
Biblical Guidance Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"We're trying to make sure that anything that you hear, you base it and compare it off of what does the Bible say about these things."
"My goal is to share with you practical and Biblical principles that will help you navigate this crisis with calmness and competence and confidence."
"The Bible is full of what we all need, and that's why the devil discourages us from reading it."
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."
"Praying in accordance with the Bible... is the will of God."
"This world is being prepped for a system, and the Bible helps us to not get messed up. It's going to help us to stay the course, not turn to the left or the right."
"Break out of confusion and repent. Stand firm with the Bible, not with personalities."
"May we learn to steal ourselves against these kinds of experiences by listening carefully to Your Word and taking it in and believing it and embracing it, and by praying for divine strength as we face the temptations."
"The word of God, the Bible, is our only sure hope in this world today."
"It's an opportunity for us to be there to share, and at some point, I think when times get even more challenging, people are going to want to have a more biblical perspective."
"If you walk in the spirit, you will never fulfill the desires of the flesh."
"If you live by the Bible, you will not go astray."
"Read the Bible, and these things that in feeble will lose all their attraction for you."
"Let's be sure we're not being conformed to the image of this world, but rather making every thought obedient to Christ."
"You should be in community if you're dating or courting."
"The main doctrine you need to get a hold of is Matthew 6:33: seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness."
"Make decisions that are in line with the scriptures."
"The Bible is telling us something important here, it is telling us to run away."
"Avoid mixing personal opinion with God's word; rely on God's wisdom." - Proverbs 3:5-6.
"When you know the scriptures... your behavioral pattern... it's going to be scripturally built."
"The real secret to an excelling life is the word of God."
"And they that use this world, as not abusing it."
"The Bible gives us the answers, so we're not taken by shock."
"Wisdom is the ability to use biblical principles to become successful."
"Set thine house in order, Hezekiah is a man that God was incredibly kind towards."
"Pray, pray, get into the word of God, let him comfort and protect you." - Sunlight Starlight Angels
"We have to have a basis for right, wrong, for morality, of what is true and what is not."
"Folks, in all these things, the Bible has to be our pattern, It's got to be our source for truth."
"You can't do Proverbs 31 and not be blessed."
"Life is fundamentally suffering, but the Bible also shows us a way to heal and overcome it."
"The Bible tells us to test the Prophet by their fruits."
"Praise the Lord, armor up according to Ephesians 6, keep the faith."
"The Lord is our Shepherd, and we need a relationship with him through Jesus Christ, his son."
"Listen, just focus on being his. Be sincerely his, and that's why we focus on scripture and what the Bible actually says."
"Choose your thoughts according to God's word."
"It's always important to take it back to the word of god."
"Do not quench the spirit, do not utterly reject prophecies, but examine everything, holding firmly to that which is good." - 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22
"Wait on the Lord. Yes, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord." - Psalm 27:14
"Anger itself is not a sin, but as the scripture says here, be ye angry and sin not. Jesus didn't sin when he was angry, but he was angry."
"Everybody must organize themselves under the Bible. When you organize yourself under the Bible, it'll do you well."
"We walk by faith, not by sight. So we don't rely on our emotions or physical senses, we rely on the word of God."
"We just have to keep our eyes on the prize and know what the Bible tells us and stand in confidence of it."
"Look at what the word say, this is what you get for healing if you do this simple instruction right here."
"Let patience have a perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." - James 1:4
"We have been told that we have been made a new creation and that we're not to conform to the world anymore. We will be transformed. I love that."
"Man shall live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
"Look for biblical principles to guide you in making good choices."
"You keep waiting on God to tell you something he already told you. He told you in the Bible."
"The word of God does three things: it inspires, it's useful, and it equips."
"God's word declares that you have been given a sound mind."
"Do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus."
"David said that word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you."
"If God's word approves it, you can run with it."
"God's Word is full of wisdom related to managing finances."
"The only way to overcome sinful tendencies inside of you and inside of me, the Bible says, walk in the Holy Ghost and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh."
"I think the key is this, that you and I believe we do have a Biblical template for Men's Ministry."
"Put yourself beneath the Bible and take the attitude of Samuel when he says Speak Lord your servant hears."
"Bible truth stabilizes us, it gives us a definite purpose and clear direction in our lives, and it provides us with a wonderful hope for the future."
"How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping the word of God hidden in his heart."
"In order to know the will of God, we must recognize that the Bible is our only guide in this matter."
"Amidst the general discord let there be one place where harmony and unity exist because the Bible is made the guide of life."
"It's the Word of God that's the primary means of renewing the mind, the Spirit of God using the Word of God."
"The Bible regulates my mind, the Bible controls my thoughts."
"We want to lay this foundation of truth to help our kids see that the Bible provides the best guide to what is really real."
"True love is simply deciding to do what the Bible says to do for all people, all the time, in every case."
"The man who is rich in money may become rich in good works, if he follows the instructions that Scripture gives."
"This is the right target to shoot for as far as church is concerned, using only God's word to produce God's church."
"This is what the book of Joshua is telling us, it's giving us insights into how to fight these battles, how to stand, how to walk by faith."
"When we want to know what the Bible says, we need to see what it commands, what it demonstrates, and what it guides our thinking towards."
"As long as you're going with what the Bible says, we should embrace everything God has given us."
"Scripture gives us our instructions for how we participate with one another."
"A lot of you guys ask where should I start reading in the Bible, and I think a great place to start is in Psalms."
"Christians the world over look to the Bible as their guide to faith and practice."
"Scripture is meant to give you answers."
"I stay humble because I know what the Word of God says."
"God is a god of preparation; he doesn't just fling us into battle and say 'good luck,' he gives us everything we need right here in the Bible."
"The Bible is the way, but if we don't read it, we're never going to gain this truth."
"He's going to use the Bible to guide you simply put, and as he leads you and guides you, the scripture says he's going to lead you into all truth."
"Thank you so much, your word is indeed a lamp to our feet and a light to our path."
"Stay with the Bible, out rejoice them, be patient."
"You will not go wrong with the word of God; you will not go wrong with the Bible."