
Thematic Analysis Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"House of the Dragon is a series that sets its sight on a much more specific thematic target than Game of Thrones' sprawling geopolitical intentions."
"That's why I needed you. Well, as we established, the main themes are guilt, self-hatred, remorse, and grief, aspects we not only see through James's eyes but through every character we interact with."
"Comorragh remains truly the Heart of Darkness, ever serving as a stark reminder that while those which exist within the warp are undoubtedly some of the most corrupting and twisted horrors beyond imagination."
"So what we’ve got here is probably the most graceful thematic adaptation from a classic to a comic book movie in existence."
"I do believe it's sort of trucking a little close to Joker territory."
"The whole purpose of the show Game of Thrones... all of George RR Martin's works are anti-war in nature."
"Look for these repeating trends, these repeating motifs."
"It's more reverent I think than it could have been... it takes most of the themes quite seriously."
"I liked that it read like a nightmare." - Student
"5Ds may be known as a darker series within the grander Yu-Gi-Oh franchise but in actuality, it's brimming with hope."
"Over-the-top designs have a deeper meaning and elevate the character. The best example of this is Big Mom who."
"Every book in the Bible has a particular theme, a purpose, an end goal."
"Just please watch this movie. It has so many interesting themes."
"As much as Poltergeist is about the haunting, it is about the picturesque family to which this haunting is occurring."
"This is really a fight between good and evil."
"It's like poetry, a wrong. Duel of the Fates harvests way more of this sort of massive situational thematic energy that Rise of Skywalker only slightly touches."
"The movie is age of Ultron it's like a family therapy session."
"Saruman's relationship with rings of power is analogous to that of a master and a dangerous craft."
"There's obviously an underlying message here which can be linked to other themes we see later on." - Reviewer
"Every light Motif that ties into the next... genuinely one of the best scores of all time."
"It wasn't really a theme, it was just a motif for Khan."
"Every way the show undercuts its own violence, masculinity, and the stories we tell ourselves to justify them is a statement, a critique, and a challenge to its audience."
"The beautiful theme, done in triplets, a trilogy... money, manipulation, and memory."
"One of the most mature as well as thematically rich films."
"Thematic transformation is critical to understanding how leitmotif works."
"It'd be easy to stand up and shout ripoff due to themes in the story it's trying to tell about the last days of a native people."
"Why is it so strange to think that some of the songs that they sing can be related to each other?"
"I don't mind that we are in kind of a darker grittier era of the Federation and Starfleet than we've seen before."
"Adam Sandler's Clique gave us almost the exact same thematic message about value of life and did it a hundred thousand times better than this movie did."
"The presentation of warfare is inherently thrilling."
"Sonic SatAM was the best Sonic cartoon. It was its own thing, surprisingly dark."
"By gathering inspiration and then going through those and in common themes I'm able to find really tangible things I can implement."
"This film's message is making a point about savagery, and that point is, it exists on both sides."
"There may be bits of truth in each of these opinions, but the one overwhelming reason the majority of the cast died was because they cared for each other."
"Cannon fodder is a genuinely great short that is able to wash away the perceived gimmickness of its central animation tenets and merge it with the themes that it presents."
"I love that theme. It's incredible and I can listen to it all day. It's amazing. But it's not an argument or a question about which theme is better, it's that one thing belongs to one Superman, another theme belongs to another."
"Guardians of the Galaxy lives or dies on its story, and it succeeds more than I ever expected, with sharp writing that doesn't belabor itself too much on the overused themes of family and loss."
"The movie carries the theme of the rich dumping on the poor."
"The abject failure of this game really falls into place when you stop for a second and think about what Forces actually is."
"I didn't really think that a lot of the more I guess provocative would be the word for it elements of this movies serve the function of the movie in any meaningful way."
"Interstellar uses its themes to argue against the idea that artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."
"The bloke will undercurrent of the film is that these heroes and heroines are living in a fascist utopia."
"Seemingly accurate data information, you know, this theme is exemplified in the character of Mrs. Bennett."
"A fascinating world crossover makes far more tonal sense than crossing over fast and furious in Jason Bourne."
"Well, hate to break it to you all die-hard fans out there, but the movie might be darker than that."
"The movie has... it's not about anything other than literally."
"Season 33 is like the 'wholesome nihilism' season."
"Are we supposed to see, are we supposed to begin to suspect that the stranger, the coming of the arrival of the stranger here is also in a different way the arrival of Hope?"
"His Dark Materials theming is some of the best I have seen in fantasy."
"The tale is not really about power and dominion; that only sets the wheels going. It is about death and the desire for deathlessness."
"How do you think Dolores goes from wanting to break the chains of bondage to wanting to dominate the world?" - Pondering the evolution of Dolores's goals and motivations.
"Back to my original point, 'Midsommar' has all the things that makes 'Hereditary' great and none of the things that make 'Hereditary' distracting."
"Thematic relevance: I have to go five out of five."
"Terminator 1 is more horror, more of a suspense horror."
"Horror is about how we confront death and deal with the sins of our life that have never been paid for."
"The technical achievements of Goodfellas are all made to support this theme of authenticity, which I feel is sometimes overlooked."
"Both versions of 'IT' also have a weakness to love."
"This movie feels like purposeful trauma porn."
"There was a thematic emphasis on the little man or everyday person being alienated by Society."
"Fugo's departure felt like an unsatisfying conclusion, but in retrospect, it makes sense thematically."
"There's a lot of ender's game that i definitely vibe here I definitely see a lot of influence from older classic sci-fi's."
"Breaking Bad is about fear, fear of living, fear of the things that tend to f*** us."
"Moomin was able to draw from the source material in order to discuss ideas like abuse, depression, and emotional maturity."
"While certain shows like Batman the Animated Series and X-Men attempted to broach more serious and mature topics, Moomin was able to draw from the source material in order to discuss ideas like abuse, depression, and emotional maturity."
"October Rust by Type O Negative defies typical metal conventions by offering haunting and gorgeous melodies that make every day feel like Halloween."
"This movie is not just great just because of the themes it tackles but on a technical level it is unbelievable."
"There's a repeating pattern of themes and ideas that kind of go through these pieces of media."
"This is not some magic song; this is him showing us how his theme of the song works not just across the entire life but also in this central theme that the long night... one of the central things that he's talking about in this story."
"Thematic analysis... we explore different types of themes from the pictures, from the text, and from the other type of data."
"Coding techniques to organize information into themes and concepts and queries to find text and analyze relationships between topics can be applied to literature reviews."
"You can open nodes which represent specific themes or topics and read all the relevant information and evidence."
"Reflexive thematic analysis embraces the subjectivity and the reflexivity demanded of a fully qualitative orientation to data."