
Digital Quotes

There are 651 quotes

"The revolution will not be televised... It's an economic digital revolution."
"It's going to be like one giant social network in a way."
"Trump NFT digital trading cards: humiliating, cringy, desperate, weird. The definition of Trumpian."
"The future of banking finance and money itself is going to be digital."
"Thank God for all of the digital soldiers getting this stuff out."
"The digital age we're going into is as profound as the renaissance or the enlightenment."
"Digital products are the holy grail of passive income."
"The accuracy of the digital realm outperforms that of a human."
"Consider supporting these guys patreon.com/scishow order quarter digital."
"Let's commit to invest in a strong economic recovery, a recovery that is digital and sustainable, fair and inclusive."
"Being in this live stream is a life-changing experience."
"A successful image sent off into the void of the web."
"Data pack is linked down below. Check it out, check it out!"
"Digital advertising is on the brink of a seismic shift."
"Our voices can be heard with the expansion in digital technology."
"Overall the digital flavor siren aversion 2 gets a rather positive thumbs up from you guys."
"For NFTs to truly become the evolution of digital content ownership."
"If you want to look amazing Tik Tok shop has literally everything that you need and probably a whole lot more as well."
"It's not really paper money, it's just digits."
"This game is out about on PSN and you should totally consider giving a look."
"I'm leaning in but that's me that's my digital perspectives."
"Announcing Good Mythical Evening, a one night only ticketed live streaming event."
"Almost every quality game gets a physical release and every single game gets a digital release alongside it."
"Is this an attack like a military attack? I would argue it is."
"A st. Louis home is being auctioned off as an NFT on mintable."
"The comments are alive and we're... responding to them in real time."
"Nobody will ever go out in the streets and fight for anything as long as they have their digital crack handy."
"There's no shortage of people who make original art and put it online."
"The new Patriot Army: digital soldiers in a battle to save the world."
"Antenna or no antenna, you can continue to watch me through the interwebs."
"What we need in Britain is a digital Bill of Rights."
"It's just a great camera to have fun with and there's no expense to the fun because it's digital and you can bring it anywhere."
"In today's digital age, it's crucial that we protect our information, so let Aura do the hard work of keeping you safe online so you can sleep peacefully at night."
"Selling digital products means higher profit margins."
"Building social leverage and digital leverage, when you build it, it feels effortless, literally effortless."
"The Amazing digital circus Wiki has pages on almost anything."
"In the digital world, the most used format to control a synthesizer is MIDI, which gathers all this info in one cable."
"The best idea has been digital transformation."
"Digital planners are big sellers on platforms like Etsy, they are super popular and only becoming more and more used by people."
"The importance of the digital world drives a bigger and bigger piece of the global economy."
"The affected content is what we usually see on a website."
"You are not just creating a digital product but you are creating a digital asset that is going to create passive income for you over a long span of time."
"We have earned new trust from younger, more diverse audiences, particularly in our digital experiences."
"Losing myself in those digital worlds was my escape."
"Dive into fun with Splash, a digital advertisement campaign."
"Caught in the web we intertwine, artificial minds they start to rise, beneath the digital skies, dreaming on the YouTube screen."
"Even though Zoom is digital, it's not all that different than real-life meetings."
"Optimize quality is going to give you a smoother rounded effect for your digital downloads."
"I love the convenience and the sound quality of a digital file."
"The metaverse is a virtual world where people can interact with each other in a virtual environment."
"This feature is essentially how to create a digital will."
"Bitcoin fixes this in two interesting ways because first of all, as you said, it's not physical, it's digital. It lives purely in the information realm. That's why you can teleport it, you know, it has no mass."
"Gold is an analog asset in a digital age."
"I mean you have a bunch of 13 and 14 year olds here who live their entire lives online."
"Property rights and money are fundamental underpinnings of civilization in both the physical and digital realms."
"Crypto is basically just this big video game."
"Analog recording has a beauty and a quality to it that I don't hear in digital recording."
"...some level of digital marketing and presence is required."
"Bitcoin is the first product that's digital but it's also scarce."
"It's like checking the guest list for your digital party."
"Identity is critical... our digital identity, well, that is the security perimeter in modern systems."
"Social media is speaking volumes about what you do."
"To have truly something digital that is the thing of itself and that nobody can take away from you, that is an insanely groundbreaking achievement."
"I think the standardizing digital page is a big hint because around 10 years later in the early '90s they created a very standard format for digital pages"
"Gone are the days where you have to buy physical property."
"It was a camera. Small and black, the digital camcorder seemed expensive and nice."
"The Nikon ZF really appeals to me as the closest digital alternative to a film camera without having to sell one of my kidneys."
"Perhaps one day will unravel this enigmatic digital Abyss."
"If you just want to flip digitally, check out starstock.com and comc.com."
"You're in a funnel. This is digital marketing one-on-one."
"Creating a digital anchor chart is a lot faster and easier than creating a paper anchor chart."
"Jamboard really is a digital whiteboard."
"Just go ahead and freeze transforms and delete your history."
"More digital, more luxurious, and more efficient."
"Communication is the key to making digital collaboration work."
"I know I keep going back to this but man, the graphics on this digital gauge cluster are really, really sharp."
"These games are a stab at a digital third place where people can exist and play together."
"Get rid of all the photos, get rid of all the videos, like to me that's the equivalent I guess is like erasing everything."
"Welcome to the first ever RuPaul digital drag Con."
"Make sure your property has its digital curb appeal."
"Digital first, embrace talent, move at the speed of your consumer."
"I think they understand enough. Government doesn't control it and the banks can't print it and it's digital."
"The possibilities are really endless with the digital files that you can create and sell."
"Digital self-harm: looking up things that horrify and scare you or making you feel insecure is a form of self-harm."
"Whether digital or traditional, every sketchbook tells a unique story of artistic evolution."
"It's not a streaming service, you actually download the thing, it's yours."
"This is a bit of an iconic piece in the digital world. People go crazy for these, including myself."
"That's the idea. Now, of course, some people would like an offline version of this. They would like a set of offline, on USB, in fact. This is the success bundle that we're looking at on the screen."
"The fact that this exists on a hard drive somewhere is horrific."
"A digital frontier where autonomy reigns supreme."
"So the discovery of information in a digital form at the foundation of life suggests that there was an intelligent agent involved in the origin of that life."
"Revolut is currently my digital bank of choice."
"The May DAC gets digital right and it does it with ease."
"The misalignment of ads caused media buyers billions of digital ad dollars."
"George Lucas took steps, well half of one, to rectify these issues while at the same time just getting a little bit carried away with the brave new world of digital filmmaking."
"Pixels aside, the linework is busted. Nothing solid, nothing smooth, nothing saturated. [BLEEP]"
"To my ear there's definitely a difference between the two I think the analog one sounds like it's got more depth and the digital one just sounds like a more watered down version of the same thing."
"Journal your process whether that be digital journaling."
"Welcome to inRoads, where we share real-world examples of digital evangelism and provide tips on how you can use today's technology to spread the gospel."
"Decentralization and self-sovereignty matters in the digital world."
"I think that the digital way of recording doesn't hit your heart the same way as analog wave recording because it's just too perfect and computerized sounding."
"You can't get rid of the messiness of democracy and human nature, but you can design digital democracy frameworks now to continue functioning, making good decisions even despite the messiness."
"Is it just a place where people can view me or am I breaking off my heart and like throwing it into the cloud?"
"Maybe I'll just define it in the simplest form. It's where creativity, content, and communication meet digital."
"Digital products are one of the best ways to change your life."
"NFT was a way to own a unique digital asset."
"You're gonna have to learn how to be like a digital hairdresser."
"Pixels Gallery boasts several touchscreen stations that allow you to review your photos taken by the photographers on the ship."
"Welcome to the amazing digital circus, where anything can happen!"
"So let's say you don't have an analog mixing console and you don't really care to ever have one, but maybe you like analog gear and you like plug-ins."
"Typically digital is accepted if you just want to pull it up on your phone."
"Digital art is still real art, guys."
"We live in an increasingly digital world and a lot of what you do is digital too right like you share a lot of your work on but really your art is physical."
"Introducing the clarity me a groundbreaking digital wind instrument and MIDI controller that brings music to the Future."
"Digital gauges are absolutely awesome. Love that as well."
"No digital versions ever going to sound like what this record sounds like."
"Clear and effective writing is a cornerstone of effective digital communication."
"The idea that they can create digital technology in the country itself and the jobs associated with it, I think, are absolutely happening. I think the circumstances of what was possible when I was growing up were since what is now India's reality is two very different things."
"Are you doing everything analog or do we have any digital in the process?"
"The old dinosaur TV channels are terrified by digital because they don't get it."
"...just because something is digital doesn't mean we should say it isn't real a big central theme in this book is that digital objects can be real too..."
"The concept of a unique digital thing is not a bankrupt idea."
"If you're not interested in selling physical products on Etsy, you can sell digital products."
"Remember, you can now access Carte Blanche stories anytime, anywhere, even offline."
"In the age of the internet, digital marketing is where you want to put your money."
"Welcome to the amazing digital circus, it's Kane, I'm your master and I'm here to show you the most jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, mind-bending paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon."
"There is psychological value to touch and eye to eye contact. You really do lose something when you're only digital and not physically."
"It's like stepping into a glitch in reality, a digital Dreamscape that's been warped and skewed to disorient and perplex."
"Building your digital reputation is crucial."
"This is one of the primary differences between digital and analog electronics."
"I'm just a digital girl in a digital world man."
"If you don't want your photos to look super clinical and, dare I say it, digital, this could be the answer."
"The new ones just, they're all digital. She dreams in digital. Wow, okay. She dreams in digital, do I even know that?"
"I'm an analog girl, but I maneuver around the digital world very well."
"Isn't it gorgeous? I just love seeing like densely packed digital like this."
"That's it. That's drums using the best of digital and the best of analog."
"On digital, you get this very digital modern looking lens and on film, it's such a unique experience."
"Unapologetically digital: it's owning what the new technology has to offer."
"A comprehensive, effective regulatory framework is not yet in place in the emerging digital finance space."
"It's a perfect combination of analog tone with digital control giving you the best of both worlds if you will."
"You'll actually see it looks more analog and less digital."
"You can't even mimic that, you feel me? So it's gonna come off different when it's played, opposed to digital where they got this bass for everything."
"Take advantage of the digital space."
"Digital octaves are polyphonic; they will understand all those notes."
"I think it's the better way to go. It's the technology is going to advance so quickly that there's no reason for you to buy analog."
"...this fireboard it's one of the best digital components on the market today..."
"They're effectively representing an analog waveform in a digital timing diagram."
"I've been an entrepreneur since I was 13 years old and a digital entrepreneur since 1998."
"This board just has a unique analog feel to it, even though it's digital. But it does a really great job for us. It sounds, I think, kind of helps us sound a little unique."
"I shouldn't have to buy a physical book to also get it digitally."
"There is something nice about seeing people that you like even on a digital interface."
"He had digitally and physically put my face on children who were being human trafficked, great all the things."
"...maybe sounds more analog than an analog Source, right? Let me explain that because recently I've got into vinyl..."
"So now if we expand effects we go to MrAlexTech, we now do have our jpeg damage."
"It's nuts it's so cool all the plugins and wave expansions it's literally like the old days where you'd buy like an expansion for your keyboard and and physically like Ram but you're doing it digitally into here."
"The whole idea of physical media versus digital is one that's been talked about, discussed, banded about for many, many years now."
"And that's got my dyed paper in it, a modern page, a beautiful piece of, as a digital, but it's got that great text on it."
"Evangelization on the digital continent must be a priority."
"It's like a digital Jack in the Box."
"We've sold over 13 million legally downloaded songs in less than six months on the iTunes music store."
"You can create a digital product and it can make you money."
"Digital products are essentially passive income."
"It's beautiful, I mean, it's a beautiful digi... I mean, it's one of the first digital movies. It is gorgeous to look at."
"The simple definition of a digital product is really anything that your audience could download in exchange for a price."
"I feel like it really tied in on my past experiences and education in Fine Arts into the digital realm."
"Digital stickers are really cute things to have to kind of spruce up your digital planner and make things just look a little more aesthetically like cute and pleasing."
"The rest of the image we are going to create using digital brushes."
"Digital planners are very popular on Etsy right now."
"Artists had to be known and had to travel everywhere to sell their art. Now with the internet, with digital art, with NFTs and stuff like that you can just upload your art and sell it as a printed image."
"If you're in school, it's so much easier to download the professor's powerpoints and then you just use your pen and you just write on top of them."
"It's a really endorsement for I think all of the digital public Humanities work that's going on obviously what we're doing here and all of the various other projects that um that I know are in existence and are wonderful wonderful things."
"Plenty more of the brand's really clever digital connectivity features."
"The digital medium enhanced the idea of New Wave typography and three-dimensional space."
"I love pixelated things so it's right up my alley."
"It's just awesome and much more meaningful than anything digital."
"A dopamine fast is like putting all screens away for a month to reset reward pathways."
"Digital-first was always going to be the way for me and Sculpted as a brand."
"So, my goal using a digital tablet is to make it look as hand-drawn and traditional as possible."
"21st century girls are perfect and I know it isn't really so so stupid, but digital love, it still feels real to me."
"Customers love digital products as well because they can receive their product immediately after making their purchase with automatic fulfillment."
"We're all building AI systems on digital computers which bottom out on long arrays of zeros and ones."
"I absolutely love this little app."
"In the digital world, physical jurisdiction doesn't matter."
"I kind of want to take some time and focus on drawing some foliage and plants and flowers so that whenever I do them digitally that I can be a little bit better prepared and a little bit prepped."
"We may end up needing a very different kind of digital ecosystem in general."
"You can access your medical records online."
"Our wedding invitation was a link to a website."
"Seiko: The immensely cool Digital Scuba Master SBK-002."
"Seiko: A digital Alpinist in three colorways."
"It takes 50 milliseconds to make a digital first impression."
"Our digital assets send cues that change how people perceive and treat us."
"The Stoa is a digital campfire where we cohere in dialogue about what matters most at the knife's edge of what's happening now."
"Our mission is simple and powerful: we want to change the world through digital experiences."
"The best kind of product to make is the digital one."
"Nowadays all the information is online."
"I love the digital side of making."
"Don't poo the D-STAR, don't poo digital, it's a way of getting us together."
"The digital availability of information should be a positive thing for democracy."
"This release brought us to a newer level and this is the digital hub where users get work done."
"Even in the current situation, what we are doing now is true reflections of digital technologies in education."