
Software Engineering Quotes

There are 365 quotes

"Meet Devon, the world's first fully autonomous AI software engineer."
"Refactoring has a very specific definition: it's to rearrange code without changing its behavior."
"Our framework has taken a complex phenomena such as a client-server relationship and reduced it into quite a flexible yet simple and easy to use interface."
"Software engineering, one of the best overall degrees."
"With continuous integration, we're able to go one step further; we're able to not only commit our changes into our source code but we can actually do this continuously."
"A machine learning engineer has to be a good software engineer first."
"Software engineering is more about problem-solving."
"Software engineering...we're not re-implementing libraries from scratch; we're reusing and then building ever more amazing things."
"We are not training you to be the best students; we are training you to be the best software engineers."
"The ultimate goal of this curriculum is to teach you to own your own learning because this is the only way you can be able to develop your skills and muscle to be a better software engineer."
"With containers, we're virtualizing the operating system. With virtual machines, we virtualize the hardware."
"Can I zoom in a little bit, please? How about that? I don't mean to brag, but I do have an associate's diploma in software engineering."
"Understanding code is important. Terms like readability get thrown around an awful lot in our industry."
"That's exactly what inheritance is about. It is about reusing the code across all the classes."
"I was living and breathing coding and most of my peers... were doing the same thing or similar things."
"Software engineers using GitHub copilot are twice as productive as those not using AI."
"Each component has a distinct responsibility, resulting in better separation of concerns."
"The higher up you go in the software engineering track, the more you really need to have technical brilliance."
"The plt is a section that is generated by the linker and every relocation to a function which is defined in a DLL, in a DSO, is given an entry and all of the calls to those functions that are defined elsewhere come through the plt entry instead."
"I want to be a software engineer simply because it is a role that I am extremely passionate about and also one I get immense job satisfaction from."
"React under the hood will just update that particular component."
"The awesome thing about software engineering is that you can learn to code and get a high paying job while literally having no idea how anything actually works. It all just feels like magic."
"We are literally just taking those equations and converting them into code right now."
"Generational collection is extremely efficient and almost globally applicable."
"When you have deep inheritance hierarchies, that creates problems not just for testability, but also for understandability."
"With Xamarin.Forms, you code the application once and then build it for different platforms, making our applications completely native."
"Google is fundamentally built around enabling its software engineers to deliver their best innovation."
"Volley, like I mentioned before, handles operating a thread pool for you."
"Object-oriented programming marries the operations with the data they're done on."
"Code doesn't really have to be hard to reverse engineer."
"Defer is normally used to keep functions together in a logical way."
"Being a good software engineer isn't just about being the best programmer or a great designer. A good software engineer holistically understands the process of creating software."
"Chad TPT will not at all replace software Engineers but instead it will be a huge quality of life Improvement for software Engineers."
"We're gonna say it equals DI.Get(). DI will take care of constructing it and dealing with the construction of it."
"Angular, React, and Vue are all component-driven."
"Design is subjective. It might work perfectly, but does it look like a mess underneath the hood?"
"And in 2013, software engineers, Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer created their own cryptocurrency with Dogecoin."
"If you only remember one thing from tonight, don't synchronize on concurrent collections."
"For the most part, if you're a software engineer at a large tech company, your life is pretty good."
"If you're a software engineer and you feel threatened by ChatGPT being able to solve FizzBuzz, oof, then you should maybe consider becoming a YouTuber."
"This level of integration was only made possible by the Ivy compiler."
"We understood the problems but changing the game engine would mean resetting the development environment."
"Those are the five reasons why you shouldn't become a software engineer."
"Test-driven development can and does work in all of these cases."
"It's possible nowadays to become a software engineer."
"Software engineering is about thinking, not typing."
"So if you become a senior software engineer is 500k a possible figure you can make with stocks and pretty much all the benefits."
"The choice between front-end and back-end engineering depends on your skills, background, and interests."
"The purpose of the service files makes it so that if we have any type of reusable code that we want access through all of our components then we can create a service out of it."
"So our job here is to return to our caller the length of the longest common subsequence."
"This company is rooted in materials and software engineering."
"Using coroutines simplifies asynchronous code."
"Microsoft has their own entire division that just works on backwards compatibility."
"So I kind of figured it would be really useful for a lot of y'all who are trying to get that first job as software engineers, to learn about how the recruiting process works."
"Margaret Hamilton's contributions to the project was developing was turning the software development process into a sort of engineering process."
"It's a brilliant solution. It's called abstraction baby."
"It's not about getting a million developers, it's about getting a thousand good developers."
"Thankfully the Facebook team recognizes it and they've just rebuilt the vast majority of the react native core to make it significantly faster, significantly more scalable, and most importantly way easier to plug native code into."
"We have done all the hard work as you saw before of tree shaking and code splitting at a component level."
"I'm a full stack developer and have over 20 years experience working as a software developer."
"And as you grow as a software engineer and an web developer, you will start to understand all these things all by yourself."
"Software engineering principles were also being developed."
"A person becoming a software engineer is not just a code monkey."
"Seek out advice from experienced software engineers."
"These are the topics that every software engineer must master."
"Prefer composition over inheritance."
"Composability in software is like compounding interest in finance."
"The Single Responsibility Principle means every class should have only one responsibility."
"...breaking into software engineering is not something to be underestimated."
"Here's the key question to ask yourself before creating a Singleton: Is it vital that there is only a single instance of this class?"
"Senior software engineers mostly don't code anymore. A lot of them spend their time writing design documents, coming up with presentations, routing emails, synergizing, or making YouTube videos."
"If you want to work at FANG, you don't necessarily have to be a software engineer."
"If you update the engine regularly, it won't go old. The reason you make a new one is because it's cheaper over time."
"...mastering your software engineering tools is almost as important as mastering your problem solving and your programming language skills..."
"There is no one-size-fits-all in software engineering."
"We deploy at the end of every sprint."
"Join the Discord, and for the people that really want to level up as a software engineer, I also have a Patreon page where I'm dropping content, courses, videos that are basically not being found on the whole internet. I'm legit the only one."
"I failed as a self-taught software engineer and as a boot camp grad."
"State machine replication is a really great technique. It makes things extremely testable, repeatable, and a really beautiful way to program."
"Solid principles are the guidelines followed by software architects and industry experts."
"Single Responsibility Principle: Your class should have one and only one responsibility."
"Open Closed Principle: A class should be open for extension but closed for modification."
"Liskov Substitution Principle: A subclass should be substitutable for its base class without breaking the code."
"The transition into a new way of doing software engineering is easing."
"You're a software engineer. If you wrote a line of code, you're a software engineer. So let's take a second. I know that can be very frustrating. Some folks are still stuck. That's okay. But you are now all officially software engineers. Congrats!"
"This channel is exclusively focused on software engineering, so most likely it'll be on keyboards."
"The best way to learn software engineering doesn't take thousands of dollars or years of schooling."
"I'm trying to make this the premier resource, one of the best resources for preparing for software engineering interviews."
"So much of software engineering is about people."
"So monoliths are fine, real microservices are fine too, but coupled modules are only very inefficient monoliths in disguise."
"Dependency injection is still a perfectly valid way to deal with coupling and maintainability issues."
"I make $180,000 a year as a software engineer."
"So I definitely don't think it's hard for those of you who are thinking about switching into a career in software engineering."
"It's well established you don't have to be good at data structures and algorithms to be a good software engineer."
"A good system design interview starts with functional requirement followed by non-functional requirement, capacity estimation, database design, API design, and then comes the high level system design."
"Software engineering is what happens to programming when you add time and other programmers."
"The software engineering ideal is to have tests that catch every possible mistake that might be made later."
"My biggest takeaway from this video is that experience is the biggest leverage that you can have when it comes to working in the software engineering industry."
"These patterns are part of the kind of skills that companies are looking for you to have as you go up the leadership chain in software engineering."
"We discuss all sorts of software engineering by example, so if you want to become a better software engineer, consider subscribing."
"Software engineering is still a great choice for long-term profession, as the unemployment rate for this profession is still extremely low."
"The long-term outlook of software engineering is still extremely strong, but breaking in is getting increasingly more difficult."
"Software engineering is a very creative field. It's a very creative playground."
"Software engineers build large-scale software systems like maybe Microsoft Office, social media apps, or video games."
"What we now do is we actually employ a very, very clever design pattern."
"Expressive static types help us achieve correctness, clarity, and performance."
"If you understand the stack really well, then you will have a better understanding of how to reverse engineer the source code and find vulnerabilities in it."
"Once you understand certain concepts, they just don't leave you as a software engineer."
"The process of testing and writing test cases is a huge part of software engineering."
"...why should I as a software engineer or developer have to burden the responsibility of doing extra work under pressure and sacrifice my free time..."
"Don't think of design patterns as something you do every day. It's something you do when you have a complex situation that you need to make a little less complex and a little more scalable over time. But if it's not that complex yet, don't use the pattern."
"It often seems to index too hard on the CI in CRUD, missing the reality that most modern software engineering involves incremental changes to a complex existing production system."
"Maintainability is a very important non-functional requirement."
"Knowing middleware, caching, context managers, view sets, and routers would be big pluses."
"Code reviews are not really about finding bugs."
"Code reviews increase the feedback value."
"If I kept programming and in my age I would be a very senior programmer I could probably make 200k a year just being you know a senior software engineer."
"Turing, a leader in the remote work space, is a platform that connects Silicon Valley companies with brilliant pre-vetted, remote software engineers from across the globe."
"I'm working for over a year for Red Hat as senior software engineer in Security and Identity Management Department."
"...this requires us probably more engineering effort and more thought and more kind of code writing for all these things... but I personally think it's very worth it."
"My name is Sally, I'm a software engineer."
"Let's see if we did it correctly, we're going to run our tests."
"So now we just need to add two helper functions for producing the coefficients."
"100 prompts a day. This is how we evolve into the next level of software engineering."
"Basically creating a data pipeline that you can continuously update and of course we're going to do this all programmatically with good software engineering skills."
"Software engineering is programming integrated over time."
"Software engineering as a profession, languages, practices, it's still largely unstandardized and it's bustling and it's ever-growing."
"It's not just a shift in titles, it's a fundamental rethinking of what a software engineer's role can be."
"System designs are some of the most difficult interview questions that software engineers will be asked during an interviewing process."
"As a software developer, or engineer, you should be aware of this database."
"Most of the time as software engineers, we are trying to solve problems that we have not solved before; you're almost always working at the boundary of your expertise."
"The best software engineers actually write the least amount of code."
"The average total compensation for an L3 software engineer at Google is a hundred and eighty-two thousand dollars."
"I'm Dave, a retired software engineer for Microsoft, going back to the MS-DOS and Windows 95 days."
"Becoming a software engineer gave me the financial freedom to take control of my own life."
"Really anyone can learn to be a software engineer, and the barrier to entry is so low that really anyone can do it."
"...it's important to instill confidence in the software engineers."
"DBT makes it easy to apply software engineering practices like modular code, version control, testing, and continuous deployment to analytics code."
"Domain-driven design is a collaborative process between users, business people, and engineers."
"The beauty of software engineering: having this idea... and building something tangible that people can use out in the real world."
"Hitting your estimate has no value if you've built the wrong program."
"Now it's much faster and cheaper to spend time on design than writing code."
"Computer science doesn't get you a job; software engineering gets you a job."
"There's a lot more to being a software engineer than just simply knowing how to pass a simple whiteboard interview question."
"There are about five different things that a software engineer is going to be evaluated on, five things that truly make a software engineer extraordinary."
"Software engineering is about execution across these five axes."
"You're a software engineer, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."
"The three pillars of observability: traces, metrics, and logs."
"You're already software engineers, but now you're going to be paid software engineers."
"It's my job to help folks get jobs as software engineers."
"You are all software engineers, you are all gonna get amazing jobs."
"I want to be a software engineer, I want to get a job in tech, and I'm going to do what it takes to get that job."
"It's one of those things that's gonna pay huge dividends over the course of your software engineering career."
"My goal is to make this one of the world's largest resources for software engineering interviews."
"My goal is to make this a very large resource for software engineering interviews and to help as many people land the jobs that they like as possible."
"It's actually a pretty cool system, and it's also an illustration of another isolation technique that's called software fault isolation."
"Becoming a proficient software engineer is not about memorizing the syntax of a programming language, but rather the ability to solve problems with it."
"Software engineering is about upfront design; there should be a payoff."
"Design patterns are common, repeatable solutions for solving problems."
"Let's think about this from a software engineering perspective."
"We're trying to build one of the world's largest resources for software engineering interviews."
"Everything in software engineering has a reason behind it."
"If you are new here, welcome. My name is [Name], and in this channel, we discuss all sorts of software engineering by example."
"So if you and I become better software engineers, consider subscribing."
"I'm a software engineer at Google."
"Software engineering is not just coding."
"Welcome, my name is Hussein, and in this channel we discuss all sorts of software engineering by example."
"The most efficient way to work vertically is to have full stack developers."
"The difference between a basic programmer and a software engineer is... designing and thinking about architecting solutions."
"A design pattern is defined to be a generalized solution to a commonly occurring problem."
"Software development is not a translation service from business requirement to code."
"The hard part of being a software engineer is communication with the customer."
"The hype of software engineering is over now, and people are just talking about AI these days."
"Finite state machines are often employed in software engineering to make a system change between different known finite states."
"As a software engineer, you can typically expect to be building applications from top to bottom."
"I'm a software engineer at Microsoft and I work on the PowerShell team."
"I started as a full stack software engineer and then I went into more of specialized cloud engineering on a software development team."
"If you're building something that has a lot of complex business logic and you want to model that in your software in a way that is easy to change and maintain over time, then domain-driven design could be a good approach."
"Make sure it's the tests that are driving the code that you write."
"We need to be able to propagate the context between services."
"Every year there are thousands and thousands of engineers who walk into the domain of software engineering and realize that building software is not that easy as it looks like."
"I'm a software engineer with over a decade of experience, currently mostly working with machine learning domain."
"Demystifying and simplifying the process of becoming an effective and productive software engineer."
"I think being able to have that developer loop where I can actually debug my running containers is actually really important."
"Software engineering is the discipline that helps us build systems that are trusted, that people beyond us can trust in."
"Software engineering is indeed an art and a science; it is the art of the practical."
"Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace began the hardcore history of software engineering."
"We don't invent anything in software engineering without a reason."
"There is nothing in software engineering that is just there for the sake of being there; there's always a reason, there is a problem, and we solve it."
"If you're new here, welcome! My name is Christine and in this channel we discuss social software engineering by example."
"You can become a professional software developer."
"In 2017, I started working full-time as a software engineer at Google."
"Because we used the strongly typed C class, we have access to those attributes and an IntelliSense dropdown as you would expect."
"There's no one way to become a software engineer or a developer; everyone's journey is different."
"If you're new here, welcome! My name is Hussein and in this channel we'll discuss all sorts of software engineering by example."
"It is one of the crucial parts to keep our code clean and reusable."
"People in the DevOps industry tend to be a little more stressed out than other parts of software engineering."
"We can easily swap our real dependencies with mock implementation during testing."
"To learn fast as a software engineer, it's a really good way to do that."
"I'm a software engineer with a full-time job and a side hustle of doing freelance coding work in my own time."