
Soil Health Quotes

There are 492 quotes

"The relationship between ruminants and soil is a mutualistic relationship that is the basis for soil's real healthy diverse existence."
"We are losing the most precious thing that nature has given us, which is the connection to her nutrient base through soil systems."
"The success of your gardening depends on the success of your soil."
"Mushrooms are not a sign of bad soil. In fact, mushrooms are a sign of good soil."
"All fungal life in soil is good for your soil pretty much, and if you see mushrooms in there, you shouldn't want to eradicate them."
"When you start out in your first garden, no matter what you choose to grow, making sure that you're using really good healthy soil is going to really impact the yield that you get."
"Soil carbon percentage may be very indicative of the persistence of the human species on the planet."
"What you've got is a carbon pump, pumping the carbon into the soil."
"For every one percent of organic matter that we increase per acre of soil, we increase the water holding capacity by eight to ten thousand gallons of water."
"Saving soil is vital to maintain life on our planet."
"I mean, don't feed the plant, feed the soil."
"The links between soil health and gut health are just so obvious."
"Care for the Earth rebuilding soils through the way that we Harvest it's before we plant so that like what we plant and how we plant is part of how we build the soils."
"The climate crisis at some fundamental level is a soil crisis."
"Regenerative farming practices are kind of our best bet as far as restoring topsoil."
"Teaching us how to grow our own food whether you in the food desert whether you're in a place I have a lot of acreage and land whether your soil is stripped of all the mineralization."
"No dig really helps. It really helps soil health, plant health."
"It's party time for the worms because they've got so much organic matter to incorporate to make soil."
"The reasons for mulching vary: weed control, fertility, aesthetics, soil conservation."
"Blooms come from fertile soil, good ground. And that ground has to have nutrients in it."
"Soil building, if following some good principles doesn't have to be rocket science."
"A healthy person subjected to what Mr. Floyd was subjected to would have died."
"No dig means not disturbing the soil, feeding soil life with organic matter."
"The biggest virtue of no dig is time-saving."
"They will break down and you will see good fertility added to your garden."
"Your food is only as healthy as the soil it grows on."
"Fulvic acid is one of the most special things once you learn about it because plants without folic acid can't really break down the minerals in the soil so they can't actually feed unless there's the folic acid in the soil."
"Compost improves soil structure, enhances moisture retention, and promotes beneficial microbial activity."
"No dig gardening can improve moisture retention and drainage. Leave the soil undisturbed and mulch on the surface."
"Minimizing disturbances over time is key to soil repair and regeneration."
"Utilizing a diversity of life-promoting inputs is the best way to replicate an animal's effect on soil health."
"No dig compost mulch on the beds. Not a huge amount, enough to cover the soil, protect, soft feed, and feed the soul life."
"This amount of compost I'm putting on here is going to serve for the whole year ahead."
"Regenerative farming is the future, focusing on the health of the soil and the balance of land uses."
"Gardeners know that the healthier the soil, the healthier their crops and plants are."
"Our motto here is just grow the soil; soil will take care of the food."
"The solution is actually always the same thing: it is to grow soil, it's to grow the soil food web of life. It solves every single problem that you can have in your garden."
"Compost is as much about microbial stimulation as feeding with nutrients."
"Plant diversity has far more benefits to soil health and crop productivity and ecology than I could ever possibly get to in a video."
"One of the keys to sustainable systems is to develop better soil, actually produce more soil, and improve the quality of soil."
"I'm a bit of a soil health nerd. I really don't want to have to take care of my garden. I want my garden to take care of itself the same way that the forest does."
"Instead of fertilizer in your garden and in your lawn, you add this soil amendment that brings your soil back to life."
"Always trying to have plants in the ground, which we all know is one of the keys to having a productive healthy soil."
"Biochar is exceptional at doing three things: it holds moisture in the soil, adds orbs, holds electromagnetically, holds plant nutrients."
"I think this is one of the most important things that you can possibly do for your garden."
"Fungi is one of the most significant components in living soil. It's huge."
"Compost feeds our soil, while fertilizer feeds our plants."
"A healthy soil food web can prevent disease, attract beneficial insects, feed the plants, extend water to plants, break down organic matter, strengthen plant growth, and provide resilience."
"So what can you do to create that diversity? Make living soil and feed this system. Compost. It really is the main component in turbocharging your soil."
"Soil health, right now I don't know of a better way to build your soil than put compost, other than maybe cover crops."
"No Till is all about creating an environment for the proliferation and health of the natural micro organisms in order to facilitate the breakdown of biomass."
"Chemicals are artificial and in large doses, stifling to microbial activity and deadly to worms and termites."
"It's the soil capital that has changed the complete game for us."
"Continuous grazing is soil extractive, it's not soil building."
"Cover cropping is going to help benefit microbes by giving it more carbon, more root fibers entering the soil, which is going to result in eventually more oxygen."
"Every plant has its own rhizosphere, so the larger the number of crops you put in the ground, the better, mostly because you're going to have a more diverse microbial community."
"Pop culture, I guess you could say for lack of a better term, would have you believe that your soil is dead if you're using pesticides or fertilizer, but the studies don't show that."
"The nutrient density of the foods that we produce are directly related to the health of the soil."
"Every living plant that is a root exuding liquid Sun into the soil, they will leak 40 to 70% of their energy to feed microbes."
"Cover crops are the cheat code: grow a plant and then kill it and leave it there for the next crop to enjoy the fruits of its labor."
"No-till is about creating soil health and there are a million ways to do that."
"The liquid lawn aerator I thought the idea of adding microbes and humic acid and all of these really good things, things to the soil seem like a clear winner."
"Plant diversity leads to a robust, enriched, and resilient soil city."
"Plant diversity leads to better soil performance and healthier plants."
"If one of the benefits of the soil food web is to detoxify all of these things that you just lifted off, why can't we just put them into the compost?"
"The purpose is always to build up those populations of microorganisms so that you're reaching the levels that the plants you want to grow require."
"Cover crops are not optional. They are not optional. Nothing heals faster than the plant healing. The soil ecosystem is quick."
"You've got to reverse what you're doing, no bare soil, absolutely no bare soil. Try and get as much carbon out there trampled on the ground and the life will come back."
"That's significant. You know, not how much rainfall you get, how much can you infiltrate? Here we are rotationally grazed soil and 'halam', okay, look at the difference in the carbon depth of that carbon, difference in aggregation."
"Soil health is all about resiliency too you can build a resilient ecosystem if you have a healthy soil."
"Regenerative agriculture is the science of how do we build new soil as a solution."
"If you fix the soil, the solution's under our feet. We fix our health, we fix the food industry, we fix climate change."
"All of the potential life in that carbon resource, the CO2 in the atmosphere, should be coming back into the soil to create blood sugars and fats."
"The key to this is to remember the simple rule: feed the soil and the soil will feed the plants."
"The organic matter in the soil on my farm has gone from a half a percent to over 5%, 10x more carbon in the soil. That, you couldn't afford to buy. It's wonderful, it's great."
"So when you've got soil that's a half a percent of organic matter, which is what mine had gotten to, it's a dead mineral medium. Let me tell you this, 1% organic matter will absorb a 1-inch rain event."
"The most important valuable aspect... castings really hold additional nutrients... increase the health of your plants."
"I transitioned to just kind of layering compost and leaf mulch and just trying to think about building the soil by layering."
"The majority of microbes in the soil are in a dormant state. So one of the secrets, I guess, to the soil sociobiome is actually to activate those dormant soil microbes."
"But foliar fungicides are also detrimental, and when all the research shows that the most detrimental chemical to the soil microbiome, fungicides or the most detrimental chemicals plural, are the fungicides."
"In order to build a healthy soil microbiome all of those wonderful microbes have to be left undisturbed in order to grow and flourish and build the networks that are needed."
"About 50% of the photosynthetic energy of a plant is used to produce exudates that attract beneficial microbes."
"Avoiding salt fertilizers and limestone applications can help maintain a reduced soil environment."
"Nature always tries to cover the soil."
"Monocultures are a detriment to soil health."
"Regenerative agriculture starts with regenerating soil health."
"The greatest threat to the health of our soils is industrialized farming using an intensive chemical-reliant process to maximize yields."
"We got to teach the world how to feed themselves. Let's teach them soil health all over the world."
"The more we improve plant health in the short term, we can improve soil health in the long term through the delivery of those root exudates, through stimulating soil biology."
"In summary, it's about optimizing plant health for plant health's sake but also to improve soil health through better plant nutrition. Plants drive soil health too."
"... that's how do you topsoil forms and that's the factory that it forms in so what is it that we want to see happening inside those riser sheets and micro aggregates we want to see the plants forming houmous because this is going to be the holy grail for your soil."
"Photosynthesis and plant root exudates are now recognized scientifically in international peer-reviewed journals as constituting the primary pathway for soil building."
"Plant root inputs can build soil carbon five to thirty times faster than carbon derived from above-ground biomass."
"Biochar enhances soil health and productivity when combined with compost, manure, or organic fertilizers, improving water retention, nutrient availability, and overall soil biology."
"From vineyards to corn fields, biochar is proving to be a valuable tool for improving soil carbon, crop yield, and overall agricultural sustainability."
"The drivers for soil health are going to be plant diversity, a minimum of four plant families, and use biostimulants in place of high analysis fertilizers."
"Every year, take a soil test and do some basic mineral balancing."
"If you take care of the soil right, they'll take care of it for you right there."
"The regeneration of soil is the task of our generation; our health, the health of our soils, and the health of our planet are one and the same."
"You inoculate the soil from an existing plant that already has good mycorrhizal relationships, and they will spread."
"Manure isn't just a feed; it's a soil conditioner that builds up fertility."
"The best part about Dear Grow is that it's going to create healthier soils which in turn makes better food plots."
"Carbon in the atmosphere is trapped in the atmosphere right now because we're not allowing the soil to bring it back down into the soil."
"Every crop's a cover crop, so my value high-value arugula crop is also the cover crops is feeding the soil."
"Ground cover is the key; without it, you won't have healthy soil."
"... make sure you get some worms. I'm going to go pick some up and do that to all my trees actually."
"Cover crops really help condition the soil and provide good nitrogen."
"The overarching theme of having fewer pests in the garden always comes down to soil health."
"So here are the seven principles of soil health that are pretty much widely shared among the regenerative community."
"Biochar provides a scaffolding for bacterial growth within the soil."
"Composting is not only better for the planet in terms of methane emissions that come from food rotting in landfills, but also in terms of giving nutrients back to our soils."
"Regenerative farming can increase nutrient value and soil fertility."
"The way that it feels and mostly the way that it smells because a lot of the metabolism from a compacted soil is going to smell less rich and beautiful."
"...we may be much more cognizant of what we're doing to the soil microbiome and what we're doing to the plant microbiome in the process of cultivating plants..."
"The successful perennial systems always include a heavy cover crop component, a companion crops whatever you want to call them. Bare soil doesn't contribute very well to establishing a soil and managing soil as a petri dish."
"Diversity is obviously going to be the most important way that we can stimulate nutrient acquisition in soils."
"Do you feel like if we're selling seeds that were grown in kind of a regenerative soil health-based system, is that seed going to be better than something grown in conventional ground?"
"The fastest way to rebuild soil health is to grow really healthy plants."
"The application of rejuvenate and spectrum in the fall is particularly effective."
"The fall application of rejuvenate and spectrum can work at breaking down crop residue and releasing minerals for six months or more."
"More growers use rejuvenate on more acres than anything else."
"We've got to protect the surface by putting a nice thick mulch layer out, except that when you're in a productive system, that mulch is going to decompose in a couple of weeks, and now you got to go out and put on more."
"The best way to increase bricks is to get more biology in the soil. If you're lacking biology, having plenty of microorganisms to cycle nutrients in the soil is going to help to provide more nutrients and micronutrients to plants."
"When identifying soil microorganisms, note zero fungi, zero protozoa, or zero amoeba if not observed. Look for humic and fulvic acids, typically golden or brown in color, as indicators of soil health."
"You need mulch, you need soil cover."
"The healthy soil creates healthy plants."
"Create a soil that is warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer."
"Microbes need it moist, they need it warm."
"Healthy soils need to have good gas exchange and being able to diffuse gases across the soil surface, both releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and absorbing oxygen and nitrogen gases into the soil profile."
"The interesting part is that generally speaking, the bacteria which have a disease suppressive effect and suppress pathogens from causing an infection are all of these facultative anaerobes."
"Mycorrhizal fungi is an essential part of soil improvement."
"Healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy people."
"We can't have a legitimate conversation about sustainability until we regenerate soil and plant health."
"We can get some nitrogen fixing going on in this corn crop."
"Tillage should never be deeper than the aggregated zone than the zone of soil aggregates."
"This is truly circular and is actually building soil."
"Understanding the microbiota in the soils is fundamentally important."
"Having the right microbiota is one of the most important things."
"Soil blocks allow for a really healthy plant, the healthiest plant in my opinion."
"This compost mixer blends organic matter with finesse, turning waste into nutrient-rich gold for the soil."
"You're just changing the organic matter and the nutrients that are in the soil that can be used by those plants."
"The higher the organic matter, the more moisture you can hold."
"Adding legumes... veg peas beans clovers."
"Deep soil sampling can save significant money on nitrogen costs."
"Invest in soil health and build soil health well. You should be able to reap that reward."
"Perlite helps prevent soil compaction, promotes strong root development, and is used with potting mixes or garden soil."
"There's nothing fundamentally wrong with our soils and our weather."
"I knew I wasn't going to graze the buckwheat. But in 60 days, it frosted. And it killed the buckwheat. But I thought that tied in real well to the soil health. And it made a void for other roots in soil to get deeper in the profile."
"The reason plants are able to survive and thrive in the wild is because the balance within the soil isn't being artificially altered."
"Plants are able to survive and thrive in the wild because the balance within the soil or substitute isn't being artificially altered."
"When we start using chemicals, yes we might be killing off the pests, but we're also killing off beneficial microbes and living organisms within the soil that help to keep the plant healthy."
"Another tip I have for you guys is when you are watering and you are planting things in pots or on your balcony, you're gonna want to make sure the soil is extremely rich in nutrients to help your plants grow over time."
"Soil is alive if you allow the microorganisms to live."
"If we take care of the soil's health, it will be more productive, more resilient to climate change."
"Increased soil quality... is very important to maintain and improve the soil health by mycorrhizae."
"Trees are expert rejuvenators of soil for future generations of flora."
"The soil health dictates human health not just from a microbiome perspective but from a nutrient perspective as well."
"Flavor is what truly tells you what's going on on the farm and especially in the soil."
"In a teaspoon of healthy organic soil, there is over a million soil organisms."
"It's not just creating like an annual vegetable garden but feeding the soil, creating a system that feeds itself and then as a byproduct feeds you."
"If you've got the right structure built by the bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, microarthropods, earthworms, on and on, the roots are going to build the structure go down."
"Rabbit manure improves the life cycle of microorganisms into your soil which is extremely beneficial."
"We filled it with composted mulch which looks like it has stayed pretty nice and loose."
"It's very much looking at soil, looking at growing organic matter, putting so many more nutrients back in than you're taking out."
"We don't fertilize the crop; we feed the soil life."
"Cover crops are awesome because they drown out weeds, stop erosion, create green manure, they break insect cycles."
"We know now after being fooled for about 75 years that the soil is an empty container to pour chemical fertilizer into, that the soil is the most amazing living ecosystem."
"Highly functional soil... is able to infiltrate water, infiltrate oxygen, to cycle nutrients, and it's able to absorb impact from animals and equipment."
"Healthy soil looks like a dark moist chocolate cake, it's got lots of structure, there's a lot of pore space, it's teeming with living organisms inside of it."
"It actually provides nitrogen into the soil... meaning next year you decide to crop that land, what will end up happening is you will have more nitrogen in your soil and therefore you will have to use less fertilizer."
"Integrating livestock jumpstarts the process of building soil health back."
"Fungi have a special role to play in getting more carbon into soil and holding that carbon there longer."
"That Harmony in the soil comes from all the microorganisms contributing their unique functions and roles."
"The soil food web method of farming is relatively in its infancy."
"Fungi are a big contributor to breaking down nutrients, contributing to the soil and its structure."
"The cheaper route is actually really, really healthy for your soil, especially when you have compost underneath."
"...soil being alive and it's such a critical part so I started to make a vermicast product specifically for strawberry producers for pastoral producers and for avocados..."
"Keep the soil covered as much as possible, planted as much as possible, disturbed as least as possible, and as much diversity in plants as possible."
"If you're as adaptable in the kitchen as you are in the garden and you prioritize soil health, honestly, that's going to be a force to be reckoned with."
"You can get real productivity in cropland just by tending to the life of the soil."
"The health below ground is best served with a healthy soil food web."
"We've got to get the fungi back into the soil in order to build the air passageways and hallways to let oxygen, water, and your root systems grow as deep as they possibly can."
"It's good for the soil to have these things, and you can tell if you have healthy soil."
"If this is what we can get out of the soil, letting the soil speak for itself, then anything's possible."
"Increases root mass growth, improves soil environment for plant growth."
"Earthworms are a sign of a very healthy, good soil condition."
"The way to have healthy plants is to put animals on the land because the poop and the pee from animals is what makes the soil healthy."
"The only way you're going to increase nutrient density in foods is through a healthy soil."
"If I'm going to really teach my patients about human health, I first have to understand soil health."
"Humic acid and sea kelp inside of it really stimulate microbial activity inside of your lawn."
"No-till gardening and farming keep the soil intact because it's actually good for erosion, prevents erosion, water retention."
"Bounty Gel is a soil additive that uses a proprietary technology that results in soil that absorbs up to 150 times its weight in water."
"You can't know what compost you need if you don't know what's missing in your soil."
"...that is what we really truly in my opinion is living soil, lots of plants diversity, it'll start to come to life."
"When you're growing a crop in biologically vigorous soil, it can overcome imbalanced soil chemistry."
"We need to give much less consideration and attention to pH and pay much more attention to the biology."
"When you have good gas exchange, that means we have good carbon dioxide release from the soil surface."
"Don't apply suppressive materials that suppress biology and don't apply a surplus of soluble nutrients at the wrong time."
"We're sequestering carbon from the air, we're recycling nutrients, we're building soil structure fertility, and we're protecting the soil from erosion."
"We want to improve our biological activity, improve on our organic matter content, which is going to improve our nutrient cycling, ultimately improving our soil structure and improving our water availability."