
Education Impact Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"On a monthly basis, we're serving six to seven times the number of students that Harvard has served since 1636."
"The number one criterion that's used in selecting the US professors is the professor's impact on students."
"If you can educate someone, they can change their lives, but also the lives of their family and the generations thereafter."
"HBCUs are responsible for no less than 50% of all Black professionals in America."
"My biggest hope is that in five years, Crash Course will still be around and that it will still be teaching lots of people and not just teaching people about various topics but helping people to get excited about learning."
"A hundred percent of what I learned in college translates to what I'm doing in my job now."
"If you teach people a skill and a trade and how they can function on our own, that's how you change a nation."
"Social media has educated me more than my school has."
"People in predictable conditions will make predictable outcomes. If we fix the conditions, we can fix the outcomes."
"Meeting students who have benefited from my lessons, super awesome."
"As kids head back to school, an alarming snapshot of COVID's toll on students. National testing for nine-year-olds revealed scores for math down seven points, the largest margin in more than 30 years."
"Studies that correlate loss of even one year of Education... to a lower life expectancy."
"A child in school, especially if they're from some of the most disadvantaged backgrounds, achieves so much more."
"Working-class men can't get the jobs their dad got with the same level of education."
"Thank you again for everyone who's taken my course, I know it's going to change a lot of lives."
"It’ll impact the quality of your life, you will not see the benefits tomorrow, but within a year or two, once the compounding effects of what you learn today kicks in, you’ll be amazed by your new self."
"Life would have been very different had I gone to college."
"The power of having an in-demand skill that is taught by an engaging teacher."
"College-educated whites over like 20-25 years, their wealth increases. College-educated African Americans, same period of time, wealth actually decreased."
"More educated African Americans would report less discrimination due potentially to also being of higher socioeconomic status."
"Censorship of scientific discussion permitted policies like school closures and a generation of children were hurt."
"A more educated population can make better decisions when it comes to voting."
"All the kids who end up being raised racist or taught to bully, had they been taught at an early age to just question that, what a better world this would be."
"If you don't have any choice over what your children are learning, do you think you might be able to actually change the way an entire generation or perhaps even two generations of people can think?"
"I'm very optimistic for the future because I believe as we become more educated and we have more resources to certain things and information, we can do great things."
"Education shapes your desires, interests, and beliefs."
"I mean it took me a long time to actually realize my potential in these better you know why attainment level yeah."
"I graduated from Cal State San Marcos with a bachelor's in business management and that was like super useful to me."
"Each of us is golden by nature, born knowing truth, connected to our bliss. But then we went to school..."
"We want you to get a job within a couple of weeks after the class, maybe even before you graduate from that class."
"It just improves your worldview and critical thinking and then you're more likely to be a sound participant in a democracy."
"In relationships where the woman was more educated than the man, they were more likely to stay together."
"Women who were higher educated and earning more were much more likely to report all types of intimate partner violence."
"Many scholars note that Alexander’s education under Aristotle was crucial for his future endeavors."
"Education is the level of success, when you're informed, you know what decisions to make for yourself, you know your own self-worth."
"Women always want to give back, if you teach a woman, she will teach her family, she will teach her community."
"Women who have equal education as men actually make more money than men do."
"If we get it right, we educate and train them, we really transform not just our own economy and our society, but the world."
"Call of Duty Vanguard is teaching an entire generation of teenagers that your great-grandfather stormed the beaches of Normandy with a f***ing EO Tech."
"Be the best damn schoolteacher... changed the world by those little lives you're affected."
"One of the biggest ways of expanding your productive potential is to have an educated, healthy labor force."
"School bring on that Society like you're a Savage side."
"I've never had my degree situation hold me back with anything I've ever wanted to do."
"It's not much of a surprise that better educated people produce better societies that are more innovative, competitive, and productive."
"We've given them hope, yeah, we've given them a belief that the world can change, we've taught them to fish, they're talking, haven't given the fish."
"When a great teacher helps save one student, she helps save the whole world."
"Is there a correlation between education and guns just from a brain capacity?"
"Education is going to be the thing that really leads to a quantum leap here."
"Education doesn't change the world. It changes people. People change the world."
"Taking that course was one of the reasons that basically excelled me into business."
"The number one thing dividing us today is simple: if you went to a four-year degree institution, you're overwhelmingly more likely to vote Democrat."
"Their lives are transformed through the power of public education."
"Our motto is we want to have 10 times the impact on someone's income for 1/100th the price of a college education."
"If as is clearly the case, the internet and social media can lead young people to change their tyrannical and corrupt governments, can we really say that social media will have no role in education?"