
Audience Reaction Quotes

There are 445 quotes

"It's insane, really. You hope you make something that people are going to react to."
"It was a good time; it was cool to see runs live and see the reactions in person."
"There's one thing that upsets an audience: seeing people being treated unfairly."
"Straight up terrible toxic control, are you not entertained?"
"Some people can't handle talking about themes of a movie."
"Seeing everyone react to Dune is just so satisfying because it feels like the start of a new awesome franchise grounded in something like this."
"It's just saying something offensive and waiting for audience laughter."
"Comedy was this great outlet of like, 'Oh, I can go say whatever I want and see how people react to it.'"
"If people cheered at the end, that would be really cool."
"If you're reacting within an hour and eating impressions on YouTube, I could see that upsetting people."
"...but he's arguably never done it better or with more audience squirming aplomb than Inglorious Basterds."
"Everyone was like like literally you know when she does the force blow through spent run goes what and when the movie was over no one everyone's kind of got up and what started walking out like no one was excited it was it was hilarious laughing."
"The one last way that a creator can't hide the response."
"Remember all the people when I put one dollar in the thumbnail. Remember all the people said 'clickbait, clickbait, Matt.'"
"Its bleak honesty shook audiences up and injected a dose of grit into a film world filled with wish fulfillment and leftover propaganda braggadocio."
"Regardless boys got to smack with another great video nobody's surprised."
"Almost on principle, I think it might turn some people off, which is unfortunate because it's a really entertaining movie."
"It's like they're purposely trying to piss off these people."
"The more they try to bombard us with preachy pandering low-quality trash that goes nowhere, does nothing, and says nothing of value, the more people will inevitably get turned away from it."
"They really are resistant to this ending, they do not want it to end."
"But it's incredibly motivating, of course, to see this response, and it gives a lot of energy to start on a new adventure."
"It made sense, it was classy, it brought tears to people in the theater."
"Everybody in the theater... they were loving it, lost their mind."
"CinemaCon showed some footage from Aquaman apparently people really, really liked it."
"Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 premiered to a packed audience in 1824, earning five standing ovations."
"Then craziest spoiler by far and away was when again Red Skull showed up and is the soulstone Guardian everyone in the audience was like what."
"RRR is an over-the-top hyperbolic movie and it invites this kind of response."
"Disappointing is worse than pissing them off."
"The dimensions of the Exorcist experience broke on the motion picture world with an impact rivaled only by the audience's pouring into all these theaters."
"I think the audience will be very surprised when they see it because maybe in everyday society people fight with and scheme against each other."
"What would be the most shocking thing for audiences to hear?"
"If people either love something or hate it, you've done something right there."
"Audiences got a taste of what that would have looked like in the poorly received 'Grease 2'."
"Killing off your headline star can have a lot of benefits provided you avoid enraging everyone who bought a ticket on the basis of a favorite character whose sole role turns out to be no more than victim number one."
"The early death of a major character can be a movie's defining iconic twist; done badly and it just seems a waste of talent and leaves the audience feeling cheated."
"Everybody likes that. I mean, people like seeing me break my arm."
"Fans spent months saying that this would be the twist and lo and behold we were right... Watching this movie and expecting something other than the blindingly obvious and then getting the blindingly obvious felt like punishment for buying a ticket."
"On most levels, Terminator Genisys does not work... All this twist really did was anger people who viewed John Connor as the ultimate hero."
"The real test will be the box office for this new one. The delayed audience reaction will be like, 'Did we like the last one?'"
"Every time I get off stage my thought is did I make them laugh enough that they're going to come back."
"For me it's a high recommendation and I could see audiences means literally half the crowd strongly applauded after crowd immediately left it's fun to walk into a moving really not knowing how you're going to feel afterwards."
"If your team is underperforming, you might even see the crowd leaving early."
"I just walked out on stage, I locked in, and the crowd went bananas."
"If you're giving your audience chills, you're doing something right."
"It feels really good when you get a positive reaction to a new series. It's kind of nerve-wracking starting something new."
"The movie was so good that grown ass people at the end of the movie were cursing and upset that it ended the way it did."
"The response to the finale was absolutely incredible."
"I just love hearing people scream with joy every time I walk out on stage." - EUGENE LEVY
"That's why they have writers and I am me after the reaction of the laser beam at the end of what the [ __ ] was that expansion BFA."
"I kind of feel like if someone's pissed off by your joke, the joke wasn't for that person."
"I laughed quite loudly during the Orton segment, but I don't think that was the desired effect."
"A shocking ending that absolutely no one was anticipating."
"When srk appeared on screen for the first time the crowd went wild."
"You can tell the truth and viewers can get pissed at you, and they'll come back."
"The problem is, people are like, 'We waited two weeks and it was just 15 minutes of content.' They actually get annoyed when it's too short."
"If you make four albums that are very much like volume one two three and four of the same idea if volume five is really different there's a lot of people who are just not gonna like that."
"It seemed like it kind of left them a little bit stunned or in awe of the movie."
"The audience now doesn't care about the comedian's intent, they only care about how they [ __ ] feel about the joke."
"Someone stopped watching me because of my relationship advice—completely sarcastic, of course."
"Make them happy, make them smile, and almost choke on their popcorn."
"Honestly, just imagine being up, doing like a business presentation or something educational, only for people to be like."
"I think everybody's gonna walk out of this really satisfied."
"It's a big set... but there will be oohing and awking."
"If they were wrote into any form of fiction, the audience would give the series backlash, saying the character was too unrealistic for them to perceive them as real."
"I kind of would've thought that would be so unbelievable, so I'm not as mad as some people at the fact that Laurie was not a big factor in this movie."
"The visuals and audio work on the end was amazing." - Viewer
"This was the movie for so many people that they were just like, 'Oh, okay, this guy's really got something.'"
"Seeing people react to it is like the best so you know it's what I always wanted to watch so if you know we can make it for other people then that's the dream come true."
"One of our viewers had a great response: 'Well, we jumped from Shazam to the Joker.'"
"Our most hated video ever part two has viral potential."
"There is a part of me that really enjoys watching Joss Whedon squirm a little bit because he's been completely obnoxious to large portions of his audience, of his own audience."
"This reaction has gone down in infamy as one of the cringiest moments that the Disney Channel has ever put on our screens."
"If the payoff is stupid, you lost your audience. That's how I felt about that last sequence."
"They're gonna complain when I announce this but when they hear this song they'll love it."
"This movie had one of the most shocked, like it is the most taken aback I've been by something in a film, in a long time."
"Gilda successfully uses her objectification to produce a pleasureless experience for her subject, a frustrating one, in fact."
"Russell Wilson comes out, crazy boos, lays out, does not say a single word until after the play was over."
"What are you most excited for? I'm most excited for rehearsing the show and then performing and everyone having a good 'ah.'"
"There is not a single person who watched this cinematic whose ears didn't prick up when he said that."
"What a feeling when you're done what a feeling when like you tell your joke and you get a response from 300 people live and they're all laughing."
"There are things in our show that are falldown funny."
"If some people bail on the show because of it that's their decision and it's very unfortunate."
"When an entire auditorium goes dead silent for the duration of an entire movie, that's special."
"I feel like a lot of my viewers are gonna be like damn."
"It's really nice when the two come together... critics and fans alike go 'Hey, I like this.'"
"I'm just a fanboy when the internet was set ablaze slamming the film for not having the doom Slayer rather than saying the audience is sexist for not accepting a female lead."
"Saints fans watching car and T of [Applause] Hill yikes it is fun though it's fun to"
"There's a certain reaction I want from the audience when I wrestle. I love when people are just silent at the beginning of the match and don't say anything and just watch it."
"It was one of Raw's early watershed moments, a genuine shock to anybody watching."
"I want to give Las Vegas the full Willow Pill experience. I want to leave them laughing, crying, and asking the person next to them what the [ __ ] was that."
"He's one of those actors that you just smile when you see him pop up on the screen; you're like, 'Oh yeah, Matthew's in this, everything's going to be all right.'"
"It's the type of surreal comedy that audiences seem to really respond to today."
"I never would have thought the reaction like I've seen with the show, where it just seemed like universally everybody was just [__] with it like that."
"What a [] movie what a [] movie that's all I can say what a [__] movie."
"I'm sitting there jumping up and I'm hyped the whole movie and then y'all just bring me down to earth I'm like I don't I don't want this."
"There were moments in this movie even today with the audience, a jaded bunch of genre pundits, even they were Ghibli too."
"Mash creates a full tornado with how cool his moves were and the crowd can't believe what they are witnessing."
"I always want to be a little unsure as to how people are gonna react because then I feel like otherwise I'm doing something that is too predictable."
"It was electric, electric. It was wonderful."
"Every time I saw the movie... you could hear sobbing from many members of the audience."
"When CM gets his shoulder up at 2.9 I am pretty sure at least one person in that crowd died you cannot react like this and stay alive."
"Avant-garde works could provoke incendiary reactions, in sharp contrast with the art of the past."
"This was actual heel heat, you had the crowd chanting at all the people in the ring."
"Despite being entertained by the movie, a lot of people may be unfulfilled with the answers they're left with."
"This is such a bad movie that in the middle of the movie I kept standing up because me and Mrs. was watching it and I was like bro, this is bad, I can't watch it no more, I can't. I actually can't. I can't watch it no more."
"Leslie was loving the warm reactions of audiences ah do you like all the attention that you're getting now do you like the fact that people go Looney when they see I think it's terrific."
"Maybe they'll think it's boring, maybe they won't believe you, maybe they'll think it's fake."
"That is the most unexpected death I remember being shocked in the theater."
"Nutshot is upset at that. They're booing Point Crow. I fully believe it was an accident."
"It's an artist's duty to polarize folk really and then some of them will be your audience and the other half will be your sworn enemy."
"I like when I heard that, I was like, 'Corny, dude, this is so good. I'm in the theater, I'm like, oh my god, they'll be throwing hands.'"
"You guys hate it but bro I can't lie man this is some great ass marketing."
"People love to see the content creators have a terrible season or have a terrible team."
"The drama aspect of this movie doesn't leave a dry eye in the theater or watching it."
"It's no wonder that fans of the genre and fans of blockbuster action in general have responded so positively to it."
"The colors of the lights change and the crowd pops so hard that I can't hear the song."
"When you get a laugh or a cheer from a live crowd, it's like this instant confirmation that what you did was the right thing."
"I'm astonished by how this show is going down."
"I think he did a really great job with the performance, and I think he knew he was gonna piss you all off with that kiss at the end. Y'all was upset."
"Folks, this is a blessing to all of us watching this horrendous show on Friday night."
"It's making me hate Nia when before I was disinterested in Nia as a character."
"I like to keep it exciting or horrendously boring to everyone at home who might be interested in what you have to say."
"You guys really surprised me with the reaction to this photo."
"You're gonna cry and you're gonna feel good."
"I guess you could say the results were so explosive it blew audiences' minds in the process."
"Good comedy leaves half the audience laughing, the other half horrified."
"Wrestling is about people popping yay because the hero won or boo because the villain won, not popping ooh on the finish because it was a big bump."
"If that intro gave you goosebumps let me know by hitting that like button."
"Every time Loma was connecting... they still quiet."
"I don't want to hear nothing about oh repetitive [Music]."
"Walter chopped Adam Cole so hard that's the crowd at Full Sail started to chant holy shit."
"Then when he got done playing, the place was silent for a second. Seth and I were standing there like everybody else. Then we looked at each other, we smiled, the place went crazy."
"If people get upset about character deaths, that's the best thing ever."
"Getting people to cheer against you is the goal of being a heel."
"Create harder and maybe you'd get those better reactions."
"If it's a good joke, I think it's going to piss off a couple of people."
"Every time characters jumped in, people were cheering."
"It's not the same when it's personal. Audiences react with empathy or compassion."
"It's like every in line, you know, that they just heard."
"It seems like I made sense, everybody's clapping, they're okay with what I said."
"The presentation was fantastic the crowd came back to life and was super Rowdy for this match."
"When you get booed at home, that is personal. That means you don't like what I'm doing on the floor."
"When the biggest complaint coming out of the film was that there were too many jokes, I think you've done alright."
"People in the cinema cheering and whooping, this movie did that."
"I have never watched a horror movie where I was actively rooting for the monster to slaughter every, that's what's weird about this movie."
"The more you say I can't say something, the more urgent it is for me to say it."
"My fondest wish for you is that you will one day soon be back in front of an audience that despises you."
"I want the audience to go 'What the [ __ ] is happening?' That is part of the contrivance."
"I'm sorry to disappoint some of you. I know some of you are like 'Neo, I'm never watching you again, you are a big cheater.'"
"Some of you aren't laughing at all. You're looking at me like you wanna rip my heart out of my body, and I have to assume you're probably Catholic."
"Nicholas Pileggi said that 70 people walked out of a screening in Orange County California because of how violent the film was..."
"A post-credit scene that makes the entire theater make noise."
"I think most people who saw this were like, 'This is dope.'"
"It's a fear-based thing, but the best thing is to scare people and they smile and laugh and say, 'that was awesome.'"
"I understand I myself thought that that video was a little bit mean but you know what sometimes I put out videos that I'm not happy with but surprisingly they do."
"Goldberg defeated Hogan in the middle of the ring and the crowd went absolutely crazy."
"If you watch something on TV and you hear one side applauding and cheering and screaming and the other side not you think it is indicative of something that's going on in that room but it really wasn't."
"Music is freedom and I'm not here to attract people, I'm here to piss people off."
"Most people like to see drama and chaos and fighting."
"The audience was in raptures over the hilarious performance by the improv comedy act."
"That's how the bacta dies, with thunderous applause."
"Part of what makes this iteration of Michael scary for audiences is his unpredictability, you don't really know when he's going to strike."
"I was genuinely blown away by the positive response."
"He is so good, every second that Roy Kent is on screen, every second this character is on screen, I am just laughing my ass off."
"This clip is just cringe, one of the biggest things is people thinking that this is something that is like, 'Oh my god, dude.'"
"We want [ __ ] to make you cringe we want [ __ ] to say that's how I would have reacted."
"People are heated, main eventers did their job..."
"Fantasia killed it. When you watch her, you're going to be like, 'Oh!'"
"Cascading towards Ted Evans every time he throws."
"Some of you will be really happy about that, won't you?"
"One of the things I love is that normally when she does her little pratfall as she falls in the lobby, she gets a laugh nearly in our theater."
"I honestly think MJF shut up a lot of people with the way he wrestled Jungle Boy tonight."
"Audiences tend to be tough... horror comedies benefit from the outrageous and the story of an accidentally cocaine craze Bears wacko"
"It's funny because I feel like the producers and everybody knew a lot of people are gonna have a lot to say."
"There are definitely some great [__] characters on this show. No, really, there are. You hate them so much you wish you could reach through the screen and slap that level of annoying." - Noemularlive.com
"By the time you say where the Goblin King was, a hundred people burst into hysterical laughter."
"Fans that cheered for bread during the entrances booed him on his way out and those same fans cheered when Austin refused help after the boat and he walked back to the locker room all on his own."
"It needs to be so good that people start talking: 'Oh my God, DC's back!'"
"It's very rare in the wrestling world now that you do get a heel that people just don't like."
"That is the fastest standing ovation I have ever seen in my life. We were on their feet instantly. Does that just happen?"
"The film ended up getting a five-minute standing ovation."
"The humor was the right tone, there were actually some jokes that landed for the audience and made me laugh quite a bit."
"We knew was special especially with the way the crowd reacted and and I feel like whenever we came back through when those guys came back I feel like we had a little bit of a standing ovation backstage too."
"Stunning this crowd here in Annapolis, it's a bunch offense now."
"Giving away 90% of what I have for free in my daily show and not asking a penny of anybody, apparently is only worthy of people being dumbasses and disrespectful."
"A villain can be absolutely despicable, but if you hate them because of their actions, then they've succeeded."
"Heels that people want to see lynched and hung up and strung out and run over with cars."
"I think I can safely say that this is the least humorous Guardians film which is going to make a lot of people happy."
"So boo him if you like, but don't you dare say that Roman Reigns can't wrestle."
"You know if they're laughing what you're saying has some semblance of Truth and if they're quiet then then it's it's a I can't imagine."
"The Young Bucks in 2021. They wore ten thousand dollar trainers just so you would hate them a little bit more."
"Every little gasp you hear of them getting annihilated is seven million dollars."
"Hopefully I didn't offend anybody or you guys think differently and differently of me in a poor regard based on my opinions that I have towards like maybe the negativity that comes with the channel..."
"So anyway, I hope you enjoyed the video this week. I know a lot of people freak out whenever we try anything new, but I think as creators, you always need to try it."
"Everybody's talking about how much they enjoyed the movie."
"The reaction of the audience was amazing... it's insane isn't it?"
"The audience went absolutely insane for the finish."
"It was a great match and the people in the studio went berserk."
"The mostly male audience sprung to his feet, cheering him with thunderous applause after his speech."
"It felt like relief, okay we didn't mess up, people like it."