
Personal Differences Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"You don't get to dictate other people; you don't understand what's going on with them or how they are processing. Everybody has a different point of view."
"Don't you know, all of our inner lives are different, but I guess you can kind of look at similarities between how people process things."
"Different personal motivations, priorities, and/or values lead to fun disagreements."
"People are different, you know? Like if two people in the exact same situation have different personalities."
"For me was to realize that people weren't going to root for me in the beginning because I was different and I looked different."
"People tell you all the time... there's no right or wrong way to grieve."
"There's obviously going to be some personal, cultural, and religious differences in the weddings."
"Jen does want to have kids. I do not want to have kids, and that's a big issue because that's something that's really important to me."
"Love like ours can change the world, the differences you have will create a ripple of change."
"It's so hard because every type of person is so different the way that you handle them."
"You don't have to agree with people on everything, it's not necessary to have a relationship with them."
"Relationships should be a celebration of differences."
"Everyone has their own thing and one's different, so it just shows that there is more could be for everyone."
"We disagree, we feel fundamentally different about this [__]. Don't try to make me out to be the bad guy or the wrong person because of that."
"You deserve that time, you deserve to understand everybody is different."
"Human forgiveness is different for all of us and people should not be criticized for who they choose to forgive for something."
"But we don't really feel the same way about like boys or men."
"People are rocks in your way sometimes. They have their own nature, and that nature isn't yours."
"We're all human. We all make mistakes. And yeah, I do feel like there is some clashing. I do feel like there is some differences."
"It's okay to not feel the same, agree with somebody. That's okay."
"This is absolutely terrifying to some and to some this is exciting."
"Just because you might like ocarina of time and I don't doesn't mean that you're not a beautiful person because you are"
"Yeah, we are very different but in a sense we are the same because we can do a lot in a month."
"It's the things you have in common that attract you and it's your differences I think that keep relationships really interesting."
"My brain is rewired in such a way where it's not like everyone else's."
"Everybody heals differently, girl, everybody heals differently."
"There's no right way of doing it. It's different for everybody."
"Each of us is going to emotionally react in a different way to this."
"Every criticism is valid, not necessarily because every person is different."
"I suppose this is a step forward for you, but I'm afraid I don't have a tail at all."
"What I want is truth and openness and the deep and difficult reality that truth is in some ways different for all of us."
"The world is slowly learning that everyone's different and there's no black and white."
"We can't make somebody care about something the same way that we do. The only thing we can really do is lead by example."
"It's like totally weird because you're always in red and I'm always in pink."
"It's all about perspectives and differences."
"Different things are gonna work for different people."
"We truly had not one single thing in common."
"The only difference between me and my fellow actors is that I've spent more time in jail."
"There's Different Strokes for different folks."
"Honestly, I just feel like we are just two different people and we're just in two different places. And once that situation occurred, it's kind of hard to bounce back from something like that."
"I'm different from you. This doesn't make me love you any less; it actually makes me love you more."
"Being different teaches you a lot of resilience."
"Be tolerant of people with other goals; not everyone's going to have the same goal as you."
"Their mindset is not like my mindset, it's just totally different."
"When do you think someone is truly ready for sex? It's different for everybody."
"Our individual outlooks and expressions can undermine each other."
"I can't tell which of there was more of lies or spelling errors and he lives in a completely different reality than everyone else."
"He and I are alike. We both were serving our country, honorably, we thought. We both were schooled in tradecraft. But there's a big difference between the two of us. What's that? You got caught, and I didn't."
"Even if you don't like him, you've got to respect it."
"How do two people take care of each other when they have these differences?"
"I'm wired differently, and that's such a relief."
"Everybody heals differently, everybody takes time to heal."
"Hey, I like what I like, you like what you like. We could all live happily and harmoniously together."
"Jackie isn't really like us but he never fails to bring us along for the ride."
"Some people heal in three weeks, some people heal in three months, some people heal in six months, some people heal in a year."
"Whether you realize it or not, you do the exact same thing. Everyone's algorithm is different, and there's no right or wrong, just data-driven decisions and opportunities to learn from them."
"Different things work for different people, and let's support that."
"There's four things to think about that really fuck up relationships: religion, kids, sex, and money."
"I love seeing what kind of just creativity that other people have that I don't have."
"Listen to your body. Your body will tell you what you need. Everyone will have a different blood type, everyone will have a different brain chemistry, everyone will have a different biology and a different chemistry in their nervous system."
"Two members of the same family can have very, very different trajectories."
"I came here today thinking me and you were similar but sitting around this table I know that I mean you are so worlds apart."
"People grieve differently, so we can't compare."
"Everybody's going to be a little different in their personality and how they are. But how do we deal with the flesh welling up against our spirit?"
"I know for a fact communication I'm gonna be like 10. she's gonna be like no [ __ ] you don't listen to it."
"We all have different skin, we all have different experiences."
"Now i know that i'm not this awful person that everybody said i am i'm just different than you"
"Life is a lot different when you learn that you have extreme feelings that other people don't feel."
"If Chris Abbott he's he's definitely more laid back than I am so he'll do that I won't do right and some people go there's a guy Chris Abbott does it and I go I'm not as nice as Chris."
"Each person is different and what floats your boat may be different than what floats mine."
"I work really well in like finishing tasks not everybody's brain works this way some people are like I like to have days where I get ready and put on makeup and like batch film everything."
"Just because someone doesn't think like you or feel like you doesn't make them a horrible person."
"I think the difference between you and I, Aaron, is that I live for the applause."
"Face it, but for some of you, I don't even think these are bad things."
"I think it's also worth noting that sexually confident will look different on everyone."
"Despite maybe having our differences, I still have a lot of respect for Chandley."
"We also want slightly different things right now, and even though it's slightly different things, it's affecting the entirety of our lives."
"I was insecure about my body, my hair, my smile... I was insecure about my personality because I was so different."
"Listening skills do tend to vary from person to person."
"There's certain concepts that are very ingrained in your guys' brain that are not ingrained in my brain."
"I get the vibe that you're distant, there's something about you that's different."
"I think we're driven by different things and that's okay, we're different people."
"Some people are cut out for it, and others aren't."
"When people don't like you, it's usually just because their values are different from yours."
"That is kind of the fun thing about bass fishing, everybody is a little bit different, everybody sets the hook a little bit different."
"Venus itself relates to how you love; we don't all have the same concept when it comes to romantic love."
"What motivates me might be different than what motivates you."
"Sometimes people just want and need different things; it's okay to stay friends."
"Humor of course is subjective and some people truly don't seem to have much of a sense of humor."
"Every everybody's life different and life is what you make it at the end of the day."
"Love looks different for everyone."
"It's no use, William," she repeated. "You and I would always be uneasy all of our lives."
"It's never a black and white solution and will always vary from person to person."
"People's love languages are all different. It's especially jarring when you have a lot of experience doing things a certain way and then finding out that isn't what somebody else needs."
"Not all individuals are the same and we are all essentially different."
"They want you to be happy, and happiness looks different for everyone."
"Something that didn't work for me works for you doesn't mean everyone's wrong and everybody's terrible and everything is bad; it just means we're different people, and things just work out differently for different people."