
Police Reform Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"The explicitly pro-white position would be to support BLM because they were only advocating for restraints on police behavior and violence which would protect white people as well."
"If the damage done by the protests ended up leading to police reform or to a radical restructuring of our criminal justice system, or even made it more likely that Biden won over Trump, then yes, I would consider all of those things absolutely a worthwhile outcome."
"We need police reform. There's no question about this."
"I am urging every mayor in this country to review your use of force policies with members of your community and commit to report on planned reforms."
"Systemic improvements can be made when it comes to police brutality."
"If we truly want to support our officers and back the blue, we need to be willing to address the broken police system."
"You cannot have true justice when chokeholds and knees on the neck are still being considered legitimate in some places."
"The ultimate issue is fixing all those underlying problems [behind police violence]."
"We demand that the Seattle City Council and the mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached criminal justice apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police."
"I've been saying we need to abolish American policing as it currently exists. It doesn't work."
"George Floyd should not go down in history as someone with a knee on his neck but as someone who broke the chain of police brutality and illegality."
"In the UK, it's police which are leading the reform debate now. We've had an influence, and now we've got police and crime commissioners and senior police talking about the same things that we've been saying for years."
"If we can reduce the amount of force that any officer uses, it was worth having this discussion."
"Yeah, no innocent person of any conceivable background should be killed by a cop."
"This verdict reinforces significant police reforms underway in Minneapolis."
"If the police becomes more concerned about PR image and legal cases, then you know that country is in a bit of trouble."
"Ending racial violence and increasing police accountability."
"We are going to be the generation that stops police brutality now and forever."
"Don't let them run that police reform game on you. We don't need no police reform. Police reform basically, that's the low-key way of rewarding police."
"There needs to be more psychological screening for police officers."
"This is a huge deal and really I think a transformative moment for the police."
"Our founding fathers didn't fight for tyrants just for us to give the government undying loyalty while the police hurt people, that is facts."
"Stop the riots, stop the protest, let's stop this, let's stop police brutality."
"Civil asset forfeiture is not the cause of this situation or even necessarily the worst example of it, but that is the situation nonetheless. And that is why today, not only the Dallas Police Department but civil asset forfeiture is also canceled."
"The way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police."
"The issue here has never been more training, the issue is police culture."
"The majority of your base is very passionate about police brutality and police reform."
"Vice President Biden has been very clear that police reform in this country is a necessity and that unarmed Black people being killed by the police should be low-hanging fruit."
"My bill will stop at no-knock warrants where they just barge into your house unannounced."
"This institutionalized police culture that suggests you can do this to people in certain communities cannot be tolerated."
"The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police."
"Defund the police means different things to different people... and the reason why we kind of went with that was because it's something that abolitionists and reformists can kind of agree to disagree on."
"I think defunding the police or demilitarizing the police needs the structure of how policing exists in America itself needs to be restructured."
"We got to stop allowing police officers to be able to move from one department to the next."
"You can want the police to stop crime in your neighborhood and also want them to stop using excessive force. You can want them to hunt down a killer on your streets and also want them to stop using racial profiling."
"America is not going to be able to fix this problem until we have police whose first priority is protecting and serving the people instead of protecting and serving themselves."
"Defunding the police is not some aberration, some extremity, some unwise move."
"When I look at state brutality, I look at that like it what it is. They don't make it no better if they swap the racer that God has whooping up that don't make it no better, we will play replace it with the woke police."
"We're not talking about defunding the police, we're talking about holding them accountable."
"We will immediately ban chokeholds and carotid holes. George Floyd would be alive today if we did that." - Senator Harris
"We want to defund the police, we want to end policing, which is a conversation that hasn't been made before on a public level, on a mainstream level."
"We're on the verge of passing tremendous and historical police reform."
"There has to be transparency and accountability in America's police departments to make sure that these individual and institutional tragedies that keep happening to black Americans stop happening."
"We need to reform the police, not defund or abolish them."
"There's no way to fix it at this point in time. Police reform, not police defunding, is the way to go."
"I fully respect the will of the people when they don't want cops."
"Demilitarize the police... Every time they militarize these police departments, they go nuts."
"We want police accountability, we want police reform."
"If you want real reform, get rid of bad cops. Bad cops are 80% of your police problems."
"Perhaps the answer is actually to let people defend themselves and also respect police but reform them."
"Maybe it's time that police do leave. You've probably heard me say it ad nauseum over the past week. Many cops have. It's not just self-preservation. Perhaps because many of the good cops are leaving, so we'll leave you with bad cops."
"It's just an important thing to reiterate. Anytime you get, because that was such an important topic of discussion for three years, my defunding the police is like a solution. I think you can already see the effects of defunding the police."
"If you root this stuff out, if you call one police officer responsible, that does trickle down, that does send a message. I do think we can remake these departments."
"Defunding the police means shrinking the scope of police responsibilities."
"We can't allow bad officers to rule the day... it starts with these good cops getting these bad seeds out of here."
"No one's against good cops we need good cops people are against inhumane disgusting pieces of garbage like this."
"Defund the police is not about taking money away from all policing. It's about reprioritizing what policing means to a community." - Dr. Rashad Richard
"Defunding the police does not mean no police at all, it means reallocating funds."
"I support a world in which police and prisons and surveillance are not the only answer that we have to our problems."
"Individuals who are unarmed should not be killed by the police if the cop's life is not in danger, period."
"All I'm saying is that cops need to move out of a subjective standard and into an objective standard like all of us."
"Police accountability is the core of this discussion."
"The police were born out of slave patrols; we need a new radical approach to public safety."
"It's my hope that if there is any silver lining to be drawn from this very dark cloud, it's that perhaps this incident can open a broader conversation about the need for police reform."
"Structures and institutions can be racist. It's not about the individual. We have a racist police system in this country that gets away with murder."
"You're not going to incentivize the FOP to change their culture. You're only going to do that through accountability." - Rob Richardson
"Injustice and violence during police academy training will not produce great police personnel but will only make them more aggressive after graduating."
"Body cam policy: officers should not be able to turn them off."
"You still are not going to acknowledge the fact that the defund the police concept was brought up by and constantly reaffirmed by some of the most powerful Democrats in America."
"Police brutality is an issue and it should be properly addressed."
"I served 23 year Public Safety career... Reform and rebuilding, yes. Defunding, no."
"Officials touted it as a way to improve community policing."
"Let's talk about things like body cameras, tackling police unions, higher standards for officers."
"Defund the police... the whole system in itself needs to be blown up."
"When somebody says all lives matter, it means they're for nobody getting shot erroneously by the police."
"Ned Kelly, the man, the myth, the legend, who did the impossible: making police reform actually happen. Booyah, right?"
"We should delegate every single other job done by the police to a different department."
"Defund the police is actually the middle ground."
"Re-prioritize the budget and reimagine what policing can be."
"It's about reimagining what police actually do."
"We should not have to fear for our lives because of these modern-day slave catchers known as the police."
"The closest thing that we could do to preserving the institution of the police as a transitionary step while actually ethically dealing with the problems they currently have is third party oversight for every major police department in the country."
"People are smart enough to know when people have said 'defund the police,' they mean shifting of resources."
"Any cop who doesn't come out now and say this is disgusting and we need reform of the police, you're part of the problem."
"It is up to us to police these people ourselves, we have to gather intel on these white supremacists within law enforcement."
"If you want to fix policing, you have to hire cops, you have to train them differently, and hold them accountable."
"Bad cops should and need to be held accountable. Do you want to advocate for certain reforms? I'm all ears. But defunding the police is a nonsensical idea that can't and shouldn't and thankfully won't happen in this country."
"It's indicative of a community of cops that has corruption at its core and it needs to be weeded out."
"Collectively the changes made since the Hillsborough disaster... aimed to ensure the terrible police failures... can never happen again."
"Thank you, Vice President. In March, Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old emergency room technician in Louisville, was shot and killed after police officers executing a search warrant in a narcotics investigation broke into her apartment."
"We need revolutionary change... struggles against police violence continue."
"They won't even admit the knife is there right so until they do that there is no progress absolutely defund the police defund the police and I'll leave it there."
"Police officers are held to a lower standard when it comes to killing us."
"Police officers are showing up to 9-1-1 calls responding to domestic challenges that quite frankly should have a mental health support person there."
"I'm not okay with this idea that we're gonna burn the whole thing down."
"We can reform the police and bring good cops on, but the demonization has resulted in good cops quitting."
"There is no reform or transformation that can fix this. We have to start over."
"Police abolition works, police reform doesn't. Period."
"The message comes from an urgent need to tackle police brutality."
"Defund the police came from activists not politicians."
"I support defunding the police, I support abolishing the police."
"Defunding the police doesn't mean what you think it means."
"Creating a public safety ecosystem that does not rely solely on police."
"Defund the police in the sense that take some of these responsibilities away from the cops and put it into other areas."
"We shouldn't be accepting a reality which people are being killed by the police because they had a knife that doesn't happen in other countries it is not acceptable."
"Our lives have historically not mattered to the cops, can you please stop shooting us?"
"Defunding the police is literally one of the most American things you can do. Our forefathers did it."
"In 2014 or 2015, officer Chauvin probably would have been placed on administrative leave... so the fact that officer Chauvin and the other three officers were fired immediately by the mayor of Minneapolis is the kind of measurable difference."
"Communities have taken to the streets to protest police brutality."
"Reform or completely getting rid of police and figuring out what is the new way."
"We need to dismantle the current policing system in America and rebuild it into something that's more restorative justice."
"The only way to make sure cops don't murder civilians during minor traffic stops is to not do minor traffic stops at all."
"A growing number of cities are no longer enforcing minor traffic stops. This is real. Why? Because cops keep killing people."
"Defund the police does not mean there should never be police, it means that there should be police who know how to be compassionate, who know how to be responsive, who have been trained."
"In a perfect world, I would like to see the yearly number of unarmed Americans killed by police decrease from 55 to zero."
"This is about structural racism within these police forces, and that has to be addressed."
"Let's finish the job on police reform. Do something."
"The only solution is to organize and build relationships led by people who are directly impacted by police violence."
"Let's not send an armed cop there, let's send somebody there who's maybe specifically trained and like you know specifically prepared for situations like this."
"It's hard to get police reform when the left is unwilling to meet the right halfway on police unions."
"I think defunding the police is a good idea overall and we need to refund."
"We went from an administration where the police could do basically nothing wrong to an administration where people understand structural racism."
"It's better to send a mental health professional than a police officer with a gun."
"I will end the weaponization of police power in America. Time to stop complaining and actually fix the problem without apology."
"This verdict will change policing or prosecution of police in the U.S. I think that it would have made things worse had he not been convicted."
"After years of investigation, California's attorney general announced an agreement with a West Coast Police Department to build trust."
"Police seem to lack that ability, they lack the ability to evolve to be better people and to learn from their mistakes."
"We should strive for communities where there are zero police encounters."
"There is nothing that I can say today that will undo the wrongs of the past, but I can tell you the justice department is committed to working with Minneapolis on a path forward to constitutional policing and stronger police Community Trust."
"If we are going to achieve racial reconciliation in our world it starts with our police officers."
"It's a common theme tonight with police in this country. It needs to be redefined."
"Black Lives Matter isn't just about black lives; it's about those killed by police mattering."
"Why is it that the police actually cannot be reformed? Because the essence of their power is the discretion to use violence."
"Defunding the police idea can actually be successful in meeting the larger goals of equality and justice."
"I'm not advocating for no police at all, advocating to get rid of bad police and bad policing tactics."
"We have to make sure we don't have discrimination inside these police departments."
"For us to see that we need to see cities step up and work against the police unions."
"Defunding the police is reforming the police."
"Black men want to hear about criminal justice reform, defunding the police, and dismantling the carceral system."
"We need transparency and accountability from our police department."
"Black lives matter and the push for police reform doesn't just help black people black people aren't the only people who are suffering under the police state."
"We need to make sure police departments treat everybody the same, no matter the color of your skin."
"Let's demand that they retrain these police officers correctly and let's demand that they have accountability."
"When the good cops start arresting the bad ones, then I believe there's really good cops."
"Defunding the police means reimagining public safety in America."
"Black Lives Matter at its core is about countering police brutality and the racism that persists in America."
"Defunding the police means that we need to roll back the massive amount of spending."
"I'm seeing a lot of police reform talking community outreach initiatives but to really start to fix the sins of the past the US needs a contract with black America."
"Defunding the police is restructuring policing in America."
"Defunding the police does not bring us one step closer to abolishing the police."
"I think this was a wake-up call to the citizens of New Orleans that there was a serious problem within the NOPD and that problem had to be addressed."
"One of the main things is I just hope that that doesn't happen no more where you know it has to be some change where you can't just walk up on someone and put them in handcuffs without questioning them," Jamar emphasized.
"We need a genuinely independent civilian police commissioner. I think that would be a game changer."
"He believes there should be support from Democrats and Republicans to put in place common sense long overdue measures to reform our police and justice system."
"The bravery of one young woman turned the tide on dirty cops."
"Real policies that do something about police and do something about [issues] is the only way forward."
"What next steps can we take? We've gone through reforms, we've protested, we've added body cams. It certainly hasn't done anything really to change the realities."
"We don't want any more community members dying at the hands of law enforcement and their families."
"Audit the police," he says. "We'd love that about you."
"When you weed out the bad officers, it just makes the good officers shine even brighter."
"There's been the defunding of the police to simply move out a lot of the older police officers."
"Black people are not anti-police. They're anti-bad cops."
"Ban chokeholds, require comprehensive reporting, and employ strict punitive measures for officers that turn off their body cams."
"Congress has authorized the Justice Department to conduct pattern or practice investigations when they have a reasonable belief that there has been a pattern of unconstitutional behavior in a police department."
"Policing has to change in America."
"He wants to clean the police force."
"If police officers have safe homes, then our communities are safer."
"Communities and activists calling for reforms have pushed for ideas like the '8 Can't Wait' campaign."
"Let's spend the money we're lavishing on police departments on other nonviolent alternatives, like mental health resources or substance abuse resources."
"Defund the police was about developing new ways of guaranteeing safety and security in our communities."
"The incident prompted the Austin Police Department to re-evaluate its use of force oversight policies, recognizing the need for strict guidelines and accountability measures."
"Council member Greg Casar described the settlement and apology as the minimum the city could do to address the institutional problems within the police department."
"Systemic racism exists within the Thunder Bay Police Service and needs to be ripped out at its roots."
"Defunding the police...I definitely could understand why people feel that way."
"Every police department needs a body of people that reviews policy and combs through it to make sure any type of implicit bias is eliminated."
"The Black Lives Matter movement... was good insofar as it put its finger on another real problem in American life, which is the malfeasance of police authorities."
"Police officers as a whole, if they own their mistakes more and speak out against officers that are misbehaving... approach your communities with an open heart and kindness."
"We've learned that lesson, we have a long way to go when it comes to police reform."
"Police shootings have fallen dramatically in the recent decades."
"I think they're moving away from the head-knocking, brutal, physical approach and trying to be more public relations oriented, more community relations unit, and hopefully more sensitive."
"The cops themselves got to start being more human and more compassionate."
"BLM changed that, and I think that's a good thing because those incentives constrain and influence police behavior."
"I'm more on board with reforming police tactics rather than the gear or equipment available to them."
"We're trying to make the police accountable."
"The cognitive interview was developed by Fisher in 1984 in response to criticisms of the traditional police interview."
"Maybe the police do need reform and we should have a conversation about that and use the mechanisms of liberal society to do it."
"Justice is not what you do after someone has been killed by the police, it's what you do to prevent it."