
Seizing The Moment Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"You have to seize the Moment. This Moment may not be able to be recreated."
"It's good to seize the moment but don't get ahead of yourself."
"When you find an opportunity like this, you gotta kind of seize it."
"You're in your dreams right now. Don't miss right now, don't miss today, don't miss this opportunity, don't miss this moment."
"This is our moment to paraphrase Martine McCutcheon, this is our imperfect moment."
"Just go for it right when you're at the moment of giving up is the perfect time to go all-in."
"Quit asking me if it's a good time, the good time is now."
"Opportunities only come once in a lifetime like Eminem says, 'The moment you own it, you better never let it go.' You only have one shot, do not blow or miss this opportunity. It comes once in a lifetime."
"The moment is now; embrace inspiration and prioritize love."
"Just make the best of it while you're here, that's why I wanted to go back and jump out again, you know, jump out of a [ __ ] plane even though I hated it."
"This is just one of those internet opportunities you can't let pass by."
"Let's jump in there together if you're ready, you don't have to wait till a new month, a new week, a new year, today is a perfect day to have a great day, to feel good about it."
"Enjoy life while you can, 'cause they'll take your shuffle without a care."
"He's just someone who really understands the moment and lives up to it every time."
"I wouldn't give this moment up for anything, bro. It honestly is an insane thing."
"These type of opportunities don't come around that often."
"Everybody enjoy day one, you can't have a day one on day 12."
"Stop waiting around for the right time... just do it."
"This week, it's time to act, to go for it, to do it, to listen to yourself. The perfect moment is now."
"Life is such, everybody's got their moments and when you have something that works for you, enjoy that moment."
"The time is now you're young or something stimulate me."
"This is the moment, this is our time, this is what you work for, this is what you prayed about, this is what you wanted when you came here and then some."
"The time is now, no need to wait, go out on a date."
"Express who you are now with total freedom no restrictions."
"Life is short so I feel that you are recognizing that there's no time like the present."
"That was my moment, I executed, cashed in on my moment."
"Whenever you do have those moments, you've got to take advantage of it."
"You can only go bit by bit and take every opportunity that comes your way."
"I'm not wasting this opportunity."
"Opportunity comes, you need to grab it. Nobody's going to give you an opportunity unless you grab it for yourself."
"What did it take for you to seize your moment? I had to have faith in my dream."
"Now we can create, become, achieve; now is the only moment we can seize."
"If you've got a chance to go for the win, you may as well."
"The song will end, so why not dance like it's your last time?"
"Act on inspiration immediately; those fleeting moments of excitement must be cashed in."
"2023 has taught me that literally Anything Can Happen yolow, make every moment count and live life with no regrets."
"I saw an opportunity and grabbed it."
"I better grab the brass ring every time it comes around because this is going to go away, it's ephemeral what I'm doing."
"Seize the day for yourself, Libra."
"Embrace every moment in life 'cause you never know when such an incredible opportunity will come your way."
"But now Richie realizes that the only response to the chaos of life is not to allow yourself to be consumed with self-doubt and fear but rather to put it on the line and make every second count."
"You take what the world gives you because you might not ever come across it again."
"Most people will spend their entire life choosing so that they can be like others or be liked by others. What if today was the day this is the moment?"
"Greatness is capturing that opportunity to say I have nothing else left but today."
"Make the most of it while you can because at the end of the day when it all settles and the Smoke Clears you're gonna be the one left here."
"I think we need to start enjoying the moment that we are in. I'm going to make the best out of my life on The Daily Business, every minute that I'm blessed with, I'm going to make the best out of it."
"That's a beautiful day, seize the moment."
"She took the opportunity when it was handed to her."
"You're really just wasting the time that we have, seize the present, carpe diem."
"You gotta capitalize on every [__] moment, every second. You can't leave no money on the table."
"He's not gonna let off the gas, he's going to do whatever he can to seize the moment."
"In life you've got to take advantage of opportunities as they appear and this was an unexpected opportunity that did appear during the time that I've been in the field."
"Joe, that plane ride costs $10, and $10 is $10. Martha, I'm 81 years old. If I don't ride in that plane this year, I may never get another chance."
"Life is short, get out and ride the bike."
"Seize the moment and make that last chapter in life the most fulfilling it can possibly be."
"When the opportunity arises, we must take hold of it."
"Take advantage of every opportunity that is given to you."
"If you think I [ __ ] really like to drive across America and go fishing [ __ ], do it because life is fleeting and it's short."
"I used to sit there and think, 'I'm going to die one day.' It gives you motivation to get at it and do stuff now in the present."
"I just want to take advantage of the time I have and not waste it."
"It's our time to just pounce. It's our time to attack."
"If not now when? That's the motto, isn't it, of our lives?"
"I need to make the most out of these last two days. I am going to get a tan."
"This is the true definition of being ready for your moment."
"You gotta do what you want to do while you're still living to do it. All of that is, of course, you know, on the table now."
"Capitalizing on opportunities, and I think when we're talking to younger athletes especially, it's just being ready for that moment."
"Life does pass us by so quickly. And that's why I think you just have to grab every opportunity and every moment that you can."
"Let's not waste our moments that we do have together and spend them doing something great."
"Seize the moment, be attentive to the amazingness of things."
"Seize the moment. Sometimes you only get one chance."
"Now is the time to take action on a goal or dream, not tomorrow."
"Take what this moment is and turn it into something big."
"No more hiding, Dante. I gotta seize my moment."
"Life goes by quick. Don't waste those years, live them."
"Suck all the marrow out of life is a symbol of making the most out of your life."
"...the time is now the time it's the time to be bold it's the time to go for it it's the time to not be afraid."
"There's never going to be a perfect moment, you just have to shut out the noise."
"Let's go live in the moment, it's is your time brother."
"When opportunity knocks, go for it."
"You're waiting for someday to feel ready, someday for it to be perfect. Well, I'll tell you what, today is that someday."
"Seize the moment, seize what's there, and live on purpose."
"He's the master of seizing the moment and enjoying every bit of it."
"Our greatest gift back is to take life by the balls and run with it, and enjoy every moment."
"Ain't no better time to be great than today."
"You just had to seize your moment and dodge an apparent lifetime of regrets."
"If you see something you like, get it because it might not be there tomorrow."
"We might only have one chance, so let's do this."
"Cardi knows how to seize a moment unlike most of these artists now."
"Opportunities are just like that you if you're out here looking for opportunities you will see them when they come and you'll find you grab them otherwise if not bro those passed by you and you're not going to be aware you won't even realize"
"You only live once, right? That's what I'm talking about. We get the cookies, let's go!"
"Do you want to just be alive or do you want to really live?"
"Just go for it. Live your best life."
"You need to live life while you can because your own life isn't just going to keep giving you chance after chance after chance."
"You take the opportunities and you properly enjoy them while they last."
"There is no better time than basically right now."
"This is your dream. If you don't do it now, you never will."
"Make the most of every opportunity."
"Be sure and take advantage of anything that comes to you."
"I want guys to take it when it's there. We can't always predict it, so if it's there then I kind of want you to take it."
"I just needed to get out and start living my own dreams now before it's too late."
"A time will come when I will not be able to travel around the way I do now, so I must seize the moment."
"Don't let this pass you by, don't let this pass."
"All we have is this moment, all we have is now, and in the blink of an eye, it can be taken from us or we can take it ourselves."
"You have the power to seize the hour, to rise up and live your dream."
"Don't miss opportunities when you have them."
"Khan seizes the moment and asks her to use her magic to bring him back to his world."
"Life is an adventure, and I'm taking full advantage of it."
"I might not go skydiving or rocky mountain climbing, but I am going to live like I'm dying."
"Enjoy the moment carpe diem, make the most of every moment of your life as best you can."
"I don't want anyone to wait some indeterminate day in the future to finally live their life."
"Serena D versus uh who who was it again I've written down K I forgot the first name k k thingy K."
"You have one life to live and you need to live it to the fullest."
"You gotta take it, you gotta embrace the moments."
"I want to do it, you should go for it, seize the moment."
"You gotta grab life by the lips and yank as hard as you can."
"You have to take any moment you can get."
"Life is too short to not go after what you want right away and right now."
"You only live once and if you do it right once is enough."
"You only get so many opportunities in life, and when one of them comes up, it's like a flower. You're better off plucking it than sniffing at it or trampling on it."
"'I'm alive. Like I'm doing it. I'm squeezing every ounce of juice out of this lemon.'"
"You just gotta go for it. Life's too short."
"That's my chance! I've got the blade!"
"Let's take this amazing opportunity."
"'To fleeting pleasures make your court. No moment lose, for life is short. The present now is our only time. The missing that our only crime.'"
"What you going to do at your moment? The only reason I'm standing in front of you today is because I have seized a multitude of my moments."
"Don't wait until you're ready because you'll never be ready."
"This person takes opportunities when they are presented to them."
"YOLO. Literally you only live once."
"You have to take advantage of it when you have the chance to go win."
"When you get a chance to get a hold of that ball, you have to take it."
"Just do it now. Do everything you want to do right now, and there's no better timing than right now because we have the ability to do whatever we want."
"Take advantage of [opportunities] because you never know if you'll get that opportunity again."
"We only get one shot, don't we? So we have to make the most of it."
"I have never wanted to seize harder, this is it, this is my seizing moment!"
"You don't have this opportunity for very long so you may as well make the most for you live once."
"We got to take advantage of the moment that we're all seeing that at the same time."
"We always seize the day, the moment, you know?"
"What did De La Cruz always say? 'Seize your moment.'"
"When you get an opportunity like this, you capitalize on it."
"I know I won't be able to do this job forever so I want to take it all in while I can and make the most of it."
"The opportunity of a lifetime must be grasped during the lifetime of the opportunity."
"Don't let your moment pass you by."
"You've got to make the most of your moments."
"You need to seize the moment and embrace it."
"He knows, don't let the energy or the moment go, just get it."
"Fear doesn't allow you to accomplish in your life. And how much more would we each accomplish if we just put fear aside and we seize the moment?"
"We're never gonna be as young as we are right now at this moment, and we gotta grab it and enjoy it and live it."
"What an opportunity we have, but you'll have to seize it."
"You definitely want to capitalize on this one for sure."
"All I remember is, no, you want to, you better, or as D H Lawrence said, write it, and write it hard, get it now because all these little moments go by and if we don't grab them we miss it."
"He grabs the moment, he had the power, and what a moment."
"You got to grab it when you can, absolutely."
"You have to reach out and take it."
"You want to know why wine flies when you're having fun? Seize that moment."
"I think I gotta stop postponing it, waiting for the right moment and just enjoy."
"You never know when Mr. Wright's going to pop up into your life, and you can't afford to risk missing any chances at your age."
"This is your moment, Fab. You are do what can you do."
"Life's just too damn short for ifs and maybes and I'm sorry for both of us that it took me this long."
"I think it means live life to the fullest."
"Seizing the moment would ensure our victory."
"You just really want to take advantage of the moment but you can't do that by being scared or having fear-based motivation."
"There is no next time. There was now, and we [ __ ] it up."
"Life is short, so if there's something you care about, if there's a person you care about, go for it. Don't be afraid. Push yourself because you only have this one life and it can end at any moment."
"Taking advantage of this moment because there might not be another soon."
"If you're gonna think about what if, think about like hey what if this is the last opportunity I have to maybe do this."
"Many wait to retirement to begin living their dream of travelling Australia but I'm not waiting. I'm living my Sundays today."
"You don't have too many chances like this in your lifetime."
"You have an opportunity right now. Don't let this moment pass."
"Just making the most of this little bit of time."
"It is cool to see someone travel all this way and grab an opportunity by the balls like this."
"This is the day, honey. This is the moment."
"Grab life by the balls and live in the moment and go for it."
"So as we were driving through downtown, there was a break in the storm and the sun came out, and we just couldn't resist stopping back out at the beach one last time."
"It's your time right here, it's your time right now."
"You really have to take advantage of it because you don't know when it's gonna come back."
"It's important that you're living now in the moment and you are taking advantage of the abundance and the opportunities that are available to you."
"When life gives you the perfect wave, you've gotta take it no matter what everyone else is doing."
"This guy lives for moments like this."
"For street photographers, it's better to get a shot than to miss the opportunity entirely."
"Don't miss that opportunity, man. Don't let that slip out your fingers."
"The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of that opportunity."
"We gotta take advantage of the moment because some people wish they could do stuff like this."
"Heaven's open when the bars are closed, so seize the moment, don't leave it hoping you'll breed tomorrow, you could be a ghost."
"They live for this moment right here."
"You really have come here to make the most of your moment, haven't you?"
"When you find your moment, take it."
"That's when you breathe in those moments, you just need one that you take."
"This is the moment. Make it yours."
"Life's made up of moments; you don't want to be tough and then realize you're 80 years old and you never experienced everything."
"You just ride it, take advantage of it as long as you can."
"Could be the moment that you've waited for, you've wasted enough days."
"When it's your moment, when it's time for you to stand up and be counted, things go your way."
"He's embracing every second of this and he was born for this moment."
"This is my year, this is my time, this is my moment. There's never a better time than now."
"It's great when you see an athlete like that just sort of own the moment."
"Sometimes you have to take advantage of the opportunities because if you don't, they'll just pass you by."
"When you have these moments, you can't let them pass."
"Don't wait for the perfect moment and just go for it."
"You only go around once, grab all of the gusto you can."
"You've got to take the moments, otherwise what's the point of anything?"