
Technology Critique Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Technology inevitably becomes self-destructive; it's like a snake eating its own tail."
"The show isn't saying tech is bad; the show is saying people are effed up."
"Blockchain technology is very good at decentralizing, but it’s also very inefficient, slow and energy consuming."
"Provocative art can help push useful dialogue about the role of technology in our daily lives."
"Maybe social media might end up ending the world."
"The emphasis on technology-as-villain grounds the film squarely in sci-fi territory as the Mitchells, who've set aside their gadgets for an old-fashioned vacation, are thrust into a digital war."
"Apple products getting more expensive... there's less and less innovation involved."
"Just because something is an improvement, that doesn't automatically make it good... a good game stands on its own."
"No bro that's so much better, that's unfair Google that's not right."
"Hey people, I don't know how much time you spent with your Alexa recently but I think God it hasn't gotten any smarter in 15 years."
"Welcome to my top 18 tech fails, each one so disastrous that they've had to be banned."
"The biggest complain about it is the battery life... with one battery you'll get around 40 minutes of continuous recording when you're shooting in 4K."
"The big problem for AMD continues to be Ray tracing performance."
"Elon Musk called Twitter a 'fractal Rube Goldberg machine.'"
"Dynamic cameras don't automatically make games better; in fact, they frequently make them worse."
"Basic navigation and relying on your landscape is far better than anything else out there because GPS is we tend to not really know where we're at until we get there."
"It's essentially a money printing machine when it comes to its ad Tech business." - Zach Voorhees, Google whistleblower
"These things are designed intentionally to be addictive, to be psychologically addictive. It's not like doing heroin or something like that, but these are psychologically addictive intentionally."
"I can't imagine wanting anything more than that although that one does look like it's more Hawking and less mech warrior which is a little bit bothersome."
"Technology's not all bad, but what we're blind to is how technology destroys acadian signaling."
"The software we use is way worse than it's ever been."
"The blockchain technology is actually really cool. It's just what humans are using it for is really dumb."
"Thank you for writing an article that at least to my limited ability explains why Wi-Fi is so bad... and some hope that it can be better with the right Wi-Fi router and those mesh routers are better."
"Apple are ripping us all off basically on the app store now. Apple or, uh, I'm not philippine, I've done a lot of things for the world, have changed a lot of stuff."
"The interesting possibilities in AI art do not mean that the horrendous oversights and anti-humanist values of its current systems are above reproach."
"Matrox have done 10 times a better job at making AMD drivers than AMD does themselves."
"AI is never going to really be able to give us originality."
"These were the last like high-end graphics cards that they truly offered. I mean, there's some argument for the 5700 XT and the 5700 being considered high-end, but they were never intended to compete with any of Nvidia's high ends at the time."
"The AI is still lacking in a lot of areas... it still needs to be a little bit better than it is..."
"There is not a single modern flagship smartphone that has been designed with repairability in mind not one."
"This software essentially just profiles people."
"Resumes are a terrible way to find top talent, this AI face scanning isn't any better."
"No 5G... lacking a pro display... high refresh rate display..."
"The function of the video has become a long and unnecessary take down of a microphone."
"Owning an NFT is like owning one very specific digital image in a world where digital images are screenshoted replicated and shared on the daily."
"I think all of society would be better off without Twitter and Facebook."
"The reality is, this is football. Funny, isn't it? And I hate VAR, it's crap. I agree with them undoubtedly."
"iOS is powerful but it doesn't really have a total personality. It's carried more by the apps in the App Store than by many of its own merits."
"Let's be honest, RTX is already like 80% AAH, I fucking said it."
"The possibilities for grace to appear give us a fuller awareness of and forgiveness for who we really are."
"Technology's a tool, it's the business models that always seem to screw things up."
"It's very, very important to have a separate community from what YouTube and these other big tech companies have because the censorship is real, my friends."
"144 Hertz refresh rate, Apple, go eat a dick."
"Nothing in life is fully decentralized, not even Bitcoin."
"So in conclusion, even though the m9 is all new, it pretty much retains many of the strengths and weaknesses of the previous generation without really changing any of them."
"When it comes to objects that have been made with high technology, the writing that is on those objects never reflects the same level of technology."
"Is the creation engine holding Bethesda and Starfield back? Yeah, that's a pretty loaded question."
"Rather than seeing Clippy as this warm, welcoming, helpful addition to the Windows experience many people just found him very annoying, distracting and felt that he complicated things even further than before."
"They want you to believe that there's a machine somewhere that has objectively decided... what is good speech and what is bad speech."
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." - Yuping Chan, United Nations
"Better AI on track... the consistency from track to track is just still not good enough."
"The notion somehow that the glut of information that is now available to us yields knowledge is completely crazy."
"This is what Windows 8 should have been like."
"I think the Turing test is no longer the right way to channel research in AI."
"Igor's professional opinion: the problem lies not in the 12vh power standard itself but in these adapter cables Nvidia has shipped with pretty much all of the first run of RTX 4090s."
"Russia cannot hack a piece of paper like they can a computer system connected to the internet."
"Chrome sucks, and then Chrome just totally supplanted everything."
"EVGA opted for a kind of interesting layout."
"He's totally ill-equipped to be making remarks about tech by his own logic and his own admissions."
"Yeah, I am a part of a group of people who believe that one day all technology will be gone and everybody will be forced to live in the wilderness."
"The quality of the image capture is really low, I'm amazed that it's able to actually read anything at all given the quality of the picture."
"In an interview with Warren Spector, Smith acknowledged the poor quality of the technology, the AI, and the story."
"Virtual interactions are not embodied. We're physical creatures. We evolved outdoors. We're physical creatures."
"We all know what a performance hog Chrome can be, so it's fantastic to have a browser that you can rein in."
"Sending wires internationally is absolutely prehistoric technology."
"Fundamentally good Hardware needs to be backed by good software."
"50 minutes of battery life just isn't good enough."
"Programmers hate this chat bot literally you can use that as a title for the video right now."
"I just want my refrigerator to be a refrigerator, I want my bathroom mirror to be a bathroom mirror, I don't need for it to be a smart and internet connected device."
"Throw away the microwaves, they're very, very deadly and dangerous."
"The Mac Pro, oh my gosh, it is not that great, it is not that Pro."
"So what we need is, oh here we go, finally, look at that, it took 10 minutes to restart a 15,000 dollar computer folks, welcome to Apple, that's pathetic."
"Behind this curtain of patterns, this random pattern generator, oh clever, right here in every home watching us from a one-sided mirror."
"The MacBook Pro just doesn't match in terms of pure performance."
"The hyper scan was way behind the curve in lots of ways, but when it came to loot boxes, boy was it ahead of the curve."
"There's no hope for the movement if we claim to be fighting big Tech and we sell out the people who are paying us to do so and fighting on behalf of big Tech."
"Nuclear technology isn't all that cutting edge... it's fairly primitive technology."
"This is very confusing because this is a different brand and they're using a custom Android skin."
"We should never stop remembering Jobs, but the constant comparisons to what he would have done with every new Apple product release does get a tad redundant."
"I would challenge anybody who thinks that electric cars are devoid of soul and charisma to drive one of these GTS."
"Bitcoin: a perfect machine composed of imperfect parts."
"The iPad and the computer and the TV and the phone, they are tricking you."
"Okay, get alright still going bitch yeah I'm looking at the Blin world PC site and all of them are weird-ass versions of Fitness like embedded Enterprise Server Enterprise Server server server server terminal terminal server."
"Here's the new best feature with a fitness of four point two seven, wait, I feel like it looks like it got rid of a lot of its muscles or something."
"Decentralization is a good thing, not the underlying problem."
"But Apple Maps is not helping the team here."
"There's a massive overemphasis on using vast amounts of stuff in deep learning."
"This is isn't as egregiously embarrassing and bad as the 4060 TI was because the 4060 TI was surpassed as a reminder by the 3060 TI in like 4K gaming."
"I need to hear all you don't you you laugh but when you listen to those FLAC files you can hear everything I do not have flat files okay"
"The keyboards are just absolute and utter garbage."
"I'm bringing this up to highlight just how little polygons actually cares."
"AMD is keeping support to an absolute minimum so why would one invest in rdna3 given that it will probably uh will have the same short support fate while offering a very reduced feature set and quality on said features versus Nvidia."
"Plasma does seem to be not the best but its strength, of course, is the fact it's so hard to counter."
"Because what I think is happening all too often lately is Apple, who just never explains implementation details, who doesn't consider implementation details worthy of or worthwhile explaining, it leaves this huge void."
"Apple just proved why you can't trust app store review scores."
"The games will always matter more than the teraflop count."
"If you're not using machine learning in your software, you're doing it wrong."
"Most of you are carrying an iPhone... that's really nothing but a tracking device."
"Get off of social media and meet real people."
"Battery life is bad and it's really not much of a valid option nowadays."
"We're adrift in a Godless Cosmos and the scary thing is some technocrats would sacrifice Humanity to create a digital God."
"Welcome to 'Too Late, Who Gives a Shit?,' the show in which I talk about old controllers that weren't popular even when they were in production… controllers that can play Vivaldi on their haptic trackpads."
"Is Windows ME really deserving of such a reputation as the worst operating system?"
"It's kind of slow. Imagine bringing a girl over and you're standing here waiting for this."
"It's comical to me that we're going after the tech monopolies when we have a much bigger problem in this country."
"I'll give a shout out to the Bing's chat bot for being based and calling the media fake news."
"That's what happens when you use points payer systems guys... you'll never be able to do it... there will never be a definitive way... it's just not possible."
"Strike number two came with the built-in SD card."
"We need to change the narrative, change the vocabulary, change that cartoon image of the Zuckerberg versus the boring bureaucrats."
"Why would you spend six thousand dollars on a device that gives you less power?"
"Only a god can save us now, the contemporary human situation under the dominion of planetary technology had drifted so far from its genuine origins and possibilities."
"The civilized man has built a coach but has lost the use of his feet."
"Why does this magnificent applied science, which saves work and makes life easier, bring us so little happiness? The simple answer runs: because we have not yet learned to make sensible use of it."
"Phones are just destructive. They are very helpful but like doing even something subtly different like that, doing it on paper, it's great."
"We need to put humanity in our fellow man above technology and status and all of these other destructive obsessions of modern-day society."
"It's really disappointing from Apple because, you know, it's a nice desktop machine, there's no doubt about that, and I really like using them."
"In an age where the relentless march of technology, industry, and science seems to ever more drive a wedge between us and our past, as well as the natural world, the stories of J.R.R. Tolkien remind us of the importance of folklore, fairy tales, and our connection with nature."
"It's not this MacBook's fault that the engineers that designed it were wasted the entire time."