
Knowledge Limitations Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"You can never fully understand anything... You can't fully understand nothing in regards to the stars and the universe."
"You have to become comfortable with the limitations of your own knowledge and not be certain about things you don't know about."
"The key is to know again, the key is to know that you can't know with certainty anything that's happening."
"We all need a bit of humility in terms of what we may not know yet."
"We don't even know now what the right questions are."
"Being a good doctor means I have to work within the bounds of our current knowledge, and many times our current knowledge is incomplete."
"You can read all, I mean you could know everything you could possibly humanly know about 2021, but you wouldn't know what's gonna happen in 2022."
"We should be humble... you should not assume that you know the answer in advance."
"There's nothing wrong with saying 'I don't know' because there's so much information out there."
"I only know right now that everything we know is probably wrong."
"No one is this omniscient being who understands the kaleidoscope of society."
"I don't know nearly as much as I think I know, right? I know almost nothing."
"We're not omniscient... sometimes the constant inundation of media stories makes us think that we have to be."
"The universe is not tailored for us, and as punishment for being bad little readers, we don't get to know any of it."
"Equally, just because we do not understand something, does not mean it is not real."
"Your feeling of certainty in your beliefs does not make you perfectly knowledgeable; it just makes you perfectly arrogant."
"Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge for knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire world stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
"It's important to be confident in your abilities but it's also important to have the wisdom to know what you don't know"
"I feel like there is a lot more that we don't know about or that we can know about, but as soon as we do know about them, we're kind of restricted from knowing more."
"It's impossible to be an expert on something that you haven't done."
"You never understand really things, you just get used to them."
"Let it be a lesson for all of us that if we ever get caught in a situation where we don't know the answer it is okay to just say I don't know."
"It's just okay to admit that you don't know the answer."
"We also know that what we currently know is a cup full of reality from a vast ocean of existence. Someone else may be out there somewhere wrestling with these very same doubts and hopes."
"The tragedy is that we don't know enough to plan it." - Slavoj Žižek
"You don't have to know everything to do the thing that you know."
"Our documented history only goes back five thousand years...who's writing the history books?"
"If anyone here thinks they understand it totally, they're wrong, because this is a new thing that we're trying to get to grips with and to understand properly, right? That's the kind of my provider."
"As we know, there are known knowns, there are things we know we know. You also know there are unknown unknowns, but there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know."
"I don't have all the answers just like nobody has all the answers."
"Take the pressure off yourself to have all the answers."
"You don't know everything, that's the thing I don't know."
"You can't possibly know everything. You can't possibly know how to take every car apart."
"There's still a lot of things that humans don't know or don't understand, so I think it's definitely something you want to keep an open mind about."
"Many people say we don't know what we don't know."
"It's impossible...to be an expert about everything. But I have figured out this."
"There's what you know, there's what you don't know, there's what you don't know you don't know."
"Science is not an exact science at the end of the day."
"What we know about human history is a tiny fraction compared to the time we have been on Earth."
"There is nothing wrong with saying 'I don't know.'"
"I don't know, and now that I've spent so many years saying that, I really don't know."
"It's not what you don't know that's the problem, it's what you know that isn't true."
"I have to be okay with just not knowing that I'm never really going to know."
"There is nothing more daunting and humbling and to realize I don't know boy anything."
"Realize that you don't know what you don't know."
"I can't wrap my head around the fact that I will never understand everything that's happening around me."
"True enlightenment is knowing... there are things you don't know that you don't know about."
"Learning the limits of your knowledge is one of the most valuable things you can ever do."
"The only sure barrier to truth is to assume you already have it." - Dr. Chuck Missler
"I confidently know I share, but I don't know. I don't know."
"We have inhabited Earth for millions of years, but until today we still don't know everything about it."
"It's okay to not know things and have all the answers."
"As a minimum, we in the field of artificial minds should know as much about them as we do with the real brain, and we don't know everything about the real brain."
"Although some Maps work very well, the map is not the territory."
"If more information were the answer, we'd all be billionaires with six-pack abs."
"Nothing's really hidden from us, okay, we're just not told the full truth."
"The answers that everyone wants, everyone needs. I don't know if we will ever have them."
"Unbridled wisdom is the ability to understand that you don't know what you think you know."
"There's a ton that I will never ever know that I can't know. It changes every single year."
"A drop is what we know, the ocean is what we don't."
"Just because you're smart about one thing, that doesn't mean you're smart about everything."
"You cannot know the date of your birth... how many things do you think you know that are actually based on belief?"
"As long as you don't know him you're right, you won't."
"Knowledge is kind of like this prison that keeps you constrained to conventions and the best way of doing things, quote unquote. It helps to create predictable results but it doesn't help with novel or innovative approaches."
"It's okay not to know everything. I'm not a machine, I'm not Google. I don't expect myself to know everything, and that's totally okay."
"The important thing is always to remember humans hilariously we know very little about anything."
"What we don't know is not as dangerous as what we don't know we don't know."
"Know what you know and know what you don't know."
"The roadblock to discovering the right answer is anyone who's convinced they already have it."
"I think it's interesting that we don't quite know what we don't know, and it's so easy to get trapped in our own way of thinking."
"You don't always have access to all the information in the world."
"Sometimes we just don't know, and we don't have all the answers."
"There's actually a lot that I don't know and there's a lot of ways to do things."
"You can't know everything, you just can't."
"The truth is that no matter how much we think we know, we oftentimes don't know what our clients want."
"I don't know everything about everything; I don't have all the answers, but along the way together, we'll figure it out."
"Not all questions can be answered by consulting a textbook."
"Intellectual humility involves recognizing, being sensitive to, and owning up to your limitations, including limitations in knowledge, analytical abilities, and awareness of the range of reasons bearing on a question."
"Humans always see through a glass darkly, and all knowledge isn't perfect."
"We need to have a bigger process that is tolerant of the fact that we are imperfect and we can't know everything."
"We're not stupid, and we know that we don't know."
"If you don't know the answer, say 'I don't know'."
"We're not anywhere near that in the brain."
"At the end of the day, you only know what you know."
"None of us know all the answers ahead of time."
"If you don't know, say 'I don't know.'"
"Living with ambiguity and fear... reminds me about the ambiguity of how little we really know about this yet."
"All of life is in history, and you can't fit all of life into a book."