk around."
"Take happy micro breaks throughout the day."
"A well-crafted routine includes regular breaks to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy balance between productivity and rest."
"I need her to be on top of her breaks; I want her to just relax and chill."
"We should do a five-minute break every hour."
"Breaks are also really important for your mental health."
"Take every break... there is no reason to power through."
"I keep the spark going by making sure there are breaks between the chaos to reconnect."
"It's also important to take breaks in order to keep going and keep working in the right direction."
"I practice what I preach I say that on the channel a lot for people to take breaks sometimes I'll work 10 or 15 minutes and then take a break sometimes I'll work an hour then take a break."
"you might enjoy a little bit more if you get to sleep in if you take breaks when you need to"
"It got much better, but you still take breaks from vlogging, right?"
"It's okay to enjoy your work, but it's also okay to take breaks."
"I find with a lot of the stops it's like perfect timing for wanting to grab a snack or go to the bathroom."
"Breaks are so necessary and if you work in a hospital or an environment where those aren't mandatory or not easily accessible I am sorry I wish I could help you."
"I love the Pomodoro technique for like structuring my work and taking regular breaks and making sure I don’t get tired."
"I'm definitely going to be taking extended breaks after each phase because I think that it just makes sense to me to give me a little bit of that breather room in between each like big phase of this franchise."
"Seneca's guidance on travel is a reminder of the need for mental and physical breaks from our routine life."
"It's good for breaks, sprinkling in a guaranteed auto into breaks is always nice."
"You get those breaks that maybe you just don't deserve them, but you get them."
"You should take regular breaks, okay? There's a sort of a figure of 20 20 20 minutes of working, 20 seconds away at something 20 yards meaning far away."
"Taking breaks and coming back to it and like not feeling pressed to finish it or anything, it turned out good."
"...remind yourself to take breaks and take things slow."
"I hope this video and my channel as a whole continues to serve as sort of a safe space or a comforting place to always return to when things get hard or stressful and remind you that it's okay to take breaks and take things slow."
"Studies show that taking breaks during the workday can improve well-being and productivity."
"The storms are not over but they are taking breaks."
"I think the opportunities that people are rightfully getting now, you know, just opens the door to a whole bunch of other people who deserve those breaks."
"I'm for them as long as you have good communication and I think people should talk about them more when they take breaks."
"Taking breaks is very beneficial. It serves many purposes."
"I love taking breaks from drinking. It's almost like a cleanse, like a fast. And sometimes when you're away from it for a little bit, when you come back to it, it's that much sweeter."
"Resting is not a bad thing, and it's not unproductive either. You could have a productive day while still taking breaks."
"So what I would tell you to do is, if you need to take a break for your mental health, take a break. If you aren't able to go to work tomorrow, no one's gonna criticize you for this. This is a calling."
"There's days where it's like we get nothing and the days where it's absolutely busy, like you can't even catch a break."
"You need to take breaks, the good kind of breaks."
"Those breaks are important right? Those just vacation breaks, just shut your brain off breaks."
"our next reddit post is from colon trackstar at my job people are allowed to take smoke breaks so my co-workers who smoke will take about five to ten breaks a day and each of these breaks is five to 15 minutes long."
"You need to take some time off, take those breaks, because if you skip that one day of travel, or if I put the phone down for another hour, things wouldn't have been radically different."
"I took a month off in June and it was exactly what my brain needed. Mental health breaks are important, take care and stay safe."
"Mental health breaks are important, take care and stay safe."
"When people take diet breaks, they don't gain huge amounts of weight."
"I sometimes say, 'Normalize taking breaks.'"
"I think it's extremely important for content creators to take time off to reflect on their mental health."
"I'm sure I'll bang out the three that don't have them and then over the 50 that we do or so in our breaks I'm sure we'll hit somebody a nice one."
"It's good for your creativity to give yourself plenty of breaks, get up and get moving, go outside, breathe some fresh air."
"It does seem only fair that the non-smokers should get small paid breaks as well. 5 to 10 minutes isn't a big thing and it can really help you reset your internal clock and come back with a little more productivity."
"There is value in breaks, often times more value than we would get from continuing to push through."
"You know, you can get up and go to the toilet, you can get up and do this, make yourself a cup of tea or whatever."
"If you really need a break from learning the language, take that break, but please don't turn that break into a complete stop."
"It's nice to take breaks. I like to have like a month or two where I have you know two to three sponsors."
"We take as many breaks as we need throughout the day and just go by how everybody is feeling."
"Take breaks, but don't make them too long."
"I feel like it's quite important to have those breaks to kind of sometimes just remember what it is that you love and just get that excited feeling back."
"They don't realize that when you take a break, you're really going inside yourself and healing."
"It's easy to forget sometimes that it's important to take those little breaks."
"There's a pause button on YouTube too so if you need extra breaks go for it."
"It's okay to set down a project, go do something else for a while, maybe take a day or two off even, maybe take a week off, do what you need to do, and then come back to it fresh."
"Breaks can be the best thing that ever happened to your relationship."
"...sometimes you just need a break."
"It's okay to take breaks in the meantime, understand that things just take time."
"If you want people to take a break, then pay them to take a break. Sprinkle, sprinkle."
"When you need those breaks, are you taking them? Maybe you should."
"When your favorite content creators take breaks, please respect them."
"You have to make time for the self-care, and the breaks, and the resting, and the sleeping."
"It was overwhelming at first but like you take breaks and you ground yourself like you'll be good."
"It's a great thing to break up our day, you know, like the flow state, like you're totally locked into the game."
"Work for 25 minutes and then take five minutes off."
"One of the things that I have learned from going to Disneyland Paris frequently is to make sure you take breaks."
"Brakes can make or break productivity. They can prevent your mental fatigue if you take them wisely."
"Rise has gotten me to take more breaks and focus better which has already saved me hours."
"Discover the best mood-boosting breaks."
"...sometimes just stop go and have a cup of tea sit down watch a bit of Telly do whatever you want to do and come back to it later or don't come back the next day or the next week but come back when you're ready to do the work and you feel happy to do it and enjoy it."
"I just take breaks whenever I want."
"You should be able to take breaks whenever you want."
"Remember to take care of yourselves and to take breaks and to be mindful of your mental health."
"I've been teaching myself this year that it's okay to take breaks."
"Vacations and breaks are important."
"...we're ensuring that every class has an incentive to take short rests."
"The slight interruptions here and there are not that as big of a deal as people make it. Now breaks for weeks, yeah, weeks straight, three weeks in a row, you can also do this."
"life does not stop obviously life keeps going but yes so that is where we've been I know you guys understand when we kind of take breaks"
"Rich white men tend to get breaks sometimes, man, and that's just the truth of it."
"You can take breaks whenever you need."
"I've never seen a case like this where there's constantly little breaks in it."
"Start low, go slow, and take time off."
"Taking small breaks throughout the day as well... It is hard to be scalping for six, seven hours a day and to be doing that at a very high level."
"We gotta make violent breaks away from this technological culture, like violent breaks even."
"Split up your work with little breaks of movement."
"If any of these movements are too intense or you need a longer break, pause the video, take the break, and jump back in whenever you're ready."
"Take breaks to get up and stretch your legs, you need to take breaks to get up and interact with other humans."
"Burnout breaks are amazing not only big breaks but little breaks."
"I think the best thing overall is take as many breaks as possible even if you don't feel like you need it."
"Always make sure that you are taking regular breaks. You don't want that muscle strain. That stuff sucks, trust me. Take your time, smooth everything out, and it'll make the end product look so much better."
"I try to take breaks when I'm not feeling like I'm gonna make the best thing I can."
"All of y'all need to take breaks, you need to take ear breaks, you need to take vocal breaks."
"Life just happens and if anything, I think that's healthy to almost like take breaks."
"We'll be taking breaks, and it's important to stay hydrated."
"Don't forget when you're having fun, to take a break every now and then."
"Taking breaks throughout the day really helps me kind of like stay focused and do what I need to do."
"It's definitely important that we take breaks and not sit at our desk for all 40 hours of the workweek."
"It's totally important for you to always take those breaks."
"Take breaks because it's somewhat physically intense."
"It's okay to take breaks, but just try not to do nothing for too long."
"You don't have to be constantly playing; if you go away for a while and you come back, that's okay."
"Take breaks, step away from your computer."
"It is really important that you create a work environment where it's okay to take a break."
"You need breaks; you need cognitive breaks every now and then."
"This is actually better for you to relax and take breaks."
"It's also good for us to take breaks because then I miss you."
"You get a giant break from them, and then come back and then you love each other again. It would be wonderful."
"Taking breaks... is highly effective in just understanding when and how long you need breaks for."
"People who take breaks simply perform better cognitively."
"Life always gives you breaks with training whether you like it or not."
"The more often you separate from work to take a break, the more you can cultivate how much energy you have."
"Understanding and learning how to control document flow with breaks is tremendously useful for editing."
"Make sure to take breaks not only just to relax but also to come back with a fresh eye."
"Take long breaks; that was the key, I think, that made the difference in my second exam attempt."
"I think it's really necessary to take breaks."
"Keep doing what you're doing, and enjoy those breaks when you get them because they don't come as often as we'd like."
"Don't just binge on the course... take frequent breaks."
"Practice it three times with 10 minute breaks in between."
"The mistakes you make when you just do something for a long time can't stress enough how helpful it is every now and then to just take breaks."
"You need to be taking breaks at work."
"I take a lot of social breaks. I feel like it's important because you can get so wrapped up in that world."
"I have got to start taking more breaks; I'm just horrible at it, but it really, really does recharge me."
"Students ask me if they take a break, can they still learn English, and the answer is yes."
"When employees take their breaks together, productivity goes up."
"Take a walk. I have solved more bugs going to get my lunch or in the shower in the morning or whatever than I have at my desk."
"They can take breaks now for mental health reasons."
"I'll try to take breaks every now and then and answer those questions."
"Take care of your body, if you need to modify or take breaks, please do."
"I always find that I need to take a break halfway through because I make the best decisions after I come back for a while."
"All jobs and school should allow people to take mental health breaks."
"Amateurs are the ones who don't take breaks; professionals do."
"You've got to see breaks not as a deviation from performance but as part of performance."
"I think it's important that you take breaks in between... so you can mentally be fine."
"Every 45 minutes step outside, take a deep breath with the fresh air."
"I get more done when I remember to take breaks."
"One of the perks of working from home means constant coffee and biscuit breaks."
"You are still owed a lunch break, so you should still take your break."
"Taking small breaks throughout the day and leaving my house just kind of like getting some fresh air increases my productivity."