
Historical Exploration Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey through the past as we uncovered the astonishing secrets of Ötzi the Iceman."
"Perhaps it's to visit a historical moment or person, to resolve a mystery perplexing the annals of history, or maybe it's to drop in on a long-gone friend, just for the chance to share one more moment together."
"The complexity surrounding Nimrod and his depiction in various ancient texts challenge us to explore the multifaceted nature of this legendary figure."
"Photogrammetry allows us to look at the Titanic wreck exactly as it is."
"They’d learn a lot more exploring history than just reading from a modern textbook."
"The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach North America."
"Thanks to rapidly advancing technology, which is bringing us closer than ever before to a face-to-face look at our past."
"Thank you for watching esoterica where we explore the Arcane in history philosophy and religion."
"Prepare to be amazed for today we're taking a trip to ancient China to witness one of the most astonishing discoveries of our time: the Terracotta Warriors."
"Would you like me to cover any more similar topics about the Dutch that went to North America?"
"Hundreds of ancient and mysterious stone tombs have been discovered."
"I think the time has come that we do in history to find the biblical characters."
"Threats: Curse of the forefathers. Disturbing the ruins of great civilizations can have grave consequences."
"Despite the tragic loss of the crew of Franklin's Expedition, it ultimately led to most of the discoveries in the area."
"Naked Science is on the trail of Plato's lost city of Atlantis."
"The closest thing we have to a real Atlantis in terms of cool sunken civilization full of artifacts is Doggerland."
"Christopher Columbus was on board the Santa Maria with his crew on his first voyage to the New World. He sailed through the area we now know as the Bermuda Triangle and reported seeing fire on the horizon despite there being no discernible land."
"You have to let it happen. That's how the Norse got to Greenland and that's how the bud Grand Vikings reached those Super Bowls."
"Immerse yourself in the history of the island and get to know the inhabitants."
"Dive back into time to see the rise, fall, and well, rise again of Japan's castles."
"Living a life so different to ours, it was a landscape full of incredible Ice Age animals, huge glaciers."
"When Marco Polo roamed the world, he mentioned a few places where fires could be seen burning across the landscape."
"Jesus Christ may have traveled to distant regions in Europe and Asia during these 18 years on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual attunement, and enlightenment."
"Athens is full of ancient monuments, temples, ruins, and churches."
"Ephesus is the most famous so if you're into history this is the place to be."
"Part of what made Django such a memorable film is that they were willing to explore all the horrible aspects of slavery."
"The Titanic's wreckage has spread out over half a square mile of the exposed ocean floor."
"America was discovered by the Vikings in or about the year 1000."
"The Portuguese were the first European power to set foot on the island, which they called Salon."
"What fascinates you most about these ancient ruins? Let's hear you in the comments section below."
"Frank Goddio embarked on his most ambitious mission knowing about Thonis from the ancient accounts."
"It's interesting doesn't make any sense no no no sense at all but their approach to it and the design of what they do is they go through the different periods of history and things like that is actually really kind of interesting."
"Let us now take a tour of western Britain in the sixth and seventh centuries."
"Archaeologists have spent years looking for the tomb of Genghis Khan, but they might be wasting their time."
"Rediscovering our forgotten history: a journey through the realms of ancient civilizations and their legacies."
"There were so many incredible finds and unbelievable discoveries."
"Sailing into the wind, often seen as the greatest obstacle to the colonization of the Pacific, made sense."
"Hopefully though here at Nave Hill, we've managed to get a little bit closer to the people who decided to make their home here 1400 years ago."
"Yes, we are going back 8,000 years all the way to the stone age to recreate the oldest recipe ever."
"This time, we're going medieval, cruising river gorges steeped in legend."
"Join us today as we take a deep dive into their entire storied history."
"If in this people led to Mesopotamia we can find them if Mesopotamian people came to the Indus we can find them."
"In the midst of an economic depression, money for the expedition was hard to come by."
"This is actually a walkthrough of the incredible Assyrian Subterranean structure."
"Exploring an old sunken prison would be exciting for any history nerd if you know how to dive, that is."
"Lawrence was selected for a small team that claimed to be looking for archaeological remains and the biblical exodus from Egypt but in fact the map served military plans."
"Our journey into seeking the spirits of the South both begins and ends here."
"Your perfect site. Oh, it's a dream Tony, you can actually walk across it and stub your toe on the pre-history."
"Thor Heyerdal showed the academic world today that 58 centuries ago you could sail anywhere in the world in a reed ship."
"Is this 100 proof that foreign explorers landed in Brazil long before Columbus?"
"These skeletons are a hugely important find... take you on a special tour of this extraordinary town."
"That's been the most rewarding, is actually helping people to explore these experiences of the past."
"There is something about exploring a historic town like this when it's really quiet because I think it allows the voices of the past to really come back through the stonework and you can hear them."
"Our society has been crafted by the thousands of generations who came before us. To discover their history is to realize the foundation of our civilization."
"The Guadalupe ruins are just the first of countless sites that I plan on visiting in effort to tell a type of history that is so often neglected."
"That's the game, it's about dissecting and deciphering the clues and the mystery of the last 200 years."
"An unfinished castle is now our favorite theory."
"According to history, Viking explorer Leif Erikson likely made land in North America long before Christopher Columbus."
"I suppose I have always liked water if anything started it, I suppose it was when I got interested in Admiral Byrd's expedition to the South Pole."
"Leaf the lucky sailed to the Americas and engaged in trade around 500 years earlier than Columbus's Discovery."
"The daring nature of Bjorn and Hastein's expedition earned them fame that endures today."
"The new stuff found at the Durupinar site makes the hunt for Noah's Ark even more interesting."
"The city will provide us a unique look into the lives of the ancient Egyptians at the empire's heyday."
"I mean, if the shoe fits, today we're going to be doing the entire history of Olive Specter, not the entire history of the Specter family."
"Despite the ghastly look, the tissues were in near perfect condition which allowed very accurate samples of the bodies as well as the causes of death to be determined."
"Taking a dive down to this wreck is like stepping into a time machine."
"A journey into the origins of human civilization."
"Borders are a great way to dive into the deep history of a country and how these things kind of formed over time and how a nation was built."
"They began their quest to discovery more than 500 years ago largely in the name of getting better access to spices coming from the East Indies."
"The number one worst champion in the late game."
"While the memory of the Titanic lives on, for more than seven decades, the ship itself remained lost, hidden somewhere beneath the vast North Atlantic."
"The ruins around the world tell a very distinct story."
"The exact story of the domestication of the chicken is history that deserves to be remembered."
"Exploring the once efficient water system hidden beneath the city... locals and tourists derive pleasure from it."
"Explore Thurmond: A ghost town with a story to tell."
"Are you ready to embark on an Epic Journey throughout history?"
"Exploring the Wii's library is a journey through gaming history."
"Let's give it a shot now we have the Heirs of Dido, how Carthage came to be 500 years ago."
"Writing across the continent wasn't just people in wagons moving in taking empty land."
"So much to see and learn in Colonial Williamsburg."
"It's going to be a real detective task to find out what's going on."
"If you want to learn more about that topic then I recommend 'Bombing War: From Guernica to Hiroshima,' a documentary you can find on CuriosityStream."
"The Vikings were pillaging Europe for dozens of years prior to this and they've also established well-established trade routes."
"Marked items reveal the rich history of the world of cud."
"It appears that the ancient Chinese may have beaten him to North America."
"Who rediscovered America first? Africans may hold the key."
"Pretty remarkable that you've got what was this estimated at about what 50% of Titanic available to explore for free."
"The lives of eccentrics in this short series written by araki released between 1989 and 2003 it explores the lives of several famous people"
"The search for longitude was like searching for the fountain of youth."
"We're traveling further back in time to the Bronze Age to see if we can find the start of the story here in Bowden."
"Tutankhamun's tomb is more than a treasure, for amongst the gold and glory lies the story of a forgotten time."
"Human beings may have used echolocation hundreds of thousands of years ago to explore dark and gloomy caves."
"Amundsen secured his spot as one of the greatest explorers in history."
"This is as close as we can get to where we think the medieval origins might be."
"This is the first moment in human history when we have explored in the other world for life."
"Carthage focused its energy on exploring, establishing new trade routes, and expanding its influence."
"We're gonna see if we can't restore Sicilian independence with a mission tree that looks to be a lot of fun."
"While we can't be certain about the truth of Bird's adventures, there have been many reports of UFO sightings in Antarctica."
"It's worth noting that only a limited number of individuals, fewer than 250, have had the opportunity to personally witness the remains of the Titanic."
"The English tried to get in on the act thinking that if there was something out there it must be nearer to England than it was to Spain."
"Vikings may very well have been in South America about 400 years before the Spanish."
"It will be the first time anyone’s seen this ship since before the US was a country!"
"When De Soto left this mortal plane, his men faced a dilemma."
"Could you do a prequel about those first explorers?"
"It feels more like a history series that's allowing me to go to different points in time."
"The Terracotta Army opened the door to a lost world."
"Believe it or not, you can do a bit of time traveling thanks to this tool that you can see right over here, which is show historical imagery."
"Welcome everyone, to the complete history show, where we look at some of your favourite video game franchises from yesteryear!"
"The excitement of the possibility of finding even the tiniest fragment of a day long ago is intoxicating."
"If Ana was hidden from history for so long, who else is out there with interesting stories we'll never know about?"
"Seeing it was almost like traveling back to the dawn of civilization."
"Christopher Columbus was using a treasure map or some other ancient map to come to sail the cafe to get rich."
"The Mayan history here is really cool... you'll get these feelings in these temples."
"It's a world which has existed long before you and you feel like there is so much depth to be mined there."
"It's traditional stuff so all the traditional units get a lot more flavor in his campaign which I very much enjoy."
"There's no point in having an empire if you can't protect it, so I'm in Northumberland to discover how the Romans secured their borders and to build a wall of my own."
"Istanbul itself is very nice, like a lot of cool stuff if you're into like walk around seeing history."
"I'm more convinced than ever that French fur traders and explorers in America were here looking for a lot more than beaver pelts to send back to France."
"Come along with us as we Savor the Flavors and the Aromas of the 18th century."
"Exploration was at the heart of the modern expansionist drive that began in earnest in the 17th century."
"So, let's embrace the opportunity to explore the underrated aspects of history and uncover the fascinating stories and events that shaped our world."
"I think it's time for us to explore what we know about King William II; let's see if we can bring him out of his father's shadow."
"The Mine tours is great. It's a bit of a history walk."
"It is so cool to be walking around things that are literally hundreds of years old."
"The sagas tell us that when Leif and his people landed in Vinland, they drank the dew from the grass and declared it to be the sweetest they'd ever tasted."
"We hope this expedition into the origins of Enoch has illuminated paths as ancient as they are profound."
"It's beautiful, there's lots to see, historically, culturally."
"At the beginning of the fifteenth century, the southern portion of the dark and legendary continent of Africa was unknown."
"Combining the beautiful scenery, dilapidated abandonment, fascinating history and global attention together made for a truly breathtaking experience."
"And I warmly recommend coming here and walking around what there is and and meeting Leon. He'll take you up."
"I'm a firm believer that if you want to know about a character, you need to go walk where they walked."
"The Franks rode north into the unknown, far beyond any lands conquered by the Romans, beyond the borders of the Christian world."
"Looking back into history, never know what you're going to find."
"Ever since the days of old, men search for wealth untold."
"The Vikings certainly had the technology and the courage to reach North America."
"And Brutus split the sea, sailed from France to England, and opened cities on slopes and hills."
"There is over 30 km of tunneling in the catacombs."
"Throughout history, the willingness of scientists, mathematicians, and explorers to venture into the unknown has paved the way for human progress."