
National Sovereignty Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"If people in a nation are being invaded and conquered by fascists, then I am okay with them preserving their national sovereignty by defending themselves."
"At least we got our country back, at least we control our borders, hey, at least the NHS is going great guns with all that money that was freed up by leaving the European Union."
"We have to protect our laws and the integrity of our borders to remain a sovereign nation."
"One by one countries declared their independence from Britain, and no amount of force could reverse the tide."
"What happens to a small country somewhere when the entire personal records, medical records, whatever, of every politician, journalist, judge, and military officer is held by somebody in Silicon Valley or in China? Is it still an independent country or did it become a kind of data colony?"
"The days when foreigners could tell China what to do are over."
"In America, like every nation that has won and defended our sovereignty, we understand that we have nothing so precious as our birthright or treasured independence and our freedom."
"Ukraine asked for nothing except to be allowed to live in peace and to seek her own alliances as every sovereign country has a right to do."
"We support Ukraine's sovereign right to choose her own destiny. We will stand with the Ukrainian people in the face of President Putin's threats."
"Let's get out and let's use our musician as a sovereign nation to carry on blunting some of the excesses of the European Union."
"We got to start acting like a sovereign nation, and we got to stop being afraid to fail."
"We have nothing to do with China, we are Taiwan and we do not intend to rule over anyone other than ourselves, nor allow anyone to rule over us."
"I decline to do so. What I would actually prefer to see is the status quo of Ukraine restored to its sovereignty and integrity." - Advocating for peace
"Having an open border and not enforcing it is supremely immoral."
"If you don't have borders, you don't have a union."
"The purpose here is sovereignty... to make truth for our children."
"Iran's self-determination needs to be respected."
"Fundamentals like the sovereignty of the country are at stake."
"We are very happy that there is even one European country that decided to take your independence back and to take back control."
"A country without borders is not a country at all."
"Because for all his bombs and tanks and missiles, I don't believe that the Russian dictator will ever subdue the national feeling of the Ukrainians and their passionate belief that their country should be free."
"This entire discussion is moot because now we know it's about the destruction of the Ukrainian state."
"America stands for something different. We believe that might does not make right, that bigger nations should not be able to bully smaller ones, and that people should be able to choose their own future."
"We don't want to celebrate firing tomahawk missiles into a foreign country. We want to celebrate us standing up against the largest empire in the world saying fu, those are our bombs, get out of our country."
"Brexit also restored confidence in a way because what it did is it put popular sovereignty on steroids."
"Clifford, you've hit a nerve. Globalism may have its place, but not at the cost of our sovereignty."
"The ukrainians are just trying to protect their own country, a territory that is independent and sovereign."
"We have been taken over by a foreign entity that was not elected by us, we the people."
"If there are no borders and people can just enter whenever they want, you don't have a country."
"I consider this to be the greatest threat to the sovereignty of our constitutional republic in its history."
"Nothing excuses foreign meddling in U.S. elections."
"There is no way that Ukrainians will submit to some kind of puppet regime from Russia."
"We need to get our sovereignty back by bringing back manufacturing."
"Sovereign countries must define and defend their borders."
"The sovereignty of the United Kingdom and its four nations will not be compromised."
"The future belongs to Patriots, to Sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens."
"Every nation has the right to defend its integrity and resist unfounded allegations."
"Homeland free of all those colonizers you will fight against your government and get all those sellouts out and then you would run your nation."
"If Ukraine's sovereignty and territory are not respected, then no country is truly secure."
"No one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity."
"Henry broke ties with Rome, removing the Catholic church's influence over the country."
"True sovereignty, true national self-determination, and democratic representation are two sides of the same coin."
"It's up to Venezuelans to decide who will be part of the solution."
"Nobody wants to think that another country is meddling in their politics, is going to overthrow their president or assassinate their president."
"If there's no border, there's no jurisdiction, and there's no country."
"What we do is provide support to Ukraine, an independent nation that has a right to defend itself."
"Every nation has the right to choose its own path."
"Sovereignty is about freedom of national development."
"Ukraine has a right to be able to defend itself against this."
"Nations and peoples have a right to chart their own path."
"Taking back control is about doing things better, succeeding, and prospering."
"China is almost at another level... an example of a country prioritizing sovereignty over universal values."
"The nisara is giving the country back to the people."
"This is about giving countries options Freedom, the ability to choose their own future."
"National sovereignty everywhere around the world is under attack by these amendments put forward by the USA."
"Without a border, there's no such thing as a country."
"By supporting Ukraine, ethically, morally, we're supporting someone who is fighting for their territorial integrity."
"Every country has to decide, it's their duty."
"The government of Mali is more committed than ever to ensuring its sovereignty and its Authority."
"What him and his country are doing right now to protect their sovereignty is at the same time tragic but also one of the most inspiring, beautiful things I have ever experienced in my entire life."
"It is critical that Americans who value their liberties, Americans who value the ability to govern themselves without interference from foreign powers, from international organizations, get involved."
"Forces are waving the banner of sovereignty against these transnational, unelected, anti-democratic billionaires."
"A nation without borders is no nation... charity begins at home."
"It was about sovereignty, it was about having control of your own country."
"The American people are in charge of their country again."
"I will not stand for it. We will defend the environment, American sovereignty, American prosperity, and American jobs."
"By standing firm, Ukraine has demonstrated that it will not back down from defending its Maritime rights."
"There is no constitutional right for a citizen in a foreign country to demand entry into our country."
"Let's establish a perimeter and see what our rations are."
"Ukraine remains free, Ukraine remains independent."
"At the heart of this, Russia is a sovereign country with its own borders and its own freedom to move its own troops around however the hell it wants within its own borders."
"Putin wants to erase Ukraine as a nation-state."
"American elections should be decided by American citizens, that's it."
"Ukraine has the right to be independent and they have been an independent country since nineteen ninety one."
"The era of global freeloading and taking advantage of the United States is over."
"Haiti continues in that unbroken agony because they have declared sovereignty the most important thing."
"Nations have the right to sovereignty, to territorial integrity, freedom to set their own course and choose who they associate with."
"We are a sovereign country. No other country is going to tell us another country will not determine how if and when we can protect ourselves during a future pandemic."
"We have our sovereignty, we work together because we need to, we have to, and we have the right to."
"If we don't have a border, we don't have a nation. If we don't have a nation, we don't have rules, and we don't have any sovereignty in the world."
"The Ukrainian people deserve self-determination."
"Independence is independence. It's something to which a nation has a right, a right of self-determination should its people wish to determine that right."
"It's much bigger than that. God believes in sovereignty and national identity and the sanctity of family."
"The constitution of a country is the highest expression of the rule of law that a nation is built upon, so the constitution has to be preserved and protected from any foreign interference."
"Having a border... is not racist. Every country exists to say, 'Hey this is our land, these are the rules we have in our land. Our land is for our people.' That's it. There is nothing racist about that. Period."
"If you don't have borders, you're not a country."
"It's a war of banking systems, with predatory private central banks seeking to eradicate any nation that would dare operate outside their control."
"People have the right to their sovereignty and their own community."
"China had experienced repeated humiliation via the infringement of its sovereignty at the hands of the European powers."
"Every independent nation has a right to define its borders and defend its borders as it sees fit."
"TR's decision signifies a decisive step towards affirming the country's sovereignty over its natural wealth."
"The affairs of the Arctic should be governed by the actual nations of the Arctic, and we won't let it happen."
"America is no longer for sale. The age of taxing our citizens across the world while entry to our free markets is free is over."
"We have to come up with a model where Ukraine will not lose its sovereignty."
"The best thing we could do is get out of other people's Nations."
"China don't own us, we gotta stop giving the people power."
"This video is about the limits of Australian sovereignty and power."
"The surrender of every nation's health care and partial sovereignty has been delayed but not cancelled."
"The operation sends a clear message to Russia that Ukraine is ready to defend its sovereignty with fervor and military prowess."
"There can be no substitute for strong sovereign and independent nations, nations that are rooted in their histories and invested in their destinies, nations that seek allies to befriend, not enemies to conquer."
"Only Ukrainians have a right to determine the terms by which the war ends."
"We will not cooperate, engage, fund, or assist the ICC in any way. The president will not allow American citizens to be prosecuted by foreign bureaucrats and he will not allow other nations to dictate our means of self-defense."
"The pandemic treaty contains provisions that reassert national sovereignty."
"We've got to stop this invasion of our country at our Southern borders."
"National aspirations must be respected. People may now be dominated and governed only by their own consent. Self-determination is not a mere phrase; it is an imperative principle of action."
"It is impossible to think of economic development and national independence without possessing an unfettered capacity for maintaining a strong industrial power."
"Our focus with Ukraine is we believe that Ukraine's sovereignty is something that's sacrosanct."
"We need to establish the sovereignty of our territory."
"Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine."
"We make our decisions not in Brussels but in Britain."
"Do you believe Estonia has the right to be a sovereign country that can make their own laws and choose their own allies, or do you believe that Russia's security concerns should supersede Estonia's independence?"
"The declaration by the Yemen Arab Republic cannot in any way affect Ethiopia’s sovereignty over all the islands in the Red Sea forming part of its national territory."
"Ireland seeks freedom; Labour seeks that an Ireland free should be the sole mistress of her own destiny."
"Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations."
"It was necessary that Poland be mighty, free, and independent."
"The only problem that we really have is when one country tries to impose itself on another."
"I believe it is the wish of this entire House that those young people should grow up to live in a free, independent, democratic and sovereign Ukraine."
"It ensures that we have restored sovereignty to the people."
"It's the Ukrainian sovereignty which is at stake."
"It is your government, not criminal gangs or indeed foreign courts, who decides who comes here and who stays in our country."
"Nation should be able to determine their own path, they should have self-determination."
"If your economy is controlled by outsiders, your country is not free."