
Local Businesses Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Amazon wants a future where you can order anything you want on a device and get it that day without thinking of the toll that would take on local businesses, and of course their employees."
"Support black businesses, that's a good idea, Blue Flame, Killer Mike, we got them, I love the fighters unlike the flames, that's part of the Atlanta economy, the staples."
"It's up to all of us, it's up to everyone, to support our local businesses during these difficult times."
"If it's 8:00 AM on a weekday, we'll display the coffee shops and bakeries more prominently in the map, while at 5:00 PM, we'll highlight the dinner restaurants that match your tastes."
"If you live in the Los Angeles area and you haven't gone to that sister's grocery store... you're missing out."
"Yelp is a great place to read reviews... or ask your campground."
"Those game stores do deserve some support and love."
"Such a shame because we know a really, really good bakery shop out here that is looking for a headshot."
"Whether you're playing at home with some pre-release kits checking out the sealed queue on Magic Arena or you're just lucky enough to have a local game store able to run events safely, you're bound to be itching to dive in."
"Consider supporting your local game store by ordering some pre-release kits for delivery or curbside pickup if your store is open. Give it your support and keep it open!"
"If we're still going to support them over businesses in our own Community what's the point of them even wanting to do the work."
"Support a small business, let's get right into it."
"Stores are trying a lot of different things so I mean it is safe to go buy something as long as not lingering in the store you know if you're on a short visit but yeah I'm doing everything right now to really support my local stores."
"Supermarkets were using very aggressive tactics to remove local competitors."
"It's like the online version of supporting local businesses."
"I want to encourage you guys use real products and support local too support us-made all their liquid car care products are made here in the U.S."
"This is so cute, I wish we had more brunch spots like this."
"Welcome to this video where today we're here let's talk about it in Atlanta Georgia so really cool place they have a food truck and now they have a location."
"MLB's decision to move the 2021 All-Star Game could greatly cost the city's black-owned businesses."
"Humans had been doing that for the last 10 years, we started to see the re-emergence of the local pastry shop, the local mom and pops."
"Yelp google reviews and making sure that people can verify small mom and pop that they've never heard of actually could do the job."
"A little more interesting than what's inside these places is the story of the struggle they have to stay in business."
"High streets that consist of bookmakers and kebab shops..."
"We basically wanted to do this just because we like getting out and supporting small businesses."
"It is so ridiculously cool to see how many amazingly talented small business owners that we have here in our little community."
"Small local businesses like our family farm are the lifeblood of our community."
"I like that someone's paid someone, I hope at a shop, and supported their local business."
"It's all about supporting local businesses and helping get these secondhand items in the hands of the people looking for them."
"Continue to support your small businesses, your local businesses, because that's the heart of the city."
"I try to support the local restaurants."
"Supporting locally owned businesses is so amazing. You don't feel like you have to go to just franchises for everything."
"Support our businesses, you know what I'm saying?"
"We see more value in supporting our friends and local small businesses than large corporations."
"Started going to Ali and Ingles for groceries, eliminated Walmart from my grocery routine."
"So, my perspective on the future of the food industry is that we need more small urban local kind of family-run operations."
"Support your local businesses, Hawaii right now, with the pandemic, is really hurting."
"It's always more detriment than it is helpful because most sometimes those businesses that come in they're more to prop up like newcomers or more or less like visitors to the cities and such instead of like the people who live there."
"Slice supports local businesses by charging a small flat fee per order."
"Support the venue. If you're playing a local friendly game store, support it. If they've got food, buy the food. If they've got toys, buy the toys."
"But from a local brewery offering a varied product and perhaps just maybe, but the recent growth of craft beer bottle shops and microbreweries."
"Guys, make sure you are checking out your local mom and pop shops, support those local businesses, they are so, so important."
"Supporting locally owned businesses wherever we go to shop is really important to us."
"Shop locally because by shopping at this shop you're not helping a large CEO buy their third holiday home, what you're doing is you're helping a young boy have a football lesson, a young girl have dance classes."
"Two-thirds of Facebook users visit a local business page at least once a week. Local businesses can use Facebook to create lasting connections with repeat customers within their own communities."
"If you want to support your local restaurants, call them directly or go straight to their website and order for them directly."
"...I always try to support local businesses over big corporations."
"There's so much stuff in here, it's all local Alaska made, and what could you do? You have to support local businesses."
"...support your local and independent bookstores every time you make a purchase."
"Now that fingers crossed the UK looks like it's getting its COVID situation under control and we can start to socialize again like the good old days, I think it's important that we support local hobby stores whenever we can."
"My advice to you is as good as these places with thousands of Google reviews is these little local mom and pop shops."
"You gotta find some local mom and pop shops."
"So yeah, but I love my city, my area. I just opened up a store on Sentinela, called the Level Up Store."
"I have a personal list of the coffee shops in the neighborhood. And these are the bathroom codes to everyone."
"Local businesses also got a lot of extra business because of the increased foot traffic that the game generated."
"Support local small businesses with ethical and sustainable practices."
"Now more than ever is really important to support your local businesses, support smaller businesses online because they are really struggling during these times."
"If literally one person goes to each and every one of these stores I showed you guys in this video and just purchases one thing, I feel like that will make their day."
"The boutiques of the New York area are under attack and we must protect them at all costs."
"please respect all the small local businesses"
"I've actually got this from a local trophy shop here in town that has a CO2 laser."
"Support the American businesses and support the family farms out there that are doing those things that you want to keep happening in our country."
"Support your local LCS's. Don't be surprised when they're gone."
"Support authors, support local bookstores, and have a fantastic start to your day."
"I'm all about supporting the locals."
"If I'm a local fisherman, then I'll struggle at the moment because of the squeeze from the bigger companies or fish by trawlers."
"You need to support the brick and mortar. I 100% believe in that."
"Welcome to Samui Side Quests where we're going to be highlighting all of the local businesses on the island"
"You can stop here and not have to hit one of the big chain stores for sure."
"Eat local, shop local, encourage your local."
"Keeping your favorite restaurants afloat at a time like this is very important."
"Supporting local businesses is an extension of that kindness."
"Thank you for purchasing a locally made product."
"It's all about supporting local businesses."
"Make sure you support your local businesses."
"Supporting local businesses is important. I am Amazon's local."
"I live in the United States, that's a nice type of business that I like to support."
"...local restaurants are super fun to shoot for..."
"Santa Cruz's Westside is a bustling commercial district filled with local Santa Cruz restaurants, local Santa Cruz shops."
"If you get to characterize downtown Fargo, it's basically a really beautiful, clean, organized strip of shops, local restaurants."
"There's a vast array of restaurants around here."
"...every building, every storefront has a business, virtually all of them mom and pop businesses, unique businesses."
"The brothers would collaborate with local design, real estate, and construction companies in each city where they filmed."
"There are tons of businesses that put on free pancake breakfasts."
"I love to find little local coffee places that sell their coffee beans."
"We boost high streets, we boost businesses, and in particular, we boost the small businesses in this country."
"I admire very much how small locally owned businesses still dominate much of Serbia."
"Always support the locals, they need you."
"They support small family-run businesses in Japan, helping out their businesses and helping to preserve their traditions."
"Did you love traveling and going to different local yarn shops? It makes me so happy."
"Don't forget to support your local gun shops; they are the ones that are not going to turn their backs on you during these difficult times."
"People out there, if you make a little bit of money, try to go to some small businesses, restaurants, toy stores, anything."
"These businesses are the fabric of our communities."
"I love the idea that I was buying something local from a local yarn store while I was there."