
Character Transformation Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Candyman at the end of this film turns from a neighborhood devil into an avenging angel."
"The fact that Timmy Turner's kindness was able to touch Crocker's shriveled heart speaks volumes."
"Darth Vader wasn't outright forgiven for his actions, but he sacrificed himself to stop the Emperor's plan, and that's how you do redemption for a monstrous villain."
"Can't you see she's sleeping? The dark widow isn't a fighter, now she is a mother."
"I couldn't do it with raccoon Mario, and you know what? After suffering through this, you are now small Mario."
"Could Ned Leeds be destined to become the Hobgoblin in some way, shape, or form?"
"Isabella's Demon Queen persona emerges, demanding obedience and surprising Xiang Ye."
"Acknowledging his mistakes, Itachi freed himself from the fabricated persona, displaying empathy and honesty."
"If you have to mark a point where Kanye West starts the process of going from a face to a heel, it's here."
"Not only did the movie do such an amazing job at building up her twist by constantly questioning Mima's sanity but it also paid off afterwards by presenting Rumi as a complete psychopath."
"Frieza turns up and becomes black Frieza, one-shotting Gas, Ultra ego Vegeta, and true Ultra Instinct Goku."
"When I first started really digging in on Marcus the one thing that I really tried to capture it was the transformation process."
"It's enough to chill any player to the bone: she's not Lamb's messiah anymore; she's a very naughty girl."
"Carnage was well known as being a murderer he is well known as being crazy it would be like if the Joker became a good guy became like a hero and it was awesome."
"This is Broly's full power Super Saiyan form."
"Charles Muntz seems to be a good-hearted man... until he believes his guests might be hiding the very thing that he spent his entire life searching for."
"It's so Hollywood... slap some glasses on him, give him a bad hairline, and he's all of a sudden this nerdy dweeb."
"This was the birth of the Murder Machine and thus began the Earth's demise."
"Her departure was one of the series of events that laid the foundation for Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader."
"It wasn't just Thomas Wayne and his wife that died, it was the good that existed in Gotham."
"As soon as Superman makes the choice to kill Stalin, he’s already become him."
"The transformation of Walter White throughout Breaking Bad is a warning that every member of society can become evil in the right circumstances."
"He's playing this changed character... kind of molding it into this new messiah-like gimmick."
"They turned him into a weapon until they just turned him into nothing but that."
"Revan was awarded the Cross of Glory, earning his status as a living legend, having been both a Warring Dark Lord of the Sith and Jedi Savior of the Republic."
"Gon's rage moment and transformation is a feat worthy to be on this list."
"Samus getting lifesteal was so cool, watching her turn into a Metroid feels like the logical next step after Fusion."
"I think this is straight up hype, especially towards the end where Shredder goes back to his human form and the dragon turtles just rip him apart. Manifesting Yoshi’s ghost again who goes in for the kill."
"I feel like Rick Grimes right now. I'm losing control, turning into a killer."
"Jane Foster turns into Valkyrie... Donald Blake teleports away."
"Like I always, always talk about on this channel, a satisfying story is a story where the characters transform as a result of their journey."
"He turned Green Lantern because they wouldn't make Deadpool."
"What do you get when you put Doc Ock's mind in Peter Parker's body? The Superior Spider-Man."
"The dark knight, once a noble soldier who wielded a spear, had been driven mad after having their memories stolen."
"I'm a demon now bro it is so cool being a demon."
"Spiral literally turns into almost all the Marvel characters."
"You see this total perfect 180 between how Zuko was presented to us versus what he is at the end of the show."
"The Joker turned Harvey Dent into Twoface... Gotham's White Knight who put half of Gotham's criminals Behind Bars..."
"Characters who begin as cold, harsh, aggressive, or destructive tend to have some of the most juicy character reveals."
"Catwoman turned on Zatanna... feeling like she had never in her life been more violated than she was when Zatanna changed her against her will."
"Motion capture allows you to transform into any character or creature. This is insane!"
"This is a reference to the comics, where Peter once turned himself into the lizard."
"We made this game to be an anthology of stories, so certainly there's the main character Jin Sakai who has this transformation arc from samurai to become the ghost, and I view that as like the trunk of the tree."
"As soon as I got the symbiote suit, it was like a light switch turned on."
"That whole thing about becoming a Big Daddy is a one-way street turns out to be [ __ ]."
"The Hulk as a character with the few wants and desires he ever had is now completely gone."
"Some people try living as a hero, only to see themselves becoming the villain. But, here was a man who chose to live as the villain who we all saw became... a hero."
"Susie, the violent tormentor, is now your ally, the power of Mean Girls shines within you!"
"Sebastian sees Leslie walking away from Beacon, his usual shuffling walk replaced by a confident stride showing us that Ruvik has indeed taken over Leslie's body."
"Frieza turning good could happen, but it'd be hilarious if he just showed up with cotton candy at the end."
"It just objectively cooler to see a pokemon get a new form that completely changes the way they play."
"If a character becomes a skin, they're never going to be a character again."
"Michael Korvac, a human turned cyborg, getting the power of essentially one of the most powerful beings in existence."
"Now he's just a weird little Ice King lookalike and deserves this spot."
"A very aggressive and violent looking Clifford took control over all the other dogs and humans in the town."
"By morphing Flav into a bizarrely modern man, Shea dazzled All Stars viewers and won Boyer Chapman's heart."
"In the end, Simon finally changes his mood... from the lowest to the highest..."
"So for someone who is just possessed with Revenge rage destruction everything that they then kind of gave up because instead and look this kind of he's like I'm an unworthy hero and I'm too destructive and he surrenders himself at that point."
"I'm not sure why the Titans did this but this is what apparently drove Nozdormu mad."
"Even though Zerus was a murderer whatever happened to him changed him because at one point he reformed and built the orphanage to expiate his crimes."
"Neku went from contemplating killing his own partner to showing faith in them."
"He looks different... like a Sith. Holy crap, this guy looks... like evil."
"Hate turns Batman into something he's not, something he should never be."
"So to wrap everything up, Negan starts from an unbelievably fun antagonist to pretty much the main character of the show. He's amazing and that's why Negan Smith is the best character in The Walking Dead."
"Homer turning into The Hulk is the only way this thing could possibly end, it’s this perfect melding of the story topic and the sheer force of personality put into it."
"Starkiller was someone who was placed so deep in the guise of the dark side but was able to pull himself out."
"While once a villain, he is now just another friend Wander and Sylvia helped."
"Aquaman has gone from being like the lamest superhero in the world to being like a badass."
"No one cared who I was till I put on the mouse."
"After a long conversation with myself, I've decided that it's in my best interest to be evil, jaded, and reserved from this point on."
"Goku then went and he transformed into his Super Saiyan God for the first time in front of everyone."
"I love how differently a character can look like in very different styles or different universes or fandoms."
"And just like Nail said, he has become the Super Saiyan."
"Raiden turns into Dark Raiden and becomes ruthless against anyone."
"Tohru happily becomes herself again, and at that moment, a wave of photographers surrounds her."
"Once David has transformed and attacked the people in Piccadilly Circus and is cornered by the police, it's her chance to express her love for him."
"Joaquin Phoenix absolutely transforms himself as Arthur Fleck."
"Amadeus Cho knew what was happening when he became the Incredible Hulk."
"I loved seeing him go from this incredible narcissist like Tony Stark, to being humble and putting other people first."
"I also thought it was super cool when Molto Larvo takes that form which seems inspired straight from the Gaping Dragon."
"In the next couple shots we finally get to see Hanzo transform into the bean Scorpion. Now a little bit of the origin story for Scorpion, I'm sure they'll touch upon in this movie."
"Leave it to mega evolution to take a really pathetic Pokemon to astronomical Heights."
"Yoru just goes full beast mode, putting on his mask and absolutely smacking these fools around."
"I am ready to leave the love and kindness... and become a cold-blooded killer."
"Aaron is this unstoppable force now." - Aaron's transformation
"Nelson fully embraced his dark side and turned into the most ruthless man in the country."
"Vegeta is no longer that evil Saiyan of many years ago." - Goku
"The Night Stalker was now a daytime brawler, and he wasn’t so good at that."
"Peter slowly succumbing to the Symbiote is so well done."
"The tide with the fans really started to turn; the WWF noticed the shift from the fans and decided to transform the once hated heel into one of the company's most beloved baby faces."
"Sakuraba turns into Princess Aliia who gives him a sword for protection."
"Anthropology: the fanfic where a background pony named Lyra becomes a human."
"Jeanne's transformation into a witch subverts both her own and the audience's expectations, allowing her to reclaim and weaponise her beauty, placing her in a position of power."
"But when you transform an iconically rebellious character and turn her into that then it's just really messed up."
"He's walking, he's Anakin. The light dips, then comes back, and he's Vader. Vader, red skins, Anakin. Oh, man!"
"All bets are off. He's a bad guy now."
"The man can act, there's no two ways about it. And his character transformation, his character arc in this movie, felt very satisfying."
"Max Payne has been transformed from the slick-talking, revenge-filled unstoppable machine into an ineffectual [__] pain."
"You know, he was a totally different character in this movie than what he was before. I mean, from killer to basically really nice, calm, quiet guy."
"When Kid fully awakens all three of his lines of sanzu, he actually becomes a shinigami."
"Going back to once upon a time which I mentioned at the very beginning it's like the evil queen like eventually becomes a good part of the good team and it's like but like it takes like multiple seasons for like that arc to happen and it works very well in my opinion."
"By the end of this pilot, Walter White has become what he's gonna pretty much be for the next seven years: a drug-dealing murderer."
"The costume really makes or breaks the performance; it can really transform you into a different person."
"Easily the greatest character arc in this whole series, I think."
"I've tried to live my life like Frank Cross, Bill Murray's character in the last ten minutes of Scrooged."
"By the end of the story, they have overcome this and now they are a better person in some way."
"By the end of the story, you're going to have that climax, and in that climactic moment is when your character truly has their transformation."
"I was always really drawn to performers who disappeared into the roles."
"With the Super Soldier program in peril, Peggy Carter bravely participates by becoming Captain Carter."
"Perhaps one of the biggest differences is the absolute glow-up of Duncan Idaho."
"Hogan turning heel was shocking in the world of professional wrestling."
"In Bionicle, characters undergo significant physical and emotional changes, and characters even sacrifice themselves for a goal and die permanently."
"The truth during their time in the room of spirit and time... Raditz truly unlocked Super Saiyan."
"One day Prince Rhaegar found something in his scrolls that changed him."
"She's really fundamentally changed completely through meeting this guy and falling in love with him."
"O God! I screamed, and O God! again and again; for there before my eyes—pale and shaken, and half-fainting, and groping before him with his hands, like a man restored from death—there stood Henry Jekyll!"
"Even the baddest of the bad can have a wild turnaround."
"Walter White is dead. Long live the king, Heisenberg."
"It's like Michael Corleone becoming The Godfather at the end of the original film."
"The Hulk's deepest and darkest desires begin to come true, ultimately unleashing what is known as World Breaker Hulk."