
Corporate Critique Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Intimacy is the enemy of corporations, intimacy is the enemy of social media platforms, intimacy is the enemy of the state."
"We can partake in the joy that this movie helped create, a joy that is a manifestation of us and not the Disney Corporation."
"With all said and done, it pleases me to see that the metaverse, at least so far in the short term, has been a failing endeavor for Facebook and Meta."
"I tried to make the point that the narratives of this company were identical to those used by harmful cults and simply preyed on the innate heuristics of human cognition in order to manipulate people."
"We are slaves of corporations. Get out of the cities and live simply."
"Suck it, Warner Brothers! This campaign got me thinking, what is the Snyder verse anyways?"
"Only one thing matters to the corporate state: the primacy of corporate power."
"This is a CEO that runs an all Boeing 737 airline, one of Boeing's best customers, saying that Boeing needs to become a better company."
"Sony needs a shake-up over at their offices."
"I can't speak for the whole company but the pay for the writers is pretty ridiculous."
"Don't go take your kid to Disneyland... Don't give Disney more money."
"The takeaway I think you should have from this video is that you probably shouldn't buy Battlefront 2. You need to send a message to EA."
"Corporations do not exist in nature. They are a governmental construct."
"Move fast and break things might make sense if you did it well. Unfortunately, the way we have done it has caused us not to stop doing the things that are broken rather than to learn from them."
"It's essentially a money printing machine when it comes to its ad Tech business." - Zach Voorhees, Google whistleblower
"Corporate America wants is for you to give up."
"It's just an evil business, yeah? So calculated, everything was done so perfectly."
"It's pretty hilarious I've doubled back around from being angry about this now I'm just impressed with how every time I think my opinion of CD Projekt Red can't go lower they're like nah hang on check this out."
"It's interesting that all of these multi-million dollar corporations are living paycheck to paycheck like the average [ __ ] American. That's insane to me."
"It's about the system and how they approach these things. Blizzard enables the behavior."
"I'm not a big fan of Amazon, but let me ask you this: how do you juxtapose libertarianism with the idea of liberty?"
"On the one hand, industry consolidation and centralization sucks. On the other hand, Bobby Kotick sucks."
"When most companies try to make a big stink about piracy and talk about all the money they're not making or all the employees that worked hard on their game, it can kind of ring hollow."
"The narrative that some companies will try to get you to believe is I've got to take all of your data to make my service better. Well, don't believe them."
"Epic's brilliant move was to leverage the huge fan base against Apple's policy, painting it as kind of an evil corporate monolith it once stood up against."
"I'm more than happy to see Disney in this financial state because money is the only language people like Robert Iger understand."
"The problem with Boeing is capitalism, but nobody seems to get it yet."
"You're anti-helping people, anti-small business, all about supporting big box. You know what happens when you go to Target and buy your mascara there?"
"The corporate world is extremely dependent on complex and aging Enterprise management software." - Elon Musk
"Sony's not your friend. Microsoft's not your friend."
"The DNA of this football club is actually, I'm surprised they haven't copyrighted the statement 'United DNA' and sold it to a brand. United DNA sponsored by Bupa, you know?"
"There's no giant conglomerate in the middle of us... it's just a more pure transaction."
"He is going to whack Donald Trump and the organization for hundreds of millions of dollars and do major maybe existential damage to their businesses."
"The world is turning into a MacBook, worried about making a quarterly profit."
"What this actually was was a period of decline brought on by meddling management, ineffective systems, and personnel decisions."
"The glass isn't half full when it comes to the current management and financials of the Walt Disney Company."
"The reason to be an independent media is to give the finger to the corporate duopoly."
"Nintendo is either grossly incompetent or massively ignorant."
"Twitter wasn't good before... cutting almost half the staff makes everything even more challenging." - Rashad Robinson
"It literally boils down to just that corporate freaking greed."
"The Narrative of big bad soulless Corporation versus one girl who refused to bend the knee is one that's inherently compelling it's one woman it's the dream I've literally been doing this my entire career."
"Welcome to Corporate America where your boss makes a dollar, you make a dime, and you take the heat for the company’s crimes."
"Thanks for watching, and remember, your mental, emotional, and physical health outweigh the needs of any company’s shareholders a million to one."
"The truth is they can't possibly know the future with this situation and corporate mouthpieces work the exact same way."
"And to see just how bad all this can get, let's go back to PG&E, arguably California's most hated company. In fact, a quick skim through any PG&E affiliate's Yelp page gives you just a taste of that because you'll find reviews like..."
"Don't ever put all of your eggs into the basket of the corporate world because they hate you, they don't care about you, you mean nothing to them."
"That's our advantage in the marketplace right now is as passionate mom-and-pop businesses we can do stuff that none of these corporate companies would ever even want to breathe on."
"Zuckerberg did what any CEO would do ignore all of that stuff it just indulged in a bit of megalomania."
"It showed signs of life for the little guy against an evil soulless Corporation known as Nexon."
"Love the developers, love the art, love the work, love the game, yes, but don't love the company."
"Guess what? You're kind of just being a useful corporate patsy."
"We all hate Bobby Kotick, we can all agree Bobby Kotick kinda an a**."
"Big tech, banks, multinational corporates, sleazy empty suits... they're all in it together."
"When corporate needs to gain money overshadows artistic attempts to make something enjoyable, the product loses all heart and class and just becomes a zombie of what it once was."
"Be conscious. If you find out something is using generative AI, maybe don't buy that thing. Don't feed into the corporate pipeline of allowing them to make money off of using this tech."
"Nintendo continues to be a company that has made a lot of mistakes in the last eight years or so, but you know what? I'm glad to say the Nintendo Switch is not one of those mistakes."
"They're corporate vampires profiting off your hard-earned money."
"Don't support this strange, allegedly Ponzi scheme-esque company that wears the word 'revolutionary' like a badge of honor."
"Roman coming back from cancer... should win."
"I think Rollins deep down knows that his company is crap and it's limiting him."
"It's hard for me to openly criticize a company I used to love... but PayPal's new AUP goes against everything I believe in." - David Marcus, Former PayPal President
"The Tesla we see today, at this very moment, is the most inefficient, least-optimized, most cumbersome, dumbest Tesla we will ever see."
"And it's real, so I would say like, never, um, never think that some label or some [ __ ] conglomerate monopoly of a you know, record label system is going to break you just because they're saying that they can."
"If the government really cares about us... make those places better... not tax breaks for [__] super-rich corporations."
"Disney is a company that's weak, it's trying to put on a front that it's doing well."
"This multi-billion dollar organization has all of these staff members that work for almost nothing and that they even have to be on food stamps."
"Resistance must be directed at the entirety of the corporate state."
"Schultz's fight to stop a Starbucks barista Uprising... revealed a lot about billionaires."
"I'm not gonna ever fault Nike for being a business... I can discredit them for how they do their business."
"Let all the big companies just go under. Yes, let them drop out. Who cares? Save Main Street, forget Wall Street."
"Our current emphasis on corporate profits isn't working for the vast majority of Americans."
"People running their own stores are probably going to work harder and smarter than people who are just punching the clock for a faceless corporate Overlord."
"You cannot say I am going to advance the interests of Wall Street traders whose job it is is to find anomalies in the marketplace to maximize returns for shareholders and extract wealth that they did nothing to help create an added zero value."
"So the next time some vacant-eyed business boy shambles up and tells you to do as he says 'cause he's gonna change the world, remember, you're smarter than him."
"You all already knew the multi-million dollar corporation never really had your backs to begin with."
"Shrek was a massive middle finger to Disney, its entire premise and story was basically a juxtaposition to them."
"I think Disney has is building a new reputation that they're just money-hungry soulless corporate machines."
"The real monsters truly are the corporations themselves."
"Why are we giving our time, our data, and our money to these companies who hate us, who want to silence us, who allow this disgusting, degenerate behavior to go on on their platforms?"
"Corporations are organizations for the extraction of surplus value from the workforce."
"Independent animation means being free from corporate greed."
"Just because a company makes a crap ton of money does not mean they have the right people employed."
"I'm furious. This is a garbage decision by a corporation that should know better."
"This new documentary on Hulu is called Victoria's Secret: Angels and Demons, and it looks really at the downfall of Victoria's Secret."
"Tesla's just going full steam ahead... Tesla bad Board of director bad."
"Solidarity is with the people, and a corporation is not a person."
"It's like a big 'F you' from Warner Brothers, but the Lego movie was such a hit."
"But now there have been some updates to the situation some which are downright hilarious if anything because one thing I love to do is look at big big companies and laugh at their downfall LOL LOL"
"Disney's current problems are self-inflicted and need to be addressed."
"WWE is completely out of touch with all of their audience."
"Not listening to the workers who are inside Amazon... is like a fool's errand..."
"Corporate bad, MLM good? That's simply not the case."
"They do not need sales and revenue; they just want to see how people suffer."
"The names that this company has cut this year it is an indictment on the entire creative process in WWE."
"I hope this has been informative about the dangers of corporate bad habits."
"Big tech they are losing it losing it completely."
"Apple is so successful, they need ongoing critique for improvement."
"I'm not the biggest Jim Ryan guy, you know, got rid of Japan Studio, I get it, he's a good businessman but you can't let me just say this, you can't deny the business stuff, right?"
"I'm just kind of making a video because I want to document EA just being terrible man terrible people terrible people."
"Companies will just, they will not stop trying to make a penny off of you."
"Do not place your faith in corporate Overlords like Bandai. Instead, believe in the creatives that are earnestly trying to push the series into New Heights incorporating the best parts of both old and new."
"Take control of this environment and let's come up with a better system than even what the big companies are doing."
"...fuel writer Suzanne Collins with an almost prophetic understanding of American corporate nature."
"The amount of people that I know, including myself, that I have watched, like, hustle and grind for a job that will never love you back. Living in the full corporate lifestyle was actually killing me."
"If you believe your internet data belongs to you and not to greedy corporations, then ExpressVPN is the answer."
"It's been just amazing to get away from the rat race in the corporate environment and the stress."
"You gotta love it. If you don't love it and you're just fulfilling a role, that's why corporations kill creativity."
"It's just so refreshing to be dealing with surfers and not corporate MBA types that don't know what surfing is."
"Corporations work for corporations; they don't work for people."
"Good food always come from those mom-and-pop shops; corporations don't ever got good food."
"Corporate America... they determine your worth for you."
"I don't think I could ever work at a big corporate chain like that again; it'd have to be family-owned and operated, which is why I love it here."
"America isn't a country; it's a corporation."
"I'm so happy to be working for a private company owned by one artisan as opposed to a corporate meat grinder."
"You gotta love corporate America."
"Please understand that I am really fed up with companies that are just catering to people, not to the animal of which they claim they love and support and are caring for."
"I want to do like indie films, stuff that's not just pandering to corporate interests."
"We need systems that permit optimal capacity for connections, not corporate-like structures created for a very focused, laser-like target."
"I encourage people to grow their culture and don't be defined on what you don't like unless it's not people, like a corporation means Corpus oration, the voice of the dead."