
Family Goals Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"I just want my kids to be happy, that's it. You know, everything I do, like everything in my life right now, is just so that they could have a good life."
"It's really important for families to try to get together, figure out what your goals are, what your common purpose is as a family, do something productive together but also have fun together."
"We never felt like we were making sacrifices; we felt like we had the mission to really go and do the good thing for our children with our children."
"Their long-term intentions involve building a beautiful home and family with you."
"This is the type of stuff I would love to do for my family."
"At the end of the day I want to create a family right the ending goal is family so i want to create a family right and experience that so i do want to create a family and experience that down the line."
"Let's move to the country and find our peace and raise our children."
"Someone wants expansion and the ten of cups. They want the two of Wands and the ten of cups. They don't want child's play, they want a family, they want a future."
"I feel like I want to start planning out my future, like, of like a kid and stuff."
"We just want the best for our kids like every parent does."
"They want to move your connection into the tent of cups, to have a relationship, the family, the home, amazing times together."
"Ruth's lawyer said she wasn't a party girl she just wanted to be a good wife and a good mother."
"You always want your kids to end up in a better situation and have it better than you had it, you know what I mean? That's like your thought process as a parent."
"Mutual respect...you actually are going for the same thing and love the kids the same."
"Six goods that most middle-class families value: home ownership, college education, healthcare, two cars, family vacations, retirement security."
"They might want marriage and to build a family with you."
"Two simple goals: moving baby sister out here, retire my mom."
"We want our kids to do well, we want our kids to succeed, we want them to have great things in their lives."
"As a parent, you always want your kids to be better."
"Tywin was extremely competent, extremely persistent, and single-minded in his pursuit of what he wanted for his family."
"The family's shared dream is to buy a small homestead with a big garden and keep chickens."
"I will do it together as a family, that's the point."
"I want him to have a dad. That's my main thing. I want him to grow up better than I did."
"Marriage is all risk and no reward... But for Joel way, he's got these values that say I want to be a father and I want to have a family."
"Goal number one has always been to save the child."
"This is what I'm trying to do, trying to make it possible that, you know, I can get my kids to meet her."
"I want to be 40 years old and at Disney World with my eight-year-old."
"At the end of the day, my kids doing better than I did is all I really care about."
"It's not about chasing the American dream, it's about chasing your family being the dream."
"Joe and Beverly had made their dream come true. The couple had always wanted to build a family to pass on their heritage."
"She wanted to see them grow old and have tons of great memories with them." - Narrator
"My goal in life is to make sure that no Morin that comes after me ever has to live in a house without air conditioning."
"She's committed not just to having a future with him, she's committed to having a family with him."
"They just want what's best for their kids and the kids have normal dreams."
"They really see you as their ideal life partner, someone they could have a family with."
"Well, I think we'll definitely be a good family."
"This is our dream, this is our dream for our family."
"What do you want your family life to feel like? What do you want your home life to look like?"
"What I wanted more than anything was to make my wife happy, to be a great father, to be a great husband."
"The potential for marriage and a family is there."
"Long term goals for family all the problems wash away because there's you know exactly what to care about Libra."
"She wanted her daughters to be the first in her family to graduate from college debt-free."
"Many people strive to create a strong and friendly family in which there is a sense of community and harmony, but not everyone succeeds."
"I'm more obsessed with generational wealth. I want my children to have financial stability."
"Our ultimate goal was to figure out our finances so we could move forward and have a family and what Gail has done is she's come in and really sort of put us on the right road to get to that goal."
"My ultimate dream is just to make my family proud, retire my mom, retire my sister, and just live a good life."
"If you're looking for somebody who's not going to shame you for your decisions on the internet and have some fun and help you to reach those family goals, check out Brennan."
"This is the family I've always wanted."
"I want kids one day and I want to be a dad and I want to have that relationship I want to have that Bond and so when I don't have that with my dad now that's quite that's quite sad."
"I want a good co-parenting situation. I want to, I would love to be married and pregnant. I know that's not a 2022 thing to say, but that's just honesty."
"Always remember the main goal which is bringing your family closer and growing together."
"And my plans for the future, our future, is to grow closer as a family, to grow closer in our marriage. And to just move forward."
"I want a cub of my own to coach. I want a wife to share the triumphs and trials of Parenthood with."
"Our goal is to always have what our family needs and what's going to help us thrive as a family."
"...together Bick and Han had worked hard to make money and put enough away to give their children more opportunities than they had when they were growing up..."
"Our goal from the very beginning of starting foster care was to eventually adopt through the foster care system."
"I wanted a husband, a father for my children, stability, and I want to be able to come home and share my stories with someone who only cares about."
"Family unity is kind of what you're going for."
"We decided we want to save our money to go to Disney together and start having kids."
"I want to bring my kids back to Mayfield so that they can grow up in a home full of love and understanding, and a lot of good stuff in the icebox."
"I've decided to create a loving home for us and our children."
"My goal in life is to create my own happy family, a dream of people that work together to make sure that they were happy."
"Together with my daughter, I will build a happy, smile-filled home."
"We're wanting to do different things as a family and make all those awesome memories."
"I want to have kids and I want to work on cars with my kids."
"I want to have a family like that."
"Next year he'll run one mile with me, today so will Oo, and then next year he'll run two miles, and when he's three he'll run three miles. So eventually when he's 26, we'll run a marathon together, and I'll be 50, almost 60. That's my commitment to my kids."
"I definitely do want children, and I want to adopt, at least."
"Unity is when you work together as a team and you're unified in your goal of having a big happy family."
"You really just have to know what the bigger picture is for the family."
"I want to have a family like this, this is like a role model family for me."
"My son... has told me that if I can increase the number of my subscribers up to a hundred thousand, he's going to pay for a trip to Japan for the two of us."
"I've always wanted a big family," she said. "Lots of kids and grandkids to keep me company when I'm old."
"My whole life was to build a home for myself and for my family."
"I am going to be the first in my family to have a good marriage."
"All he wants to do is start a family with her."
"I definitely want a family, but I need to look good in my wedding dress first."
"Who do we need to become to produce that outcome?"
"I want to have a family with you; I know you'd be an amazing parent."
"Yes, one day I would like to have a family, yes one day I would like to be a housewife, but I still want my own career. I still want to do what I want to do."
"Families can be set free of that rat race and find that time freedom."
"I want to get matching hooded towels with our kids when we grow up."
"This is going to be by their intentions I believe a very large and happy family."
"I just wanted to survive and see my family grow up and be a good family, and that was important for me."
"My dream life would be like I move all of us to Hawaii, we have a compound, all of our kids and stuff."
"Every kid's dream, right? To become rich enough to be able to give your parents a luxurious retirement."
"What your goal should be is to be able to have a family, protect that family."
"Be stronger than your strongest excuse and don't allow your pride to keep you from taking a step towards ultimately the family you desire."
"Our New Year's resolution as a family is to spread more love and kindness and continue to give back on a regular basis."
"We've got to change Dad's attitude if we're ever going to have that house in the country."
"I just want to be with my wife and have a good family."
"We want to find our forever home, this is a great home but we need a little more space."
"What I really want us to do is go somewhere and do it as a family."
"Let's create a warm, joyful family together."
"Marriage is not supposed to be a show for other people; it's supposed to be a partnership between two people, between husband and wife, where you're working together to form a common goal, raise a family, do all that good and swell stuff."
"Yeah, I can't wait to buy me and my kids a house and we just live like this all the time, like this become normal to us."
"We can save my paychecks for something bigger, like an investment for a future house or if we're going to have a baby."
"Since childhood, I've longed for a normal, peaceful family."
"I realized how much money I could make; it would mean success for my family."
"I've always wanted to have kids and have a family."
"Your family's actually goals and they have the cutest baby ever."
"She continuously worked multiple jobs to make ends meet, never giving up on her family's goal of a better life."
"I want to raise my children in this house, make great memories, and build a happy family."
"I want to be a father, I want to be a husband."
"All of my dreams involves doing the best I can for my kids and for my family."
"You are a family trying to create the coziest den before winter hits."
"Our family goal this month is to really focus on giving back, paying it forward, and doing acts of kindness for those that help us out every single day."
"I love it though, and you know, I always wanted to have like a big family."
"I want to have kids; it's one of my life goals is to be a mom."
"He wants a white picket fence and a nine-to-five job, kids and a swing set in the backyard, potlucks and barbecues, to be PTA parents, you know."
"It's about us living our lives and trying to live our lives to our fullest, spending time as a family, it's about reaching goals."
"The goal of the game is to help parents and children get closer," Wise adds.
"He wants better things for his son and he's taking these sacrifices so that his son has a better life."
"'I want a big family, like I want the knowledge that he knows and the things that he self-taught himself.'"
"We bought a small winery... it's just like a mellow little property that me and my wife wanted a simple sort of lifestyle and area to raise our kids in, away from the cities."
"Happy family, they do see a future with you."
"They want the happy family, they want the picket fence."
"The goal this year for Christmas is to get my kids to play together."
"They want to build some type of family with you; they want to have a family with you guys."
"Like if your goal in the new year is to be bonding and closer with your family, a 10ft wide family blanket might be the thing that gets you there."