
Technological Growth Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Computing power has been increasing by a factor of a thousand per decade."
"The artificial intelligence Revolution is here. It is only going to grow more and more in both scope and breadth."
"It's possible that we could be a Type 1 civilization within the next 200 years."
"Competition is necessary to keep platforms growing, to keep features accelerating, to have good experiences."
"When browsers reshaped how the internet looks and feels, it brought tremendous growth to the internet."
"The AI Revolution is here and it's more real in 40 days Open AI the chat box chat GPT has accrued 10 million daily users more users than Instagram they've been out for how long it's the fastest growth of anything we've ever seen."
"I just hope that they do the same thing that they did with the internet back in the early 90s: a little regulation goes a long way."
"Every 18 months it doubles... that's how technology graphs look."
"Our technological evolution has outpaced our moral evolution."
"The biggest technological explosion... witnessed... more access to more information..."
"Yes, EV growth will occur but will it occur at the pace that's been predicted? I don't think so."
"Innovation is coming folks, it's happening, it is accelerating, it is here, it is undeniable."
"Shutting off this growth engine would be the equivalent of stopping e-commerce in 1995 because people were afraid of credit card fraud." - Mark Cuban
"India's own homegrown software giant and a major contributor to India's explosive growth."
"Moore’s law stipulates that the processing power of computers doubles every year or two."
"We're due for some kind of major expansion of technology."
"In the future, smart is gonna grow up a bit... every single smart will be electric powered."
"Crypto adoption is spreading around the world faster than any of us can actually realize."
"We're seeing roughly 90,000 miners or wireless gateways added per month."
"A technological singularity is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization."
"The fundamental rate limiter for transitioning to sustainable energy is how fast you can grow with the amount of battery output per year."
"Things are getting... the technology is accelerating right now, way faster than it had for the past eight years."
"Our technological advancement as a society has outpaced our system for handling finite resources."
"I think this EV market... I think it's going to be big moving forward."
"Strong user demand forces blockchain networks and decentralized applications to grow and innovate faster."
"I personally believe that Tesla has a very, very long way to go."
"This isn't an s-curve of production this is an exponential curve of how good this self-driving technology gets."
"AI, artificial intelligence, just makes us more intelligent and helps us grow faster, evolve faster."
"People ignore the exponential nature of technological change."
"WhatsApp hits 2 billion users, up from 1.5 billion two years ago."
"The exponential increase in technological innovation."
"Protocols like phantom taking off... the phantom ecosystem is absolutely explosive."
"The future of blockchain technology is e-commerce and e-commerce is much larger than just gold."
"AI is not going anywhere; it's only going to get more prolific as time goes on."
"We're in exponential growth... it's transforming our society so dramatically, so rapidly." - Interviewee
"India's emergence as a technological superpower."
"I can safely say we'll see more of it this year."
"Virtuous cycles between smart contracts and user fees drive growth."
"The bigger it gets, the harder it gets to ban."
"If a technology doubled every year then within 10 years it would increase a thousandfold but half of that thousandfold increase comes in the final year and over 87% of that increase comes in the final three years." - Brit
"if you thought the AI hype is uh you know not real if you thought people are just too excited this chart should show you that the future coming in terms of what future systems are going to be capable of how quickly they're going to be trained."
"Walk of Shame, Captain. Don't run up on me again. Do you understand? Do you understand? And learn the law."
"We need to continue to increase that technology, those minds, so that the numbers will increase and yes, one day, oh dear, one day, we will sing hosanna, hallelujah."
"Technological advancement should start speeding up hugely."
"Adoption is faster than the internet. Do you want to be a part of something that's being adopted faster?"
"When you make things purposely simple and robust, the design space is very limited and the technological growth and upgrades tend to happen in layers on and around that very simple foundation."
"Technological and related innovation drove the surge in the 1990s growth."
"A single message from space will show that it is possible to live through technological adolescence." - Carl Sagan
"Technology has been compounding upon itself almost at the rate of Moore's law."
"Throughout the second half of the 20th century, the industry sought to grow their wafers about 50 percent each decade without compromising on productivity and cost."
"India becomes a tech and media superpower."
"Our raw ability to read DNA and write DNA is accelerating at an exponential pace."
"Artificial intelligence is no longer just a piece of software inside computers. Now it has started to grow wings and fly."
"The total amount of compute has been growing exponentially, the quality and performance of the models is unequivocally approaching human level performance."
"China's technological ascension has been swift and alarmed many in the West over fears of what it might do with an ever modernizing military."
"Imagine how fast this technology could grow."
"It's been an incredible journey for Firebase over the past few years."
"Decentralized Finance, the growth of web3... it is very much a reality."
"We're now just entering a world where the growth of the number of devices is going to be exponential."
"Technological trends double every year, give or take."