
Employee Welfare Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Amazon wants a future where you can order anything you want on a device and get it that day without thinking of the toll that would take on local businesses, and of course their employees."
"I’d rather have no Elden Ring than an Elden Ring that was made by hurting people."
"A good leader knows how to both leave the business successfully and lead its people and take care of its people."
"It's going to affect the quality of the games, but more importantly, it is just human indecency and it has to be rooted out of Ubisoft, it has to be rooted out of the games industry, it has to be rooted out of all industries."
"Companies are just choosing to operate this way because they're choosing profits over the talent and the people who they call family."
"We're not going to stop working to find ways to support you and support your employees."
"There are so many good people here. They deserve better. They don't deserve to cry every day watching a company they love openly care so little about them."
"Todd made the decision he wouldn't take a salary that year, instead, he focused all his attention on making sure his employees stayed employed and trying to keep open as many stores as he could."
"An employee committing suicide on a business trip sounds pretty relevant."
"Investing in the company is investing in the employees."
"Our businesses are shut down and all of our twenty employees are being paid their full salaries and health insurance for the entire duration of this."
"You want the public image of caring if you cared your employees would be compensated better."
"Companies do not give a [__] about you, okay? Corporations are people they just happen to be sociopathic."
"At what cost are their employees being treated fairly?"
"Walmart cuts workers hours but increases workload as sales rise amid the pandemic."
"Walmart cuts workers' hours but increases their workload."
"The layoffs at Humble are not coming from the same place as the layoffs at EA Games. All of these troubles start at the same starting line: how these companies engaged with the big Tech hype cycle."
"If you are a decision maker at your company I hope that you will consider the human cost of your decisions."
"The stories of the working conditions in these Amazon warehouses are absolutely horrifying."
"In Planet Coaster, you don't just need to staff the shops and attractions, you need to provide places for your staff to go when they are on their breaks. I love this."
"Here's a company that definitely does a town hall, town square... Walmart is going to be giving away 740,000 smartphones to employees."
"Pay your employees fair wages or pay them the bonuses, but pick one."
"Our corporate leaders cannot cede responsibility for their employees."
"Worker ownership drives better business and benefits both workers and businesses."
"Successful companies have successful workers in successful communities."
"CD Projekt Red pledged to be more humane to its workers."
"Creating a welcoming environment for all of our employees is critical."
"It's good to see that employee health is being considered as well."
"Great CEOs care for their people. If you forget that, you're in deep doo doo."
"Elon is planning on increasing childcare benefits at his companies."
"We're here to ensure everybody has a very fair, livable wage and can go home to their families and look in the eyes and be proud of where they work."
"it's disappointing that sony's letting a lot of this talent go and not finding some way or at least offering a relocation package of some kind to work at another sony team or department"
"Activision Blizzard lays off 800 employees despite record financial performance."
"Doing the day-to-day for their company, those are going to be low-income people who are not getting paid well and are going to typically have negative experiences."
"You don't have to ruin your employees lives to make the stupid nonsense."
"The effects of crunch culture are far-reaching and extremely damaging to employees."
"GTA 6 set in modern day, focusing on employee well-being."
"We need to take care of people who are making these companies profitable."
"Because he was so mindful of the welfare of his workers, he was stung in 1937 when some of his employees engaged in a sit down strike at the plant."
"Despite the difficulties... many of the employees... reported that their quality of life improved after the reduction in working hours."
"Do you really think that working your best people to the bone is the right move?"
"We really try to take care of people; we're really people-oriented."
"My only intention was to save an IP so the company could live on, the name could live on, that the players could keep getting a salary to play. That was my only intention ever, ever, ever."
"Create an environment where our team is taken care of financially and professionally."
"It's just such a weird contrast to countries like Germany in which their employers force them to go on holiday because they understand that a well-rested employee is going to be a better one."
"I care about people's emotions and happiness and overall livelihood, not what they produce for me in the short term as an employee of my company."
"This multi-billion dollar organization has all of these staff members that work for almost nothing and that they even have to be on food stamps."
"For-profit prisons just don't work properly especially for the employees that work there."
"Funny how she says the park needs to change this and do right by their employees while Disney spokespeople have denied there's even a problem."
"I think workers should have a right to a non-hostile work environment."
"WWE has shown that they don't care about anybody."
"Stuff like this is important, your employees are given what they deserve."
"Corporations do not care... They'll try to shove your body right under a bus if they can."
"If there is a priority that needs to be had here, the employees need to be paid now."
"The fact remains that crunch continues to be a problem in the gaming industry."
"When you want to pay your employees well... you can't outcompete some of the big manufacturing powers of the world."
"Two days off is not enough, especially as we could just have more bank holidays anyway for cool things."
"Hyundai has invested heavily in worker well-being."
"The era of treating your employees like while telling them that their family to get them to work more hours for free is over."
"A tired, stressed, underpaid, unhappy employee... is not likely to put out their best work."
"It's not on individuals to do this sort of thing, it's on the corporations to give a damn about the lives of their employees."
"I would rather protect my employees' lives and smiles than take risks."
"It began with the premise that we wanted to build a business that would balance the fragile issues of making a profit and being a benevolent employer."
"The reality is, in most cases, companies that do well are in a position to take much better care of their employees."
"If you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage, you do not deserve to be in business at all."
"If you paid half as much attention to the welfare of your staff as you do to the mindless pursuit of profit, then this store and indeed the world would be in a much better state."
"Lean Six Sigma aims to solve problems, removes any form of waste or inefficiency, and improves the working conditions of employees to make sure that they can serve the customers better."
"Heinz was also remarkably kind to his workers, offering insurance, dining rooms, gymnasiums, and even an on-site manicurist."
"The company's closed-on-Sundays policy was implemented by founder S. Truett Cathy to give employees a day off to worship or merely do whatever they wanted with the day."
"Between what we sold and what we made, that's a significant investment in our customer offer as well as our colleagues, which we're really quite proud of."
"A business is only as good as its people, so treat them well."
"I pay my guys really well, and I take care of them... it's not because I'm just so benevolent; it's also because it benefits me to have happy employees."
"Companies that treat their workers better do better."
"I know what worker productivity means, and that means that you have to make sure that your employees are taken care of and have a living wage."
"I am going to reinvest all of the money in making sure that the employees we hire on are well paid, that they have benefits, that we can open new locations."
"If you want to give employees in the United States a chance to be part of the manufacturing industry and to bring product into the United States, you have to take care of those employees."
"If you take care of your employees and give them all the conditions they need to succeed, the work will be better."
"If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers."
"He was committed to ensuring that every employee was valued and that a player's life beyond the pitch was as settled as possible."
"We have to make sure the correct employees are paid... what do you do if someone is absent on payday? Is ill? They authorize a colleague to come and pick their pay up."
"It's important that a workplace care for their employees."
"All 50 employees did make it out safely."
"Running an ethical, moral company that looks after its employers works better."
"I can pay my employees fairly well."
"If you have good people, you take care of them, they'll take care of your business. That's the bottom line."
"Management must ensure that employees have a decent salary, work decent hours, and a good working environment."
"You start with your employees, you look after them, and you give them the power and the authority to do things."
"We are incredibly generous to our employees and we wanted to keep that going."
"I hope... it serves to instruct you on the importance of ensuring your employees are cared for."
"I ensure that all my employees are paid a fair wage and instead of taking money from them every month for office parties, I invest that money back into the employees through pay raises and days off."
"The endgame for business should be to take care of customers and employees."
"Taking care of employees and doing well are not mutually exclusive; they often go together."
"Managers, at least good ones, get a kick out of making things better for their employees."
"The people that take care of their people and pay their people right, those companies are doing really good."
"Saving the world, doing the right thing, thinking about your customer, wanting them to win, wanting great things for your employees."
"If you want to take care of your employees, you first have to be a financially healthy company."
"Do you want to maximize stock prices, or do you want to take care of your employees? Why is that the choice?"
"We need 21st century companies that make a 21st century commitment to employees."
"Management's responsibility to the employees is to give them fair wages."
"The employer has a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare at work of his employees."
"Our secret sauce is treating customers right and treating our employees right."
"Groedel brothers are the first on our lands who introduced a concept 'employee benefits' for the workers."
"This makes life better for employees."
"We don't pay a single dime for our health insurance."
"We're trying to find solutions to the challenges and the problems that our employees are facing today."
"Take care of your workers that take care of you."
"You have to take care of your employees and their families."
"If customer service employees are rude or checked out, that's often a sign that they're underpaid, overworked, and have managers that throw them under the bus."
"Employees are going to be more protected without a Vince McMahon involved in the company."