
Humanization Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"We should not dehumanize each other like this to this extent."
"Just talking with people humanizes the issue and takes it down from us versus them."
"As much as I felt in the movie, like it wasn't perfect, the best part of the entire movie, in addition to Brendan Fraser's acting, was the portrayal of Charlie as extremely humanizing."
"Look, they're packaging the toys, but look at the toys. The toys are players. These are people that they're turning into toys."
"But what if I told you that billionaire had two children... What really shifted the public's empathy was, of course, not just imagining yourself in that submersible running out of air for those 40 hours, but also the humanization of everyone on board."
"I learned that you can make software feel humanly; you just got to dial in and take the time and move, adjust, tweak, move this."
"I shouldn't gloat over his suffering. I should remember that somewhere, somebody probably loves this kid."
"Being a good person also means to be nice to everybody. It doesn't just because someone has a different view, you can't demonize them and turn them into a nonhuman."
"He deserves to be there, but he's still human."
"We enjoy the suffering of successful people because we want to see them humanized."
"That sounds dehumanizing but I don't think it is. I think it's about creating actually a much healthier environment to work in."
"The more you humanize something the more impossible really it is for a person to hate that particular thing."
"Celebrities are people too, and they don't just exist to be looked at in the spotlight." - Catholic Talk Show
"Humanization of your opponents is in no way mutually exclusive with thinking they do harm to the world."
"Despite his flaws you can still be a hero Sam Raimi did a good job showing how human Peter Parker really is when he's not the inspired man."
"I have to put a human face on these tragedies."
"Humanizing elected officials can be a good thing, as long as we're not doing it so that they can escape responsibility."
"Mutual humanization starts with talking to one another."
"It is very much possible to honor [parents and family] and also people that we can humanize and that we can understand on a human level."
"In order to solve these things we have to humanize everybody we actually we have to it's not a killer it's a childhood killed it's a childhood something monstrous it's not a monster that people are more than their crimes."
"Our future is our partnership with these machines... in order to have that future work we have to think about how to humanize them."
"Storytelling matters because it humanizes people."
"Humanizing them is not condoning or forgiving them humanizing them is treating people and portraying people the way they really are as a cautionary tale to others that just because somebody looks and acts a certain way you shouldn't trust them."
"We have to get real with each other. Remember that these people out here are just people, they're human beings."
"They are not animals as folks are led to believe but a people having reasoning and cognitive thinking."
"Representation matters to see and to hear ourselves on screen humanizes us to ourselves and it humanizes us to others."
"Once you humanize these great historical figures... their greatness instead of being diminished is actually enhanced."
"Ultimately, the number one part of my job is to try to humanize these athletes."
"It's trying to humanize and I think in a cool way my listeners have loved the new kind of version of call her daddy."
"When your favorite artists become so big, they stop being human to people."
"The more work we do to put human faces to the crisis we're facing, the more impact we will have."
"He's just a man, he's just a person, he is not the boogeyman."
"At some point, we need to stop looking at these people as scientific reports in a book."
"As long as we humanize our immigration process and as long as we allow amnesty for people that are here, we could literally have a larger labor force."
"Maybe we should also humanize the citizen, right? We all want the same thing, we all want respect and to be treated with dignity."
"I'm always interested in humanizing our ancestors, humanizing the past."
"There's nothing more humanizing than knowing someone's name."
"I think it's great that I and others relate to characters of a different race. I think it's very humanizing to each other, so I think it's actually very important to be able to do."
"Yuasa has made his characters feel more human."
"The female gaze sees men as people, not objects."
"I hope to humanize the Afrikaner people and show that they're not just these statistics."
"If you come into our communities, humanize the stories, humanize these experiences, that's how we're truly going to make a difference."
"You deserve more because what I deserve should be much deeper, much more meaningful, much more valuable, and a lot more what I want."
"I really like how the MCU has humanized these characters."
"Humanizing your ideological opponents... It's much easier to hate somebody's ideas or what they believe in, but to also hate them as well... it's much easier to be on hating somebody's ideas or what they believe in."
"They had real lives, they were real people, they're not just a story."
"Virtual YouTubers are just people like you and me and deserve the same respect as everyone else."
"His transformation from being a cold-hearted pure evil villain to having human characteristics is really something."
"I want people to respect Donald Trump's humanity."
"In a way, it humanizes them, for although unlike those of us in base humanity in so many ways, they are nevertheless still our kin."
"Thanks to Narumi-san, I think I evolved from a complete robot into something more human."
"Drama as a content creator: if it's about you, you always avoid it."
"Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign, but stories can also be used to empower and to humanize."
"Treating the character as a human being frankly as simple as that."
"These people are real people. They're not just rich people."
"Transparency allows you to humanize people a lot more... it's really important to see people as human."
"They're just people and frankly they don't deserve all of the [ __ ] they get sometimes."
"I think they see you much more as people than you'd expect."
"We need to humanize people so that we can recognize that we can be those people."
"When you can put a face, you know what I mean, to these people that were really before the unsung heroes... I mean, the Intel Community people are deep inside."
"Ace's final hours are spent with Batman, arguably the only person to ever treat the psychic as a human being rather than a weapon."
"It's up to us to use social media to continue the narrative and to humanize the narrative."
"Freedom has the face of a human being, it's not a wool black hoodie."
"It was a very humanizing moment and I think it was important, especially given what our country looks like right now, to see that people on opposing sides can sit down and actually be real and genuine and like each other."
"Don't put the power over them, they're just another human being just like you and me."
"You can hate the cult, you can hate the religion, but recognize that the people... shouldn't be blamed for it."
"Humanization is the key... it's the medicine for cast."
"That vulnerability has humanized Primoz Roglic in my eyes."
"Superman's stories are best told when there's a way to kind of bring him down to humanity's level and make it look like he's really not that different from us."
"I understand the importance of emphasizing that people who followed the Nazi ideology were still people. They weren't unknowable monsters, they were human."
"At the end of the day, we are not slot machines, we are basketball players."
"It's not a skeleton, it's not a grave, it's a person."
"You know what that's great it's really great to admire somebody to look up to them but you know what now imagine them sitting on the can taking a [expletive]."
"Police officers have to be allowed to be human beings."
"Let's not forget these are individuals, they're human beings."
"I think it's important to empathize and humanize the situation when someone brings this up."
"Pro wrestlers are human beings, made of flesh and bone and blood like everybody else."
"To me, I don't think it was necessarily a bad thing that Kim Burrell spoke out about this because it kind of humanizes Beyonce in a way."
"People like doing business with people, not businesses."
"Lift the curtain off of the computer screen is what humanizes the Rainbow Six Siege community."
"You can actually humanize me past being a reality TV star."
"Because of a machine, a Terminator can learn the value of human life. Maybe we can too."
"It's what we all need right now, to humanize the so frequently dehumanized."
"We need more conversation and we need to start seeing people not as avatars who need to be destroyed but actually as somebody else over the other side who has their own way of looking at things."
"We need to humanize the person that commits these crimes."
"Design has always been something that humanizes technology."
"To humanize AI content, please like the video, subscribe to the channel, and I'll see you in the next one."
"It creates this sense of interconnectedness and really humanizes these people that are traditionally meant to seem larger than life."
"...Dick Grayson is Batman's anchor humanizing the Dark Knight grounding him and making him a far more relatable character."
"It humanizes Capone, doesn't shy away from the brutality of his life, but it makes him more of a human being than Hollywood biopics are ever likely to do."
"Making midi notes sound more human, because when we start to quantize notes, it starts sounding a little machine-like."
"His cats are engaging and endearing and more human than many humans."
"A humanized city with clean and efficient public transportation."
"Evil in some ways becomes more horrifying when the evil person is humanized."
"Recognizing that someone is your friend and humanizing them helped me tremendously."
"...in a world full of automation, it is very, very easy for you to be highlighted as being a human."
"Roman reigns carries with him a lot of toxic baggage which is a shame because there's someone very human buried deep inside the trademark of Roman reigns and his name is Joe."
"I hope that 'Feel Good' humanizes addiction a little bit. I hope it makes us think about addiction a bit differently, and then, yeah, I just hope people are entertained by it, you know?"
"I think there'll be a push for like more human touch to things."
"Humanizing Crazy 8 and accurately portraying the realistic dilemma of taking another human life forever grounded the show for me."
"Humanizing evil characters is not an easy thing to do."
"It served its purpose to humanize Batman a little bit more, and that was the goal."
"I 100% agree. You know, um, you can't even say her name Becky. She's a human being, she's a real person."
"It made AI more human, it made it more able to communicate back and forth with us by doing a better job mimicking us and understanding us, which is amazing."
"This opposed coldblooded and ruthless war machine is becoming more and more humanized."
"...every one of those numbers is a person a person with a life and friends family fear aspirations and an innate humanist that demands respect for these lives."
"Social media also humanizes your brand."
"...it's all to do with basic human psychology. As humans, we find it easier to connect with things if we humanize them..."
"Names humanize the enslaved and their descendants."
"Imagine, if that was a human, let's go to the human beings."
"Men are not magical tickets, they're people."
"Saints are human right and because there is a lot of movies on Saints that just kind of glorify them and they do not show the human elements."
"I wanted to show that inside the superhero costume were feet of clay, that they are human."
"Being able to criticize your own side when they are genuinely being stupid, I think that that humanizes you as well."
"A villain can be humanized by creating a bigger villain. Just kill a dog."
"Creating engaging content on LinkedIn humanizes your brand."
"People are going to be surprised at how human the Bots seem."
"The show isn't trying to paint anything anyway, like no one of anything. They're humanizing it more. Yeah, like they're actually making it harder to paint things, which I think, especially as a historical drama, that is kind of the best way to approach it."
"It is the theory of humanization, as the philosopher Richard Rorty put it, it is the instinct in so many of us, in moments of pressure and in a climate of insecurity, to begin to define human as people like us and human rights as the rights of people like us."
"Humanization is done through intent and effort and execution... Technology has empowered us to be more human."
"Sandra is the first person to really treat Todd like a human, and so he has to respond and behave like a human in her presence."
"Inmates are human. I mean, they are people just like everyone else."
"...artists are really endeavoring to do during the early Renaissance is to secularize these holy subjects and to make them a lot more human."
"...the problem with porn isn't that it shows too much... the problem with porn... is that it shows far too little of the human person..."
"In other words, the realization that people are people in themselves rather than either things to be idealized or to become abject."
"My goal was to humanize and empathize on a lot of levels..."
"...because in a lot of ways, when we talk about once again humanizing and empathizing with the brothers in the manosphere..."
"It's just a fun little time for all of us to kind of humanize ourselves."
"You are selling to people. Human beings are the ones that are driving that data."
"...the more human it gets the more intelligent it is."
"Let's think of them as people, as humans who get hungry and who get tired and thirsty and who care about their loved ones at home."
"For millions of us, Anne's diary put a human face to the horrors of the Holocaust."
"You have to treat the people that work for you with respect. You can't dehumanize them and make them feel no type of way."
"Hindus are generally very comfortable with the idea that God can be intensely human in appearance and behavior."
"It's annoying... treat them like humans."
"I think one of the best things about Game of Thrones all the books specifically is the way they humanize even people you wouldn't normally think about."
"For me, in a weird way, this is a humanizing moment for endeavor because we actually get the benefit of seeing it."
"Separate your sexuality from all that might humanize it. To humanize the desire is not to deny the desire, but to allow love and justice to guide and direct it."
"It humanized you and made it not just about the search for some notorious guy."
"Don't be afraid to meet celebrities, they're people too."
"They're not afraid of treating Batman like a human being."
"I'm fine with other people do, but for me that humanizes the experience."
"It puts a human face on the perpetration of the Holocaust which has been absent in Germany until now."
"She brought him down to human dimensions."
"There was a book about 20 years ago called 'Complications' that brought the concept of doctors being these lofty super intelligent objective altruistic non-fallible humans down a few notches."
"I started using first name terms... because he's a person."
"It was a gripping book, and it humanized this gigantic battle."
"A drama obviously makes the victims of this very human."
"This is basically a really cool way to get humanization in your clips."
"You can actually humanize technology by really bringing conversations into the way you do your stuff."
"Now let me show you how we can humanize this."
"The great thing about the book is that it talks about technology a lot, they're really in the service of humanizing medicine."
"The more I spoke to them, the more I humanized them."
"Claimants should not feel as if they are a case number rather than a person."
"We're talking about how to make society better by humanizing everyone."
"One of my hopes is to actually humanize investment."
"We've got to start humanizing investment and policy."
"I think humanizing people is a good approach."
"Humanize yourself and humanize that debt collector as much as you can."
"Patients are not fish, they're people. Real people."
"Comedy and drama help humanize; they help you care about the people that are going through these kind of high stakes things."
"The reason that Star Trek is important to every scientist you meet, to every JPL engineer, is because it humanizes it through personal exploration."
"It does very humanize her in a way that hasn't really been to me yet."
"It really humanizes the whole thing."
"The Storm presents Zuko with much-needed humanization."
"The movie was about the humanization of Harry, not just seeing him as a Bigfoot creature but as a dignified being."
"It serves to humanize Jason to a certain degree, to prove that he's not just some indestructible zombie."
"These are not lofty skills; these are everyday practical skills and their skills of humanization."
"It's very poignant, in fact, because the expression is retained, so it's almost as if he's looking back at us."
"Emotional and enormous humbling was how quickly he became not an object to be measured and looked at but became a person that you're trying to unravel."
"The entire history of religion can be seen as one long, ever-evolving, cohesive attempt to increasingly humanize that God until God just becomes human."
"One of the jobs of the lawyer is to humanize the client."
"The world has to be transformed to make it human."
"It's so important in helping you humanize it and understand and empathize."
"This is about humanizing you as a man."
"I love Jesus. I want to be like him, but I'm not praying to him. He's a man."
"I think we have to view these individuals as human beings."
"This is one of the most human takes on Frank Castle, and Jon Bernthal killed it."
"He humanized the Soviet Union; after Yuri Gagarin and his journey, maybe people didn't associate the Soviet Union just with Stalin and Beria and the other henchmen."
"God is intensely human; he becomes like us so that on some level we can understand and relate to him through his deeds and pastimes."
"People often anthropomorphize their pets - treat them as if they were human by giving them human characteristics."
"We've had this conversation on the show before, but it kind of humanizes a lot of what you see in the world."
"Throughout all of these examples, we see how Fellini humanizes people we normally overlook and creates sympathy towards their place in the world."
"Not only does a lovable mutt serve to humanize an otherwise larger than life figure, but their cute antics can also be a great distraction when needed."
"They start to humanize themselves by talking about what happened to them and their sadness, their abuse, their regret, and their guilt."
"Jack has lost all that sense of fear and most of the respect for doctors and nurses and just treats us as he should do, I suppose, like ordinary human beings."
"I'm just happy that the people are being humanized."
"Make business human... think about it as relationships, not just transactions."
"Just like that, we've created a much more casual, street style pose that looks a lot more human-like and less robotic."
"In King Arthur's Round Table we have the humanized cosmos."
"The essence of politics is coming together in order to act in unison; when you're engaging with people, you inevitably humanize them."
"...that humanized him for me, they inspired you to do this, didn't they?"
"Belonging requires us to go beyond stopping the bleeding, to creating real conditions that equally humanize people."
"It's the human face of Robotics that we actually really like."
"We are more deeply humanized the more fully we conform ourselves to God's will for us."
"In order to humanize you, you need to humanize me."
"You can really humanize your music by making use of these features."
"Our job is made significantly easier by the fact that our writers are truly invested in the humanization of these women."
"I love when the show adds little human touches to the characters."
"See me as human, see the girls as human, the same way because we all are human."