
Divine Proximity Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I thank you that in proximity with you, they will come into the proximity of their breakthrough."
"You're not factoring in what it would be like to be so close to your maker."
"None of them took anything to alter their mind to come closer to God."
"When suffering, we may be nearer to God than we've ever been."
"What He wants more than anything, is this just as you turn to Him and you draw near to Him, what He's gonna do is He's gonna draw near to you, like you've never experienced before."
"Jesus is coming soon and more than ever we need to prepare for that by being as close to the Lord as we possibly can."
"Good done from the heart in the spiritual world attracts heavenly company, while evil done from the heart brings us into closer proximity to hell."
"When we are in the midst of the fire, being in close proximity to God is what protects us."
"God is so faithful and just he wants to save us he wants us to save he wants us to come near to him."
"The Lord Jesus is as close as the mention of His name."
"When you are close to God, distance does not matter."
"If we draw near to God and reach out to touch Him, we can indeed find healing, peace, and joy."
"You have to understand the Creator is closer to us than you think."
"Seek forgiveness of Allah and come back to him, indeed Allah is close and he will respond to you."
"Seek the weak in times of difficulty. They may be closer to God and their prayers may be more answered."
"These beings then are not infallible they're not Incorruptible what we're talking about with Holiness you say but he calls them as holy ones we're talking about proximity to his presence we're talking about an alignment with his purpose."
"He's not a far away God, he's Transcendent perfectly holy but he condescends to be close to us."
"Living in the desert and traveling through desert brings one closer to God."
"The mess that brings us together is the mess that brought God near."
"Every wave of adversity which has struck me has only wafted me that much nearer to Deity."
"God is closer to us than our jugular vein."
"We are striving to be Saints, but we won't be Saints unless we strengthen our hearts, we firm our knees, and we realize that the Lord is near."
"God is so much closer to us than we realize."
"God is getting closer and God is getting nicer."
"God is so close to us; we miss it because it is so incredibly close to us."
"You draw nigh to me, I will draw nigh to you, and it's that nearness that is the secret of strength."
"Submit yourself then to God, resist the devil and he'll flee from you. Come near to me and I'll come near to you."
"The closer we get to God, the further we get from sin."
"You cannot be closer to God than here and now."
"He's raised you up and seated you right next to Him."
"God is closer than your jugular vein."
"We are never nearer God than when we love."
"God is good, and only good, and His nearness is your good."
"What great nation is there that has a God so near to it as the Lord our God is to us, whenever we call upon him?"
"There is no death, there is no fear, when I'm near to Him."
"Verily, the help of Allah is near."
"O son of love, thou art but one step away from the glorious heights above."
"It's as close to God as you can get."
"Get close to God, and He'll get close to you."
"Yah is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth."
"He's closer than my skin; He is never leaving me."
"Everything that God has for you is not ahead of you, you do not have to travel a far distance to get to it."
"Hold us who wait before Thee near to the heart of God."
"God is really close to you and it's about ready for you time now to come to Him."
"Thou drawest near to none but the contrite in heart, and canst not be found by the proud."
"Oh, let us seek God while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near."
"Each step into the unknown is a step closer to the heart of God."
"God is near to those who seek his face."
"He's close to those that have broken hearts and crushed spirits."
"God is nearest to you. He's closest to the broken of heart, to those crushed in your spirit."