
Media Independence Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"I think independent media is tremendously important without being beholden to either a boss, a corporate interest, a core, a platform."
"What is incredibly important is independent media. What is incredibly important is the ability to hold to the establishment to account."
"The channel will be completely self-funded through a variety of means. We have no corporate owner. Second Wind is completely independent."
"There's no democracy without independent media."
"Our audience is real and we just stay true to ourselves. The second you let advertisers dictate what you do or you're beholden to them, you lose your voice. You're kind of dead."
"The moment you stop caring about what the New York Times thinks of you is the moment you're finally free."
"This is a time to take the power back... demand democracy, demand freedom, demand independent media."
"People want independent authentic voices that speak their mind. You can disagree with them, you can have different opinions. That's all fine. But they want to know, 'Hey, that's your honest opinion, not a captured opinion.'"
"We don't have any on-camera reporters or pundits telling you how to think or what to watch or why not to watch."
"Thank you so much, Haiti, for becoming a new member, believing in Golden State Times, and supporting the free press."
"Everything is 100% funded by viewers like you."
"I really believe the independent part of the media where we are um you know where people like Joe Rogan are where a lot of people are is absolutely the part of the media thriving and exploding."
"We don't tell you how to think here at Golden State Times. You make up your own minds, you make up your own opinions."
"Independent media has really taken on an identity of its own."
"Independent media I think is very important."
"If you want radical voices to exist we have to create radical platforms that are not owned by corporate media."
"Independent media, right? And so when they don't give us the tools to do our jobs properly, well, it's disrespectful to us and it's also disrespectful to you guys."
"How important it is to have genuine independent media like Jimmy Dore in the gray zone."
"We don't have any pundits telling you how to think. We don't have any reporters telling you what to watch or why not to watch."
"We're exporting to dictators around the world the ability to say fake news and delegitimize the independent media."
"A free press is a pillar, maybe the pillar of free society. How can you have an establishment and press working together to keep ordinary people ignorant and bewildered and claim that it's anything like a free country?"
"I actually do have one idea of how to fix it, and that is to subscribe to independent game reviewers and critics like myself."
"We need Independent Media now more than ever."
"We're not funded by anybody, certainly not the Millionaires and billionaires who fund the mainstream media."
"Make your own media, support independent creators."
"We need independent grassroots media that is self-funded."
"We need our own media yes we got our own information that way we don't have to worry about what mainstream media is doing we we are the mainstream."
"Total control over my content and be a platform for other creators."
"You can't be black-owned media and be scared." - Roland Martin
"In our industry, who pays you is who tells you what narrative you're allowed to use. And I'm not paid, so I own my narrative."
"You know they dealing with somebody who ain't afraid to say anything, don't have no industry politics holding him back, owns his own brand, can say whatever the [ __ ] he wants."
"The reason to be an independent media is to give the finger to the corporate duopoly."
"The survival of AAP as an independent newswire service is really important."
"Full editorial independence which is I think crucial for a thriving Network."
"I think it's important to have more independent voices... centers of independent commentary."
"Tucker being an independent content creator at this point in time, I think is a massive win."
"It's important that the media maintain 'independence' from the government."
"I'm grateful I built my own audience; it's a power in both right-wing and left-wing media."
"Journalists at least in this beautiful idealized world were the fierce independent folks challenging the establishment holding the powerful to account when in reality they're literally just working for those people."
"Having a direct relationship with the audience with no editor... that's the way to do it."
"Support your free press. It is really starting to feel like we're going to have to do this ourselves."
"Enough with this, we need an independent and free media."
"That's journalism... it's not our job to abide by whatever strictures or public relations campaign anybody has."
"The best way to respond to disinformation is to ensure we have a free and independent press."
"Experience a news organization that only answers to you."
"I genuinely think that it's some of the best reaction content in the game right now."
"The CBC needs tough love, true independence, and accountability."
"That's the reminder, that you can be the media. You can be the media. Our motto is 'Be the media.' And you don't have to deal, you don't have to be part of the corporate media to be the media."
"There is no corporate Media or corporate institution supporting my right to say what I'm saying."
"Black owned media matters because we got to ask nobody else for permission to come cover our people."
"If they're not letting you go on CNN, come join us in the independent media world."
"I think we're gonna see the Japanese create their own infrastructure to get their content to western audiences without a third party American company getting involved."
"It goes to show you like how Independent Media is the way to go now."
"The articles are free from the influence of big Tech corporate media and socialist and Communist forces as well."
"When they get mad at us and kick us off their platforms, you'll be able to find us at Blaze TV."
"We have to build our own media and our own narrative."
"Would it be possible for Navarro Double Down News my platform and other left-wing YouTube channels to invest in an independent platform of their own?"
"The press is not there to be their stenographer or their public relations department."
"We were on the air from 2002 to 2014 before we got any investment, let alone anything else. Those other guys get gifts, they don't get investments. And you guys kept us in business. So you're awesome."
"Graffiti allows for public displays of anti-capitalist sentiments without requiring the permission of the capitalist mass media or the state."
"Trump needs to build a hosting service so that conservative content can't be de-platformed."
"Independent media is vital for questioning establishment narratives."
"Independent media and a free, open, honest conversation is where it's at."
"Joe Rogan isn't ruled by his advertisers or big Pharma; he gets to tell the truth."
"We're not beholden to corporate advertisers, defense contractors, Wall Street, or big Pharma."
"Subscribing to the newsletter will also be the best way to make sure that I will always have a voice, even if content like the one I make will eventually be buried by all the noise and nonsense that social media is being flooded with."
"We're independent, I don't do any deals, I don't do any pump and dump BS, straight to the truth every single night with you guys."
"The beauty of this show is that we don't answer to any of those people. I don't give a rat's ass. We're going to dive into the facts as they come and we don't have any agenda here."
"I would much rather be beholden to you, the viewers directly. You know, I want to work for you guys, that's the relationship here."
"We need independent, grassroots media that is self-funded whether it be through donations or whether it be through product sales, so that we can have real diversity of ideas in this world we live in."
"I'm an independent broadcaster who has thoughts that are in his head, that he says them. They are not given to me by anyone."
"The President believes strongly that an independent, unbiased, professional media is critical to the success of our democracy."
"We need to build a new constellation of independent media voices that people turn to and trust."