
Gun Laws Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Arizona has permitless carry, strong preemption laws, top-notch self-defense laws."
"California leads the nation when it comes to common sense gun laws. We should all be ensuring the safety of our communities, not fighting against long-standing laws that improve public safety."
"Way stricter gun laws would deal with the crazies."
"I believe that if we were just outright be like you can have guns and we're going to make it super easy you can walk in you can buy one we would actually see a massive reduction in violent crimes."
"We've proven that gun laws work without banning most guns."
"The vast majority of people actually do support stronger gun laws."
"Flag laws. Well so the cops went to his house the guy answered the door with his gun they said we're here to take your guns under red flag laws and he says you..."
"We let assault weapons be sold in this country with no background checks."
"The parents never go to jail. The parents never get charged for buying these kids guns illegally."
"You carry a gun so you're hard to kill, know the law so you're hard to convict."
"These regulations are not a cure-all, but they're a start."
"The annulment of concealed carry laws reflects a seismic shift."
"The Louisville shooter who murdered five people bought his AR-15 legally, police say."
"With all states and territories signed on by the middle of 1996, the agreement flipped Australia's loose decentralized gun laws on their head."
"You've taken the ground from under me... sensible gun laws now look stupid."
"The second amendment prohibits any state from criminalizing self-defense period."
"Why don't we translate that into the gun laws?"
"I want to see Republicans saying it's not about new gun laws, it's about repealing bad gun laws too."
"Walking around with an open carried gun could be enough to already alert people."
"There is a corrupt special interest that is profiting from these gun laws that are killing Americans."
"You're gonna turn law-abiding citizens into criminals by demanding they give up their lawfully purchased property."
"I support creating jobs and opportunities for people who need them the most. I support prison reform. I support common-sense gun laws that will make our world safer. I support those who risk their lives to serve and protect us."
"We're calling for Governor Greg Abbott to schedule a special legislative session to address the state's lax gun laws."
"Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants."
"Gun control laws only benefit the criminals, they do not benefit the law abiding."
"Um having stronger gun laws does correlate to lower levels of firearm mortality let me see yeah okay California and Florida are both pretty low with regards to the um the firearm death rate however California is doing better."
"More relaxed gun laws don't always lead to more violent crime."
"The impact of gun laws on crime rates is not straightforward."
"It can't be if there are states with the most lax gun laws in the country which are safer than states that have the most strict gun laws in the country."
"If most of the gun crime is caused by gang members with illegally possessed weapons, why in the world wouldn't you start cracking down on the gangs?"
"Buy it when you see it because if you dig this, this gun could be banned in the future."
"One of the reasons why this is so popular is not only because it doesn't look super scary but because it's illegal in a lot of states where an ar-15 or an ak or even something like an mpx or even a jp would not be legal."
"The Supreme Court is looking out for the ordinary gun owner who makes a small legal mistake."
"I'm going to comply with the law but I'm not going to register the guns."
"She said she'll ignore unconstitutional gun laws and said, 'What's the feds gonna do, come down and arrest her?' She's right. What will they do? Nothing."
"The gun show loophole and straw purchases need to be cracked down on significantly."
"The strictest gun laws are in your highest crime States because the good people can't defend themselves."
"...if these gun laws were enforced you think there'd be less gun violence..."
"I believe in Nashville... where the place I can carry guns... and I don't need a permit to do so... 'cause then I'm an American... and we stand up out."
"The final step should be the repeal of the NFA as antithetical to the Second Amendment."
"The tides have turned. The culture is changing. As such, will the gun laws as well."
"The laws against the ownership of guns make us feel safer but is a fake feeling, these laws simply stop honest people from buying guns, the criminals obviously don't really care."
"In contemporary times they're usually calls for stricter gun laws."
"The fact that the father was still able to get his hands on guns legally even with all the strict laws in Australia is terrifying."
"How one mass shooting changed the UK's gun laws forever."
"Massively scaling the amount of research funding into what gun laws are effective is the first step to address gun violence."
"Control is how we enforce gun safety."