
State Power Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"This one is really, really interesting, cuts across ideological lines, deals with a lot of very thorny issues around state power and social media."
"We rightly say that the state should be constrained... an arbitrary exercise of state power is evil."
"No amount of justification put forth by the state can justify the total stripping of that fundamental right."
"The marriage of state power and corporate greed is unacceptable."
"State power is a terrifying thing, and when possible, I will always prefer explicit acts of state power to quiet, implicit, covert acts of state power."
"I would rather know that I have a trial date coming up, than the knowledge that any time some federal agent decides that I'm a threat to the state, they can just freeze my assets."
"I just don't want to give the state that power."
"Individual freedoms are so important they act as a check and a balance, a great wall against the ever-growing power of the state."
"Let me find a rationalization on why the state should be allowed to tyrannize me. It's mad, it's absolutely mad, and it's gross to see."
"Whether you kill someone fast or you kill someone slow, if you are killing them because you don't like what they say, that is a final judgment on the state rather than on the victim of the state."
"Fewer people should be terrorized by the state for things they have posted on Twitter that left-wing activists disagree with."
"I find that a lot of people stop being critical of state power when they hear words they like."
"We could bring a halt to the presumption that the state should extend Itself by Dent of its hypothetical moral superiority to the governance of how we heat our houses and feed and provision our own families."
"We're closer than we've ever been in recent history to actual martial law."
"Fascism is when financial and private interests and state interests align..."
"The states hold all the cards. They are in absolute control."
"I think that all states are inherently coercive propaganda machines."
"I do not trust the state to decide what constitutes hate speech."
"Incense would soon become integral to the function of royalty... essential tools in the way that religious authority and the power of the state were constructed."
"Fundamentally flawed because power is given to the state."
"Non-violence empowers the state and the state enforces fascism. Property rights are linked to racism, linked to a system of white supremacy."
"Trudeau says the state now owns your kids, not the parents."
"Even in its current form, Section 230 doesn't stop the states from using their own laws against platforms engaged in fraud."
"Entire communities can be stripped of their personhood and they can be subjected to the sharpest edges of violence of state violence."
"If it's your authority to open, why wasn't it your authority to close?"
"Hitler's unscrupulous plan involving an outrageous crime against the state."
"Financial institutions for participating in fully legal activity, the state doing that is a form of viewpoint discrimination."
"The powers delegated to the federal government are few and far between. Those reserved to the states are numerous and indefinite."
"Obviously you want to ban all guns, you genuinely believe that the citizen is owned by the state."
"The socialists know they've got to basically take over society using the state and they do it have necessity."
"The strength of our country is in a vibrant, robust middle class... rather than a surveillance state or a garrison state."
"Revolutionaries are about pulling the pillars of power out from underneath the state one by one until it falls."
"It really is about individual rights and freedoms versus the power of the state."
"The states are going to have to reassert themselves."
"If you want like revolutionary action in this system, it has to be targeted along class lines. It has to be the use of the state apparatus as modes of seizure."
"Non-crime hate incident: a tool for state intimidation."
"I don't think the state should just be allowed to like choose who lives and who dies..."
"So you are allowed to be what I'd call racist towards a group so long as that racism is sanctioned by the state and sanctioned by the establishment."
"California ultimately is going to a system where their idea would be the state would have complete control over all business and they're just doing it indirectly."
"Every time you have a war, the powers of the state grow... This war against this virus is exactly that kind of war."
"The overturning of Roe v. Wade does not ban abortions nationwide... all it does is send the power back to the state."
"Expansion of state power diminishes his take-home pay, reduces opportunities for the family."
"Nature abhors a vacuum and when you take out state power, volunteerism rushes in to fill that void."
"Family dysfunction provoked by proximity to state power is unbelievably toxic to children."
"The state no longer has a monopoly on the narrative and on information."
"There is no crisis that will not be exploited by the state to create more opportunity for power."
"You do not defy the state. The state controls you. You belong to the state."
"We're seeing a pattern here, states stepping in, pushing back against the federal government."
"If thugs aren't allowed to do it, neither is the state. Thugs can't just look to you and grab your money, no matter how much they promise you it's for a worthy goal."
"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
"Democracy without honest information creates the illusion of popular consent while enhancing the power of the state and the privileged interests."
"The force of the state is cracking down on peaceful protesters... This is fascism in action."
"Lives ruined by the state cracking down, we're not a few steps away from that."
"Private capitalism is turning more and more to an authoritarian State."
"Inverted totalitarianism pays outward fealty to the corporate State."
"That is until certain christianities got state power and heresy transitioned from being a mere sin to becoming a state crime."
"I don't think the state should have the power to kill people."
"Joe Biden is locking up his political opponents, criminalizing free speech, free thought, weaponizing the entire state with the fusion of Corporations together to attack his own citizenry."
"Their role is not to report the news, it's to defend the power of the state."
"Collusion of the state and corporations merging into one and silencing dissent is a hallmark of fascism, 101."
"Decentralize power down to the States and from the states down to individual localities."
"Liberty has been co-opted by those seeking to expand state power."
"One of the things that separates a stable state from a fragile state and then a failed state is the government's monopoly on the use of force."
"That's conservatism. It's about imposing state power to force the world into their square hole."
"The state never intentionally confronts a man's sense intellectual or moral, but only his body, his senses."
"We've labeled you An Enemy of the State and so now that is what you are."
"I think what distinguishes classical liberals and libertarians is the consistent belief that any exercise of power by the state must meet a huge burden of proof."
"Civilized societies don't allow the state to have the power to kill people."
"The state employs ideological apparatuses to reproduce ideology through practices and productions. Ideologies construct concrete individuals as subjects, subject to the material practices of the ideology."
"States relied on Merchants to expand their influence in far-off lands while Merchants relied on states to grant them monopolies on various regions of trade."
"How do you govern a country where you have this sparkling power in the business sector and you don't have a strong state to balance it?"
"The only person who gains when it is violent is the state. The poor man has no guns to bear; it is the state that has all the instruments of coercion."
"We need a government where both the national government and states have power."
"But I think the beauty of the democratic system is that we can try to harness state power in a different way. It's not a single actor, the state."
"While the Aristotelian Trend was achieving political freedom for men, the Platonists were laying the philosophical foundations for the cult of the state."
"Your government has a monopoly on violence."
"The modern state and its sovereign will represented in the law was not only an integral part of this worldview but also was one of its chief architects."
"The public execution became a spectacle of sovereign power, displaying strength and invincibility."
"The real issue will be, has the state got a good enough reason to limit that freedom of speech?"
"The greatest epidemic disease in European history had been eliminated, not by the advance of medicine or scientific knowledge, but by the deployment of the military and bureaucratic power of the state."
"If there is no absolute above the state, then the state is absolute."
"Any power that is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution as belonging to the federal government is therefore reserved to the state governments."
"The greatness of democracy of the rule of law is that the state violence is kept in check."
"State monopoly on violence was only justified if you consented to that state in the first place."
"The unrestrained power of the state to convict and punish the accused without proper demonstration of guilt will be an injustice on a scale that won't make the capital riot even look like the crime of the week."
"If the alternative is to keep all just men in prison or give up war and slavery, the state will not hesitate which to choose."
"The democracy just leads us to the total state where these competing powers are all collapsed."
"Racism is a way of creating divisions within the biological domain of the state."
"The state has set itself up as judge in its own cause, thus violating a basic judicial principle for aiming at just decisions."
"The State is always a conservative power which legalizes, regularizes and organizes the victories of progress, but never introduces them."
"The State is not God. It has no right to take away that which it cannot give back, if it should so desire."
"The death penalty by state; what concept does this represent? Federalism."
"I oppose violence, especially by large entities like States."
"A powerful nation state needs a sense of history."
"Constitutions will also clarify the relationship between the state and the individuals so that everyone knows their rights and the limitations of the power of the state."
"The human rights regime was created in a moment in history where the state was the most important actor and the most powerful actor."
"...the Bill of Rights guarantees you due process because they still had a vivid memory of what it's like when the state has that kind of power."
"The Constitution expressly assigns to the states the power to appoint in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct a number of electors."
"Human rights should not be left in the hands of states; human rights should be non-negotiable."