
Accusations Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge."
"It's a terrible thing to place on somebody with absolutely no fact. It has harmed my reputation."
"The charges are a serious and rare accusation against a senior FBI official."
"My whole argument is that we are separating America by calling people racist, sexist, bigots, and homophobes."
"The Russian accusations are absurd, they're laughable."
"I've also become very disillusioned with the way these accusations are thrown around so frivolously on social media...and by the way they're sometimes weaponized to destroy people who have made mistakes but who really don't deserve to be destroyed."
"The case that's been put against me is completely fabricated."
"Dream stands harassed all who accused him of cheating."
"Joel Benky is one of those men accused of violence or intimidation by more than 20 women all over the country."
"This was an intentional spread of the virus beyond China."
"She's just trying to pin her baby on Mr. Levon because she knows that Mr. Levon is a good man to me and to our kids."
"If you can't even file a lawsuit to challenge procedure without being accused of stealing, well where do you go?"
"Democrats are saying Republicans are planning on stealing and cheating in 2024."
"I hate it when people accuse others of scamming."
"They like to play this game where they're accusing Donald Trump of being the fraudster who's trying to take over the world, or whatever, and the problems are coming from their demands."
"Things like these aren't supposed to happen and her accusing me like that was way over the line."
"Some cops could be bad people, leading to false accusations."
"They accuse me of being a dictator, a homophobic man, a racist person. Anything goes for them basically."
"Michael Jackson definitely kept kids in the floorboards of his house."
"I'm sorry, that's corruption. This is a targeted attack on the president of the United States. When he calls it a coup attempt, he's absolutely right."
"It's insane, it's... insane to hear heinous accusations... of violence, sexual violence that she's attributed to me, that she's accused me of." - Johnny Depp
"That I am a predator, that I am a manipulator, that I sexually abused Stephanie Sue, that I have predatory tendencies."
"Please stop call me a predator stop call me manipulative stop call me a grimmer."
"As just long as it's googly eyes and maybe it'll be you in the craft section at Michael's and people have to pick you out and say that's the one that's the one who defamed me."
"Accusations without real substance not only tarnish reputations but also erode the trust that's so important for healthy human gym interactions."
"False accusations will get you nowhere and just make you look like a clown."
"Typically folks, it's the racists who claim to get behind the anti-racist agenda."
"The charges of racism are almost always false."
"For every true accusation of harassment, there's potential for collateral damage."
"Maybe it's because AOC and the squad think Nancy Pelosi is a racist."
"What if this opens the door to all the other accusations that have come our way?"
"The crazy thing is, some people never even stick around to see if you were guilty of it, right? Just the accusation is another whole thing."
"If people are using false accusations to get James ousted, it's not war."
"It's fascinating how there's little things that are true but then they just get kind of surrounded by a lot of scarier, like maybe somewhat baseless accusations."
"When you're accused of horrific acts and things that you have not done, you have a tendency as humans to get very, very irate and angry."
"I don't think that Jeffrey Star is a racist. I don't believe it."
"So all nine guns they said were yours every single one."
"The unfortunate thing is people are still gonna probably accuse me of being sexist for pointing out this overt kind of political and ideological leaning in Captain Marvel."
"Frankly, we tend to get shown to be right, that people accused end up being the ones who tend to get it right."
"Every accusation they make is always a confession."
"He says their name all the time, he accuses the dealers of not shuffling right."
"It just so happens that these individuals are groomers. I'll say it every single time."
"His failure to use qualifiers like allegedly suggests an unusual certainty in these serious accusations."
"The Chinese Communist Party is being accused of launching a program of cultural genocide."
"Is Hunter Biden effectively a Chinese operative?"
"President Biden also calling Putin a war criminal today."
"The people who shout the absurd accusation 'you're a racist against white people' are really just attempting to shut down the conversation."
"I mean, you know, when you have that many women telling the same story, you got a problem."
"To blatantly just call that sexist, you might as well just yeet your credibility off a cliff."
"That's why Oprah Winfrey does not want to sit down publicly with me nor my husband to have a conversation. Oprah Winfrey is a slave trader."
"You're so [ __ ] transparent these people have been doing this for decades we've been exposed to it for years now on the internet in popular culture and you still sat now I like I'm gonna catch you being a crypto nazi no one is a crypto nazi."
"If things are going in the direction we think, fonnie Willis lied to the court. It's game over for her. She will be."
"Nothing will happen to you and you can bring any kind of accusation against anyone at zero cost to yourself."
"They murder your pet, then they say 'don't murder your pets.'"
"To all the people calling Matt Petgrave a murderer, if you seriously think... go f yourself. The guy was balling his eyes out on the ice and in the dressing room and probably still is."
"She does have a long history of fabricating attacks against innocent people."
"If I'm such a predator, why are the kids traveling around with me? You guys have seen in the videos."
"Megan straight out says that The Royals are racist."
"Both sides are telling the other side that they're bad."
"Serious allegations stick, whether they're proven wrong or right."
"Former friend taking a shit on Tom in a livestream doesn't prove he did it, well I'll have you know that every single one of the people Tom told me might have stabbed in the back are all this dude's mods in the chat."
"Geeks and Gamers is spreading fake news? No, f*** you! We talked about a rumor, alright?"
"To accuse somebody of something without any real strong evidence, I think is kind of unfair."
"The accusations had been thrown around. A simple accusation: apparently, alpha Chad Flower had [ __ ] Jen, the co-GM's wife."
"Accusing a nation of terrorism without concrete evidence damages diplomatic relations."
"Even if you have no intention of being that kind of person... the accusation alone is a weapon."
"The attacks seem to constantly point circumstantially at least to the north."
"The more notoriety they get, the harder it is to deny their involvement."
"To falsely accuse somebody of any kind of racism is a major dishonest and dishonorable thing to do."
"Taylor Swift hasn't stolen artwork, but the governor of Puerto Rico has."
"Accusing someone of disinformation is almost saying that there are competent State actors or something."
"And when you point it out, they call you a liar and say you're making it up."
"It's just as bad as trying to ruin a man's life with false accusations."
"These are things that are accusations and I'm also gonna say right now I am not calling him the p-word."
"Destroying his career is disproportionate punishment, and he didn't do all the things he was accused of."
"I think we're beyond the idea of fringe or civil disagreement. Falsely accusing someone of rape with no evidence whatsoever is flat out evil."
"Zelensky accused Putin of war crimes and said Ukrainians will not be broken."
"It goes to show that maybe some of the things that were alleged by Meek were probably true."
"We've been gaslit into believing that if we are to say anything... we are then transphobic, we are bigots, we are TERFs."
"Is it because they really believe he's racist or they believe that he's getting the views and the clicks that they used to got so they want to take him out?"
"There is power in the tongue. Stop accusing folks without proof."
"There is no excuse for leveling accusations that can ruin lives or trying to utilize your following to de-platform others who have done nothing to deserve it."
"These charges are serious, and whenever you hear an accusation that has a lot of specifics, a lot of details, it makes it seem more credible."
"There's no way anyone again that's not an absolute psychopath can argue that I was on drugs."
"Trump suggests that Ron will probably find out about false accusations and fake stories sometimes in the future."
"When a liberal calls you a racist, you know you've won the argument."
"So to say this is somehow evidence of anti-Semitism, when it's par for the course for everybody else, it's crazy."
"None of these accusations are going to stop me, none of these accusations have affected me."
"The CNN accusations are totally and unequivocally false, and CNN would have known them to be untrue had it undertaken any reasonable efforts to verify their accuracy before publication."
"There are things that you just can't accuse other YouTubers of without evidence, it is career-ending."
"It's just so pathetic that me, the guy who's being accused of it, has to provide evidence of not doing it."
"There is nothing more infuriating than that word 'credibly accused.'"
"The UK and the US accused Russia of testing a weapon in space."
"I wouldn't say you were racist unless you actually did something racist."
"Oh wait, did I say 'accused?' I meant 'proven to be. Many times.'"
"You never want to get caught up making accusations that are just false."
"He's sick because he's apologized. He's been accused of this. He's been given chances."
"But we still not taking into consideration how much money he lost just based off of the court of public opinion when he first got accused."
"I have doubts about the accusations and the motivation for those accusations."
"When you start accusing people of things, you need to back that kind of stuff up."
"Do I think everybody who watches Dragon Maid is automatically a child predator? No, I don't and neither should you."
"I'm really big on online privacy but I just got called a cheater who was trying to cover her tracks, no one believed me at all."
"A witch hunt designed to topple men from their jobs and lives."
"I couldn't care less what they're going to accuse me of."
"Your hopes dreams and prayers will not be answered just because you don't like me doesn't mean I'm guilty."
"I'm not making this up, it's not pie in the sky, you know you hate women, Rich? No, I don't, I love women."
"That's what you're using, you know you're a racist, yeah, am I? You're about to be racist, yeah you are, yeah, you've got good teeth for this guy over here, you're one step away from getting in George."
"An accusation is just as bad as an actual fact."
"Tell me what has he uttered that's racist? I don't think you're racist. Just to say that super plainly, I don't think you're racist."
"You can be so mean to someone you know nothing about, about a subject you know nothing about, about something that we did not do."
"It is severely disquieting to me that so many high-ranking members of the Obama intelligence community...went on television night after night proclaiming that the elected president of the United States is a traitor."
"Allegations, even if they are found to be untrue, still have the potential to destroy lives."
"Words like these we're hearing now with false accusations, those words matter."
"You publicly stated that I use cocaine... I believe that you're a cheater and I believe that you use steroids."
"The weird part is being randomly accused of using jokes you made as examples of actual criticism."
"He might not be doing it to harass some girl. She can't just say things about him and try to ruin his life."
"The people who lie the most are the people who think that Trump lies the most."
"So far there's been no evidence to tie them together and to make real these sort of really outlandish accusations that republicans in Congress are making."
"Maintain clarity when facing unfounded accusations."
"I've been accused of manipulating things and doing things that I didn't even know happened until the accusation came up."
"It's so interesting that they're accusing this guy of being a fascist while acting like fascists themselves."
"If you call somebody a rapist, goddamn it, you better be able to prove it."
"A lot of people are saying it's being used to strengthen nuclear powers over there."
"That is literally the opposite of what we're doing. That is what you are doing."
"He was right about Epstein. If you're listening to this, you are the resistance."
"Accusations can really damage a person's career."
"Hunter Biden is crooked, he's kicking back sweet deals to his pops, half his salary, whatever, and pops is using his son as an intermediary to make money off of his office."
"That sworn statement is basically all the accusations that Giuliani and Trump have been wanting to make about Joe Biden."
"Our rights will be eroded, he is a fascist and authoritarian, he's a racist and bigot, all the worst things in the world... none of those things were true and none of those things happened."
"Joe retaliates; he starts talking online to anyone who will listen about how Carol killed her husband."
"If you're gonna make crazy accusations like that, call someone a misogynist, you better be able to back it up, man."
"For all the people that said I don't do nothing but talk cap..."
"Tati, you accused James Charles of being us crimes. You should be investigated for making false criminal claims."
"If they don't find something that you've done wrong, they will make it up."
"Can you believe he actually tried to murder her? No, I don't believe that at all. He's too nice."
"The entire democratic party of America, they're every everything in their platform is about controlling your lives telling you how fast you can go what kind of cars you can drive."
"Both President Trump and Eastman more likely than not committed a crime."
"Any woman can say anything and a man's career is ruined."
"For people to sit here and try to tarnish my character, trying to call me a whole, trying to say that I use people, I never use nobody ever."
"You'll always be called a racist no matter what you do."
"There exists a vast web of corporate connections and financial transactions between and among the Biden family and Chinese Nationals." - Marjorie Taylor Greene
"All roads, all coup roads lead back to Barack Obama."
"There's another problem, she already had been accused of being inappropriate with a student before."
"If you're gonna accuse somebody of that you need some evidence."
"Donald Trump continuing to give credence to every single accusation made against them by virtue of his behavior."
"I think also we shouldn't think that necessarily all the accusations are false."
"Their biggest scandal to date was around the corner after she was accused of copying a smaller Brand's idea for a campaign shoot."
"William Smith accused Brigham and his followers of being guilty of murders, treason, adultery, fornication, robbery, counterfeiting, swindling, blaspheming, and usurpation of power."
"Will gonna have to do a lot of atonement because I promise you he will and J, I promise you as I start to speak and bring receipts, it's gonna be the next Jeffrey Epstein, the next Bill Cosby, I promise you."
"So okay, so you say you don't believe I have that devil spawn but that I'm the devil's henchman."
"He's now accusing Keith Peters into being a drunk and stuff and you're like the stoppage was fine you know I've seen guys you know if you've watched any MMA you've seen guys come back from worse."
"Activision Blizzard has been accused of just about any type of wrongdoing in the workplace that I could even imagine racial discrimination bullying sexual harassment pregnancy discrimination the list continues."
"You're the Kobe of using past accusations to complain."
"The constant accusations without anything to back it up, all you're doing is undermining your relationship and further driving the two of you apart."
"I tried to defend myself from spurious false charges that I, a former Music Manager part-time actress and first-time novelist, manipulated or gained the New York Times bestseller list to catapult into a number one spot."
"Steve's friends started calling and yelling at me for abandoning them for a girl. They accused me of being a bad friend and accused Mary of breaking up our friendship."
"Now that you understand that this is black, he's been accused of black cosplay. That's essentially the accusation that Kendrick and everybody else hating him on, you be act a little black, you be hanging around the blacks."
"There is ample evidence on each of those to show, sir, that you probably committed a felony, felonies within the jurisdiction of this court."
"In late 2014, numerous allegations surfaced against Bill Cosby, accusing him of essaying dozens of women over several decades."
"It's fueled with hateful accusations."
"...there really are legitimate accusations flying at Critical Role and the designers of Candel Obscura that they stole the design of another lesser-known though relatively popular indie game."
"The young woman was accused of fraud and aiding in the trafficking of illicit substances."
"Cuba has accused me of everything except one thing. They have never accused me of being a coward. Other than that, every single thing in the book, they're throwing at me except that."
"Soldier Kid, yeah. They tried to say he did it. Don't force off some comments. That man's whole career up, you feel me?"
"False allegations are one of the worst possible things that you can do... I mean to go so low to falsely accuse somebody of anything really... like this is just... it takes a special level of like... mentally deranged, you know what I mean?"
"You stopped working because of the accusations?" "That's right, this is true."
"Oprah seized the opportunity to capitalize on it by portraying Michael Jackson as a predator of children."
"Punk publicly accused the elite, Kenny Omega, the Young Bucks, and maybe even hangman page of spreading rumors that he got Cabana kicked out of AEW's television main roster."
"Prince Andrew's accusers were turning up heat."
"If you're constantly accusing her of cheating on you or screwing around on you, she's always going to be feeling negative emotions."
"Some of you, you've been under the accusations forever. You're not good enough. You'll never measure up. God couldn't love you. Hey, after what you did, you're too far gone. You've been away for too long. God's not gonna take you back."
"If you build an orthodox, godly marriage household church whatever, you're going to be accused of these things."
"McMahon reinstated himself to the WWE's board in January and faces ongoing litigation stemming from his alleged rape and sexual assault of employees."
"Tom was a psychopath. Tom used to summon up demons. Tom used to do rituals in his own houses. Tom was a devil worshiper."
"Vote Republican senator Robert Thorne, a candidate not accused of being a murderous child pornographer."
"Italians were accused of being anarchists and their actions were associated with labor activism."
"You're paranoid, and your accusations are more blinding than my actual blindness."
"It's not just that there's a state violence that exists that causes these uprisings, but actually, the riots and the uprisings against the state violence have further been vilified, where the protesters are actually accused of inciting violence."
"You're a public figure and when someone makes accusations about you, I think you should absolutely defend yourself."
"The goddess was furious at such accusations."
"No one will ever believe Bill Murray's had some accusations against him this week."
"She has accused us of abusing her in the past and often threatens to claim elder abuse to law enforcement."
"NOLS invested in a lot more killings than the authorities could ever confirm."
"He denies that he put a listening device in he denies he left the four-year-old twins behind he says he brought him along in the middle of the night rang the doorbell needing to show in a gesture I'm still in control."
"Satan targets the heart with accusations to make us act independently of God's will."
"Nikki accused Travis of inflating his streams by selling merchandise bundles in which fans could purchase a t-shirt, a concert ticket, and the album all at once."
"Nikki claimed she spoke to Travis and that he acknowledged his album wasn't really number one."
"If somebody is trying to confront somebody you know with some type of accusations I feel like that somebody has big facts."
"The severity and nature of the accusations have evolved beyond the Civil courts into potential criminal scrutiny."
"They bringing a lot of hate. They divide the country based on issues that they talking about just on accusations of child molestation and stuff like that."
"She talked about trouble in their marriage and claimed that Bill was violent."
"If you're going to call somebody a pedophile, if you're going to call somebody a woman beater, you've got to have some real proof."
"When you start accusing people of being women beaters and you start accusing people of being pedophiles, it changes the landscape."
"Neighbors accused each other of all types of terrible offenses like arson, killing dogs, and murdering Patty."
"Apparently, Mr. Shaw, we've done some checking, you have previous convictions for fraud."
"The matusitz family embarked on a campaign by spreading false accusations."
"Women like this are going to be about that drama. Women like this are going to constantly accuse you of cheating, even if you're not, because in their mind they're thinking, damn, this motherfucker's so fly, there's no way he ain't getting ."
"Stories now began popping up that he was responsible for killing upwards of 20 people."
"He won so often that he was accused of cheating many a time."
"The weight of unjust accusations fell upon Akira, causing kyosuke's heart to be burdened with sorrow."