
Organizations Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Countries and people, to me, are different things. As a libertarian, I prefer smaller organizations, co-ops, credit unions, people voluntarily joining communes, families."
"If you're going to change large organizations, you have to speak in their currency, which is money."
"Training and because we still want to continue to exercise these rights of ours, make sure you're supporting organizations like Gun Owners of America and Firearms Policy Coalition who are actually actively fighting to defend our rights."
"We like the truth, both of our organizations. We love the truth."
"The council on foreign relations exists today; it's probably the most powerful single organization in America."
"Anonymous are a highly secretive organization... they are non-hierarchical."
"Groups of interests are their very own interesting topic with plenty of variety in their makeup. It's a shame that most of them hate the foundation and are always trying to steal extremely dangerous items or set them free and cause mayhem..."
"Almost 80% of the most highly compensated employees at the Girl Scouts are male."
"To corporations and organizations and entities that are owned and controlled and run by white people right."
"Foundations, think tanks, and NGOs can be a source of dark power as well."
"like it's horrific it's so exciting and it's just so crazy to me that these are the three orgs Exile fanatic and Heretics that just had bad Winters in Spring"
"Your every move was being manipulated by the very organizations that claim to protect you."
"You have groups like the Justice Democrats right that we think that everything's just Republican versus Democrat but in reality this organization and this intentional infrastructure to take over America."
"They're this endlessly fascinating organization. They have been for hundreds of years. And they still speak to us."
"Every organization needs to embrace the future."
"The Pridwin is the pride and joy of the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel."
"The Templars might have deeper pockets than us, but they've got no ambition, no passion, no competitive edge."
"The movement consists of a variety of both for-profit and non-profit organizations, right-wing policy groups, legal activist groups, data initiatives, messaging platforms."
"It's more than just one person or one organization at play here."
"They've got stars from NWA, MLW, AEW, ROH, New Japan, Impact."
"It's memorable because it presents a fascinating tale of the foundation going simply too far, largely as a result of the influence from the global occult coalition, an organization focused on terminating anomalous items."
"What about Freemasons? Why don't we join that?"
"Sarkicism is one of the most enigmatic and unique organizations in the SCP universe."
"We feel helpless. There is a website, FamiliesBelongTogether.org, that has been trending for a week now."
"These convex organizations, these exponential organizations, at their core are set up with data cutting across the entire enterprise."
"That's the biggest challenge. We don't have the luxury to be greenfield. We actually have to transform ourselves."
"There are a number of organizations that just don't make the mainstream papers; nobody knows about them."
"By showing decision makers what is currently happening, organizations become more intelligent and successful."
"There's a huge amount of untapped potential lying within a lot of organizations."
"These aren't dumb organizations, these are smart organizations."
"You have to always look at the incentive structure of an organization and say is that organization properly incenting Innovation."
"Leaders are what transform organizations."
"These are organizations that outnumber any single terrorist organization you've probably ever faced as a country."
"The ability to summarize knowledge in the way some of the language models are capable of doing absolutely opens up an endless number of opportunities for organizations."
"As of December 31, 2016, there were 1.2 million charities and private foundations operating in the United States."
"There's probably other factions. Fujitora being a part of the Bureau of Investigation makes a lot of sense."
"There must have been other meetings other damning memos but we haven't seen or heard of any of them as I said early on these organizations are as secretive as the mafia with a cone of silence surrounding nearly everything they do."
"The NSCA, National Strength and Conditioning Association, the ACSM, you know, they are in charge of credentialing of exercise professionals."
"There are a lot of organizations that feed on victims for all good intentions, they want to help people, and I didn't want to be fed off by anyone. It doesn't make any sense."
"PBI must have taken Maddie, we knew we couldn't trust BBI."
"We teach leadership to companies and leadership is how you solve problems inside of organizations."
"Any organization that needs to hire mercenaries almost always has a dark side that is hidden from the public eye."
"Empowered organizations need better leadership, not less."
"Many African businesses and organizations can now be found as established institutions"
"I think there are these really important organizations in the world that can use our help to build better technology teams."
"Our tools have positively impacted organizations."
"I'm so happy that there are organizations like them that are going after these people and making it harder for them to disrupt children's lives like that."
"The secret societies including the Triads were very very important to this path."
"Organizations like Mossy Earth who are able to build on this hope."
"It's always the organization before truth, honesty, and forthrightness."
"Carrie's philanthropic endeavors have left an indelible mark on numerous charitable causes and organizations."
"The White Lotus, an organization dedicated to aiding the Avatar."
"Organizations should arm development teams with API-focused security training."
"Failure is not rewarded in organizations, and people would rather do anything but fail."
"Respect people, you will see a lot of mutual respect in organizations."
"If CP Ij0 is the shield of the world government, then Sword is the sword of the Marines."
"I think big organizations will naturally make things that end up kind of shitty and hard to control."
"Every organization has a different journey, different expectations, and different priorities when it comes to data."
"There's a war between three organizations: the Armed Detective Agency, The Guild, and the Port Mafia."
"Empathy supposedly a spontaneous reaction to the plight of our fellow humans is now channeled through self-interested and bloated non-government organizations or multilateral outfits."
"Groups of interest, the foundation isn't the only fish in the anomalous sea. Other organizations, collectives, and groups exist that utilize or create paranormal phenomena for their own purposes."
"I would obviously encourage humanism. I'm a member of various humanist organisations and I encourage people to join humanist groups."
"...great organizations become that way because people are more interested in elevating each other than they are trying to be the smartest person in the room."
"Non-profits and other organizations can play a crucial role in building trust."
"there are at least a half a dozen other alphabet soup organizations that exist to fill the gaps in between those and they work"
"...the most successful organizations over the next decade and Beyond are going to be the ones that move quicker to evolve their Management systems and structures."
"Most organizations are interested in figuring out ways in which they could use their talent better."
"Organizations will face cyber threats in three main areas: disruption, distortion, and deterioration."
"...we have to have some faith obviously in in organizations and leading organizations I mean you have to have some faith but but we don't know."
"In every small town in this country, you have two organizations that work to bring out votes: Christian churches and NRA branches."
"Understanding and embracing this dynamic, when done right, is how organizations can really scale."
"Most organizations are sort of institutionally resistant to bets because most people are necessarily optimizing things that already exist."
"When an organization of that size shows significant change in performance, it is statistically significant at the very highest level."
"Decentralized autonomous organizations: companies living entirely on the cloud, controlled by smart contracts."
"Decentralized autonomous organizations: enforcing organizational bylaws on the blockchain."
"Every organization is political; you can't escape politics by just moving around."
"You have organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D., you have teams like the Ultimates, you have the NSA."
"Standard organizations are vendor neutral."
"Many organizations suffer from the challenges of having siloed functional roles for individuals on their data science teams."
"Organizations use databricks from the moment that data is ingested all the way through that sharing insights sharing data insight stage."
"When you implement positive practices, organizations do better."
"Organizations do not change, people do."
"...the architecture provides very positive value to organizations..."
"Some of the most successful organizations... tend to have like a mantra."
"Organizations are a lot more decisive now, willing to make decisions quickly and move forward."
"We have been betrayed by this traitor, and not only us here tonight but with the lodge, the district, the whole wider organization, the Ancient Order of Freemen."
"Sheer size, superhuman scale of many of our organizations damages human values that are part of our democratic way of life. They dwarf man, they diminish his economy, and thus his ability to function effectively as a citizen exercising the power of self-government."
"For betta fish, there's a dedicated organization called the International Betta Congress."
"You'll find yourself separating and not being bogged down by people and organizations."
"Various organizations... devote all their energies to projects of a research nature."
"If you attempt disruptive innovation in any large organization its immune system will come and attack you."
"Men mean nothing. It's organizations that nurture us, that give us the means by which we survive."
"Every single organization and person on earth has an agenda."
"Oh, good, I love an acronym. All the best secret societies have them."
"I think of organizations as legal entities within which individuals can accomplish far more than they ever could alone and find a life worth living."
"We're looking at a lot of organizations that have interests in being able to return a geocode in three-dimensional space."
"Organizations win championships, not players."
"I really want people to disagree with me and organizations at some point need people to disagree and commit."
"Student involvement is huge here, student orgs are huge here."
"We have over 1,200 and counting student organizations that we have here at the University."
"At UCLA, we have over 1,400 different student organizations from Quidditch Club, to Pre-Law Association, to Deep Thought Club."
"It's so important these organizations exist because I would have had zero ability to understand what I was going through without them."
"The federal government had infiltrated all of the organizations."
"Advocacy gives organizations and the public a voice."
"We're going to have to have two kinds of organizations: those that we can trust and those that we cannot trust."
"In the global organizations of today and of tomorrow, look at all of the powerful ways that we can communicate and keep that cycle going across the time zones, across the world, across languages."
"Ultimately, we're making the data usable and insightful for organizations."
"We are working with a number of organizations to really change things here."
"Organizations are not nameless and faceless; they are groups of people, and people are responsible for decisions that cause these organizations to be the way they are."
"Change is particularly hard for large bureaucratic organizations."
"Corporate governance is important to all organizations."
"Sustainable organizations are organizations that can evolve over time."
"These tournament organizations now are paying attention to what is best for the anglers."
"What solves the problem is organizations, the proper application of Economics, politics, and culture."
"This is private organizations deciding for themselves who they want to associate with."
"Corporate America and direct sales organizations are both shaped like pyramids."
"We're pretty lucky here in Michigan to have so many great conservation organizations."
"Regardless of where they work, I-O psychologists positively impact the people and the organizations in which they work."
"Huge organizations with million-dollar budgets that are managed with few restrictions."
"A formal grievance procedure provides a valuable communication tool for organizations whether a union is present or not."
"It's not just for large complex organizations; it's got something for everybody."
"Organizations use this form of decision-making because they value consistency."
"That's why I'm glad that there's organizations like you and people like you that are just out there trying to tell these stories."
"That is how to simultaneously hype an OP character and an OP organization."
"Organizations are nowadays spending over six hundred and sixty billion dollars a year in IT infrastructure."
"Agile is something which is the future; a lot of organizations have already moved into agile."
"These organizations first started for the upliftment of our people, that's pretty much universal in most Asiatic organizations."
"There are many positive people in mosques, many positive people within organizations."
"The African regional Association of International Trade Union Confederation, the African Union, the Southern African Development Community... they use the word African."
"Organizations should always be innovative, keep pushing themselves, keep pushing the boundaries of innovation."
"Qualtrics is allowing thousands of organizations to... get human sentiment about how they're doing."
"Live migration of virtual machines really interests a lot of organizations."
"Orgs do three things: they process, they train, and they're a center for knowledge."
"Organizations need public relations; we function in the business world."
"Organizations have always given a lot of importance to data."
"Self-regulatory organizations... some of the regulatory activity is conducted by an institution other than the government."
"Organizations should never underestimate the value of their contestants; you are nothing without your contestants."
"I trust the UN, I trust Amnesty International."
"All these regulatory bodies have certain standards that every organization needs to follow."
"Planning provides a forward looking approach to organizations."
"The goal of organizations in microeconomics is to maximize profit."
"Organizations need to adapt themselves so that they have a long life; they are sustained, they are sustainable."
"Political factors refer to influence of political and legal institutions on people and organizations."
"Avoid grinding for a specific organization... now that these organizations are profitable, they're looking for people that are qualified over anything else."
"Providing support to organizations that have been doing this work for a very long time is so impactful and so important right now."
"We tend to forget that these organizations, Hydra, Centipede, A.I.M., are also made up of extremely brilliant scientists, men and women who started with the same unlimited potential as you."
"The 12 signs of the zodiac are a combination of 12 organizations that have great wealth, power, and power."
"Organizations are not the way to truth."
"The fact that we've created these organizations like the United Nations... shows the capacity for human progress."
"The idea here is to really enable these types of immutable organizations to mutate and evolve with time."
"It's a two-way thing and that's been a hard transition for a lot of organizations because it changes the game."
"The best, most successful organizations are the ones that spend a huge amount of time selecting the good people."
"We have almost 70 student organizations on campus. These organizations range from social clubs... to things that are more professional in nature."
"Sometimes there are stand-up guys that are part of these organizations."
"Critical thinking is one of the most important skills which is highly needed in the organizations right now."