
Germany Quotes

There are 574 quotes

"I fell in love with Germany. I adored the country, the people, that language, and the culture."
"Germany has expressed its desire to build a modernized, high-tech, powerful military."
"I think an example of it succeeding would be like Germany... it was also about like monuments and memorials and museums and they built those like those Stepping Stones... but as far as I know, that was quite successful."
"The push towards renewable energy, while a hot-button issue for some, has become more of a sought-after solution for Germany, especially given their current predicament."
"The mighty, prosperous Germany for years a symbol of opulence, productivity, and good work."
"Higher energy costs, lack of workers, high wages, and now Chinese competition are toppling Germany's once famous competitiveness."
"Germany has recently become the third largest economy in the world, behind China and the USA, after overtaking a stagnant Japan."
"The German Chancellor gave a stunning speech that he basically repudiated everything that Germany has stood for for 30 years."
"Germany will be the first country in the world to bring autonomous vehicles out of the research labs and onto the road."
"I'm so happy that I was able to get out of the United States and experience growing up in Germany."
"Germany is represented with a choice: You can remain industrialized but be neutral on Ukraine, or we can cut off the energy."
"Your values are our values; Germany has done more for us than any other European or Arab country."
"Right-wing extremism is the most vital threat that we face at the moment in the Federal Republic of Germany."
"The violent clashes defining Germany's interwar period especially early on didn’t just involve fists or milkshakes. It involved machine guns, it involved artillery and mass executions."
"Germany - your love, is a curse and a blessing, Germany - my love, I cannot give you,"
"I loved Germany, I loved the culture and the way people live and think, how everyone is free and educated."
"Arminius was the deliverer of Germany...in the height of her empire's glory had fought indecisive battles, yet in war remained unconquered."
"Gutentag, Germany, the country known for luxurious cars, enchanting castles, zestful festivals, frothy beer."
"It's the medium-sized companies that are the backbone and so secret recipe of the German economy."
"Germany's strength is fueled by its education system."
"Germany outshines in the production and export of the automobile industry."
"From World War I war reparations to hyperinflation, from building themselves up again to the Great Depression and World War II, Germany has seen its fair share of troubles but it always marches forward."
"Germany should have made vast reparations to the Jewish people."
"Germany's rise to power would dramatically change French history."
"The economic transformation of western Germany from a war-ravaged nation to one of the world's strongest economies within decades."
"Infrastructure in shambles: bridges, railroads, electrical, and water distribution systems severely damaged."
"Introduction of the new deutsche mark: A drastic measure to restore economic stability."
"Germany has done phenomenally so far... absolutely astonishing... a model for what is possible."
"The German attempt to colonize the Americas... few people think of."
"Germany is the lynchpin of the European Union, an economic powerhouse that’s also home to one of the world’s top creative capitals."
"Germany was, as it is today, a world leader in both science and industry."
"Germany took a back seat after that, so this might have been the last time."
"A new Germany, a new state, a new opportunity to build a new glorious democracy."
"Germany to legalize cannabis in an economy-boosting bid after Merkel's departure."
"Germany has made moves that showed that it has been on the side of the Ukrainian Army since the very beginning of the war."
"One of the most mysterious landmarks in Germany is the Goseck Circle, a monument made out of earth, gravel, and wooden palisades."
"A long war is going to be a disaster for Germany."
"Germany benefited greatly from bringing in migrant workers into the country specifically Turkish people."
"Deportations are something that's happening already in Germany anyway, borders closing all that."
"Germany's voluntary payments for past wrongs amount thus far to more than 55 billion over a period of six decades and are unparalleled in history."
"Germany is the largest battery electric vehicle Market in Europe."
"Everything I've tried to do with the show so far is show that you could disagree with people and we can allow the conversation to happen."
"Germany, I've never seen anyone represent this country better."
"The death of the HRE and birth of the Confederation of the Rhine laid the groundwork for Prussia to slowly unite the German states."
"Neuschweinstein is one of the most popular castles in all of Europe."
"As a German, I'm happy. This is a good result."
"Germany's government air fleet is nothing short of impressive."
"Germany is quite literally facing its most serious energy crisis in Generations."
"Not only because these brands are based in Germany but also because they base their designs on the culture around them."
"Oktoberfest is one of the most famous and popular festivals in the world."
"The Black Forest is a popular tourist destination."
"The Christmas markets in Germany are a popular holiday tradition."
"The terror bombing of German cities continued night after night."
"Germany killed roughly 10 million people from Soviet lands including Jewish people through a variety of means including starvation, gunshot, and gas chamber."
"Germany is only a couple percentage away, it might swap at any point, you know, let's just split the country up, we need to divide it again."
"German engineering is revered the world over."
"The period of astonishing growth that follows becomes known as the German economic miracle."
"Klopp is synonymous with Liverpool... he is the biggest football personality in Germany."
"That was really good quality, obviously go to Germany a lot as you've seen here on the channel, and that was like the best representation of Germany I've seen outside of Germany."
"Germany's clean energy infrastructure is impressive."
"Germany was great, that cheese fondue in the bread bowl may actually be my single favorite food item."
"Germany's High-Speed Rail a network that is a work in progress... and huge potential for the future."
"Consider the companies Volkswagen and BASF, two of Germany's largest companies."
"Decoupling would destroy the German economy."
"Germany's the largest economy in Europe as well as the most industrialized and populous European country famed for its beer festivals, technological achievements, car industry, and the highway system."
"Germany announced a move to counter the Chinese Communist Party."
"Germany needs something now, not in 30 years time."
"Germany is a fancy fancy base what the heck are you looking at Chernobyl?"
"Germany's first experiment with liberal democracy was born of the 1919 Weimar Constitution."
"Ukrainian Pilots will travel to the U.S for F-16 jet training."
"Germany has been a pioneer in assisting Ukraine with financial, humanitarian, and military aid."
"The oldest evidence of beer brewing in Germany comes from northern Bavaria where a three thousand year old burial croc was discovered in 1935."
"Germany... in 2014... iconic World Cup for many years to come..."
"Germany are very, very, very good. A team to keep your eye on."
"Germany, you've impressed me. That's what I grew up with, Germany being the favorites."
"Germany has kind of been more or less like the America of Europe as far as cryptocurrency adoptions."
"Germany's managing pretty well; they probably have the lowest death rate in the world—it's an organized society."
"A hidden bunker, a pair of friends walking through the woods in Northern Germany came across a few pipes sticking out of the ground."
"Germany volunteered to provide Ukraine with modern IRIS-T air defense systems."
"This campground is the largest contiguous forest in Germany."
"The Third Reich, which Hitler had proclaimed would last a thousand years, now lay buried within the devastated Germany."
"Germany is managing pretty well; they probably have the lowest death rate in the world."
"What do you think is the most beautiful place in Deutschland?"
"Germany quickly surpassed its competitors in economic, financial, industrial, demographic, and military strength."
"The Berlin Wall marks the symbolic reunification of Germany."
"Germany is a country which, despite its past, has an incredibly bright present and indeed future as well."
"No nation has done more to support Renewables than Germany."
"In Germany, one in three bikes sold now is electric."
"Nuernberg is nicknamed the most German of German cities, a favorite of Hitler's."
"In Germany, the child's name must indicate their gender."
"Planning a trip to Germany next year; exciting times ahead."
"Germany also sent a large number of training officers to the territory of Ukraine."
"In Germany the Traffic-lights don't just go from red directly to green like in the U.S, but they go from red to red and yellow at the same Time, and then to green."
"Germany is the only Country in the World, where the Highways don't have a general Speed-limit."
"Nobody should underestimate the Germans; they're quite climate conscious, very green in their politics."
"Porsches are built in Germany, Stuttgart. Those are the German colors with the horse, an amazing iconic symbol of all that race heritage, all that performance."
"Gummy bears aren't American at all; they're German."
"The German autobahn, which translates very literally as car Runway, forms the basis of the first modern National Expressway system."
"The Germans are proud of their autobahn system and the freedom they have on it, and rightly so."
"Germany delivers amps self-protection systems to Ukraine."
"now an even better deal if you plan to use Regional trains exclusively across Germany is the relatively new Deutschland ticket which is only 49 euros and I'm not even joking it's you unlimited Regional trains in the country for an entire month."
"Germany, you have phenomenal snacks."
"Germany have what it takes to make it to the semis. I wouldn't put them to make it to the final and win it, but I wouldn't be shocked."
"The audacious operation had struck a significant blow to Germany’s nuclear ambitions."
"Through these daring operations, the Allies decisively thwarted Germany’s nuclear ambitions."
"France and Germany are the heartland of Europe, you know, that's the industrial, commercial, financial heart of Europe."
"Berlin, Germany's pulsating capital, is a city that seamlessly blends a tumultuous past with a vibrant present."
"The problem of the Versailles Treaty was that it humiliated Germany without forcing them to be weak."
"So it’s very normal in Germany to just send out money to another person’s or an institution’s bank account directly from your online bank account."
"Germany had made itself a lot of enemies."
"Cologne is also famous for its vibrant nightlife."
"The fact that this song peaked at number 10 in Germany and the UK only served to further solidify her International Fame."
"Nazi flags and Mein Kampf are incredibly illegal items to own in Germany."
"Germany... they've come out working hard and building their way up to become a world superpower. You got to give it to them, there's something about the Germans."
"To be able to build yourself up as Germany has done and become a huge player in the world... that's huge, that is amazing."
"I had a nice time when I was in Germany. What part of Germany are you from? Close to Hanover in the north."
"Germany is one of the best countries at Epcot according to people and by people I mean me."
"Germany is honestly slept on when it comes to Scenery."
"British tank production overtakes Germany's."
"Sports: It is estimated that around 27 million Germans are members of a sports club."
"German Shepherds originate in Germany."
"Biking in Germany is also somewhat popular depending on the city and the weather."
"Graffiti: When arriving in Germany, you will surprisingly find a lot of graffiti art all over the place."
"Only in Germany: Germany likes to keep it old-fashioned, so having to carry some cash on you is critical."
"Education is free, not all, but many."
"Germany had been fighting for its identity, so it's only fitting that when they had their own unified German country, they used the most German font possible."
"In Germany, there's a clearer path with like if you study, you go to university and you work for Mercedes and you have a good job."
"The problem was how should Germany pay?"
"The Germans found themselves with a very large bill to their own people."
"In Germany, it's not allowed to take photos of a person without their permission."
"There is something from the Graf Zeppelin in Germany."
"One morning, the beach of an island near Germany became a sight to behold."
"The queen and Prince Philip, 50 years later, are making another very important state visit to Germany."
"Preserve that spirit in which you have fought so long and so gallantly for the sake of the future of the Fatherland. Long Live Germany!"
"I've noticed a pattern that anytime I make a video praising something about Germany, the majority of the comments express gratitude for someone talking about Germany in a positive way."
"By acknowledging its guilt, Germany sought not only to express remorse but also to rebuild trust and establish peaceful relationships with other nations, especially those directly affected by the Nazi atrocities."
"Coburg is a stunning medieval town that looks straight out of a fairy tale. The town's well-preserved medieval architecture, charming half-timbered houses, and winding streets are a testament to its rich history."
"Germany doesn't just give reparations to Israel it also gave reparations to Poland."
"The main question is whether Germany not only is in the position to take the initiative and also whether it could have an interest in doing so."
"Germany is not just a stereotype of half timbered houses and beer Halls, there's so much more to Germany."
"Germany is one of the most desirable locations for Americans to relocate."
"People here in Germany understand and respect Lane designations."
"It's a perfect stop on a road trip through Germany."
"Number 11: Eburg highlighted as Germany's medieval miracle."
"The Germans are in a situation where they are still occupying French and Belgian and Russian territory their present situation isn't hopeless but their future situation is."
"Germany is known mostly for their exceptional engineering."
"Germany is the strongest economy in the EU."
"Germany experiences more tornadoes on average than any other country in Europe."
"Buying a house is just a big decision and a big step for Germans."
"Whom we were asked what country do you consider responsible for causing this war? Germany 82 percent."
"Germany remains an industrial powerhouse of the world"
"Hopefully we convinced you that there is so much more to Germany than what is usually mentioned"
"Germany's a cool country, definitely is a place that I'm excited to visit again"
"Germany has been very successful, with strong democratic institutions and economic competitiveness."
"Germany is a country of freedom, and a country where each one can choose his future."
"Rioters destroyed hundreds of synagogues throughout Germany, annexed Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia."
"You don't have to visit a fairy tale to see gorgeous towns like this, you just have to visit Germany."
"Germany, a groundbreaking initiative called the 'Gaus Fusion,' is shaking up the global fusion energy landscape."
"Germany just takes the cake. There's a lot of cool [stuff] to see there."
"Quality of food in Germany is way higher."
"Since you probably don't want to buy everything new one tip that I would absolutely give you is bring a lot of layers in Germany layering is everything."
"And the fifth thing you're going to love about coming to Germany is a lot of people like to come to Germany for the Christmas markets."
"Germany had an incredibly high unemployment rate."
"In late September, East and West Germany overwhelmingly voted in favor of reuniting the two countries, which had been separated since Germany's unconditional surrender in 1945."
"Start out in Germany with possibly the worst job oh yeah but you get to be with the woman you love what if you realize that that lifestyle is amazing yeah."
"The world championship leader who won in West Germany."
"Read about the end of the world as it was foreseen in 15th century Germany."
"They're bred and raised by German breeders and the folks in Germany they pay their workers more."
"Eisenach is a town located in central Germany."
"Germany legalized marijuana for recreational use."
"Cost of living in Germany... I love it!"
"One of my favorite places so far has been Germany, especially the southern regions of Bavaria and the Black Forest."
"Developed in Germany to be protective of him and his home and family."
"I think the architecture in the inner city is definitely one of the most beautiful we have in Germany."
"People here in Germany are not rude. People aren't angry. People aren't nasty. It's just communication's different here in Germany."
"Germany is obviously well known for its amazing array and selection of beer."
"Traffic here in Germany is really, really bad, especially in the larger cities."
"Germany, since its unification, particularly since late 1800s, had been an industrial giant."
"Germany has a lot of awesome fruit teas and then they have limited edition seasonal winter teas as well."
"Every German knows Le and every German had Li in some kind of shape or form in their life."
"It's one of the longest-charting albums in the history of Germany."
"German nationalism surges and in 1871 Otto von Bismarck creates the first unified state."
"Germany experiences tuition-free universities."
"Germany has the largest installed solar power capacity."
"Germany is the birthplace of the Protestant Reformation by Martin Luther."
"Germany is kind of like Bosnian Herzegovina in which by default they kind of get friends based off of the regional alliances."
"Germany's got the economy in the tech but Poland I think has the better numbers."
"I'd love to try some German food, definitely love to try some German beers."
"France knew exactly what Germany was capable of, having experienced events 30 years prior."
"London rejected his proposal to launch an operation in the Caspian and Black Sea area designed to cut Germany's petroleum supplies."
"Germany is not just Europe's largest economy; it is one of the largest in the entire world."
"Germany is the world's third-largest exporter."
"The foremost German problem today is the reestablishment of ordinary human decency."
"Once that's out of living memory as well, there will be a little bit of a kind of re-evaluation of what Germany is and what it stands for, I think."
"...in the 1870s Germany as the state that we've come to know it in the 20th century did not yet exist."
"Germany is a country that's had so much success on the sporting stage."
"Fantasialand in Germany, I have never been to a place quite like Fantasialand."
"Despite tension and conflict elsewhere in the world, Germany remains a critical area and a constant challenge."
"This is a beautiful place, one of the most visited places in all of Germany."
"The integration of all the innumerable little German states into a single Empire."