
Memorization Quotes

There are 499 quotes

"It's like memorizing a giant web. I'm not a spider; I'm a human being."
"Every one of those kids memorized their joke. They took it seriously."
"Every human being should engage in the journey of Quran memorization, for it is not the preservation of words, but the preservation of peace within oneself."
"Memorization comes from repeated recall, not repeated exposure."
"Understanding is much more important than memorization. So please do not just memorize this; you need to understand this pharmacology."
"Sketchbooking is where you learn how to do that in my opinion. It's one of your best ways to learn stuff, memorize stuff, commit things to memory."
"We have millions of people who memorize the Quran letter by letter, word by word."
"This ‘flashcards’ and helps you remember all the key facts."
"Memorize scriptures that touch your heart and fill your soul with understanding."
"He had memorized every hadith he had come across."
"This is tedious, it's a case of memorizing split second timings."
"Crypto can be stored in your brain. You can remember 10 words and have access to your crypto forever."
"The coherence of the Quran, the cohesion of it as a text, is the ultimate proof to the contrary."
"The fact that the Quran says that it's miraculously easy to memorize a 600-page document."
"People have memorized the whole Quran, it's a miracle."
"Memorize this detail now, research more if you need to, and smash that exam!"
"If there's anything you take away from this guide please let it be this the number one thing that will make the biggest difference between you being good or bad at Mario Karts is memorizing the track layouts."
"For memorization as a whole, getting the wrong answer and learning the correct one afterwards seemed to help the information stick more."
"You don't have to track every single piece or memorize every face on the cube."
"All you need to do is memorize enough information about the cube to execute a solution blindfolded."
"By breaking down each lesson into smaller bite-sized experiences that quiz information repeatedly yet practically, it's so much easier to learn, process, and remember."
"She herself became one of those who memorized the Quran."
"We can show you millions of people who have memorized the Quran from the first letter to the last letter."
"You have to commit to memory that metric table and put it in your brain."
"I've played this game so many times I know this story like the back of my hand."
"Nothing will do more to strengthen your spiritual life than memorizing the scripture."
"1483, write that down, write that down, write that down!"
"The best way to memorize a word is to see it in context."
"Some of these cases you really just break them up and set them up into other cases and some of the cases you really do just have to memorize but I think all of them can be figured out somewhat intuitively."
"The Quran has been memorized cover to cover by the Prophet, thousands of his companions, millions of Muslims throughout history."
"When he preaches he never opens the Bible and he can quote every scripture from memory from Genesis up to Revelation."
"We can't get rid of the Quran; it's in the hearts, it's in the minds."
"Is there any book memorized by hundreds of millions of people?"
"When you memorize something, it does not mean that you learn it and can apply it."
"It took me three weeks to memorize my Fatiha, subhanallah it was the most amazing experience."
"David said that word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you."
"If you memorized a poem for school in the fourth grade then this is about the level of effort that it takes to learn some of these lines."
"There is no point trying to memorize stuff without trying to understand it."
"It's pretty easy to memorize; you can kind of put everything away and just have your yarn and hook."
"Memorization is still a very necessary part of the studying process, but if it is the primary thing that you are doing without having those higher order learning techniques alongside, then it can be detrimental."
"For every four lines of the epic poem 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' that you could memorize and write verbatim on the back of the test, you would receive one point of extra credit."
"Do you ever feel like you don't know the Bible because you don't have everything memorized by chapter and verse? Well, don't worry about it because those things aren't part of the Bible anyways."
"For the purposes of your A+ certification you don't need to memorize these different beep codes."
"The cool thing about this is that you don't have to memorize a ton of variations."
"Repeating stitch patterns are easy to memorize, making sure that you can fall into the groove of stitching without having to overthink it."
"Understanding concepts before you attempt to memorize greatly improves retention."
"Only use flash cards for information that is isolated or very loosely related to other facts and ideas."
"I was on Tumblr so much that I ended up memorizing that just from seeing it."
"Never underestimate the power of flash cards."
"Allah said we've made the Quran easy to memorize, to understand, to implement, to read."
"If you're really staying consistent with your flashcards um you'll memorize huge amounts of information in a really simple way."
"You don't need to memorize a textbook."
"You tether yourself to God's word, you memorize it, you quote it, you think about it, you have people telling it to you, his promises, his encouragement."
"Flashcards are essential for memorizing little facts."
"The main role of the SRS is to help you memorize the meanings of words... memorization really means learning not acquisition."
"Allah has 99 Names, if they are memorized and safeguarded by anyone, that person will go straight to paradise."
"If you want to memorize, do you want to memorize 1300 questions or more?"
"Your best bet for memorizing a recipe is using pen and paper."
"Dwell is truly for everyone. Joelle has helped so many people of all ages memorize over 400,000 verses now."
"It's much easier to do this show than to like memorize lines and all this other stuff."
"The ease by which the Quran is memorized is a reminder for us as well, that there is a Baraka and a blessing given to us to memorize the Quran, unlike many other things that are not easy to memorize."
"He was despised is the Masoretic text remember he was despised and rejected many people have that memorized."
"Don't try to memorize everything."
"The Quran has to mean something to the person who's memorizing. Yeah, it has to be such that when you take it away, the child... it's like, 'No, no, no, I want it back.'"
"Nobody can truly have every single statistic of every single car memorized perfectly."
"So the key, my brothers and sisters, memorize the Quran with realistic targets, consistent..."
"Never let a day go by you without memorizing or revising..."
"Memorizing element should be paired with implementation and understanding."
"Memorize it. I mean just like take a leap. It's worthwhile, it's a wonderful summary of the principal tenants of the Christian faith. Amen."
"Whoever reads the Quran and dies before he is able to memorize it, Allah will give an angel for Qabr in his grave, and he will teach him what is left from what he's memorized until he reaches Allah."
"It's Quran; you have memories of where you were when you memorized that page or that verse."
"Knowledge will protect you. It takes time to isolate yourself and memorize, but it's worth it."
"Every time you memorize, let's say two Bible verses a day, in one year, you have 700 Bible verses. In 10 years of being a Christian, you have 7,000 Bible verses by memory. By now, you should know the Bible."
"The Quran being the first thing and not inserting anything into that... well not only is, of course, as a general aspect... is something that I believe with the goal, the main life goal that I have which is reach memorizing the Quran."
"Learn the notes of the fretboard cyclically, treating it as a loop rather than a ladder."
"Let's engrave all these things on our hearts once again."
"Using songs or lyrics on a certain subject is a great way to learn because we can memorize."
"Neural networks can only memorize, but they cannot always generalize."
"Remember if this is all brand new to you, according to the Cambridge study at the Cambridge University, if you're learning a brand new word in a foreign language, the average person has to repeat it 163 times before it's memorized."
"My goal in this video is to have a reductionist approach, simplify this, tell you only what you need to know and nothing more, explain confusing topics that trip medical students up all the time, and then pepper in some pretty sweet mnemonics."
"There's not a lot of rote memorization that we have to go through for these certifications, but we have to know these because we often run into these when we are reading through protocol decodes."
"Once you start using these port numbers, they get locked in."
"Amongst the musicians who found ingenious solutions to the thorny problem of remembering the tune and lyrics at the same time are Tom Jones, who has an earpiece that relays the words to him, and Mick Jagger, who uses an auto cue."
"Once you've memorized the Quran, that's not where it ends. You have to constantly review it."
"Because nobody will remember all of these things, right, why would you remember this provider syntax and what you will get out of it, there is nothing."
"Make sure that you memorize the first ten verses of Surat Al-Kahf."
"Say something to us we can learn by heart and when alone repeat."
"Don't fill your head with what acronyms mean, just remember the acronym."
"The prophet saws taught us to write the Quran and to memorize the Quran."
"That was her last. I can name every character."
"Knowing the lyrics, knowing your lyrics is everything."
"If you try to memorize solutions for every single problem, you'll never be able to solve a new problem."
"It's all about learning how to pass tests and not really memorizing."
"Memorize what the Fair Housing Act is."
"Sometimes it can be better to just memorize a few facts about something and also memorize some patterns about it that you can combine with those facts to deduce all sorts of other facts without needing to memorize them all."
"I think that one of the reasons why math is an underappreciated and sometimes hated subject is because of all the memorization involved with times taes throughout school and that students have to learn things like memorize 7 * 12 instead of just calculating it being enough."
"Maybe schools should have a little less memorization and a little bit more learning of the deeper."
"Memorization isn't as important as understanding the concepts and the purpose."
"The Sermon on the Mount, which I was forced at that time to memorize, has been a very significant part in my Christian life."
"I always just take it and I read it, and I don't get the lines down like they tattooed on me."
"Instead of just memorizing the Quran, tie its verses to stories or illustrations to make them relevant."
"Memorizing scripture really tattoos it on our heart, shaping our inner dialogue."
"Allah chose them for many reasons, one of them is because of the strength of memorizing."
"Consistency and memorization, they go hand in hand with one another."
"If every day just memorize two lines of poetry, every single day for four years, you know what you're gonna memorize in four years? 963 lines of poetry."
"Repetition, repetition, repetition. This will protect that which you have memorized from slipping away from you."
"Memorizing the Quran is so you can relate to it whenever you read it, have benefit in your life, and honor your parents."
"Memorizing the Quran is like baby steps for the people up there."
"It's easier to memorize something when it has less lines."
"Anki is the best way to memorize anything."
"There is such a massive need for us to want to come closer to Allah through the memorization of the Quran."
"You have to have a measure of consistency if you want to memorize something."
"Understanding is way way way way more important than memorizing."
"You must understand before you memorize."
"...get them to memorize that surah first, maybe it will be a springboard for them, inshallah, to go on to memorize other parts of the Quran."
"If I'm leading your issue today in the masjid what I do is that which I've revised I'll read it so that I can test it. That's the best way to retain it because you remember that moment when he was imam and he was it keeps sticks in your head."
"We all learn in different ways so it's absolutely fine for her to give more emphasis to memorizing."
"Memorizing the Quran is one of the first steps to draw closer to Allah."
"The more you memorize, the higher you will go in Jannah."
"Memorizing the Quran is possible at any age, as exemplified by those who memorized it at an older age."
"The more connected you create, even artificially, the more hooks there are, the more the thing you're learning becomes sticky like Velcro."
"If somebody memorized... that person would be considered amongst us somebody great."
"Reading it every single day for around three months, it engraves into your long-term memory. And you don't ever have to face that difficulty of having to re-memorize it because it's been drilled into your head."
"Recite until you're fluent and reading it well. You don't have to think about it."
"That's the level where you don't need to think about it. Yeah, you can be doing other things. You can be cooking or walking, getting on the bus, traveling, and you don't need to give 100% concentration yet you can still recite it confidently."
"Memorizing the Quran should take precedence over other forms of knowledge."
"Use stories or include repetition to help your audience remember the information moving forward."
"Learning takes off by heart does seem to have value for our own repertoire of things that we can say."
"Getting back into this old discipline... of memorizing God's word plants the scriptures in your mind."
"Hiding God's word in their hearts."
"Scripture memorization at the right time, recalled for the right purpose, brings about personal transformation and perspective change."
"The reason for that is it's going to make paradigm memorization and verse memorization easier."
"You don't have to have them memorized. You need to understand them."
"That's pretty much all we need to know to solve this problem with memorization."
"Memorization does not equal retention."
"Know how to memorize the categories but then understand the difference in cystic fibrosis."
"What is the hadith of Ahmad ibn Yasir? Everybody has memorized it by now: 'He shall be killed by the rebellious party.'"
"Just by recognizing these three stems, we can cut down on the amount of group memorization."
"The scientific evidence about memorization shows that rather than copying out notes and highlighting you are much better off doing active recall."
"Use code, ratify it, learn it by heart."
"You learn to simply memorize what your teachers say and regurgitate it out, and you don't fully comprehend when you do."
"I actively discourage people from memorizing. Memorizing feeds into that whole performance mindset we talked about a while back."
"The Quran is memorized by people who don't even speak Arabic."
"How many of you here would really like to memorize the whole Quran?"
"If you memorize something then you've definitely missed other things too so we all learn."
"Memorizing rarely works. You really have to understand the information."
"You can't memorize your way to reading. You just can't visually memorize your way to reading."
"I did this [ __ ] for free I remember standing in the mirror memorizing my [ __ ] for free for Mook."
"Don't just memorize the Quran without knowing its meaning. Try to also learn its meaning and practice it."
"Here's a simple rule as you're learning: learn, apply, learn, apply, learn, apply. No need to memorize. Once you know how to apply something, you just know it."
"I had memorized my credit card number because I was tired of getting up every time to go find my wallet."
"This is a marvelous moment when she mentions the well-penned speech and how she's memorized it."
"If I haven't said it already, when we get this completely filled out, I would have it memorized. I'd be able to go in there, do my exam like what I call a data dump with my Matrix."
"When I work on my lines in a script for the night and I have 11 pages I have to memorize repetition repetition repetition and I can wake up that next morning and I'm like I don't even have to look at it I just know it it's in here because I've said it so many times."
"That face with the fog lights and so on - you really have to memorize that when it comes to supercars, supercars from the late 60s."
"True openings should be perfectly memorized."
"I've been memorizing a lot of different scripture I can just kind of like help people that way."
"So I sir looked at that and started memorizing all that stuff."
"I already kind of knew Meth, bro. Like, when I would read the script and it would be, like, a verse from a certain song, I'd be like, 'I know this by heart, I don't even gotta read this [ __ ].'"
"I defo learned my number, because I change my number every year."
"Does the potential of memorizing an entire speech excite you? It does, great, it excites me too."
"Recite, make sure you say it out loud."
"Hopefully this is going to be something that will stick with you forever and help you to remember and memorize that fret board."
"How to memorize the fretboard in 24 hours or less."
"It's always possible to memorize the Quran no matter how busy you are, no matter what age you are at."
"A good trick if you have never read music before is to memorize where each note is."
"If you look at a five-page monologue, you'll get overwhelmed. But if you take it in beats, you can memorize."
"Having a schedule in place will ensure that you have a structure around your memorization. As adults, one of the most important things is to set your own structure."
"How do you know all the lyrics to my songs and I said well I'm the one that types up your lyric sheets and it keeps your book and puts him in there and takes him out."
"I feel like my preferred way of learning is just rewriting out the information and saying it and I will speak it as I go and that really helps me to remember everything."
"Retrieval practice is more successful in actually memorizing something compared to repeated review."
"If you have these facts memorized, you can often solve problems way more efficiently."
"You can't memorize something that you don't understand."
"Learning is increased fivefold when you put information to song."
"Memorize the first or last ten verses of Surah Al-Kahf."
"It isn't enough to know the Scriptures or memorize them. We have to live them."
"Big picture understanding doesn't mean that you don't memorize anything. It means you memorize things that help you see the big picture."
"Through the years that I have memorized God's Word, it has done a lot in my own personal life."
"Conventional School makes the subject of teaching mandatory the student has no choice and typically it's just memorizing disconnected minutia and almost all of it is forgotten."
"The secret to memorizing complex things that'll stick in your mind six months later is to make a visual metaphor."
"In the end, understanding a concept is going to get you a lot further than just memorizing the content in the first place."
"This stuff is committed to memory."
"It'll make it much easier to memorize anything that you want to memorize about the unit circle."
"Specific facts, specific names, dates, events are the least important part of your studying process."
"Memorization and understanding. In order to successfully study, you have to become good at both of these!"
"Memorize your lyrics. Don't rely on your phone in the vocal booth, it'll just cause interference."
"I must have loved it because I knew this promo word for word when I watched it here tonight it was even better because I saw it with the video like I only heard the audio the first time this promo was so great."
"Uh, because I memorized the script, you know? I wasn't making it up. It was written, and I've memorized it as they wrote it."
"I need you to memorize the shapes. I really do."
"Study to understand, not just to memorize."
"Memorizing and learning these songs proved to be true here."
"Use resources to understand, not to memorize. The first aid is not a book that teaches you anything. It's a compendium of medical facts."
"When faith has to be in the heart you have to memorize using the heart Palace."
"Don't memorize something you can look up."
"It's a library first of all, and do you have an entire library memorized? And I'll bet you I know a heck of a lot more than you."
"I want you to remember this for your exam: Certificate Signing Request."
"Memorizing a whole script is insane, I don't know if I could do that."
"Try to understand versus memorizing."
"Biggie was the first big rapper that kind of was the one that would go in and just, you know, he would memorize the [ __ ] in his head and then go in and do it, was that crazy?"
"Practicing with your own words and things you would actually say can help these intonation patterns stick in your mind."