
Christian Doctrine Quotes

There are 1017 quotes

"A man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law."
"Christ's central purpose was not to come to make bad people good; He came to make dead people live."
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
"The road that leads to death is broad, but the road that leads to life is narrow."
"You want to be part of that kingdom, only way that happens, friends, is you come to Christ and you ask Him to be your Savior."
"Spiritual warfare is not beating up the devil; the devil's already been beat up. Spiritual warfare is maintaining the stance in the victory that Jesus has already obtained."
"In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave or free, in Christ all are one."
"The only way to grow in grace is to be disinterestedly doing the very work which Christ has enjoined upon us."
"The Bible says he removes your sins as far as the East is from the West."
"I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish."
"You're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise."
"The word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the word that was preached to you."
"The true Church of Jesus Christ is believing in Him, is repenting of sin, is growing in holiness and love. It is not self-absorbed or seeking self-fulfillment."
"Christianity, of all the world religions, was founded by a man who came and said, 'I'm God, come to find you.'"
"We are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works."
"For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ."
"God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."
"For by grace are we saved through faith...and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."
"Are there few that will be saved?" And Jesus responded, "Strive to enter the strait gate, for strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it."
"Once you are in Christ Jesus, you are a new creation; all things have passed away, and God has made everything new."
"He saves men not in sin, but from sin; and those who love Him will show their love by obedience" (Desire of Ages, p. 668).
"Father, when we consider Your aseity, Your eternal self-existence, we know that we enter now into that dimension of Your character that is perhaps more unfathomable to our minds than any other."
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come."
"The basis of all Christian doctrine is from the Bible, and the foundation of all Christian doctrine remains the birth, death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Mother of God doesn't mean Mary created God... she's the person that gave birth to a divine person."
"The mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh."
"Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest."
"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
"The father has sent his son to be the savior of the world."
"Scripture is the word of God, that's our standard for absolute truth."
"God loves sinners so much that he entered into Creation in order to pay the price for our sins. Romans 5:6-8 says, 'You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.'"
"Mary is the queen of heaven and earth, to whom God entrusted everything, including His own son."
"When we sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."
"God became a human being in Jesus and suffered and died on the cross, shed His blood, so we could be forgiven."
"I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will never die."
"The clearest, and the most complete revelation of God, His purpose and His plan for man's life now and in the future has been revealed once and for all time by the Bible and especially through Jesus Christ."
"For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever."
"What I see is people have forgotten who their authority is... I mean Christians, I'm talking about the way that God set this Bible up for us."
"Jesus says it's in your best interest for me as a person to go and then for me to send the third person the Holy Spirit as your helper."
"The gift of God, the mercy of God, is eternal life, and it's through the sacrifice for your sin that we receive the mercy."
"The only way you can be saved is when you follow Jesus, believe in Jesus, and the gospel."
"A gospel without the deity of Christ is a neutered gospel."
"Thankful for his grace and his Mercy, we're going to receive the full weight manifestation of the Redemption he provided for us on the cross."
"The handwriting of requirements against me were nailed to him on the tree were wiped out on the tree on Calvary."
"The cross and resurrection go absolutely together."
"I thirst... The Thirst that he had on the cross to save souls to love souls, that is what we see."
"The power of the cross, I mean, it's everybody on the planet, no matter where you came from, your creed, your color, your mistake."
"The blockage point is not us working hard to please God, now the blockage point is us believing what Jesus did."
"The Father has no origin... the Son is begotten, made from the Father alone."
"Jesus never promised a book, but he promised an authority."
"God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation."
"You cannot buy what Jesus gave us for free. You cannot sell it. It's for free and anybody can access it."
"Jesus Christ is the Messiah... Jesus is the messiah Jesus is God Jesus is the Christ."
"Christ's war uses Christ's weapons: truth and love."
"Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through him."
"If it is demonic, it has to respond to the authority of Christ."
"The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, is the only one that can bring true unity to the planet."
"The Christian life is all about synergy, where what we do is enabled and realized through the power of God working in us."
"Jesus is fully human, fully Divine, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords."
"Jesus saves us not partially, He saves us totally and completely."
"Recognizing that all my righteousness is as filthy rags, I accept the righteousness of Christ as my only source of salvation."
"Jesus literally took our punishment on himself; it wasn't just a weekend."
"The blood of Jesus Christ purifies and cleanses our spirit, soul, and body."
"The Bible is the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable."
"The Savior is our Good Samaritan, sent to heal the brokenhearted."
"It's a physical, touchable, doable thing that reminds us that through the grace of the sacraments we can bend our will to God's."
"God becomes a man, walks on this earth as a man, lives an absolutely perfect life, and then, according to the foreknowledge, the sovereign plan of God, he has lifted up by the hands of us and nailed to a cross."
"The bodily resurrection of Christ is super important in Christian doctrine."
"Jesus will come according to First John and he will wipe it away and make you go from unrighteous to righteous again."
"The resurrection of course is the central evidence for the deity of Christ."
"The Son of God is not crucified afresh on planet after planet throughout millions of galaxies."
"What Jesus provided for you on the cross is already yours."
"Sometimes you don't need to have your own lamb when you can carry the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world."
"The peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds by Christ Jesus."
"The Bible begins and ends with God. You start with God, you end with God. Everything about you has something to do with God."
"The Lamb of Elohim who takes away the sin of the world."
"I believe that the talpia tomb is not the Tomb of Jesus and his family it is highly improbable that it was the tomb of jesusness family there's a story to tell there."
"For the Son of God sets you free; you are free indeed."
"Jesus said all believers are supposed to go into all the world."
"Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church."
"It's the gift of salvation, but you must receive that gift by faith in Christ."
"God died on the cross for our sins, and he rose again from the dead that we might be justified. The word justified means that all sin written against us, all of the law breaking that you and I perpetrated against God, he erases it."
"The pre-trib view is the only one where we're looking for Jesus Christ."
"To become like Christ with the full force of the prayers of the mediatrix of all graces."
"Bringing the gospel to light is the purpose of the restoration."
"Jesus' death isn't simply a point of Christian doctrine, it's a historical fact."
"We need resurrection power in our lives; Christ came with resurrection power to set you and I free."
"These new findings have the potential to shake up our understanding of the personality of Jesus, the religion of Christianity, and the world as a whole."
"Many if not most Christians... don't read the Bible in this hyper-literal fundamentalist-like way."
"I am a Christian in a large part because of the Old Testament."
"When you die you go into the presence of Christ but then you would wait for the fully Resurrection."
"Jesus is the way the truth and the life he turns nobody away friend nobody."
"Only the shed blood of Jesus can pay for sins."
"There is no other way or means whereby man can be saved only in and through Christ."
"Jesus said, 2000 years ago, as he died on that cross for your sin, he shouted out over your life that it is finished."
"There are going to be fences around it there are going to be a lot of no's to protect the beauty of the Christian worldview but it is the most objectively beautiful thing."
"Jesus didn't come and die on a cross just to make bad people good. He came and did it to make dead people alive."
"The emergence of the doctrine of the Trinity was gradual, a painful and prolonged attempt truthfully to spell out the stupendous implications of the revelation of God and Jesus Christ."
"Put on the whole armor of God to stand against the wiles of the devil."
"Jesus said, 'I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me.'"
"If you're thirsty, come unto Jesus and drink."
"God desires that all individuals grasp the truth about Christ and receive salvation, a reflection of his loving nature."
"Jesus said, 'I am the way, the door, and the life.' There's no other way. No one can come to the Father any other way except through me."
"Jesus was raised on the third day and appeared to many."
"Christ came to crush that... He sat down and he dined with prostitutes, with adulterers, with tax collectors, thieves, homosexuals. That's what he did. That's the Christ-like thing to do."
"The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is coming back for all those who have placed their faith in him."
"Jesus Christ is the Son of God, he's the only way to heaven."
"Jesus says I stand at the door and knock... if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him and he with me."
"God forgives. No matter how many sins you may commit, how terrible they may have been, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin."
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus."
"The Son of God chose apostles, acknowledging they were already predestinated."
"Our ultimate goal as Christians is to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to become Christ-like."
"Declaring our independence from God is the root of all sin."
"You can be on the winning side. You can choose to follow Jesus."
"That's how he was made sin, only in that sense. He didn't become a sinner; he was made sin only in the sense that God treated him as if he had personally committed every sin ever committed by every person who would ever believe."
"Only those who have been covered by the blood of Christ shed for us on the cross can be assured that God's Wrath will never fall on them." (Romans 5:9)
"Premillennialism believes and teaches that Jesus Christ will physically return to this earth."
"Salvation is not for beasts but Brethren. Accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, come out of the darkness and into the light."
"Salvation is offered by grace alone... we cannot do anything to aid the Lord Jesus Christ."
"It is Christ alone... the only way to be saved."
"We don't need Mary's favor... we need Christ's redemption, his grace and mercy."
"Your peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
"I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died on the cross and rose from the grave to forgive me of my sin."
"Is there sufficient warrant for a Christian to believe in the doctrine of sola scriptura?"
"Many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as come in the flesh." - John
"The full revelation of Jesus Christ is in the word of God."
"The good news of the gospel is that God loves you and has made a way for you to escape His wrath."
"Amen, he ain't get saved until he repented of his sins, that's right, and got baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"God saves rebel sinners because He is the almighty sovereign powerful God."
"God works all things after the counsel of his will."
"To be a Christian means to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God from God, light from light, true God from true God."
"I am the Vine, ye are the branches. Without me ye can do nothing."
"When God breathes on you, His breath brings life to you."
"The only way you and I are going to heaven is by the same way Nicodemus was going to go, and that is to be born again."
"We don't save ourselves. We yield to Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and master."
"When you preach the gospel, you're basically preaching the kingdom."
"The church has been filled with the Holy Spirit. He's called the anointing. Every Christian has the anointing if you are saved, you possess it, you own it, it is there."
"It's not really us, no, it's not. It's an introduction to Jesus and a revelation of your sin, your depravity, but it's also a revelation of what Christ did in his finished work on the cross."
"Nothing will ever satisfy you but knowing Christ."
"A Christian is someone who is in Christ, inhabited supernaturally by the Spirit of God."
"Believers are born again when they believe, and for a Christian to lose salvation, he would have to be unregenerated."
"Baptism in the name of Jesus Christ is essential for salvation."
"Without the preaching of the cross, without preaching the cross to ourselves all day and every day, we will very very quickly revert to faith plus works as the ground of our salvation."
"Jesus doesn't ask sinners to identify with him first, but through baptism, he identifies himself with us."
"The only blood that can save you is the blood of Jesus Christ."
"The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the father do, that he will do."
"The body of the believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit."
"God's forgiveness: 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.'"
"God, His very core nature is just. He is a God of law and order. He has to judge every sin. But in His plan of redemption, He provided the lamb to take the judgment for the sin."
"But Jesus is the Lamb that took the judgment in our place."
"The consequence of denying Christ on earth is that he will in turn deny us before God and his angels."
"Jesus said it, he proved it by performing miracles, fulfilling prophecy, and coming back from the dead."
"Our lady gave us the formula in 1917 for that to happen, it was consecrate Russia first five Sundays and pray the rosary every day."
"Let us just be absolutely joyful for our Heavenly Father sending His only begotten Son, Yahushua."
"What Jesus was doing when he was walking on the water is he was showing his disciples that he is the Messiah, he is God in flesh."
"He who believes and is baptized shall be saved. These are the signs that follow those who believe."
"Receive the Holy Ghost... we will always have His presence to be with us if we remember Him."
"Forces of evil operating against us, he made a public example of them, exhibiting them as captives in his triumphal procession, having triumphed over them."
"Keep looking up, the King of Kings, the Lord of lords, the son of God Jesus Christ is coming soon."
"We're each called to offer Christ's greatest miracle to our generation."
"Salvation is not based on the law because you've all broken it. But the righteousness of God has been made manifest without the law through faith in Jesus Christ."
"All Christians must share in Christ's suffering in one way or another. Don't waste it; it's for the salvation of souls."
"It's about choosing the word of god, following Jesus Christ, the doctrine of Christ and the commandments of God."
"The definitive truth of Christian doctrine can only be hoped for as any evidence for it is always unseen."
"The only way Satan can get you is by convincing you that his way of satisfaction is preferable to God's Way."
"Salvation is by grace through faith alone, no works."
"Salvation is found by grace through faith alone and what Jesus has done for us."
"For a Christian to lose the salvation, he would have to be unregenerated."
"Jesus is Lord and we honor that sacrifice tonight."
"Even though Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins, he does not end the story there; he offers us hope beyond the cross of Golgotha."
"Christ became a man to bring man and God together."
"Whatever is true of Yahweh is true of Christ."
"We have nothing to fear because he wins in the end."
"There is a larger amount of good solid evidence even 2000 years later that Jesus really did rise from the dead."
"Just like with Jesus, you just believe, you just trust in Him, and you're saved."
"He claimed to be equal with God in nature, works, power, authority, and honor."
"Truly, truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself unless it is something He sees the Father doing."
"Jesus said, 'You must be born again or you cannot enter into the kingdom of God.'"
"A Christian must totally abstain from all alcoholic beverages."
"The greatest commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself."
"We are not under law because Christ fulfilled the law and brought us all under grace, can I have a good amen?"
"The Church of the 21st century will be a Christ-centered Church born of the gospel in full or it will not be."
"God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son."
"The purpose of this meeting is to teach Christians apologetics so that you can share the gospel."
"Christianity is about recognizing your need for a Savior and accepting Jesus on his terms."
"Jesus always was, in fact, He was before His mother."
"Christ is the way, the only way to the Father, period."
"The word of God is alive, receive it now in Jesus' name."
"Jesus Christ contradicts cancel culture. Jesus Christ says you're all sinners and now you better learn to love each other, you better learn to forgive each other, you better learn to accept each other."
"It's faith plus nothing. Faith in Him, faith in what He's done, faith in His blood, faith in His righteousness, faith in His salvation, His redemption, faith in Him making you new."
"Unless you become like this little child, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."
"The resurrection is the hope of the dead and the living."
"There is some sort of interim disembodied state that Jesus and Paul both talk about."
"Jesus said unto them, I am the way, the truth, and the life."
"Jesus, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace—scriptural proof of His Divinity."
"Many Christians are seeing that and going God calls this law good. These are righteous statutes."
"The Christian view is that the New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New Testament."
"I do believe Jesus is God, but he's not the father."
"If you're a Christian you won't be here to have to make the decision you're going to be out of here before the whole Mark thing comes to pass."