
Startup Culture Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Of course, we know these startup companies are run on coffee."
"That Silicon Valley startup vibe was super cool."
"It's a start-up. Everyone's gotta pull their weight on the way up. Probably too much weight. They fetishize the grind."
"Our ego was highly tied to our startup. Our startup failing was our life failing... therefore we just couldn't really conceive of giving up."
"This is going to be a very interesting thing to watch you guys grow for sure."
"I never thought we would get here when we started, I thought we'd probably do it for maybe like half a year, just for fun for a little while."
"The age of startups has cooled down just a bit... but that period put the emphasis on just how valuable someone who can make things happen actually is."
"The eventual answer is going to be launching of right-wing companies in exactly the same areas that don't actually care anymore."
"Sleep is for the people that sleep. I don't. I love sleeping, but yeah, it's sometimes like, especially there's a couple nights in a row where Star Hopper was going until like 3:00 or 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. or something. I don't even remember."
"Congratulations, you first start your very own gaming development company. At the moment your office is in a garage and you are the only employee."
"Zip2: Musk's First Startup Sold for $307 Million."
"Startup also introduces us to a man who will judge or determine the future of startups."
"Now is the time to build an AI startup. Everything that you need is freely accessible... You have no excuses. It's time to start building."
"I think the biggest opportunity is for people who are starting businesses today."
"Working at a startup requires you to wear multiple hats."
"We get to see the unicorns before they're released into the wild."
"In 2008, the world saw the emergence of a disruptive startup named Airbnb founded by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk."
"Anyone can start this up whether you've got millions of dollars or if you've got absolutely nothing."
"Our whole goal wasn't even really money, it was literally just can we survive until hightail?"
"Lean Startup is the way to go. Too much money breeds waste."
"It all started at Harvard Business School with a $10,000 check, the prize for runner-up in a business plan contest."
"I think WeWork is sort of both, a little bit of an outlier in this era of technology startups, but also kind of the perfect encapsulation of what this era of sort of easy money and no rules has delivered in startup land."
"Real entrepreneurship is creating something from scratch."
"Starting a startup is a very emotional thing... a lot of mental strength, the ability to adapt and be efficient."
"If you're gonna be a startup founder you have to be crazy."
"You have to be crazy and I think the startup founders that fail right, and sometimes fail in really meaningful ways."
"We've seen companies start from nothing besides an idea taken in large sums of money with zero product many times."
"The startup ecosystem is super strong... There's not a shortage of people willing to take those risks."
"The 'why' behind why all of you guys started this is solid."
"I've raised $7 million, I've sold maybe $50 million worth of product, and it all started in my Brooklyn Kitchen."
"Thank you all for your support, you guys know we are building something amazing so thank you guys for being a part of it."
"We were just three dudes with computers, you know? We didn't have business degrees, we didn't know anything about running a business, we were just kind of flying by the seat of our pants."
"We started this whole dream off with like four dudes, a thousand dollars in the bank, and we're here now pumping out some sick content."
"If you're not embarrassed by your first product release, you've released too late."
"Whatever you dream of doing, the company you'd love to start, the product you are dying to build, the career move you thought about making, there is no better time to begin working at it than right now." - Jeff Wilson
"What kind of person joins a startup right? It's not the kind of person who's like well I don't see any risk here."
"Trying to start a business has never been easier, never been more profitable, and even if you fail, you will be right back to where you started anyway."
"This is Real Deal Tech right here, a real opportunity that our community and anybody that wants to invest in social media and Tech startups need to take."
"Join me as I travel the globe to talking to startup founders using technologies to make our world more interesting, accessible, and livable."
"Every single formula, every format, every line of code is gonna be written right here, so let's get started!"
"YouTube's early headquarters were above a pizzeria and Japanese restaurant in California."
"You could take your API idea from a simple form of passive income to a full-blown startup."
"By 2030, there's not going to be a crypto startup, it's just every startup will use crypto in some way, shape, or form."
"Some of you guys are starting new businesses, and they're going to be successful."
"We're in a startup bubble. Some things are inflating, others are deflating. It's kind of a bifurcation happening everywhere."
"Silicon Valley investors treated her like a rockstar."
"Svb's failure didn't arise from risky startups doing risky startup things."
"We get so used to seeing huge numbers in startups that I don't think we fully realize how absolutely ridiculous it is to build a billion dollar company from zero in a few years."
"We're literally on a rocket ship that is growing three to five times faster than any other industry."
"I gained so much personal growth and learning from startups and also obviously success but they're not for everyone and they're not for everyone at every time in their lives."
"It's not about becoming the next Airbnb or Uber, it's about building something that solves a problem."
"I totally rootin for you here if you, any sort of tech startup research project that was organized in this radically democratic way that really worked."
"We set up like a startup company and worked out where to play and how to win before we are under any pressure to deliver."
"Not today Samsung, I'm the new kid on the block and I'm going to boot up a bit faster."
"Israel has earned its nickname as the startup Nation."
"There are literally tens of thousands of dollars available essentially just for being early on."
"With startups like this, profit is nice but growth is even better."
"For Elon, personal failure is not that big of a deal compared to planetary failure."
"It fascinates me with how like these companies start you know like the Grassroots side of things."
"If I had to pick one dream team CEO leader of my company that I was trying to invest in and starting from scratch it would be Elon Musk."
"As long as two out of ten startups you invest in do well."
"Loss-making startups get huge valuations in the private equity market."
"Opportunity for developers and engineers in startups could be 100x in the metaverse."
"We want to transform Ukraine into a country of startups." - Vladimir Zelensky
"For a small startup, they absolutely care about tech stack and tooling."
"In a startup, there is only power. There is no performance. So if you invest in startups, you're only investing in power."
"There's only ever been one out of 316 companies we funded there's only ever been one that was actually killed by a competitor."
"One of the cool parts of 'Work at a Startup' is that the founders are actually using the product directly."
"While startup culture often glorifies workaholism and unchecked ambition, a stoic perspective would challenge this, advocating for a more balanced and sustainable approach to business."
"In 1999, Google was a little startup just like we are, and when they started bringing in chefs and masseuses, we thought they're nuts. But they were attracting the best possible people and they were able to create the best product."
"I believe in the startup it's incredibly important to figure out how to help your team in whatever pursuit they're in and ensure that they can be set up for success."
"By the time you get like say three buzz words and the first two sentences of a startup pitch, you can pretty safely ignore it."
"There is something culturally important to us about frugality because we want that reflected in our startups and our startups have the kind of bond with us where they reflect what we do."
"Being in a VC startup residency type environment, everyone's just like 'yo, launch every day.'"
"Building a startup culture and hiring great people and kind of building a team that can go take the hill has been in my blood from the beginning."
"Working for startups... you are at the ground level of establishing the accounting team, the accounting processes, accounting policy, and expense policy."
"Startups were not smaller versions of large companies."
"I also quite like Fox, nice young company."
"That's called commitment. That's what it looks like, that's what it feels like. And if you aren't there, you need to get the hell out of the startup right now."
"I'm the CEO of a company that's backed by Y Combinator."
"Guy Kawasaki is a legend of the entrepreneurial and startup space."
"Joining a startup and joining a rocket ship is a lifestyle, it is not necessarily a job you're working on from nine to five."
"We need to bring them out of the starting blocks as entrepreneurs from day one."
"It feels like a start-up is really fragile and you want a bunch of people who are just all pointed in the same direction and really in it for the long haul."
"It's a startup; I think the idea is sound."
"The most important thing in a start-up is who you have. The people are the important thing, not the ideas, not the algorithms."
"Extraordinary innovation once again from a Musk-backed startup."
"Our mission statement to try to divert to bring the value of the startups back to the people, the users."
"Startups used to look to companies for organization and strategy; now companies are looking at how startups build things."
"It was constant hype and that's a theme of the startup world is continuous hype whether you have it or not."
"Every tech startup is different, but I think it's fair to say we work hard and play hard."
"There's no room in a new small company for an idea guy; you have to do stuff."
"We're small and we can pivot and turn when we need to pivot and turn; there's no red tape."
"I know what it's like to be a founder. If I'm honest, I miss the excitement of those early years."
"I honestly see myself working for a tech startup over a large company."
"I'm a phenomenal asset in a startup and I'd be a nightmare in a big company."
"Wanted to have a bigger impact footprint and the best way to do that was to do startups."
"Singapore is fast becoming the Silicon Valley of Asia, and attracting start-ups in technology, communications, and other industries."
"But where it's relevant, where Apple decides that it's going to create something new and do something fresh, it manages to hive off an area and let a relatively small group of people behave as if they are at a start-up."