
Property Value Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"Bitcoin is the apex property of the human race. There is no property invented in the history of mankind that is better than Bitcoin. Not land, not gold, not silver, not stocks, not bonds, not the giant stone coin of the Yap people, not NFTs, not art, not baseball cards. Nothing."
"Money flowing into an area is a good sign. It means property values are probably going to go up because there's more demand."
"A home’s value actually increases with solar panels. It’s not that different from doing a kitchen or bathroom renovation."
"Even that two million dollar two-bedroom apartment sounds crazy until ten years from now when it's worth four million dollars."
"Homes in black neighborhoods are devalued by 23%, totaling about 156 billion in lost equity."
"No property is worth more than a human life."
"The house of Dragon used to be worth 400,000 now I don't know anymore."
"Home prices are up a record amount 24 year-over-year to a record high."
"If nobody sells and people want to buy, the price goes to $1.1 million."
"This property dates back to the 1600s. That's where there is character."
"Curb appeal is a great way to add value to your house."
"Solar panels are an asset; they add value to the house."
"In multifamily investing, the effort you put into it can have a significant impact on increasing the value."
"I feel good about this. The future of this place is bright and beautiful."
"Upgrade your space: flooring choices that elevate both aesthetics and value."
"Real estate nfts are backed by Real World Properties with expected appreciation."
"As the NOI goes up for a certain commercial property, the value goes up."
"It's listed for $224,900, and it's a bargain."
"There's an unlimited number of things that you can do to increase the value of the property."
"Real estate still gonna be there in my opinion."
"It's lovely, the views are the biggest plus point."
"This is the money view right here... the water features are incredible."
"This is unique architecture and this is another one of those aspects that really makes a property like this stand out from the rest."
"Our districts that are close to services have higher land values."
"Just like anything in real estate, if it is in good condition and in a good area, you will still make money off of that property."
"Mar-A-Lago is speculated to be worth well over a billion dollars, making it arguably the most valuable residential property in the country."
"This place is going to be worth a lot by the time we're done with it."
"This home could be sitting right alongside those homes as well."
"The value for your money in this area and for this property is truly remarkable."
"This property just became almost ninety thousand dollars less expensive for them."
"We're actually looking for properties that are at the bottom of the market that no average homeowner wants."
"I'm a believer of long term appreciation of property values."
"You can't go replace this piece of real estate."
"You'll probably be very clever at seeing the value in property and real estate also as well at this time."
"Appreciation is when the value of the home goes up due to certain amenities. It's a good thing!"
"They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend but honey I'd rather have property."
"Installing something like this is going to make you somewhere around 15 to 20 dollars a square foot in value."
"How much is your building worth if no water comes to it?"
"Creating green spaces within the city improves land values and overall happiness."
"Foam adds value to the property as well because of the energy savings and energy ratings."
"My property values will skyrocket indeed. Indeed, you know, I got to tell the story."
"Despite a minimal, scruffy interior, and a back yard in serious need of some TLC, this property recently sold for an unbelievable $1.3 million."
"That specific one is 372. um it's it's actually a Section 8 rental now so 30 rehabs so got it for 100 all in and it appraised at 166."
"A couple purchased a property and found six gold bars in the garden."
"Possessions can be replaced, same thing if my house got broken into. I would probably be glad that I was not home because for all I knew they had a gun. Everyone has a line though, and the thief in this story crossed that line."
"Depreciation is any loss in the value of a property over time from any cause."
"This whole property is insane. To me, this is the crown jewel."
"You can't only take care of the inside, you've gotta have good curb appeal."
"Maybe you don't see the money come back until you go to sell your property."
"You're not even getting the worth of the building until you can pay the lien off."
"If you can find something with a view, that view is worth a million-dollar view."
"These landscaping projects will beautify your yard space while adding tons of value to your property."
"We want you to be a profitable homeowner. We want you to learn what you need to do over the course of your home to make your home worth more when you do go to sell, whether it's in 6 months, 6 years, or 20 years."
"Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at airbnb.com"
"The property had an appraised value of 45k and the bidding starts at the simply whatever is passed due on the taxes less than 3K in this place."
"Property which you cannot use is worthless."
"...it's already pending for way more than I would pay for it."
"If we put in Formica countertops, carpet everywhere, cheap vinyl, and so forth, we get a much lower value on the property."
"Views make a huge difference... buyers definitely understand views."
"Try to buy in neighborhoods where there are a lot of owners that have pride in their property and then take pride in your property."
"Value add ultimately means that you're going to do something to increase the value of the property."
"Not to mention that the value of my home will be decreased as long as that stump is there."
"So, the property was purchased for roughly $1.45 million, and the property next door was listed for $1.5 million with no home."
"So, if I was to go and have an appraiser do an appraisal of the property now, you know, roughly, we might have an increase of $500,000 to $600,000, and I think I'm being conservative."
"A good neighbor raises the property value of your home."
"Give this video a thumbs up if you like the idea of learning how to do remodeling projects in your home that you can do yourself with just minimal tools and really increase the value of your property."
"Ain't nobody from outside bringing down the property value. It's these folks."
"Forced appreciation is when you choose through a capital event to make your home worth more by investment."
"No, there's nothing wrong with living clean and orderly. Hey, by the way, it keeps the value of your property up also."
"...the use case changes due to covid have rendered a lot of these buildings worth half of what they were before 2019."
"That land is going to have more value than if somebody just came in and cut all the marketable timber off of it."
"That can increase the value of your property and also bring in rental income."
"We buy rundown properties, the worse, the stinkier, the better."
"Being able to determine that value of a property is the starting point to wholesaling and flipping."
"If you wanted this property today, you'd be expected to pay offers in excess of $895,000."
"Do you want the craziest, nicest house in the worst-possible area or do you want the shack in the best area possible?"
"If you have a view, then your property is going to suddenly be much more expensive, much more valuable."
"It increased the value of our house so much which is absolutely incredible."
"With their renovations, they were selling that house for way more than any other house in this neighborhood."
"Each of those rooms is like $122,000."
"If you can double the rental, you double the value of the property."
"The good news is that we've had the house valued and it has gone up to £126,000."
"Do I think the house looks like a million dollars? Yes, I do."
"After transforming David and Susanna's house into a sellable property, interest in this stunning house definitely increased."
"These are all things that if you've got the skill, if you've got the knowledge, you've got the know-how, you can do in a matter of months and uplift the value of property."
"So this property is probably worth between 207 to 212 in that neighborhood. That's insane, because I did a flip on that house in 2017, and it sold for 135."
"The value of the property has increased by three times since I bought it."
"A taxpayer who disagrees with the Assessor's opinion of value may appeal that decision."
"...but the reality is, if you own a single-family house in one of those areas that just went from single-family to 20 story or 10 story or eight story, you got a free land lift."
"Everybody wants to know what their house is worth."
"An appraiser will investigate economic, environmental, physical, and social factors when estimating the value for a particular piece of property."
"I think this is an incredible property."
"You're building the resale value and that lets people take chances."
"Think about the curbside appeal of your property and where the shed will add the most value."
"You want to look at the condition of the building, the area, the demographics, household traffic count, those things go into analyzing the value of a property."
"An increase in the appraised value of property which considered an unearned increment would most probably result from increased population."
"Installing this automatic gate on our driveway was one of the best things we ever did for our property."
"The one thing that I can guarantee and ensure that I can tell you guys, and look into my eyes when you guys spend your money with me, what I'm greatest at is this: the property value is going to increase."
"The house does need reconstructing, but it's got this fantastic view behind us here, it's absolutely marvelous."
"What a beautiful backyard, what a beautiful house."
"The value of property goes like this, and historically since the Domesday Book, on average, it's doubled every 10 years or an average growth rate is 7.9 percent per annum."
"The value of this house is all about the location."
"House prices are a critical part of UK wealth, almost as important as pensions."
"I believe that an installation of something like this in a yard will add value to a home."
"Over the next few months, Emily and I are going to head down to Coffs for a week or two, renovate the units with some help, do some painting, do some flooring, update the kitchens and bathrooms, and add value to those properties."
"Owners benefit because they get rental income and increase property value."
"The more demand we create for your property, the more activity, the more offers we can get, and the higher the price we'll be able to sell it for."
"Location, location, location, location."
"Values have gone up about 10% in Land Park over the past year."
"If you were on the property, you would get how beautiful, how perfect this property is."
"After Repair Value (ARV) is... after it's been fixed up, what will it then be worth? We base everything in our world off of ARV."
"Look at that, it's pretty damn nice, and I think the neighbors are cool."
"Location, location, location when it comes to real estate."
"The typical home price in Cape Coral has boomed all the way up to 430,000."
"Your home is going to increase in value."
"What's the three most important things in real estate? Location, location, location."
"Property is not just an economic resource; it is a refuge, a sanctuary."
"As long as the property has value, it has use."
"It's more than just ticking boxes, it's what you feel about a house."
"The replacement value will continue to rise year-over-year, therefore when you get your insurance premium renewals, they're going to reflect a higher replacement cost."
"Gentrification is essentially taking old low-value property and transforming it into higher-value property."
"When you release these deer on your piece of property, you immediately have changed the value of that piece of property and it's gone up."
"Gentrification increases the economic value of the neighborhood, meaning capital growth and rental yields."
"It's super important that everybody pays down their mortgage and increases the value of the property at the same time."
"It's under contract to sell to a retail buyer right now for $229,000."
"A green environment and well-managed communal areas are keys to higher home standards, elevated quality of life, and better property value."
"Creating that frenzy means bidding wars, and when bidding wars happen, prices actually go above fair market value."
"Understanding the buyer, understanding the neighborhood, the area, how your house compares instantly."
"How are the schools there? Schools really do matter with resale price."
"Are the surrounding houses in the area taken care of? Your house value, your home value, does depend on the houses around you."
"Well-designed, diversified landscapes raise home values and spur community engagement while reducing crime."
"What we want to do is slowly get this green line and move it up so that it approximates all the values of homes."
"New appliances... make a huge difference if you're ever going to sell a property or get a property appraised."
"It's a pretty penny for this townhouse, but it's worth it because at the end of the day, I'm looking at this property as an investment property."