
Admonition Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Even if we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you than what we've preached to you, let him be accursed."
"Repent of this wickedness," Peter urged, calling for a change of heart.
"This is the last time you guys do this, you lazy oafs."
"Nobody should be putting their hands on nobody like what the fuck."
"Leave the community. You've caused almost nothing but damage and it's clear through your mindset that it'll just continue if you keep it up in your current state."
"Stop riding around late at night looking for a two-dollar ho, amen? Respect yourself!"
"That means that according to my math... you should probably shut the [ __ ] up."
"If your courage fails you, you will forfeit your guardianship." - Unknown
"You are wasting your life, you are destroying great relationships and destroying families with this foolishness you carrying on."
"Get in this church right now! I don't know who y'all think y'all are, but y'all got me all messed up!"
"Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love."
"There's no reason to kill your man."
"Keep that same energy for everything else if you care as much as you claim that's all I'm saying."
"One thing you lot need to have in 2024 is bloody respect."
"Better live your life, you better live your life."
"Villains, take note: beauty should be used for good, not evil."
"Son of man prophesy against the Shepherds of Israel."
"'But I have something against you,' I have to say, I never want to hear Jesus say that to me."
"And... Girl, if you don't close your mouth..."
"Come out from among them. So all of you musicians that are watching me. Come out of these churches."
"Use the admonition not at the beginning as a shield but later as a sword."
"Stop. That’s not how you're supposed to do it, you jabroni."
"You better start studying for next semester, do you understand?"
"Jesus met the healed man at the temple now you're well so stop sinning or something even worse may happen to you."
"Stop playing with life, gentlemen."
"Like you [__] better get it together."
"Woe to them. Warning to people who live their lives in such a way."
"The Lord said, 'Come down, sit in the dust, oh virgin daughter of Babylon!'"
"Karen, girl, you're too old to be driving around here getting DUI at triple 20."
"Karen is too old to be driving around here getting DUI at triple 20."
"We got to let them shorties know like, 'Man, this [ __ ] ain't cool.'"
"You cannot be doing things like that, man."
"May Allah make us among those who listen to the words of admonition and follow it."
"Sin is serious. Go to the sixth chapter."
"Stop damaging your child. Stop right there."
"Do not regard him as an enemy but warn him as a brother."
"The words of Christ to the first disciples are applicable to his followers to the close of time: 'What I say unto you I say unto all, watch.'"
"Don't commit suicide don't curse people don't be jealous of people rejoice when other people are getting breakthroughs Rejoice with them."
"Your little field trip to Cloudtower was unacceptable, not to mention dangerous! You’re lucky you weren’t turned into jumping beans and sold to the inter-realm circus!"
"For I see that you're poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity."
"The term 'kids' also applies to all you 15-year-olds too, so don't think that you're safe, you [__] [__] bags."
"Isa Alam warned of imminent destruction if the Israelites didn't stop playing games with Allah's law, changing the scripture."
"Can't never do no [ __ ] like that again, Jay. Never."
"Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore, purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump."
"Therefore, put away from yourselves that wicked person."
"No, you really need to start taking this seriously."
"May Allah make us among those who listen to the word of admonition and follow it."
"...a voice cries from heaven come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins."
"You're not supposed to do that, regardless of whatever's happening."
"don't be a douchebonnet out there in the world."
"Stop showing yourself up, what are you doing?"
"It's time that you left all that Nazi [ __ ] alone."
"I just wanted to say that's not what you're supposed to do."
"You need to stop this behavior. You need to knock it off. It's not worth it."
"You know, I said don't hit him, but I know you know that he's doing it in a lovable manner because that dude cares about him."
"If you don't know about God's love by now, you should just slap yourself."
"Beating a child is a really dumb thing to do; it's a really bad thing to do; it's wrong."
"Although you come from the Monster Race, you still need to use your brain; a brainless member of the Monster Race won't live long."
"In the narrative of chosen ones like Nehemiah, we find a compelling admonition."
"My brothers and sisters, this should not be."
"If you don't like the way I'm driving, get off the sidewalk."
"All these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition."
"I want y'all to learn y'all lesson, 'cause I said stop gambling and y'all don't listen."
"You have forgotten me," declares the Lord.
"Listen to me, you've got to stop killing people."
"Dear brothers, it should not be like this."
"Remember what it says: 'Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.'"
"What I say to you I say to all: Watch."
"Keep the Queen's name out your mouth."
"Let's stop being a troll for God's sake; there's enough trolls in the world."
"Stop robbing each other, stop hating yourself, stop hating each other."
"It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal. You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!"
"These passages really were written to those who called themselves the church, and it's a very sobering thought and a very interesting warning."
"Don't you ever speak to that man like that again. He is on the heart of God."
"You have left your first love. Therefore remember from where you have fallen."
"Go in peace, but sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you."
"We are admonished by the apostle Peter in this epistle, where he focuses on the seriousness of what we are dealing with on a day to day basis."
"There's nothing Hashem hates more than ungrateful people."
"There is nothing funny about racism, sir."
"If a Prophet come among you and declare unto you the word of the Lord which testifieth of your sins and your iniquities, you are angry with him and cast him out."
"You've been running hard, you've been running with zeal, you've been doing well, but I have this against you, says the Lord, you've left that love, that first love."
"Jesus Christ said, go and sin no more."
"You have so much potential, and you're wasting it."
"I am astonished you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel."
"You take too much upon yourselves, you sons of Levi."
"Be grateful for what I've given to you."
"It's wrong, and we know it's wrong, stop it."
"You must never live this kind of life again. Remember. You must never live like this again."
"Woe be unto you for perverting the ways of the Lord."
"Love not the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
"You need to move with the times, lady."
"What God joins together, you should not pull apart, because that will be wrong."
"Just 'cause you're alive doesn't mean you have to be a jerk."
"If you're bullying somebody, I want you to know that it's not okay, and you need to cut it out right now."
"You got everything God gave you, all of the talents, and you're blowing it."
"So close to your own destruction, little hero," the voice of Kronos chided, "and still you are blind."
"There is no act more wretched than stealing, Amir."
"My friend, don't you litter, it's so bad, the street now is so bad, don't throw the trash around."
"You're lying, Dolores. And one mustn't tell lies."
"Elijah's job was to forcefully and bluntly tell Israel that God was very unhappy with them."
"Do not make a marketplace out of my father's house."
"Hey, stop fighting with each other."
"You're 15 years old. Grow the hell up."
"You act like you know something you've never even experienced. Don't overestimate yourself, princess."
"There is nothing good about living in fear, my friend, absolutely nothing."
"What you did was wrong, you must never ever ever do it again."