
Character Role Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"He brings this unique element of optimistic spirit, and I’ve always thought that a lot of Togashi’s understanding of the human psyche is evident through Leorio’s role."
"I hate life. What's wrong with you? I'm a freaking side character."
"Twilight Zelda, by the time the game takes place, is the sole ruler of Hyrule."
"He resolves himself to be the ultimate evil to Monica's ultimate good."
"Vin Diesel is many people's favorite actor, especially for his part in the Fast and Furious franchise."
"You're looking to deepened to everything, we need a man with a sword who can cut people's heads off, he needs to join Picard's group so he can cut people's heads off."
"She's a vigilante warrior in space, not using her sophisticated mind, her knowledge of cybernetics, she blows people up."
"Adam Jensen is the head of security at Serif Industries."
"In Death's Door, you're gonna play as a crow, as in the bird who has a soul it was going after stolen from it."
"So if you want to play a flame-wielding Knight that's looking to create his own ideal country then Persal is your ideal pick."
"Zeta is a fearless fighter that requires perfect timing and positioning."
"If a hero can't save anything then they aren't a hero anymore."
"Thunderbolt Ross was one of the earliest MCU characters who kept popping up in later movies and what they were doing with him was interesting."
"I don't know how you cannot have fun playing Belle."
"It turns out these people are here to arrest him for being a pirate king"
"There was a plot twist and actually this time Arnold Schwarzenegger is the good guy which I wasn't necessarily expecting."
"Wheatley quickly helps establish the tone... it's okay to laugh, the rest of the game is funny too."
"It takes a Palpatine to destroy a Palpatine."
"Captain was a captain and would ferry you across the ocean. Do I think Captain will return? Definitely."
"Restore Adam Warlock back to being this role of kind of a cosmic Christ-like figure."
"She's quite literally carrying the entire show on her back."
"His early role solidified him as a primary antagonist in the series."
"You can't stop my Platinum [ __ ] Mario, I'm the King Koopa."
"Playing as a psychotic killer has rarely been so much fun."
"You are a better Spider-Man than I will ever be."
"These characters provide us a sense of catharsis."
"No matter who is carrying the shield now, Sam Wilson is coming into his own as the new Captain America."
"I play a blind warrior who lives on the planet Jedha. I can't see but I can feel with my heart."
"Brick is a melee support hero that's like a mini tank."
"Erisa is the quintessential Frontline tank... she's probably the most straightforward tank in the game right now and I'd recommend her as an easy pickup for new players who want to learn how to tank in Overwatch. This is the game."
"Wyatt is back as the demented host of Firefly funhouse."
"What's Julia doing in the show and why are they calling her Hawkeye?"
"Is this the moment for me to admit that there was a time I loved being a blood sucking creature of the night? It is not impossible to live only at night."
"Frieza is charge of the Galactic Trade Organization, which conquers planets and then auctions them off at high prices."
"Sam Wilson now holds the title of Captain America."
"But he is incredible in this part and it literally saves the campaign."
"Devin Butler will become the main enemy in this series."
"I don't care about being the main character to you."
"Mac is meant to be our Everyman, a human lens through which to view an otherwise fantastical world."
"It's such an incredible journey playing Anakin Skywalker."
"He's basically the main villain of season two, which is such a good move."
"All I want to be in GTA online is a criminal. That's why I'm still playing this game after so many years."
"Evelyn Parker has a role to play in the story."
"I'm freakin Darius doe. I'm Doris so we can duke it out with this guy."
"The flawless black computer nerd guy sacrifices himself for the group."
"Jade Chan's the protagonist nice and foil for his character was voiced by Stacy Chan Jackie Chan's real-life nice."
"There will be some Rodney Rambo at some point."
"People come up to me now and they say, 'Is she a good guy or she a bad guy?'"
"Vengeance in a boulder helm. I'm going to put it on because I'm a hero."
"That's what the story calls for, characters are not there to be served by the movie, characters are there to serve the movie."
"He found himself in the unforgettable role of Augustus Gloop."
"You can never go wrong with a paladin in any group."
"Final fantasy xv had a huge focus on summons who were known as astrals they played a prominent role in the game's wider law."
"What are you talking about? I want people to refer to me as Diablo."
"Father Time: preventing some bad futures for our characters."
"This makes him basically the first true Hydro hyper carrying gentian impact."
"Throughout much of the Final Fantasy franchise, White Mages were traditionally viewed as healers."
"Rick Prime is now acting as the big bad for Rick and Morty."
"Once you destroy Oblivion Joshua is finally able to rest and Danielle takes over as turoc again."
"Like some kind of ninja tech assassin, it's incredibly satisfying."
"My character Peaches, he's just a murderer. It's a killer, that's quiet killer, that's it. I just shoot people, that's it."
"It's like Captain America coming back to Marvel to play a different hero or supervillain."
"Starscream, ascending to his classic role of the traitor."
"Luffy, the representation of the sun, is the answer."
"Pit Viper's entire role is as a hired assassin to take out Calypso but not for any righteous reasons."
"You're the Terry Benedict of this particular story, so you're the mark."
"Leo rush rash is so good in this role too I'm really pleased that aew did bring him back."
"Maggie Gyllenhaal is Rachel Dawes, she essentially saved the Dark Knight trilogy."
"Zoro holds Kaido off if he wakes up again soon, buying Luffy time."
"He's the guy who is out there on the front line dealing with the dark forces."
"Padme Amidala brings a lot of viability to the Galactic Republic."
"Johnny Cage is Mortal Kombat 11's comic relief."
"Raiden is the mentor to the Mortal Kombat characters from the very beginning."
"Shao Kahn was kind of the head of expanding the Mortal Kombat universe."
"She is their friend. She is with them. She's a Titan."
"Maybe you think she has an important part to play and an important place to be in the Bleach Universe."
"I kind of would've thought that would be so unbelievable, so I'm not as mad as some people at the fact that Laurie was not a big factor in this movie."
"Giovanni's purpose in the story won't be to help Team Rocket but actually take them down."
"You're just a background character, which is very freeing."
"The cave rats are literally doing no damage to me, and that's because I'm dressed up as a member of the legion of Doom."
"She would become Spira's hero once again in its time of need."
"Rocket Raccoon, fan favorite, a big part of the story."
"Spider-Man, MCU-inspired costume, huge part of the story."
"White Tiger, pops up in the story, cool character."
"Guardian Druids should still perform very well as a tank."
"That's the exact perfect use of a clone lava hound."
"Game eighteen, and I want to be a dredging, so I'm doing it."
"I am the Grim Reaper I have become the top most powerful unit in the entire of the games nice."
"Sojiro essentially just kind of is a member of the main cast, right?"
"The importance of Oscar's inclusion in Evangelion's narrative really can't be overstated."
"I'm a demon now bro it is so cool being a demon."
"Vanessa is the epitome of a support character but an incredibly powerful one at that."
"He was great as boomerang, he was one of the best things in that movie."
"Buried Alive: more often than not, a vacation for the Undertaker."
"Regina lost ultimately but that does not take away from the fact that everyone including Goku said he surpassed him but gia still may play a crucial part in defeating Morro so let's not be too hasty and counting Vegeta out."
"Pam’s role as the Office’s human glue, a sounding board, an emotional support worker, the provider of gentle nudges, is a classic example of someone taking on the lion’s share of emotional labor for a group."
"Positioning herself as the Nemesis of the main villain... cement herself within the game Master's eyes."
"You play as the president in the fourth game in the Saints Row franchise."
"She will actually be the carry and someone who's going to be doing a ton of Electro damage."
"Kooky lets you have a two-in-one Healer and Electro player who does focus on having that AOE Electro."
"His healing is definitely good or good enough to be a good solo healer for your team without needing more healing."
"My overall thoughts on Baiju is cheesy support character that I've honestly really been enjoying."
"Rick Moranis will do whatever it takes to protect his family."
"This surely means that she's a big baddie she's gonna be a boss that we're gonna kill."
"Godzilla is more like the war itself than just simply being another character. He's a deadly force which the actual characters have to contend with."
"David Hayter would be thrilled to reprise his role as Snake."
"Baby Yoda's a MacGuffin and you guys all love him."
"Perhaps our host was a noted Seer. Interesting, it's a Seer. Let's see, I'm a Seer, I've seen lots of things."
"He indirectly helps the story criticize the big negatives of Aravin's influence and methods."
"That's not disruptive, dude, that's playing his character, that's up."
"I feed off their hate like a professional wrestling heel."
"Much of Domino's time on X-Force was all about flexing one of her best skills being an assassin."
"Thalia, Guardian of Thraben: the de facto face of Death and Taxes."
"Zenigata remains an integral part of Lupin's thievery and shenanigans."
"I think she's very anti-meta character right now."
"I just want to play a guy who's a big axe and climbs up Giants backs to hit them in the head with it."
"Justin has been the heart and soul of the show since the beginning."
"I'm gonna be a cute anime girl. Oh well, G-Stead, you don't have to be that."
"Yasuo should deal high damage to generate threat, but not tank damage."
"She really is a companion character in every sense of the word."
"Roman's doing great as the heel with Paul Heyman as his mouthpiece."
"Can I please function as a character of this game and get my hard-earned freaking loot?"
"I've killed a lot of people. I'm having fun, you know, good."
"They manage to make you feel like Darth Vader's secret apprentice who's on this epic journey."
"Lexi's kind of imperative to the player because she is basically the physician and the psychologist of the crew."
"As the Avatar, you are not meant to hurt others."
"She's the leader of an island within Inazuma called Watatsumi."
"Freya is lead game and she's very strongly that very similar to Chronos at the moment."
"Jon is playing the role of Azor Ahai turned Night's King, and he's giving his Ghost to a Night's Queen to make white shadows."
"Unfortunately, it was entirely a hazard machine and that lent itself to a certain passivity that eventually would be taken advantage of."
"This will allow us to see what an RX 480-ish class type of hardware can handle in a console."
"The prince is the main villain in this... he is an abuser."
"Finally showing Batman as a first responder, a role he has often played in the comics."
"From the need of the Fantasy Slotting Cycle to contain a traditional ap caster mage..."
"Kaya's unofficial title of Conria's last hope seems kind of appropriate for this purpose."
"Resurrection and role of Zanza: a mind-blowing revelation."
"He's this functional vessel for us to go on a cinematic adventure."
"Could this be the first mainline Zelda game where we get to REALLY play as Zelda herself?"
"Finally, Pantheon support, a chaotic force that came out of nowhere, is now a dominant support pick."
"Armin Arlert: A soldier in the Scout Regiment, a childhood friend."
"Armin plays a pivotal role in planning out their fight against the interior MP forces."
"Slicer gets tasked with what we might say is the war's most important mission..."
"That's the only reason that I need to be here. Leon's here blowing [ __ ] up but I'm here just being a badass."
"We're playing as Arthur infiltrating myth OS using the technology of Madigan's competitor he's a double agent."
"But dude, he played a villain in 'The Lost City'."
"He feels like a hyper carry in that he has good damage and sustained onfield damage but he plays like a driver too."
"As many of us expected, Walton Goggins being a ghoul and he is now confirmed through a photograph."
"Stranger Than Fiction: A quirky, heartwarming story with Will Ferrell in a different role."
"It's more likely that Garen will be pushed into solo lanes more often as a result of these changes."
"I'm gonna put on a special treat for you for the first time ever. Toucan Darby should sing his own theme song. Oh yes, give me a singing role."
"But Samantha is the comedic relief of the show with legendary one-liners."
"Sucrose as a normal charge attacker, really weird."
"Love the anti-air Tracer is the cavalry reaping havoc."
"You can obviously do the sneaky stealthy Assassin's Creed stuff but also like you're a Viking warrior so you can also take an axe to someone's face."
"I think Goten is better because he does the it fulfilled his role better which is just that's straight-up damage dealer."
"Sometimes you have to become the villain in order to save yourself."
"One of the most despised wrestlers on the planet."
"Fight the Demon King with the source. With Link."
"Ganyu is a carry, not a support. Her power potential is unmatched."
"And Carol herself was excited about this idea of being this space protector, a chance to do some good in the universe."
"Even if you do want to play a heroic necromancer, it gives you this kind of antihero feeling behind your character."
"Official is one of the core characters for Taser team."
"Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire: one of the most convincing facial transformations in cinema."
"This character is beyond important... perhaps the final villain of the series."
"Shallow mayhem continues... Timothy shall have to be the heartthrob."
"But is P going to sabotage us it's gonna sabotage us maybe please no because Poppy is pee in this game guys I forgot that she betrays us bro."
"Welcome to Peppa Pig News with me, Peppa Pig."
"Katara steps into this motherly role for everybody because she lost her own mom."
"Chichi in general is just obviously a healer."
"From this point forward, Dylan is now officially Venom."
"They gave it to John Walker along with the title of Captain America."
"Chaos sorcerer is gonna be the reason why we win this game."
"She-Hulk kind of setting up that she's working for the DODC which is gonna be interesting."
"Seemingly Gregory's voice calls us, the real Gregory."
"Sword's goal? Take down the Yonko and keep an eye on CP0."
"Congratulations, you get to play your character again, whoever he or she was."
"Every party has a pooper, and I thought it was pretty smart to use Captain Marvel as that party pooper."
"Trundle has no specific objective when in lane... he simply tries to beat you down."
"There must always be a Thor now and once again and it must be him."
"The scrolls genuinely believe they're these Heroes."
"Sasuke is an incredible deuteragonist, arguably perfect."
"The gloom stalker Ranger absolutely makes the case for taking the Ranger seriously as a class."
"The Bard is built to be The Negotiator, there's no question about it."
"Marksmen were in a good spot in the metagame."
"I wanted to be an anime girl, an anime protagonist in her own story."
"The silver shroud is the savior of the Wasteland I will never forget mobbing through the Commonwealth confusing Raiders with the dialogue."
"What role do you think he's going to have in the storyline going forward?"
"The goal or intent of this character is to be my boss killer."
"Rose Tico was there for a reason, not just to drive the story forward necessarily."
"I believe in my mind Luke's the chosen one because he brought balance to the force."
"I'll do it, Khaleesi. Just let me do something for you."
"I am the Ultimate Falcon Falconman in Bloxford."
"What about Ron? Is he supposed to just third wheel?"
"Luigi shouldn't have to do anything to save the world."
"Celestia cheated by actually raising the sun for this play."
"Vince who is now immediately a heel again wants to award the title to Kurt Angle for his actions."
"If you're at the late game on Jarvan then your most useful isn't engage tool so you want to jump in you want to go a bit crazy and so being tanky it helps you with that."
"I'm on my Indiana Jones Laura Croft, I'm a tomb raider."
"Glenn Close is an American treasure... I love you in Albert Nobbs."
"Little Miss Huntress, let's get out there and see if we can punish some survivors."