
Forward-looking Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Keep going and look forward; you don't need to do it on your own."
"We are all united in knowing that the best play is to look ahead, not give up, and go where the puck is. We'll be going there, no doubt."
"Looking backwards rarely leads anyone forward."
"Hopefully, this leads to other awesome things like collaborating with other people."
"We're not looking back, we're looking forward."
"We can't change what happened in the past, but we should be looking forward."
"Stop looking in the past and focus on your future."
"Forget the former things and do not dwell on the past."
"Data is as important as the customer. There's nothing more important for the survival of a business than to see where the world is going, not where the world has been."
"Start looking ahead. Nobody drives forward looking in the rearview mirror."
"I want to get you to the point where you are excited and celebrating the future instead of just always the past."
"It took a lot to get here and I am not looking back."
"I think it's always important to have something to look forward to."
"Don't stand guard over the past anymore because there's something better ahead."
"In the interview, talk about what you're going to do for these people, this company, this individual, not what you've done in the past."
"We're going to do it because we Americans, we refuse to postpone."
"The key to the mystery of the origin of life was actually information, it was code."
"There is hope, there is stuff to look forward to on this journey."
"I hate your past you don't owe your past [expletive] that ain't true no more stop looking backwards [expletive]."
"Everything before now doesn't matter what matters is from now to onwards every day matters in it."
"The most important game of your life is the next one."
"No one knows what next year holds but it'll be a lot better if you're..."
"Life is gonna be good, I'm looking forward to this hugely."
"Stop looking in your rearview mirror. I know you said you don't understand what they did, but I understand what God will do if you just release it to Him."
"Children are naturally optimistic. They look forward to the future."
"It's just important to always have the thing to look forward to."
"I decided to go with it now. I don't want to dwell on what's happened because it's happened. We can't change it. It's in the past. You know, we got to look forward and we've got to look to the future."
"I will not waste my grace, the past is behind me, the cross is before me."
"He was going back in, but what did he say? He said, 'Come on, I look forward to it.'"
"This is the beginning, there is so so so much more to come."
"The only thing beyond this point is a shining future."
"New things will begin to start, it's all about new, not things from yesteryear."
"It's time for y'all to see through, say yes."
"True love is on the way. I see offers coming in, and you're not looking back."
"You have to be willing to embrace that there's something ahead of me that's greater than what was behind me." - Bishop
"Success lies ahead; don't look back at previous roadblocks or difficulties."
"We're going to be giving God praise for the things he has told you for 2024."
"You have so much to look forward to in August."
"2022 has been a bit of a struggle, but you're ready to leave it behind and focus on the year ahead."
"It's time for change more than ever and you will see exactly what I mean."
"Not looking in the past, looking straight ahead."
"Walk and never look back. It's time to move on."
"Wisdom: to focus on the past is to lose the future."
"You give people like me something positive worth looking forward to."
"Acknowledge, accept, forgive, and look forward."
"Forget the former things... see, I'm doing a new thing."
"I'm not looking back no more, I'm looking forward to my future."
"Spider-Man doesn't look back, he always looks forward."
"I put my absolute all into it and I never looked back since then."
"Positive feelings of nostalgia make you thankful for what you've had and give you the desire to keep moving forward."
"What the market does is it looks forward."
"You're always kind of on to the next, excited, positive, upbeat."
"Never, never, never. No regrets, new endeavors."
"I didn't want to look back in fear."
"You cannot change what's behind you, but you can change what's in front of you."
"Stop looking back and look forward."
"Feeling good, optimistic. New year, new opportunities. Forget about all the trash that I didn't do very well last year, you know, don't look back just look forward."
"This index is looking at is forward-looking it's looking at the potential of future growth based off of predetermined rule tool-based screening and not based off of what a company has done historically."
"I move through life. I don't really stay too long in achievement or mistake."
"Don't live in the past, Virgo. Rejoice in the journey ahead."
"If you want to be miserable, live your life looking back over your shoulder. If you want to live well, look forward."
"I'm not looking back. If we don't win a race this year, we've got a winning season."
"It is not the past that matters, but the future."
"I am really looking forward to this."
"This is sophistication, this is moving into the 1980s where everyone was forward-looking."
"Love never looks back but keeps going to the end."
"At any date, at any time in a place you can simply say yep that was fun, but what's next."
"Let's keep it positive here and move forward."
"I'm forgetting what's behind, and I'm straining forward to what's ahead."
"I'm sorry, Anna, but let's not dwell on the past but instead create a positive future."
"You got to look forward to the future."
"It's okay to look back, but don't stare. Because if you spend your time staring back there, you're missing something up front, right?"
"The key is not to look back at losses but to look ahead to future successes."
"Never look back, never put my head down."
"Faith is a look at Christ, but faith is a not looking at the things which are behind."
"Looking to the future now, the past is the past."
"When you do, you will not regret it, and you won't look back."
"You will not regret it and you won't look back."
"I'm actually excited. I'm looking forward to this."
"I wish you nothing but the perfect day that you deserve moving forward. Namaste."
"You always have things to look forward to, and having things to look forward to keeps you distracted from any problems you're going through."
"Don't worry about what you left behind, look at what's in front of you because what you left behind is meaningless compared to what we can do together."
"Look through the windshield, that's where your future is. It's important to learn from the past but always keep your eyes set on the future."
"I don't look back. I guess there's always something everybody regrets. There are things in your life you regret. We all regret things. But I really like to look forward."
"If I stepped on glass, and my bones touch ground, I will not look back, I cannot look down."
"I don't beat myself up... I'm looking towards the next, towards the front window not the rear window."
"I decided I'm going to have something to look forward to."
"You're not looking into the past anymore, you're going straight ahead."
"I'm looking forward, not back. New beginnings, yeah."
"I'm so, so excited for this. I'm so, so much looking forward to it."
"Just having something to look forward to, I think that's really important when you do feel like the winter is really long."
"You're moving towards your happiness and your success; you're not looking back."
"I forget those things which are behind and I reach forward to those things that are ahead."
"I made the decision to elevate, and I don't look back."
"I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to this."
"You must have no doubt, have no fear. Do not think of those you were leaving behind and don't look back."
"I am glamorous, so what? I am always looking ahead, never behind."
"Look to the future, I'm more than happy to do that."
"What I feel is that having come to my decision, I mustn't look back."
"Keep my head up when I act, head up that's a fact, never looking back."
"I don't like historical premiums; they're backward looking, they're static. I'd like a forward-looking dynamic estimate of the equity risk premium."
"Destiny separates, it isolates, and it tempts you to look back, but everything that God has designed for you to do is ahead of you."
"I'm proud of all the accomplishments; I'm not looking back at what happened."
"The future is always before the believer."
"If you can't be looking forward to something and thinking positive, then things are just gonna be very sad every single day."
"I'm a person of living for today and looking forward for the new things."
"Rehabilitation does not dwell on the past but instead looks towards the future."
"I look forward to things improving."
"Happiness and don't look back, don't look back at all."
"You've decided to leave the past in the past."
"You're embarking on new beginnings and new life, you don't want to look back."
"I'm really looking forward to it, yes."
"Life is about looking forward, it's not about looking back."
"Keep your vibrations high, do not look back."
"There's nothing in your past for you; everything is in front of you."
"Stay positive and look towards the future with a lot of hope and optimism."
"Making a decision to focus and not look back."
"You're going forward, you're not looking backwards."
"Ground yourself, stay away from people that are low vibrational, and keep looking forward."
"No matter what happens behind me, I only look forward."