
Outrage Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"Outrage does not make the world a better place. It is the actions that follow outrage that either make the world a better place or a worse place."
"If people had any idea what was actually going on... they would be rightfully outraged."
"We're just so obsessed with outrage and melodrama."
"We now live in a culture of calling out, a culture of outrage. You should call people out, you should be outraged, but always remember context and never disregard intent."
"Sit back and get ready because the details about this tragedy are absolutely infuriating, and the story only gets worse the further we dig into what happened."
"Forget the legal debate here, why isn't there more outrage about this?"
"How grossly irresponsible have we become? Has everyone lost their fucking minds?"
"We're all outraged, we're all frustrated, but maybe we could start there."
"Outrage and critical thinking seldom go hand in hand."
"It's a metaphor for genocide. It's a metaphor for all sorts of things."
"Your day should not start with the immediacy of what happened today and who can I be outraged about."
"Outrage will continue when somebody comes into a space and they don't respect it."
"When you're in the middle of a perpetual outrage machine, at some point the mob wins."
"You think there's some suggestive tongue-in-cheek videos of somebody licking their fangs is equivalent to the sexual abuse of miners? How dare you!"
"It's irresponsible, it's outrageous, and it needs to stop."
"That's what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna kill it. That's an awful awful thing and you are awful awful people."
"If you are not so outraged that you forgot to pick your children up from school every day last week, then you are not paying attention."
"We have weaponized social media and outrage culture. It's a literal culture war now."
"There's a different set of rules today when it comes to politics and outrage."
"This should outrage every single person who prides themselves on being an American in a free society."
"The vast majority are outraged at what Russia has done."
"More transparency is always better and you should always be outraged when transparency is being pulled away from you."
"I do feel like we engage in very selective phony outraged political violence."
"What kind of miserable loser kills a famous beloved tree? Vandals, whoever it is, needs his ass beat."
"Manufactured outrage serves to polarize without purpose."
"Selective outrage in politics undermines the credibility of both parties."
"It's a total outrage. These are world champions, three-time world champions."
"We cannot state strongly enough how much the American public should be enraged by this."
"It adds to the sense of complete outrage among all Ukrainians."
"Tampons are taxed as if they're our luxury. Oh my god the outrage!"
"Republicans are faking outrage on this issue... why shouldn't Americans be outraged about classified documents being found in a garage?"
"Selective outrage and double standards only deepen the divide in American politics."
"There are some sick little bastards out there."
"If you're going to be as outraged as you were when Trump was in office, then you should be equally as outraged."
"There's not nearly enough outrage over the student loan thing. There should be an eruption of moral outrage over this."
"Beyond outrageous that 559 children remain separated from their parents."
"It's outrageous that the government is demanding she hand over her editorial notes."
"It's outrageous and a violation of human rights."
"Your outrage should never blind you to the lost and hurting people around you."
"Dehumanizing each other has become the norm. We've allowed leaders to reach power selling the false premise that strength comes from degrading others." - Facing a poisoned country filled with outrage.
"It's the job of investigative reporting to hold people accountable... to test and affirm what is an outrage to people."
"The Kent State massacre sparked outrage and protest across the country."
"Stop with the outrage, you guys do the same thing."
"Some of you have got to go, and I mean holy [ __ ] what he did honestly."
"Outrageous behavior always gets attention in a big public fashion, better than not being noticed at all."
"Tragedy would visit the Matthews family in a way that sparked National mourning and deep running outrage."
"Spread this indictment like wildfire; power to the players indeed, motherfucker!"
"We live in an outrage culture, a culture of victimhood."
"Absolutely outrageous what he's just done there."
"The internet gets angry at the most random things."
"If objective morality does not exist, then all the outrage we feel merely reflects our preferences and opinions."
"That's real censorship on a certain level. You're outraged and you're injured and you really want vengeance and retribution and recognition and everything else."
"It's insane. As a son of legal Haitian immigrants, I am outraged."
"This is one of the most foul, egregious, disrespectful, crazy things that I've seen in my lifetime."
"When Romney says that they are acting outraged over everything... If everything is outrage then nothing is an outrage."
"What a piece of [ __ ] of a human being, man. Absolutely, I can't... I don't think there's words to describe someone who'd kidnap their own nephew, cut their finger off and kill him for some money."
"Everybody should be outraged. This should be beyond politics. Everybody should be outraged, and if you're not outraged, you're blinded by politics or you're a useful idiot tool for that banana republic."
"There's a special place in freaking out from what they've done to Britney and her children and her friends as well."
"There's a difference between being outraged for views and wanting to affect change."
"The fact that this has been allowed to persist within the American judicial system is a disgusting outrage and a crime in and of itself."
"The New South Wales public were outraged when they heard about this matter."
"Why do I have a frame on the Russian news? What the [__]!"
"Are you going to be outraged at the horrors that exist or are you going to be outraged at the people who are outraged by the horrors that they confront?"
"Shame? How about disgust? She freaking spiked your drink, dude!"
"It's astounding people should be outraged by this."
"It's a fucking disgrace. It's a disgrace there's no other way to put this."
"Heartless bastard! She was just a little girl!"
"My garbage person is Reuben Varus Tagui, a former senior ad designer for the Republican National Committee who called the sexual abuse of babies his quote absolute favorite."
"We are always outraged all the time, and we know what we're against, but we didn't know what we were for anymore."
"I have a limited capacity for outrage and anger, and there's too many injustices happening against people for me to be as upset about this as so many other people are."
"The Proclamation of 1763 caused outrage in the colonies. It ignored their chartered land grants and effectively abandoned the colonial settlements that already existed beyond the Allegheny Mountains."
"The idea that someone would kill their own kid pisses me off."
"Don't wait till somebody dies to be outraged."
"5 to 10 years for the death of your child is literally less than a slap on the freaking wrist."
"It is one thing to not like a present and not use it or whatever even getting a refund for it if possible is okay in my book however giving it away as another present for next Christmas or whatever is just outrageous."
"Justice will only be served when those unaffected are as equally as outraged as those who are."
"United States Attorney Melvin McDonald was outraged that the Poland Brothers might get away with murder."
"Absolutely vile situation. It makes me physically sick to think that there's actually individuals out there who would intentionally do something like this to children."
"Bro, how could someone do something this evil in broad daylight and just get away?"
"How could someone do something this evil in broad daylight and just get away?"
"This is outrageous! The grown-up won't help us."
"If you channel the sense of outrage... you can channel it to change."
"It's absolutely outrageous that child care is so ludicrously expensive in this country."
"I suggest we get fucking mad and we do something about it and we let people know that they can't get away with this shit and we vote the fucking out of them out of office."
"It seems like recreational outrage that comes about because of Twitter is one of the most addictive things I've ever witnessed people take part in."
"You will be shocked, you will be stunned, you will be outraged."
"I think in my personal opinion that these leaks were never true... I think that these were fake leaks that were put out there to generate outrage..."
"It's outrageous how this car sounds."
"What a [ __ ] joke! An absolute disgrace."
"People are practically having a stroke over whether somebody else is eating a food that they don't agree with."
"You do not assault a child, whether your own or others. How dare you splash my child like that?"
"If it's proven true, which it seems like it is, it's crazy snitching. He got his boy arrested."
"I just want to say now if the roles were reversed here and this was a male supervillain tying down a female superhero to a bed post regardless if there was or there wasn't a sexual context in said situation there would be outrage."
"Afghans have been outraged by civilian deaths."
"This is so wrong, this is awful, this is wrong, and it's not okay."
"Abuse is no goddamn joke and it infuriates me as it should any morally upright person."
"Can you imagine bringing your pet to a mall only to then have someone literally try to steal it from you? Like seriously, I think I would lose my mind if someone tried that on me. There's no way that's gonna happen in the slightest."
"...every Christian ought to be outraged and scandalized by what Mark Driscoll has done."
"No, I never saw him before, but I did see him shot by someone in that car that went by, and I think it's outrageous that such things can happen in this city."
"Just assumes that its readership will be outraged, yeah."
"As the video went viral, public outrage grew, demanding answers and accountability."
"Cersei was outraged at his appearance and lack of a right hand but lets him take her right then and there next to that noble child's buyer."
"The inhumane conditions at this prison prompted outrage from Human Rights organizations and the United Nations."
"We're outraged by 911... that presupposes that there exists a standard of good that is objectively real."
"Outrageous how they try to get away with it, pretending this is totally normal."
"I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged. My conscience held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree."
"Users were outraged they felt betrayed that the AI girlfriends they had spent so much time and money on had become something entirely different."
"This is not right. This is an outrage."
"A small child is said to have grabbed the head and passed it back up to the executioner kind of like do you want your ball back absolutely outrageous youths youths absolutely staggering."
"What a pair of bastards, what a pair of sex offenders."
"Black forgiveness, white outrage, the astonished, breath-holding, pearl-clutching moment."
"It's alarming that this person exists and is respected and has a platform, yep, like this huge platform. Oh my God, he's worth 20 million, that is like atrocious, what the [ __ ]."
"That's very bizarre to me, yeah, and it's like many people have spoken out against Stephen, just like dude, what the [ __ ] is wrong with you? You have children, this guy has two daughters, yeah, yeah, so yeah, the dude's a major piece of [ __ ]."
"How do you feel about this situation at the border? It's monstrous [ __ ] discussing."
"It is sickening. It is absolutely just gut-wrenching that our system works like this."
"If you want to be really mad, The Outlaw Ocean project... just landed a talking Emmy Award last week."
"Rape is an outrage that cannot be tolerated in civilized society."
"The murder of Mr. Nijjar at the Scott Road Gurdwara was outrageous and reprehensible."
"For whatever reason, the lady calling the police on the man in Central Park has got my blood boiling."
"It was unfathomable that someone could just swoop in and snatch away our history with a few scrolled signatures and a pile of cash. It was almost obscene."
"It's outrageous when you think about poverty, war, and injustice on this planet."
"Daddy being mean to Mommy, that's outrageous. I'll avenge Mommy."
"It's a goddamn travesty that they robbed us."
"All this outrage and people talking about how much they care about humanity, all of it's kind of [ __ ]."
"Are we to become outraged only when beloved people are murdered?"
"The alleged victim's testimony was deemed 'very credible' but officials claimed that she wouldn't testify in court, making the odds of a guilty verdict unlikely. It was a convenient excuse and the public was outraged."
"But what if I can get the jury to share Reardon's outrage by putting the system of justice on trial?"
"This is their blood, this is their hatred, this is their destruction, this is their anti-Africaness, this is their theft, this is their debauchery, this is their genocide."
"Following months of outrage, the Pentagon finally reversed course."
"It's silly, we do this break probably once every couple of months, and the parents are outraged."
"If the verdict and the OJ Simpson murder trial outraged you because you feel that a double murderer walked out of a courtroom much like this one a free man, don't feel alone. Approximately 70% of all Americans feel the same way."
"Can you imagine if someone, if that baby was born early and they threw an eight-month-old baby off of a bridge? Something like that, everyone there would be an uproar, there would be an absolute uproar."
"Indian citizens heard about this article, got understandably mad, and did an internet search to try and find the comic."
"I'm not even mad about you attacking him the first time. I'm mad that you're using his corpse as a weapon. What is wrong with you?"
"Quite shocked about the human trafficking."
"It was a truly disgusting and outrageous case filled with corruption and evil."
"It's crazy it's outrageous actually is what it is."
"It is an outrage that people can take over people's lives when they obviously haven't got their own lives in order."
"The problem with this is if this had been done to a Christian graveyard, if this had been done to a Shinto graveyard, to a Buddhist graveyard, people would be outraged."
"... and thus, rage baiting is born."
"I am outraged because I cannot imagine a more inhumane policy than one that entices vulnerable migrants to turn over their life savings, their families, their kids, to criminal smuggling organizations."
"This has been a robbery, I tell you."
"How dare you... how f***ing dare you."
"My heart is with the people who are going to show up there tomorrow in the midst of that. This is an absolute outrage."
"One of the things that outraged me so much is that she voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which tries to protect women from stalking, from date rape, from domestic violence."
"I've really just been so outraged by the misinformation and the scaremongering."
"Putin was outraged after the bombings in Moscow. Those bombings in Moscow caused a lot of different reactions among politicians." - Pavlovsky
"Cancel culture is fake as hell, and the outrage is fake."
"You definitely want to pursue this both criminally and civilly because it's outrageous."
"Yes, absolutely. Having the audacity to try to have me killed for doing my job is just a moral outrage."
"The visceral outrage a lot of viewers have against Marina and Edwina is particularly absurd."
"Outraged and a burning desire for justice."
"Few people cared about the truth, what they cared about was outrage and political opportunities."
"Many guests were outraged by this."
"The Tea Party was an expression of the public’s outrage with what seemed to be a very cozy relationship between government and business."
"Your level of rightness equals the level of your outrage."
"What it should do is it should make you outraged. Outraged that we're living in a society, in a time like this, where the evil one, where the dragon and his forces have managed to completely pull the wool over people's eyes."
"Get angry! Man, I'm so ticked off, I can't even tell you. How dare you come in this place? How dare you show up? How dare you do this? Outrage! Outrage! How dare you take a five-year-old and implant him? How dare you do that?"
"This appalling, unforgivable, despicable act hits more than one raw nerve for me."
"This is outrageous this is unacceptable it's the kind of behavior that occurs in banana republics not in the United States of America."
"This is outrageous. This is absolutely outrageous."
"...it is time, past time for outrage. We know how important it is to eat well; we have rigged the food supply, making it damn near impossible to do."
"The very nature of the unpardonable sin is that the Spirit is outraged."
"Step away from outrage, it only fuels the cycle of despair."
"It's an outrage. It's an incredible system and it destroys lives, it destroys communities."
"I think that the laity are totally outraged. I think that's where the church is going to be in serious trouble."
"That's outrageous that you were paid $3,500 and sold 35,000 copies."
"The entire assorted business of hurt feelings and outrage is being monitored."
"We now live in a culture of calling out, a culture of outrage, and you should call people out, you should be outraged, but always remember context and never disregard intent."
"We're surrounded by crazy. I go online and I get so outraged and offended by stupidity. I'm surrounded by fools. And I was taught this very early: without alcohol and drugs, how can you begin to give yourself a chance to grow and develop and live?"
"Who does this? What kind of a person does this?"
"How the F can a book cost a student $400? What the f that's outrageous."
"Gun violence has become normal in Durham, North Carolina, and people are fed up. It's horrible."
"The suppression and the silencing of people is absolutely insane. It's criminal as far as I'm concerned."
"Social media becomes an outrage generating platform."
"Most of the initial outrage is based off of a fundamental misunderstanding of a common practice within the Music Industry."
"The biggest sticking point to me in the whole experience of that whole revictimization process was not mattering, that my story didn't matter, that little girl who this happened to did not matter, that outraged me."
"He did it, for God's sake! He threw acid on a beautiful young girl's face!"
"It's just outrageous that we're even having this discussion at all."
"Like disgusting to me how he created this situation."
"It's outrageous. That's enough to kill every human in the United States."
"What the [ __ ] is wrong with some people? Like, it really takes a special kind of piece of [ __ ] to do that to a child."
"It's so unfair how the evidence was presented. They left out so much evidence that the city of Houston should be in uproar."
"Selective outrage is a real thing."
"Outrage is like a lot of other things that feel good, but over time devour us from the inside out."
"The nation's grief quickly turned into outrage."
"This outrage should come as no surprise, knowing the history between Japan and Korea."
"People need to be more outraged about this."
"Every time you resort to outrage for an easy million views or a few hundred thousand likes on an Instagram post, it leaves an irreversible stain on your already tarnished legacy."
"No single person could ever have inflicted such an outrage upon him."
"Poisoned children is something we were all justifiably outraged by."
"I'm sticking with outraged," Kinkajou said. "Hello, I'm a vegetarian. There is so no need to shoot me, of all dragons."
"I wouldn't lie," Moon said, looking outraged.
"When a child is attacked, it naturally provokes a special sense of outrage."
"I have been quiet for the past few days not because I haven't been disgusted and outraged."
"Slavery is really an outrage; it's a monstrous injustice."
"It's quite frankly outrageous when insulin was discovered almost a hundred years ago, it was given to humans within a couple of months and became a drug within a year or so."
"All of these disasters have led to very quick and immediate outrage and action to change practices."
"The outrage was predictable, as ritualistic as Sunday church."