
Treaties Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"I want people to not die, and for that, I would like to have frameworks and contracts drawn up, international and new treaties."
"We can recognize these treaties where we can give restitution, give reparations in ways that don't hurt others."
"The history of Native Americans as compared to US colonial history is littered with broken treaties."
"If the disbelievers are considered more powerful and numerous than Muslims, then the Imam may decide to hold a treaty if he judges that entails a benefit for the Muslims."
"They never believed in keeping their word, they never believed in treaties."
"The two treaties protected the rights of refugees and that was Winston Churchill."
"I don't see colonization occurring again, but in the end of the day, you do need to make sure that you're doing agreements and making treaties that work for the people that are there." - Anastasia Sanat
"Literally all of David Graeber's work is worth checking out."
"Nuevo Mexico was able to conclude a peace treaty with many Indian tribes in the 1770s and 80s."
"Arms control is the key. We sit down with the Russians and we renegotiate these treaties, we breathe life back into the ABM Treaty, the INF treaty, the conventional forces in Europe treaty."
"Clerics of the peace domain preside over the signing of treaties."
"Instead of conquest, they would negotiate and sign formal treaties with these native nations, then they would pay them for their land, fair and square."
"International boundaries are established through treaties and agreements between neighboring states."
"It's kind of a big irony that now it's the white guys who are worried that the tribes are going to break the treaty."
"Naval limitation treaties aim to prevent direct competition between the Federation and the Klingons."
"Good treaties make for peace. It's a commitment."
"Earth negotiated several key treaties that expanded human influence and ensured Earth's participation in the galactic council's security committee."
"Japan is interested in getting equal treaties. She wants to be accepted within the international world on an equal basis." - Dr. Pauline King
"But the terms of the Treaty of Tilsit completely upended this regional diplomatic situation."
"Both sides broke treaties, just as both sides committed atrocities on the other."
"We had all the tribes, various tribes come to Washington during the Nixon administration to try to get treaties."
"We are the only indigenous peoples in the world that have never been offered a treaty."
"For it to work at all, the Washington treaty would basically have had to have said, 'Japan and Britain can build any ships they like of any size... and then we're all gonna follow rules that are going to seem absurdly tiny and pathetic in comparison to what they've just built.'"
"The 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty between the two superpowers effectively terminated this strategic weapon development. However, tactical systems were still allowable."
"Our treaties were meant to be peaceful coexistence and mutual respect."
"You must stop your ears whenever you're asked to sign a treaty to sell your home."
"Vlad's skepticism flared as he questioned the integrity of the once trusted peace treaty."
"It's almost a tale of two stories; there is the written document and then there is the indigenous understanding of what the treaties mean."
"Treaties are interpreted with the spirit and intent of the negotiations of the time."
"Belgium, of course, is a creation of the series of treaties that came out at the end of the Napoleonic wars."
"The dispute was ultimately resolved in 1977 by signing the Torrijos-Carter Treaties."
"...we need serious fossil fuel nonproliferation treaties to get this just out of you to change direction..."
"The breadth and depth of these treaties is incredible."
"Following World War One, a series of maritime treaties constrained naval development."
"The British had treaties in place with many of the Native American tribes."
"Why did my ancestors sign treaties after we lost the political power to have agency? They signed them because they were starving and they wanted me, at the very least, to be alive."
"We're witnessing a slide into a global monoculture, a world in which the values, the laws, the treaties that are signed transcend any decisions made by national governments."
"Treaties are not simply part of the evolving Crown-Indigenous relationship; they are at its foundation."
"When it comes to the law of treaties, one must turn to the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties known as the VCLT."
"When it comes to the law of treaties, the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties cannot be overlooked."
"Rules and treaties only work when everyone acts reasonably and with a good conscience."
"A renewed nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous peoples that respects rights and honors treaties must be the basis for how we work to close the gap and walk forward together."
"Their land, no matter what a piece of broken treaty paper might say."
"To uphold the trust and treaty obligations of our nation's 574 federally recognized tribes."
"A treaty is only as strong as the trust between those who make it."
"Globally then, this is when your international treaties come into play."
"There must be a return to a belief in the pledged word, in the value of a signed treaty."
"The primary sources of law for us are treaties and customary international law."
"No treaty ever ends a war in and of itself; treaties have to be ratified by the signatory governments."
"Human rights treaties place human rights obligations on States and not on corporations."
"...International treaties do have at least a moderating effect, at least they hold for a time."
"A country should take care of its own people, but also, at the same time, a country has to honor treaties with other countries."
"Treaties and alliances last as long as they are expedient."
"Publication of the secret treaties by the Bolsheviks certainly created an enormous suspicion in the Arab world."