
Study Habits Quotes

There are 366 quotes

"Focusing really hard when I'm sitting down to study gives me the ability to be so free and happy when I'm not studying."
"Don't cram. Five minutes a day every day is better than doing five-hour cram sessions and burning yourself out."
"Work produced or studying effective studying done equals the time you invest times the intensity with which you invest that time."
"It's the sustained effort over a long time that counts, not bursts of sustained efforts or all-nighters."
"It's important to study hard but also to study smart."
"Find a specific study time. This is important because it will help you focus and not get distracted by other things."
"Actively take notes and organize them when you're studying."
"Focused energy is everything if you want to study effectively and to create good work."
"I'm a fan, okay? So as a fan, you study people."
"Forcing myself to active recall first, then checking notes, enhances learning."
"Back in college, I was never the greatest study ER."
"Notes are a tool used to facilitate comprehension, memorization, and more effective future studying."
"Spacing your study sessions is much, much more efficient than trying to do everything all in one go."
"Applying science to the way I study, I was able to study less and still be very productive."
"I remember when it happened for me. I remember it was college and it was late night and I was studying for final exams and I had a Turkish coffee."
"I was probably on the charts studying... six to eight hours a day every single day for like the first like three years."
"Repetition is key. You want to study, that's what it's about."
"Doug's commitment to studying after each session is commendable."
"Active recall it's effective I find it efficient so it really is a good study technique."
"Don't mess up your sleep schedule. If you don't procrastinate, you start studying early, and you don't pull all-nighters, you will be perfectly fine and your grades will just be."
"Learn how to study efficiently. Use a Pomodoro timer, make handwritten notes, use flashcards."
"Utilize this time in studying and doing your best, do enjoy yourself also but at the same time study."
"Make sure you're making this a habit and constantly looking for new ways to study."
"If you always struggle to stay focused while studying, you're not alone."
"You want to take notes, make a study journal just for optimal trade entry."
"Note taking is underrated, I don't think enough people do it."
"Studying isn't about quantity, it's about accuracy. Sniper bullets, not carpet-bombing."
"Grades being your entire value as a person is one of them just keep saying it to yourself study to understand study to comprehend."
"You don't need to waste time repeating the stuff that you already know or that you're already comfortable with."
"Creating a routine for your studying helps your brain feel ready to learn at your usual allocated time."
"Designate a specific study location to trigger your brain."
"Space repetition, building good study habits, and getting a good night's sleep are all important ways that you can ensure long-term learning."
"Handwritten notes pretty much got me through seven years of university."
"Digital notetaking for me has become my go-to instead of studying with handwritten notes."
"Your studying needs to be interesting, it needs to be fun. It's maybe the single most important thing that will determine whether you're able to achieve incredibly high grades or whether you'll fail."
"Figure out how you study best and go from there. Play to your strengths."
"That's how I improved by 12 points, I took it more seriously, used all my resources, and worked on my weaknesses."
"I've been diligently making study guides with notes from zoom lectures, charts, and pictures."
"Use it like a book, learn from it dedicated, throw it in First Aid, review First Aid if you want, use an accessory Pathoma book, and that's it. You'll be fine."
"Tailoring your studying to you, which you should always be doing."
"Changing up the atmosphere makes revision a lot more manageable."
"Nursing school update: halfway done and feeling accomplished."
"Studying is all about figuring out what works for you and for the class."
"But that's it. Those are eight techniques that I've used consistently in the past two years of medical school."
"In addition to making your study calendar it's also really employer you access your unit guide or course outline and use it as a bit of a checklist."
"I never used line paper underneath but I will always have in my hand when I'm making notes a ruler."
"When you're writing out notes and you're trying to pull from lots of different resources it can take some time."
"You make your studying more effective so you could be twice as much in half the time."
"If you're saying to yourself that you need extra motivation, then you probably just need to decide yourself are you going to revise or not."
"I don't want it to be what I mostly think about when I'm studying."
"It's funny how our schools and colleges have always taught us what to study, when to study, where to study, but not how to study."
"Plan your studying meticulously for maximum effectiveness."
"If you want to do well on a test, go to bed, study, and go to bed."
"Research has shown that short bursts of studying over time... is the absolute best technique for long-term recall."
"The secret to solving this problem is actually pretty simple... You can only study so much every single day."
"Designing a study plan that prioritizes breadth before depth in learning and iterating to increase your depth of knowledge over time."
"It's actually really important to design that flexibility within your study plan itself and focus on your purpose."
"Get a good night's sleep. Never pull an all-nighter or try to study last minute for the CPA exams. It just does not work."
"Bowen is so keen on studying, he's gone to bed with the book."
"Students can typically spend about 12 hours a day on school work and studying in order to pass college entrance exams, which is a huge deal!"
"Notes aren't useful unless you use some sort of method to commit them to memory."
"Flashcards are the best way for me to study."
"Studying is so much better when you do it together."
"Having a plan, no matter when in your studying journey, is going to be very, very helpful."
"It's important to rest for my mental health in order to get the most out of my studying time."
"Rewriting my notes: this is one of my favorite ones."
"Highlighting helps me a lot when I'm studying."
"Let's take making notes for example...even if making pretty notes isn't evidence-based, I dare say enjoying your subject will impact your grades."
"I progressed much more quickly with her than I did while studying on my own."
"With the right tools, the right study methods, and the right amount of grit and focus, you can do this."
"Be hyper aware of what information you're trying to get from your studies."
"Every subject you want to study differently, adjust how you study based on the subject that it is."
"Improve the value of your study by building a solid foundation of content knowledge."
"There is no shortcut in life. You have to study to get through an exam."
"If we don't study it right now, there will be no other time in our lives where we'll be going to touch the textbooks."
"I'm a big advocate of both handwriting as well as typing your notes."
"It's not about studying hard, it's about studying smart."
"So typically, eight hours back aft, come up, eat real quick, and then get right back on the books."
"It's time to start taking studies a little more seriously."
"I think he's actually more into work than studying."
"A little bit of studying every day is way more efficient and way more effective than trying to cram before the exam."
"You have such a strong motive...to have a huge why and the vision board behind you...nothing will stop you in your studies."
"You gotta have a place to study, make that your place."
"Just commit to 10 minutes, just do that, and maybe if it is 10 minutes you study for, that was more than what you were going to do."
"Those students who have the best math notes almost always have the best math grades."
"Stay consistent in your approach... even if it's half an hour of study every single day."
"Approach his studies with moderation. Time slips away."
"Remove as many barriers as you can to just walk into studying."
"Always start on the stuff you find the most difficult."
"I think the best thing you can do is learn through experience, study, study, study, watch videos like this, take classes if you want to, but just gain experience."
"Make studying a routine so that regardless of how you feel or your motivation levels, you study anyways."
"People who study to classical music. People who study to lofi music. People who study to metal music."
"Eat well, sleep well, and drink enough water. This means that you'll be able to study for longer periods or good and you also just have a better mood overall."
"Find a way to study that you can actually look forward to doing every single day."
"If you have 5 hours in the week to dedicate to studying, you will learn the material way better if you study for an hour each day than if you do one crazy 5-hour long study session."
"The most important study habit you’ll ever learn is not to cram, do your learning in bite-size bits every day, and keep doing it after school for the rest of your life."
"It's more important to be consistent even if it's just for a minute a day rather than study for hours once a week."
"Personally, when I hit the books, I don't like to take a lot of breaks because I feel like I'm sidetracked by them."
"I do one of these study groups for each of my courses every month. So this week was our Core 1 and Core 2."
"...this visualization really helps me track my consistency in studying and also identify patterns in my reviewing habits."
"I swear by the third one, I'm going to study. I'm going to study their names. I'm going to get it down. I'm going to know their names."
"Sometimes studying with someone is easier."
"Diligently persevere, realizing the counterproductive nature of excessive studying."
"...I think if you need more than two to three hours a day to review flashcards, you're probably wasting time."
"So find out what your learning style is and implement that into your study habits."
"If you put a book under your pillow during the night hoping your brain will somehow read it and be prepared for tomorrow's final, not going to happen."
"Just like her mom told her, day by day Lyn Linn started copying Yuki's study routine and it totally transformed her."
"the best way to go about it is have a program benefit of the of an Arabic program is that a lot of these books are created like or the Medina books are catered for international students."
"Anki is a tool that literally every law student should be using."
"Sleep, exercise, hobbies, and a strong support system, while not directly part of studying for your exam, do influence your preparation."
"Finishing one to two blocks a day is enough. It's about studying well, not just reading."
"My studying style is a lot less stressful. I have more time. I knocked all this stuff out and now I have at least four to five days to study for the exam to really hone in on it because I've done my notes."
"The best way to do homework is to have ice cream and a snack."
"Developing effective study habits, figuring out effective ways to have study sessions where you're fully just in flow and prioritizing what's in front of you."
"It's so much better to study 20 minutes every day than one day for three hours."
"Do your homework, that's the best thing I can help anybody with."
"Don't give up, just focus on it. Stick to your study schedule as much as possible, no room for procrastination."
"When I was watching other videos of people training they said get your sleep I was like stop shut up you need to study you don't have to sleep you need to sleep so prioritize your sleep."
"Doing at least two practice questions a day helps keep the exam anxiety at bay."
"It's infinitely better to study 20 or 30 minutes every day than two or three hours one day."
"I'm so thankful to my past self for starting histology earlier in the year."
"If you attend lectures, do the homework, and put in the work, you'll succeed."
"Studying is a defense mechanism that we actually use."
"The majority of your ability to learn is completely within your control and how you spend all of your time studying. That's literally the clear mission statement of this whole channel."
"Having snacks available to you as you study... something that's going to keep you alert and active and sort of awake for the majority of the time."
"The best thing for me is just the study habit that I've created over time."
"Study as soon as you wake up, it's the smartest you'll ever get."
"Consider your priorities and consider why you even need to study after school, okay?"
"It's better to study a tiny bit every day than to do a ton of work during the week and then nothing on the weekends."
"Start early on, try setting foundations instead of memorizing. Integrate your curriculum with USMLE resources."
"You just gotta do it, you know? You just gotta study in the best way you can."
"Stop making excuses for yourself because you studied last minute. It was literally the night before the test, you're like, 'Oh yeah, I gotta cram for two hours.' Like, you're actually gonna learn anything?"
"It's you sitting down in front of the computer and getting after it, getting wrong answers, understanding why you got the wrong answer, why the right answer is the right answer, the rationale. You do it over and over and over again."
"Take notes in your Bible. There's nothing wrong with it."
"It's when you take notes it helps you understand and remember what you just read."
"Your main anchor should be your own notes."
"Taking shorter breaks in-between school helps students with retention."
"Most people who study for more than a month, I would say, I mean, I don't know, but that's what I've gathered."
"This system works. I never ever picked up a book, I never looked at my PowerPoint notes, nothing, nothing else."
"Don't study what you already know: focus on weak areas."
"You should be able to get 80% just off your logic from your studying."
"The more you spend time with the vocabulary you're learning, the better you'll remember it."
"Some of my advantage is I study at incredible detail."
"Eating chocolate while studying helps the brain retain more information and is directly linked to high test scores."
"Good note-taking habits will help you keep your cool."
"Taking an active role in your learning is basically a way of studying smarter."
"These sacred documents hold everything you need to know to get started, so make sure to take a timeout and study them well."
"Having someone to study with makes so much difference when it comes to your motivation."
"Doing a minute of studying a day is better than doing nothing."
"Take a breather, and when you're ready, do the homework at your own pace."
"Do your revision at the time you said you were going to do it."
"The only way I know to stay highly focused while learning is to be engaged in excellent note-taking."
"Studying consistently without burning out really consists of making sure that you are taking stock of your well-being and your energy levels."
"Your studying is not something that you're just gonna do today, put it down for three days, pick it up again tomorrow. It takes consistency."
"Work smart and study efficiently, and you'll be fine."
"I found that personally the active preparation part of my studying really made a difference."
"Studying with a friend... you're also enjoying their company, and so you can sort of cheer each other up at the same time."
"Study after study shows that students who can pay attention longer without becoming distracted have higher GPA."
"Find time to relax, so that involves having a good study program."
"I think at some point cramming content is not going to help you as much as just relaxing."
"I try to make a plan and schedule short but regular study sessions that are first sustainable."
"Good morning and welcome to the midterm study vlog."
"Once you have developed your own study habits and you are faithful, then the spirit of God will come in a stronger way because he can trust you."
"Really good students realize that they have to retrieve memory, and so they do that using flashcards."
"The main goal is to get your studying down to just 25 to 35 minutes per session."
"Learning and reviewing the material more often makes revision more effective."
"Develop a study group or you join a study group where you practice and practice and practice what you've learned."
"You're not a slow learner, you just need better study habits."
"If you see that a certain method of studying isn't working out for you, consider changing up your routine."
"You cannot pass this level of mathematics or do well in any level of math without taking excellent notes."
"I would suggest using Babel as your main learning platform and try to do a lesson per day."
"The more specific you can get on a particular time or day that you want to study, it will really help you out a lot."
"Study smarter rather than harder; what's the most effective use of your time coming down the home stretch here."
"It keeps life entertaining... being intentional about study practice... that is interesting, that is fulfilling."
"Little and often is the best way to revise."
"Avoid cramming whenever possible."
"Worry about how much you need to study to learn effectively and to develop your skills and that's all that matters."
"Make sure that you plan your revision with breaks because trying to overwork yourself at any point will just lead to burnout."
"Make sure that you've got those chapters really solidly worked through and make sure that you understand everything pretty well."
"It really takes time, and you won't see results after one day or even one week."
"Have a clean and a designated place of study."
"Everyone has their own types of study... I think that each kind of study habit or like method has its own pros and cons that we can learn from."
"Visualize what you're learning; that's another good study habit that you want to acquire."
"Hold yourself accountable for doing your homework."
"After you finish homework, it makes doing homework better."
"When you know how to study productively, you can save a lot of time."
"Study for all tests and quizzes. Never ever try to go into a test or quiz without studying for it."
"I love writing notes with colorful pens; it makes it so much more fun, and I feel like I remember everything better."
"I slowly started implementing study techniques and habits into my studying that allowed me to increase the amount of studying that I was able to do in a single day."
"You're going to have to immerse yourself and even if you are math phobic or you don't like math, just get yourself into a good study routine."
"It is important that you not only practice the math and practice the questions, practice the reading, whatever it may be, but you practice your pacing."
"Setting a daily study plan that focuses on the most important information as well as your weak points is an absolute must in order to pass this test."
"Take notes as you go and refer to them later."
"One of the best ways to remember the material is to use spaced repetition during your free time to keep those concepts fresh."
"It helps to take even fifteen-minute breaks to be able to kind of understand and relax a little bit what you're studying."
"If you're struggling in math, ask yourself if you're taking great math notes."
"Pick the right time and place to study... studying in the morning is much better than at night."
"The number of study hours is directly correlated to the grade."
"You used a linear regression algorithm to make a prediction based on the amount of hours that someone studies."
"Just take your time, start way before the exam starts, don't leave it to last minute."