
Forensic Analysis Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Turns out, he met a pretty rough end with an arrowhead stuck in his shoulder."
"The blood distribution exactly matches the pattern of wounds Christ would have sustained during his crucifixion."
"The blood stains test positive for 13 different blood components, suggesting an exudate from actual wounds."
"A remarkable consistency exists between the Gospel accounts and the forensic pathological findings depicted on the Shroud of Turin."
"Everything now seems to make sense. The injury pattern is consistent with the story based on what we were able to re-enact."
"The injuries inflicted by this violent crash are all consistent with the damage on Kelly's vehicle."
"This is the first forensic audit done on this scale... it will set a precedence."
"Did she just manage to pull this entire thing off and somehow not get a single bit of his DNA or blood on her?"
"Just bruised, it's red. But in terms of being able to talk about whether a bruise is an hour old or one day, it's not a precise science."
"The findings were enough for investigators to request that a thorough forensic examination be performed on the vehicle."
"The significance of the Simpson case... in the Laboratories... dealt with that at the scene."
"You can tell how people live so a lot of times the body is a reflection of its environment."
"Determining sex is almost always a matter of studying the pelvic bones narrower in males than females."
"In scrutinizing the details of Jeffrey Epstein, Tucker Carlson raises pointed questions about the inconsistencies in the reported circumstances, exploring the forensic aspects."
"The stab wounds were very symmetrical, almost methodical."
"Medical examiners stated that Asia was beaten so severely that her teeth were actually knocked out of her mouth."
"If the age of the bones can be determined... perhaps we can get closer to the mystery of the origin of the community."
"These bones had to have been there for months and there was nothing inconsistent with them being placed there about the time she went missing, and that's very important. This was a child that was just dumped in the woods like a piece of trash."
"So, we have to talk about it because when we say whether we think this was accidental or intentional, tape around her head multiple times? I don't think so. Doesn't sound like an accident in that sense."
"My role is to state what the facts are and to do that, you have to pay very careful attention to the skeleton."
"Archaeologists using the forensic skills of a crime scene investigation have finally begun to uncover the evidence."
"As long as that gun's on that line, it fits with what you're saying, your mathematics is saying."
"Couldn't they have tested that hair for chlorine and that would tell them if she had recently been in a pool?"
"The garbage bags in Crow's home had the same striations and offset overlaps as the bag with Jessica's body."
"Just as a cold case can be solved using existing evidence even though the crime can't be observed today."
"The injuries on Epstein's body were more consistent with those seen in cases of strangulation."
"The pattern of bloodstains allows us to interpret how that blood came to be."
"It's not just a smoking gun, it's an arsenal of smoking guns anchored by this extraordinary discovery."
"The carpet fibers weren't just similar, they were identical."
"The plastic wrap that bound her wrists was taken into evidence."
"The pattern of droplets revealed repeated blows to the body."
"There's no sign of that, what there is a sign of, however, is strangulation, big hand marks around her throat."
"The added complexity of the citizen life path makes me wonder..."
"The unqualified statement before autopsy that no foul play was committed is cause for concern."
"His feet and hands did not present any skin slippage which would have been consistent with having been submerged for 50 days."
"According to the postmortem report, the victim suffered a hemorrhagic death due to gunshot trauma."
"Examiners were conclusively able to link these portions of tape by matching the torn ends, the fibers, and the glue."
"A lot more than bloodstain pattern analysis tonight."
"The only physical evidence... didn't seem to fit."
"There's no way that this gun that was recovered out of that car could have shot this bullet."
"The bullet in both of those murders were fired from the same weapon."
"It's the typewriter's DNA. It's like it's specific to that. The same thing happens with tire impressions."
"Creighton's job was to make the print on the doorframe distinct without ruining it."
"The bloody palm print left on the grip of the weapon."
"It's not consistent with being created from an individual committing suicide in a room sitting on a sofa. Some other violent altercation took place where blood was shed, with a lot of energy being exerted towards the blood, like a gunshot."
"His scientific way of looking at clues revealed forensic evidence."
"Solving the puzzle of why the person has died."
"The absence of singe marks... strongly suggested that the gun was pointed directly at him."
"In the autopsy one of the things that was determined was that her stomach contents were consistent with what was served at the noon meal at Fairview on March 9th."
"It is a curious thing," remarked Holmes, "that a typewriter has really quite as much individuality as a man's handwriting."
"The forensic work does not fit the story. If Marty didn't kill his parents, then who do you believe in?"
"I was told that... she could not be absolutely eliminated but it was highly improbable that she wrote the note."
"Despite the ghastly look, the tissues were in near perfect condition which allowed very accurate samples of the bodies as well as the causes of death to be determined."
"Can headlight fragments explain why a car mysteriously tumbled out of control?"
"The coroner found that weathering on the bones was consistent with eight months exposure to the elements."
"But measurements were taken before sending and it was determined that the bones could belong to a woman of Amelia Earhart's size."
"The arrow in the bag is big news, not just because it could explain how Otzi died, but because it suggests the possibility of murder."
"He had to have taken a shower because the amount of brain matter and blood would have been astronomical."
"There was no evidence of a struggle, there would have been a lot more bruising and crushing of his body if someone really had just stuffed his body through that pipe."
"Could the text and the glass jars give up the last Clues he needed to wrap up the case?"
"When a murder is cleverly disguised, investigators must find new ways to see through the deception."
"It was beginning to look like this was a crime of passion."
"Police now knew that they were dealing with one killer who used the same screwdriver to break into his victims' homes."
"The defense has a witness who has a story to tell. The prosecution will also have their own expert witness who will do their own forensic review of the data."
"None of this makes sense... the blood is going this way horizontally as though she was laying down."
"If they drained the pond and walked through it, it's done, the scene is done."
"It was never down as homicide in that report. It states the Jimmy Ray Payne died of asphyxia which means he stopped breathing by undetermined mechanism. That doesn't say homicide."
"Truckers are the foot soldiers who are really carrying us to victory."
"Who had shot the man and why, unraveling the mystery demanded all the ingenuity forensic experts could muster."
"They send it to the ATF and they say hey this is yellow line paper I feel like there's a partial fingerprint here, can you run it through your database?"
"The scientific evidence proves that Megan Vass was on the yacht the night of Bob Chapel's murder in 2009."
"No, 'cause it was- the investigation said blunt force trauma and asphyxiation."
"It does look like she was most likely attacked in the kitchen."
"It was also judged that given the state of rigor mortis she was in that she had actually died very soon after being dropped off back at the cabin maybe only 15 to 20 minutes after the boyfriend had departed."
"Majority of this case rests on the trajectory and the phone, nothing else."
"I think that the evidence points toward homicide rather than suicide." - Dr. Michael Baden
"No one plugged the serial number of my gun into a website... there were five lands and grooves that my weapon was said to have made."
"So according to the medical examiner, there was no signs of trauma to the body, no outward signs of physical violence, nothing to explain what happened."
"Matheson's simple but gruesome crime was undone by some forensic details that he just didn't count on."
"And though the victim may at first appear unmarked, science can reveal how death was dispensed and dispense justice to the poisoner."
"Forensics tell so much of the story we see that all the time in the cases we cover."
"Putting all of that together the multiplicity of the blunt trauma, the obvious stress the child had been under... I finally assigned her cause of death as multiple blunt trauma asphyxia and inition."
"The measurements of some of the head injuries to Tony distinctly matched the dimensions of the mallet."
"The entire scene was meticulously photographed and dusted for prints."
"Given AJ's admission of having fired the gun just 3 weeks prior, one would logically expect to find his fingerprints on it, raising questions about the absence of such evidence."
"Through medical examinations, it was determined that the boys had been murdered prior to the train hitting them."
"You paint walls and remove rugs to take away forensics."
"I have been in law enforcement for more than 20 years, with most of that time spent as an investigator. I have also been a forensic voice analyst for more than 12 years, and have conducted hundreds and hundreds of exams."
"Both DNA experts agreed that the DNA found under Taylor's fingerprints did not belong to Dewey."
"Her cause of death was eventually determined to be asphyxiation due to strangulation or smothering."
"...based on the tooth eruption, he was able to give us a time of age when she died, he determined her to be in her early 20s."
"There was a positive reaction that positive reaction gives us a presumptive that blood was present on those boards."
"There should be a systematic and methodical approach to the analysis of data, and the data in this case would be a video, an image, or an audio file."
"We actually had talked about the red staining that Deputy Leatherberry observed on the garbage can and his plan was to test that staining, and if it tested positive for blood and then human blood, we had made the decision that we were going to search a landfill."
"I don't believe that it was at all consistent with a suicidal wound to a reasonable degree of medical certainty."
"Analysis of the stomach showed the presence of undigested potatoes eaten within five hours of his murder."
"Maybe there are tears in the clothing, which there were not any on the scene. It may have been more like a date rape, someone that she knew and it went too far."
"I was able to determine that this test-fired cartridge... was fired in item AL."
"The autopsy revealed evidence of at least three, possibly four, bullet pathways."
"Log files play a core role in providing evidence for our investigations."
"...now ballistic experts also believe like i said earlier that whoever shot candace it was one shooter with two different guns and three different types of ammunition."
"According to this lab this lab confirmed that these bones were in fact human remains and human vertebrae and that it was potentially from a young man between the ages of 16 and 24 years old."
"So based on that alone, I would absolutely recommend picking this guy up."
"After extensive analysis, a forensic anthropologist determined that the remains were consistent with physical descriptions of John Sohus."
"It was just amazing the way that they had pinpointed the paper wrapper the styrofoam the bomb everything that he had you know had put in the bomb the hex nuts were all right back to the manufacturer it was unbelievable that science was that good."
"The procedure in my agency is the anthropologist identifies the location and general nature of sharp traumas and that's then forwarded to our firearms and tool marks unit for additional analysis."
"This knife has two blades and they are relatively parallel, they are bent at the tip and they're the size appropriate for the wounds that I saw, this is the weapon."
"On the neutral examination of the body, which you did, you have seen is consistent with an old lady falling over, falling into the water, desperately trying to save herself by clinging onto something, and eventually failing and drowning."
"The prosecution realized that putting Sheila Bola's character on trial wouldn't get her convicted they needed some forensic facts."
"So Cody was included as a possible contributor to that mixture and the mixture is greater than 700 billion times more likely if it originated from Cody and one unrelated individual than from two unrelated individuals."
"Renowned pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht believes that a young man's death ruled accidental may have been murder."
"It was fresh water in his lungs, not sea water."
"CAINE is a complete forensic environment with a friendly graphical interface."
"It's been eight years and technology has changed. I hope that they can do an analysis of DNA if there is any, or other evidence or the video footage... Along with a fresh set of eyes, hopefully, advances in the world of technology will lead to some new information as well."
"The evidence strongly points to the far as being the result of an attack and strike rather than an random or accidental occurrence."
"What does the defense wound tell you? It tells you the victim was conscious, not bound, and cognizant of danger."
"All explosive devices have a specific signature or type of construction unique to the bomb maker."
"We determined her cause of death to be the result of asphyxia, and her manner of death to be homicide."
"...the measurements of these bones match Amelia Earhart almost exactly."
"We practice forensic reading at AMCI, and that is reading very carefully to get the most accurate code."
"Conduct a thorough forensic analysis to understand how the attacker gained access, what data was compromised, and the extent of the damage."
"Understanding how these devices manage their data can provide forensic examiners with the ability to retrieve a wealth of information."
"DNA on multiple items of evidence in a case can also be compared to known samples from individuals involved."
"I investigate white-collar crime, people who are accused of stealing as an example."
"Cause of death: gunshot wounds. Manner of death: homicide."
"Most likely blood from a deer or a dog hit by a passing car."
"I saw on the floor and on this rug some stains and so I had those areas numbered and photographed."
"The forensic schedule analyst uses to find the truth or investigate programs."
"The bloodstains are a B positive; there's real hemoglobin in this blood."
"We will be able to separate all those strands individually and while we won't know which one is Cooper's, we will be able to gradually narrow them down."
"Fluorescein is sensitive to diluted blood and can find bloodstains under painted walls without destroying DNA."
"Ultimately write a report and come up with the cause and manner of death."
"In the absence of evidence, what we have is foreign female DNA identified by their expert underneath her fingernails."
"Covert entry is non-destructive and does not leave obvious forensic evidence that can be discovered by regular users, but a qualified forensic investigator can identify covert entry."
"Realtime PCR can help to determine what the composition of that stain is, whether it's human blood or animal blood, for example."
"The stain patterns had been consistent with the injuries detailed in the autopsy report."
"Burning does a number of things to bone; it changes the color, turns tan and black and eventually white, and causes the bone to become more brittle so it fractures more easily."
"The visualization accurately and fairly represents the physical evidence that was recovered in this case along with the airbag control module data."
"The way an artist uses a brush on the canvas is as unique as a fingerprint."
"Like a fingerprint, but it's tree rate."