
Reddit Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Stop asking Reddit. Reddit is not the place to ask for advice."
"The world of Reddit is one filled with mystery and intrigue."
"I think what we're seeing happening in social media, most specifically Reddit, is an echo chamber of concerns people have that have nothing to do with the financial markets."
"This video even gathered people together on Reddit and that is no easy feat."
"It's a validation point... if people are talking about you on Reddit."
"That's what they're gambling on, but what's happening recently is that Reddit is engaging in this movement to essentially stick it to Wall Street."
"Wall Street bets on Reddit is destroying absolutely destroying these hedge funds."
"The longer the redditors held out, the more damage they would do."
"And that, my friends, is the story of how one guy on Reddit started a financial revolution."
"Almost everybody across the spectrum supports what those Redditors are doing and is thrilled to see these hedge fund leeches suffering."
"The entirety of Reddit: I guess I'm a couple of those things."
"I have no doubt that Reddit is improving my life."
"Shout out to the Reddit people who put the work in to find this absolutely awesome stuff."
"Reddit is like hitting a reference point in Wikipedia at every single scroll."
"Options figured prominently in that example because a small Cadre of users on this Reddit sub Channel Wall Street bets decided that the hedge fund managers that were shorting the stock needed to be punished."
"Reddit's Wall Street bets coordinating to drive up GameStop's price."
"This is a moment where we can all come together and laugh at the fact that a multi-billion dollar hedge fund got caught with their pants down by kids on reddit."
"I'm still in contact with a Redditor that let me stay with her and I'll forever be grateful."
"Chris CGC became notorious on Reddit for giving away upwards of $70,000 in Reddit badges."
"Join me as I do my own autopsy on how Reddit videos died."
"Sometimes Reddit can save a life, literally."
"I genuinely thank Reddit for this; it gave me the strength and understanding I needed."
"...this is a really strange and interesting ongoing mystery originating from Reddit as all good mysteries do."
"We're back with more unhinged Reddit stories."
"Good revenge and now for our final Reddit Revenge story of this episode."
"This person comments and says, 'Not the a-hole! Your sister chose to spend the money she got less than a year ago on expensive things instead of planning for the future like you did.'"
"Sorting by new on Reddit is one of the bravest things a person can do."
"Reddit is super great for only fans promoting and doing whatever you need to do but it's also like a super great Community for lifting people up and being happy."
"For once, a real apology is given on Reddit. I feel like I barely see these outcomes."
"We just got busy, and Reddit was the last thing on my mind. Unfortunately, my wife passed away on Monday."
"I see it as a huge positive that you're coming to Reddit and asking for advice."
"On Reddit, there's different communities and they'll come up with different slang. You can see the evolution of language there."
"I absolutely love Reddit mysteries and it seems like you guys like them too, considering some of my most popular videos focus on them."
"The version of the story that you’re already familiar with is one where a bunch of Redditors tried to short squeeze some hedge funds and get rich in the process by buying GameStop."
"If you think Reddit is an echo chamber, you've never had the pleasure."
"40 people did legitimately die here, it could have been 41 so easily without Reddit."
"This one looks long, really made the redditors steam, they really reddited over this one."
"...the hard work of people like u/the-arabara finally solved its search, and what a great moment it was to see the 'How Long Will It Take' subreddit be able to celebrate with a job well done."
"I feel like I need to give you something. That was the most epic post we've had on the Reddit in a very long time."
"As a professional Reddit reader you need to understand that I consume a lot of Reddit content and I can't even begin to tell you the number of posts that I've read from teenagers who have had their lives destroyed because they came out to their parents."
"Since the last JackSucksAtGeography Reddit video, I launched geography stuff."
"If you love a Reddit story, why not consider hitting that subscribe, maybe that like button too?"
"Having a front-row seat to building Reddit exercised a lot of muscles around intuition for community."
"Reddit may be confusing, but it builds loyal followers."
"Find relevant subreddits to your goals."
"I've been working my butt off on Reddit for 10 months full time."
"He's the most Reddit president you could have."
"So to that end, I understand where the original poster is coming from, where they're like, 'Wait a second, our other daughter's getting completely screwed out of money, so no, I don't think you're the jerk.'"
"Reddit is a really good place to tap into people's conversations."
"Reddit I really like laugh laugh like they are so wrong about they're so loud and wrong about everything that they say that it's actually comical."
"When are we going to do a Reddit stories where we bring one of the people out? Like, and here's OP and here, here they are."
"They gathered their knowledge about the story via the popularity contest of Reddit up votes, with ideas rising to the top not based on their validity but on how good they felt to read."
"I'm gonna have to go check and go read some Reddit articles on this movie."
"People don't realize how good Corey Orman is on paper. Every time I go on Reddit for boxing, they hate every single commentator. But Corey Orman's got game."
"Petition for Jack to not cancel the Reddit videos because they are the only reason I look forward to Tuesdays."
"This is also now the most upvoted post on the Jackson Live Reddit of all time as well."
"Honestly, this is probably the single best piece of advice I have ever seen in a Reddit post anywhere."
"I think the incognito tab might be the secret hero behind this entire Reddit thread."
"Reddit is the best app by a mile."
"This story was written by Reddit user Just the Girl Next Door."
"Look up Reddit reviews...taking that extra step before you buy something can prevent you regretting it."
"I got the knowledge for free from reddit so why not pass the knowledge forward to millions of people online?"
"it's truly amazing what you can do on Reddit these days"
"I found something though on Reddit and somebody said they tried it in like a small town in Pennsylvania and apparently it's like a roll out they're like testing it places."
"Reddit honestly toxic Community sometimes but also very helpful."
"This might be the clearest 'Am I the butthole?' I've ever seen on this sub."
"The Reddit Community came together in support of Sam Whitehorn's story."
"The redditors all teamed together in order to discover what the cipher was about."
"I think that everyone with an internet router and a mouse has heard of Reddit, and of those, everyone with about two brain cells knows that at times it can be quite a dark and disturbing place."
"I love it. Someone on the Reddit was like, 'They're very nuanced humor, and guys like nuance.' They talk about dongs and tea bags. Yeah, but it's a nuanced take. Okay? It's a nuanced take on dongs and tea bags."
"There's so many people, I've finally been converted to Reddit."
"My life is one big Reddit story at the moment and these stories make me feel better."
"Reddit users began buying the stock in huge quantities driving the stock price up from under $3 to $483."
"I am among you guys AKA I have a Reddit account."
"Reddit is the worst place now. No, Reddit's awesome if you have the right subreddits."
"If you are a Reddit user as I am you probably read from time to time some really really great or informative posts and you think gee I'd like to give this person a little more than an up vote well now you can because of the Ln tipbot."
"It's a Reddit day, your boy Case are we out here."
"...I love that in the comments of this Reddit post OP actually included the exact recipe on how to make the soup stock..."
"We're looking at perfectly cut screams again. It's been a while since we did the last one, and I really like these. These are one of my favorite Reddit things to actually look at because they scream that sucks so fast."
"R/ askreddit is one of the largest subreddits on the site and with its over 30 million members, it is frequently mentioned in various things, videos ranging from creepy, funny, unexplainable, and everything in between."
"Years ago user Larry Ginger made a post asking people what was the scariest or creepiest thing that ever happened to them."
"I love reddit, I love ghost stories, I love alien stories, I love everything about everything."
"We should make a little post and have people share like the craziest Reddit stories."
"What about a Reddit 60 or something like that where you can really see this name go?"
"Some of these Reddit threads, yeah, like, you do get some good answers and stuff as well."
"Reddit CEO Steve Huffman made a policy banning several offensive and sexual communities."
"Reddit's rise to being the front page of the internet was electric."
"Please remember in the Reddit to show any type of decompression content that you would like me to share."
"Now, let's end this with an awesome theory from Reddit user, 'The Drowned God'."
"Maybe one Redditor at a time, we can leave this place a little bit better than we found it."
"Thank you, Reddit, for making me realize my importance."
"There's a lot of really deep conversations that happen on Reddit that aren't going to happen elsewhere."
"Do you know how much that means to me, the fact that we've been able to accumulate a community of nearly 16,000 people over on Reddit? That's crazy, dude."
"That was probably the best Reddit that we've had."
"This is the real story of the rise and fall of Reddit."
"W Reddit, I was in tears today, it was very funny."
"Reddit is a very kind place sometimes."
"This unusual event garnered attention after being shared on Reddit, sparking a range of reactions from users."
"Well, that my friends was the story of how Reddit helped this man get back on the road after his wheelchair accessible van broke down."
"Let's go ahead and see what y'all got on Reddit, bro, talk to me."
"Reddit, there's a lot of conversations that take place on Reddit for the Web3 space."
"I'm enjoying this Reddit AMA format."
"From finding missing persons to debunking decades-old urban legends to possibly even saving lives, these are some of the most noteworthy cases that were able to be solved with the help of Reddit."
"Reddit seemed to have provided more than just legal advice this time, instead it may just have saved the original poster's life."
"Reddit used only 1% of its power."
"That's the lovely thing about Reddit, there's just freakin' thousands of weird-ass communities about different things."
"How Reddit works is each post gets a downvote or an upvote, and the ones with the most upvotes by the users of Reddit move up on top of this page."
"Reddit is compromised of posts, text, video, or images or links, and they are upvoted or downvoted, and the most popular post with the most upvotes will show up on top of Reddit."
"Reddit is based on karma, meaning every time you contribute to a post or create your own and get upvotes for that post, your karma will go up over time."
"Reddit videos are the Pinnacle of content on YouTube."
"Go to Reddit... it's the single largest community."
"Greetings, fellow Redditors. Long time reader, first time poster."
"This is probably one of my favorite pieces of art I've ever seen on this Reddit."
"I see a lot of potential with Reddit."
"Remember we first started our Reddit? It was like 13 members or something, now it's like 17,000."
"Some of the stuff that you see on Reddit will literally blow your mind."
"Take some time, look to see if your target audience may or may not interact with your brand on Reddit."
"If you had success with Reddit, let us know in the comments below."
"...they created a blank grid... and all of Reddit's users every five minutes could color in one of the pixels any color they wanted..."
"It's about time something good happened to people on Reddit."
"With this chatbot, we can truly harness the power of Reddit wisdom."
"Let's follow the path of Reddit; we'll have some fun today and laugh."
"Here's to hoping that today will be an anti-MLM Reddit review full of smiles and laughs."
"Reddit is where they tell you the truth."
"Reddit is absolutely moving on this."
"I love how simple the website is, and I still use old.reddit.com."
"So many of the communities on Reddit are super vibrant and active."