
Class Dynamics Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"When the upper class catches a cold, the lower class gets pneumonia."
"It always kind of comes down to the same thing: censorship to prop up the ruling class and the ruling class narratives."
"Capitalism created a new class of wealthy traders and merchants, who competed for political influence with those from hereditary status groups such as the nobility."
"The British middle classes are not what they seem behind the veneer of white-collar respectability there's another story."
"This is now bled down into the highest levels of American society and down into the lowest levels."
"This is what a great theorist years ago called the beginnings of dual power when the working class looks for its own power institutions because the existing ones have become irrelevant."
"We're more and more tending towards an oligarchic system where the ruling class and the upper classes tell everybody else what to do."
"The culture war is a class war, basically that's what it is, it's a symbolic class war."
"It's his profound philosophical movement, led by a class system."
"If you don't allow trans people to live their truth... that's the sentence that you're handing down to them."
"And what's so interesting about it now is that entrenched poverty class that let's call them non-Black and brown people are the exact ones being activated by this new populist rhetoric."
"Members of our class are always publicly speaking out for the marginalized but somehow we always end up building systems that serve ourselves."
"The working class has the votes but the professional class runs all the institutions. This is the source I think of all of our political strife in America."
"I'm the [ __ ] social experiment for everybody. That's why people mad. I'm in first class. Like, I'm premium."
"We love chaos so we love the wild magic sorcerer, other people don't love the gambles or the chaos and it's not a great class for those people."
"Destroy the middle class and you eventually destroy the economic engine of the United States."
"Is it just run for the richest and most powerful or is it running for working people?"
"Warlocks are [expletive] ridiculous... they're always going to be ridiculous."
"Old money doesn't care about new money. They don't."
"Politics isn't fundamentally about parties. It's about the distribution of class forces."
"Gentrification progresses as middle to upper class people move down the ladder."
"Luxury beliefs...professed by the upper classes with little to no consequence."
"Money don't buy class, but they'll treat you right."
"That's the game, and I've always told people, if you find yourself being angry at someone on the economic rung lower than you, you're probably being manipulated by someone higher on the economic ladder than you."
"Killing stuff in this game is extremely satisfying. Your attacks feel meaty, and you feel powerful no matter what class you choose."
"Professional managerial class has delegitimized itself with its arrogance and greed."
"The only language that rich people understand is money."
"I think working-class people should have power."
"It really comes down to dignity, which I think you understand when you explore what's happening within the white working class."
"The disappearance of this old guard also comes the disappearance of middle-class wages and security."
"I think the ruling Elite now have put they don't care if you're black white green gray or Grizzly the ruling elit see the working class as fuel to be burned for their system however they need to burn it."
"People need to realize that the ruling class wants to keep them tribal, that's everything."
"Normal Labour voters, union working-class people, voted Conservative."
"This is a class war by the government against working-class people."
"There's probably a lot of tech Bros bailed out but there's probably a lot of like, you know, working-class wine industry workers that got paid because of this bailout as well."
"Remove the liberal class, remove something they need, and in their rush to maintain the system, they are actually destroying what they need to survive."
"The freer society, the larger the middle class."
"There's a whole class of people invested in coercion."
"Why aren't the mega-rich, the upper-class, immersing themselves in this industry as enthusiastically as their middle-class counterparts?"
"Racism serves the material interest of white elites... and provides psychological benefits to working-class whites."
"Overall with the warden, there's so much going on with the class and so many complexities."
"Elites criticizing student loan cancellation on the basis that it's helping Elites are not only lined to protect themselves they're weaponizing working class identity to hurt the working class."
"Every time you encounter a decision point, money tends to flow upward... disguised with small handouts to the middle."
"I genuinely think that by positioning himself openly as a Republican... he's maneuvering himself into a position to be something that the working class galvanizes themselves against."
"An early victory and exit could be pernicious for the middle class."
"It falls on the working class who is not white people but is a multi-racial group of American citizens, all of whom are equal."
"The middle class has been more of a dream than a reality throughout American history."
"I tend to like seeing those kinds of class counters come out."
"John Howard transformed the nation into basically a modern surf class."
"A Britain that no longer has what was once called a servant class."
"Warlocks feel like a dangerous class to play."
"That is the class by class multiclassing breakdown... d d is for everyone."
"...we see the class debate the possibility of going to save Bakugou themselves from the clutches of the League of Villains giving us a very interesting layer to their dynamic..."
"I would say that it is bottom line way more tight-knit amongst every class than you would ever get if you read on the internet."
"Hustle culture purposefully distracts attention away from class dynamics and disparity and preaches that if you work hard enough, you will be successful."
"You'll find that sometimes the guys whose names are on the monument who actually died on the war were paid to go by other people of more means who lived through it. There's a whole class story on some of those monuments that you never know unless you do the research."
"The racial stuff, the wokeness, really serves the class interests of the elite."
"Fascism emerges to power when the relationship of forces between the state and the class is behind it."
"The idea of redistribution is over. And yet, you have a situation where, in a way, it’s a form of corporate feudalism, because the land which belonged to the upper castes now belong to the corporates, which are upper-caste, you know?"
"The system is designed by purpose; the middle class uses their ideas to generate money."
"This election was more about race than class."
"The great middle class fear is that doing the wrong thing could make them slide down a peg on the old class scale, both financially and socially."
"It's so particular here because you also have the privileged class."
"Instead of that being an obstacle, I want to propose that this could be a resource."
"Whether you're talking about the right or the left, class trumps everything else."
"You know there's more brothers in the middle class than in prison right now, facts."
"The biggest struggle in the world has to be the class struggle."
"They've been more bonded as a class and seeing how Jiro is the one to initiate it... shows growth within her character."