
Scientific Integrity Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"The past 16 years of Alzheimer's research, in many ways, was built on fraud."
"Science makes mistakes, but a self-correcting system is in place."
"If you say that there are no antecedents of the Cambrian animals but have to ignore the various bilaterians, stem-bilaterians, cnidarians, and sponges of the Ediacaran to do it, then you're just lying."
"The reality is they (authors) really should retract their proximal origin paper where they say that was the origin of the COVID, because they're basically three to four months out of date from when the pandemic really started."
"A science of real integrity would be one in which practitioners are careful not to cling to cherished hypotheses and take seriously the outcome of the most stringent experiments."
"They actually hired scientists to try to refute the data or to pick apart the data and eventually they hired scientists to do experiments that they claimed refuted our data."
"Frauds have a short life expectancy in science because sooner or later, someone will get famous for correcting them."
"Science is not in the eye of the beholder, beauty is. Science is not."
"Scientific results often reflect the biases of researchers."
"But beyond all this, perhaps the best evidence that Darwin Devolves is nonsense is that Behe had to flat out lie to defend it."
"The process of the speed did not compromise at all safety nor did it compromise scientific integrity."
"Accuracy and accountability are paramount in science where these things don't seem to matter at all in religion."
"Good science is supposed to bring you closer to the truth."
"The speed did not compromise safety nor scientific integrity."
"Environmental justice will be at the center of all we do, addressing the disproportionate health and environmental and economic impacts on communities of color."
"There's almost a desired p-value for p-values."
"Ultimately, they're people with integrity and just a deep curiosity for the discovery of cool little things and there's no there's no malevolence broadly speaking in the scientific community."
"Scientific facts are dependent on politics, funnily enough they're not."
"Follow the evidence and be as honest as you can about using just the evidence to create the models and the theories that come from it and not the other way around."
"Science has developed methods of avoiding fooling yourself... Scientists don't appeal to Authority."
"Having people like yourself who come out and speak about things that you know to be true, the science of the situation, the reality."
"The whole scientific community and anybody with any scientific inclination whatsoever is now acutely aware of what an unbelievable lying fraud this guy is."
"If science cannot be questioned anymore, it is not science; it is propaganda."
"We can maintain a high level of integrity in the scientific process if we just refer to the ideas rather than attack people personally." - Avi Loeb
"They knew that this study hadn't been done and they were saying it did anyway."
"We have to rid science of the corporate bias that contaminates it today."
"The sign of a good scientist is if you don't really know for sure you don't say that you know for sure."
"I think that's what they did here, uh, one of the tenets of the scientific method is that, uh, any theory or, uh, idea is only as valid as the latest evidence shows."
"They're manipulating and twisting scientific data to fit the narrative and harming people in the process." - Unknown speaker
"The suppression of media opportunists and charlatans... that's how science gets suppressed."
"Pseudoscience can be seen as a gateway to relativism and a gateway which is... then we have a huge problem because we can't function properly as a scientific society."
"Science is supposed to be about finding the truth."
"There's this sort of group think even within academia where it should sort of be independent and people should be focusing on science and challenging assumptions."
"I should also state clearly for the record that in our research Arrow has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics."
"Russian scientists were more honest about the shape of the Earth."
"No scientists worth his or her salt now would say that abilities the tree of life."
"Duma is about the protection of scientific evidence, but it's also about honesty." - Hans von Sponek
"In science, I don't want to hear your truth, I want to hear the truth because as we so often find, people's common sense ideas or what they think is true is so often untrue."
"COVID-19 researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer's vaccine trial."
"Critics speculate that researchers like Dazic have a financial interest in keeping the potential source of this virus hidden."
"So if you don't accept a flawed blood test, you should not accept a flawed personality test, and if you don't accept a bogus cancer therapy, you should not accept bogus coaching."
"Mistakes in the report feed into public distrust of the origins investigation."
"Science is supposed to tell you what's true irrespective of what you want to hear. This isn't science, it's circular."
"Real scientists publish real work in peer-reviewed science journals, not blogs on the internet."
"You have to look at all the data and make our conclusions based on it." - James Taylor
"If it's science, it should hold up to scrutiny and there shouldn't be any propaganda."
"Scientists hate consensus... the idea that scientists are going to collectively fool themselves for half a century with this extraordinary complicated thing just doesn't hold up."
"We need to ensure that the scientific process and method is free."
"Kent Hovind is the only person here that is spreading propaganda, that is attempting to brainwash people, who is lying, being dishonest, and spreading misinformation. It's not science textbooks, it's Kent's."
"My life was not worth one cent in terms of my scientific credibility. I was finished."
"Our job is to give science advice here and make sure everything we say is rooted in good quality science."
"We proved fraud in the scientific community by doing better science, not by doing better religion."
"Most published research findings may be false."
"For science to work, you have to have an open exchange of ideas." - Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
"There is no forbidden knowledge if you pursue any research question with the full honesty that is mandated by the scientific method."
"The only way that you could inoculate yourself to the extent that it is possible to be fully inoculated against that parasite is to have an absolute commitment to truth."
"He published all his raw data - today something that’s a given where science is concerned."
"You know, so do you think that what you've detailed in your report is this suppression of scientists?"
"Without clear criteria, this report is more smoke and mirrors than science."
"Just because some people are taking biological and scientific principles and trying to apply them in a different way doesn't mean that the original scientific theories are wrong or bad in any way."
"I will always have a high degree of respect for anybody who can change their mind, especially with a big platform, when they make a claim and then are willing to change it when they're shown actual data. That is part of scientific integrity."
"Scientific evidence is accepted by virtually everyone is that which represents proper scientific experimental design and publication in the peer-reviewed literature." - Dr. Campbell
"Why can't other scientists find this sleight of hand that is happening and kind of raise their voice and say, 'This is not right'?"
"One of the reasons I'm going forward with this information, it's not only a crime against the American people, it's a crime against the scientific community."
"One of the serious casualties of the COVID pandemic has been scientific truth."
"We don't claim that we know things that we don't know, we only claim to know things that are demonstrated by the evidence."
"Science is supposed to tell us what we need to know rather than what we want to hear."
"Peer review guarantees the validity of science and keeps Dogma out."
"Science considers that dishonest. Holding that if you can't show it then you don't know it. So don't say it's true unless you can show that it is."
"A true scientist wants to know the truth and will follow the facts and the evidence where it takes them."
"We need to undertake a systematic review of the scientific evidence for these treatments."
"Above all in science, you must not fool yourself, because you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman
"Forcing researchers to blindly run tests on groups of unwitting individuals with no clear purpose does not adhere to the scientific method."
"We cannot abandon our devotion to the best available evidence."
"It's a crime against the American people, it's a crime against the scientific community."
"The process of the speed did not compromise safety nor scientific integrity."
"We are not here to try to push forward our agendas. We are here to listen to the science and to save people's lives."
"Affirming people in something that's simply not true and particularly if you say that you believe in science."
"If I say something in a scientific forum and a young graduate student pops up in the audience and has an argument that demonstrates that my interpretation of the data is wrong, that person will be heard and I will change my opinion."
"All I can say is that I don't have any agenda that goes past scientific knowledge. That's it."
"We need to be honest and we need to have good science. That's all I've ever argued." - Chip Roy
"I'm glad I got to escape that role... being a scientist is cool but I don't really want to lie if I don't have to."
"Giving us false scientific information is not going to clean up our environment."
"We must protect the ability of independent scientists to research and publish findings free of corporate influence."
"We should no longer confuse eminence for evidence."
"You can get a study that concludes anything. That doesn't mean it's true."
"It's much better to admit a mistake than to hide it in science."
"Ridicule is not part of the scientific method, and people should not be taught that it is."
"Immense powerful medical and pharmaceutical interests play a huge role in science."
"You don't have an unfalsifiable hypothesis... you have a falsified hypothesis."
"As a proponent of science I have no problem saying that it's okay to not know for certain."
"Nobody owns the science or has any secret information that nobody else has any access to."
"I don't go bounding off to create my own version of science."
"More science please, more good science please."
"Politicians may flip-flop... scientists do not flip-flop."
"We do have a responsibility to be as accurate as we can on the front end of all scientific discoveries and claims, rather than walking things back."
"The answer to that is the speed was a reflection of extraordinary scientific advances and did not compromise safety nor did it compromise scientific integrity."
"The point of making announcing a measurement isn't that you're supposed to say well it's done now i'm the person i'm the authority no you make a measurement so that other people can go check you and that's the key to science it says i know i could have made a mistake"
"A is A, a sign scientist cannot make a false theory true by closing his eyes to the data of it contradicted."
"We need to be more honest about uncertainty and we have to be respectful to other scientists who are critical of our research."
"Science has moved on, as professionals, I have this old-fashioned view we shouldn't tell people lies."
"The scientific method exists to make sure that doesn't contaminate the ultimate."
"It's slowly becoming more desirable, more incentivized to try to actually do good science and not just get your papers published."
"The best way to resolve problems in the scientific community is more transparency."
"In good science, you try to do everything you can not to go public prematurely."
"This is an example where you could be reasonably confident that there's no evidence of publication bias because you've got a nice symmetrical funnel."
"Scientists are not saints, but I think that on average, we're a very honest bunch of people."
"Violating the expectation of validity and reliability is a fatal violation."
"In the realm of science and academics, it is our solemn duty to look at data as objectively as we possibly can."
"The whole point of scientific research is trying to prove yourself wrong."
"Scientists do not compromise. Our minds are tuned to the truth."
"Those of us that are doing research shouldn't submit or cite journals that don't make code and data available."
"Science not sales, avoid unnecessary fluff, especially gratuitous 3D."
"Millikan had an incorrect value for the viscosity of air, so those follow-up sciences should have published their data honestly, and that's a good message for everyone out there."
"When science doesn't follow truth, it's a signal that you don't have enough fact, and you've got to keep looking."
"Personal beliefs don't matter when you're doing science."
"If it's found that a given conclusion has been unduly influenced by personal bias, it will be rejected or at the very least viewed with a great deal of skepticism by other scientists."