
Fair Compensation Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"I do think cheerleaders should get paid more 'cause they're asked to do appearances for free. They need some sort of union."
"I decided to do it to stand up in solidarity with people all over the world who do not get paid properly for their talents."
"Jerry Jones offered Dak Prescott very fair, very good money."
"Justice Brett Kavanaugh said the NCAA is not above the law, and nowhere else in America can businesses get away with agreeing not to pay their workers a fair market rate."
"I will not apologize for having a job that I am compensated fairly for and I enjoy and I've worked really hard for."
"If you can't pay your workers a fair wage, your company should not be in business."
"Paying me what I am worth is not going to mess with your bottom line. You are still going to make money if I get a living wage. Period."
"Workers deserve a fair share of the benefits they help create for an enterprise."
"Your brother is taking advantage of you. Ten dollars an hour for tutoring is insanely low."
"Their hard work should not be exploited, and the president believes that everyone who works should be compensated fairly for his or her labor."
"Paramedics should probably get paid a bit more."
"We deserve our fair share of our work while having time to enjoy our fleeting lives."
"If they made a good game, they deserve the money."
"Fight for the artist, make sure you get what your music's worth."
"Regardless of their age, the fact that these girls are being featured in marketing materials, they should be compensated for that."
"I don't care if these girls have so much fun doing this and all this stuff. They should be paid because their faces are now tied to this brand for the rest of their lives."
"We need to do more than just praise our essential workers. We need to pay them."
"There should be a place where they're allowed to make their lion's share of their own labor."
"I always believe that people who do the work should be paid."
"Everybody who works for a living deserves to be paid a wage that honors the value of the work that they're doing." - Michael Shields
"My message is: pay your goddamn animators. Pay your animators. Stop trying to get these people to work for 10 cents and giving them nothing."
"Absolutely if an artist gets rich off a song the producer should too."
"99% of people who are mad at Spence for not taking less than he's worth wouldn't take 20 off their own pay rate."
"Unionization would ideally mean that it would allow setting floors on artist compensation."
"These young artists that live in poverty creating incredible content and music deserve a lot more return on investment."
"You deserve higher pay. You deserve long-term health care. And above all, you deserve freedom. Support each other. I am not your enemy. I am your advocate who selfishly wants to knock out a few of you to make some big bank." - Jake Paul
"Please appreciate your artists and support them if you love their work, alright guys? They really appreciate that and it's gonna motivate them to make more, and please pay your artists fairly, okay guys?"
"We're in this time where we talk about essential workers in this world in the middle of COVID, you know, the essential workers putting our food on our table, those same essential workers deli deserve to have a living wage and be paid fairly."
"The Ramsey kids, the family members that work inside of our business get paid market value for their position no more no less."
"Nobody wants a mansion or anything like that, but an honest day's pay for an honest day's labor ought to give you an honest living."
"A living wage for graduate students is extremely important."
"Content creators who make good quality content that people are willing to pay for deserve a simple and transparent digital media sharing platform that fairly compensates them."
"This is what happens when you don't pay your heroes good enough money."
"I want to pay these people fairly what they're worth."
"Give people dignity in work, give them fair pay in work, give them the opportunity."
"I was just asking for a fair living wage in line with the values that I bring to the game."
"I think we can all agree we would rather that money went to the people who actually made the games. I think that's pretty reasonable."
"Why not pay Monique? We know black people should be paid."
"But even if it's a good thing that they get paid double for those Saturdays, it's still not the expectation that was set by your employer." - Ryan
"You got to compensate these guys accordingly that's the only issue have with that."
"You should never work for free! You deserve to be paid."
"You deserve to be paid fairly for your work and the amount of time and love you've spent putting into it."
"I would rather just pay people what they are worth paying in what they've earned."
"So the compensation and the revenue share needs to be looked at for those reasons alone okay so yeah I wanted to talk a little bit about TSM training essentially."
"Creators need to pay for work they receive even if someone offers to do something for free. If you are a creator making money off of the content that you're receiving from someone else you need to be paying for that content."
"Voice actors are hugely important members of The Gaming Community and they do deserve to be fairly compensated for their contributions to this 220 billion dollar industry."
"Men and women should be paid the same if they do the same job and work the same hours."
"Exposure does not pay your bills. Make sure they pay you."
"We want a fair day's pay for a fair day's work."
"You want to get paid for the work that you do."
"Pay your writers, pay your VFX artists, pay all of them if you want the movie to be good."
"Our Blessed Lord said the laborer is worthy of his hire."
"Nobody needs to be making eighty thousand dollars for a desk job, but a living wage, that's what it should be."
"Pay writers. Big supporter of the writers and actors strike going on right now in Hollywood."
"Pay your people because oftentimes you get what you pay for."
"I can pay my employees fairly well."
"We want to make sure that caregivers are paid a livable wage."
"We should have safe working conditions, we should have laws which govern the workplace, we should have a fair wage."
"I believe in nobody working for free because that doesn't pay the bills."
"Always pay people, especially if it's in a creative field."
"They deserve to get paid more, they deserve to earn more and live a better life for themselves and their friends and their family members."
"To ensure the business retains the skilled staff needed to manufacture furniture in the future, the business should pay a fair wage and provide training to ensure the skills are passed on to new employees."