
Storytelling Importance Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"All of us could point to these unwritten stories, and they're transformative and impactful, and they need to be told."
"We could have lost more than 2 million people... it could have been much more than that."
"Stories in games matter so much, in the same way that stories in films matter so much."
"Characters come first, usually plot is supposed to be secondary almost all the time."
"The hook is the key. Without a good hook, nobody will ever hear your story. Without a good story, no one cares about your offer."
"The story is the thing that matters the most."
"Storytelling is always king. That's all that matters to us."
"I think these stories need to be told. I hope you see more of those. You start producing stories like that."
"It's full of so much wonderful folklore and storytelling is absolutely central to the book itself."
"Be religious to hold onto your truths and your stories. Because when you start diluting from that, you start beginning the process of you becoming irrelevant."
"It's the story and the characters that do and they matter here go see it check it out."
"It's all about the story, it's all about the connection."
"Do you want movies to be produced based on stories worth telling?"
"Pixar knew that a strong story was above all else the most important element to a movie."
"It feels like a worthwhile enough story to draw attention to in large part because I think it can be kind of a reaffirmation of how important the fulfillment of some of our values are."
"Do as much focus as you can on the story itself, focus the story, focus on the golden quests."
"It was really important for us to really tell those different stories."
"One of her design pillars at Blizzard is gameplay first but gameplay first doesn't mean gameplay only the story matters context matters all those things are essential to a good experience especially in an RPG especially in an RPG mm-hmm."
"In a world where voices like this are censored, the story is incredibly important. That's why the book is available now on Amazon or anywhere you buy books online. So go order your copy today!"
"For the audience to care, the characters have to care."
"Characters are the most important part of storytelling."
"Craft more of a story, a story or a narrative around it than just like 'check out my truck see ya.'"
"If you don't have a good story, then not much else matters."
"Star Wars is much more about persistent storytelling."
"And so without storytelling, I mean we would be utterly uncivilized."
"People like to be told a good story; the top priority is the storytelling."
"Storytelling is what fuels the company and it belongs at the center of how we organize our business."
"The biggest gift we can give people is the ability to walk away with a story." - Moonlight Swami
"These are the kind of stories that must be told."
"At Rock Steady storytelling and character depth are the core DNA of our game."
"We'll enough people care when your story reaches them why."
"It's so important in the context of Storytelling to prioritize authenticity and historical accuracy."
"It's storytelling, isn't it? It's the people who've experienced these things, where and hearing those stories gives you a context of a lot of life in very weird ways."
"Superhero fatigue is a real issue, story is more important than representation."
"You leverage the tool to tell a greater story than the tool itself."
"Listening to you, listening to Risi, and so many other powerful women that come on this panel, because y'all tell a story that men just need to listen to."
"What will your story be? Why do we seek them?"
"You can mess up on story as long as you give me character moments that make sense."
"Exploring the stories and preserving our past is vital."
"As much as we love to tell the story of historical military weapons, it's even more important about some of these heroic military families."
"As a viewer, the more time we spend looking at any element in the story, the more importance it develops in our minds."
"For films, as long as they get the story right, I'm happy. For TV, it's all about the characters."
"I think that would definitely be one that deserves to be told."
"It's not rocket science to know that if you're not interesting, if you don't have a story, then it's not just your job."
"As long as your characters have an arc and character change, that to me is the most absolute important thing about an RPG."
"Your pop culture references don't mean anything if you ain't got a detailed-ass, dope-ass story."
"Our stories do matter; we all have a story to share."
"It's not the story that matters, it's how you disseminate the story that matters."
"Most veterans don't [talk about it]. This story should be told and revealed."
"What's essentially important about the ABC is the drive to allow everybody in this country to tell their story."
"We need to focus on telling a good story. That's what's going to get people to want to watch the movie over and over again."
"You know, it's never been about the magic trick or fooling people. It's always about stories, about emotions."
"No not by a long shot but this scene has a reason to exist in its own right."
"It's always about character and story. It's not about where they're going."
"It always starts with the characters in the writing."
"Maybe the problem is we don't tell our story loud enough." - Congresswoman Joyce Beatty
"Story gives you context and propels you through those loops."
"Do make your descriptions Vivid but meaningful to the story so keep things moving forward and make sure that when you're describing something it's something that is immediately mattering to the characters."
"Employers say that storytelling is both the most critical and frequently missing skill in the Analytics tool set."
"Great stories have their messaging baked into them. They sneak up on you in a really fun way." - John Campia
"What matters most is great storytelling, and the idea that somebody wants to limit what kind of stories should be told with some kind of gender bias... it's such a strange thing to me."
"It's when you remember to still make these movies stories about characters and make those characters rich."
"Everything that happened with Oscar is gonna be that much more magnified."
"What matters most is a coherent plot. Don't abandon a good story."
"There has to be a fun and engaging story going on or piece of commentary that makes me laugh."
"Storytelling is so important to the overall success of pro wrestling that it can easily be considered just as important as the action inside the ring."
"The human dimension of the story remained the critical or maybe the decisive."
"It's not about look at me I can render like it's not about that, it's storytelling."
"I realized even more tonight, and knew this before, but watching this movie just further solidifies that the character development is so important for me."
"The characters are more important than the plot."
"Wrestling is about the storytelling. If the stories aren't good, no one's gonna watch. Let people cook as the kids like to say."
"What's the most important thing about storytelling?"
"I'd argue that we're all storytellers I think it's a fundamental part of the human psyche."
"What if we couldn't tell the story... there would be no point in telling the story."
"I think that stories are as vital as bread or salt or fire."
"It's all about making the audience care about the characters."
"It's the characters we love, not the effects, and we owe it to ourselves to make sure that great characters and great stories in blockbusters don't go extinct."
"If they're gonna [ __ ] everything up I guess I'll make something and I hope you guys out there if you've got a creative bone in your body if you've got a story to tell uh please please do the same we need more storytellers."
"It's the comforting thing of a bedtime story children liked hear the same story every night you mustn't change you mustn't change it."
"It's important to have these different stories and experiences."
"But humans are storytelling animals you know it's the stories are how we structure information it's how we make sense of the world around us."
"It's not meant to look good, the story is what sells it."
"Fiction is truth even if it is not fact. If you believe only in facts and forget stories, your brain will live but your heart will die."
"Just like in real life, first impressions in film are king."
"The show has a floating timeline, but continuity matters."
"If we don't tell our stories, then they die with us."
"Story is King, you don't need the rankings to tell a story."
"Without emotions, literature disappears. Like without storytelling, without emotions and the type ecstasy, it would disappear."
"If there's nothing at stake, then the story doesn't matter."
"Because we can too easily distance ourselves from that kind of violence and its consequence, but that is why I believe stories matter."
"Having a lot of generic humor but a poor story can't result in a good movie, but a good story and not much humor can result in a good movie."
"This is the make or break point; this is what determines whether or not the story was just some good ideas thrown together with no real payoff, or if it can all build into one coherent vision."
"The greatest stories are about survival."
"Without writing to communicate and codify these stories, the storyteller was of utmost importance."
"Storytelling is the most important part."
"Storytelling plays a vital role in the roles and responsibilities of young men and women."
"It's all about storytelling for me nowadays."
"It's a gift to hear him talk about that stuff."